The days of BunBun&Slave

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Feb. 24, 08

Arg. All weekend AND Friday and I didn't get my homework done. xD


Typical day.

I have nothing to say.




Nothing much today. My slave got greens today.

Nothing else.

Feb. 25, 08

Hehe. ^^ Desi was all cuddled under BunBun's cage sheet. ^^ I got a picture, I'll upload it tomorrow.
She is so cute. =D

Hm. I have a 62% in math. o_O



Buy the by, I emailed Dr. Kreger today.

"Hello, My name is Katie of Wellsboro, PA. I am 12 years old- 13 in August- However I'm rather mature for my age. I proudly own a male albino rabbit, BunBun. I am his full-time owner, meaning I do everything necessary to care for him and make him as comfortable as possible, and then some.

(Which means, of course, I feed him, change his liter box, give him out time, clean his cage, clean his water bottle, etc. I feel the need to make that clear, as I know so many people who say "Yeah, I have a rabbit, and I take good care of him/her!", and I later discover their mom or dad clean up, scrub, brush, pay for everything, do all the research, etc... All the "dirty work".

I know more than one person thinks because I'm a "Little girl" that I'm incapable of properly caring for such a complex and exotic animal like a rabbit. When, in fact, I'd have to say I'm the most educated about rabbits, out of both my friends and family. I'm not bluffing or bragging when I say this. I also feel the need to add; I pay for every cent of BunBun's care... Every toy, bag of Timothy hay, vet care, bag of rabbit litter, dark greens, etc. comes from my allowance. That is why it has taken me until BunBun was ten months old, rather than the recommended eight, to begin searching for a vet. I apologize for my rambling, but this is an issue that I'm often falsely confronted upon. Allow me to continue...)

BunBun is about 6 pounds, and roughly 10 months old. His exact breed is unknown to me. He is my Baby Boy, and I simply want the best for him... I'm sure you understand that, having been with other animals over the years who felt as I do toward their pet(s), and probably even having pets of your own.
By the by...
I've been reading over your site for quite a while. Right now, you are probably the vet I'm leaning toward to get [BunBun] neutered at. I'd like to ask a few questions before I get my heart set on your services, though.

(Obvious questions- Questions online sites recommend you ask, etc... Typical screening questions. Many copied and pasted straight from a website.)

By the way- I know the answers to almost all of these questions, or what they should be around... I just want to see if *you* know.

About how many rabbit clients does the veterinarian see in a year?

How often do you do surgery on rabbits?

how many spays/neuters OF RABBITS has the veterinarian done in the past year?

what was the success rate?

Have you lost any rabbits during routine surgery?

What was the cause?

What will I need to do to prepare my rabbit for surgery?

How do you close the incision?

How soon after surgery can my rabbit come home?

If he has to stay overnight, what sort of accommodations do you have for rabbits?

What is the best way to prevent hairballs?

What antibiotics are dangerous to rabbits?

does the veterinarian do "open" or "closed" neuters?

What's the difference?

is entry to the testicles made through the scrotum or the abdomen?

does the veterinarian require withholding of food and water prior to surgery in rabbits?

what anesthetics are used?

(My Questions)

What should I do after his neuter to ensure the best/fastest healing, and to prevent infection, etc?

After his neuter, how long should I wait before I return to have the closing to his neuter removed(stitches, etc.), if it all?

How long should I wait before I can let BunBun out of his pen to explore?

BunBun is a stubborn little boy. I'd even go as far as to call him a diva. Should I bring anything (towel, harness, etc.) to help you pick him up if necessary, or will you be able to do that on your own? If not, I'll just need his carrier, correct?

Do you/will you do pre-exams on rabbits to make sure they are healthy enough for a neuter/spay? Or will that cost extra?

Do you do checkups? How much?

If necessary, will you clip nails How much would that cost?

What do you do/check at a checkups?

I noticed BunBun sneezing sometimes. He has no discharge, and his wrists are clean. Should I be concerned, or is it natural? (Like a human sneeze..?)

Do you send home pain meds with spayed/neutered rabbits?

If so, how do you recommend I give them to BunBun? (Keep in mind he does not like being on his back or picked up.)

When/if I get BunBun Neutered at your clinic, may I bring a bag of his pellets/lettuce/treats(to use sparingly) with me to give them to him on the trip back/shortly after he wakes up? Perhaps his favorite toy? (I know he probably won't be up to playing, but perhaps just for comfort/reassurance/stress reliever/etc... His favorite toy is a sock, by the way.)

I have to ask- How do you recommend cleaning a rabbit’s water bottle?

What/which pellets do you recommend for a rabbit? BunBun is running low on pellets, and (Now that I know more about a rabbit’s diet) I want to know the best thing to have him on.

Hmm… I really can’t think of anything else…

Take your time to answer, as long as you get back to me with honest answers, I don’t mind how long it takes, as long as I know you will eventually get back to me.

Thank you for your time and patience. I appreciate you putting up with me. Have a wonderful day.


What do you think? Did I forget anything?

Arg. Nothing much else... I'm still pretty upset about my grade.
PLUS, my friend (Yes, the same one as above) went around telling ALL OF MY FRIENDS "Katie is getting heald back"



The girl seems upset.

Hm. =/

She said she is talking to a vet about my neuter.
What's a neuter? Is it, like, a snack?

Oh well.


Feb. 26, 08

I can't post much. Over my curfew. o_O

But anyway, nothing much happened.



Nothing much- Typical day. She got into a fight with Olivia again, but nothing other than that.

Aww theresthe pretty boy! He looks like a prince in his kingdom!


Great questions for the vet! Let us know if she answers you- she may just call you back bc it would take a long time to type out answers to all those. Youre doing a great job though- and you are mature for your age!
Feb. 27, 08

Haley wrote:
Aww theresthe pretty boy! He looks like a prince in his kingdom!


Great questions for the vet! Let us know if she answers you- she may just call you back bc it would take a long time to type out answers to all those. Youre doing a great job though- and you are mature for your age!
Hehe- Thank you! ^^ Yeah, BunBun is spoiled. xD

I wish I had given my phone number. o-o;;
I completly forgot.

I'll keep you posted. ^^

And thanks.

Sorry for the lack of pictures. I have a bunch on my camera, but I'm too lazy to put them up right now.

^^ Nothing much lately.



The girl got a 2-hour-delay this morning. Silly slave, rether than get up and feed me, decided to sleep in. How rude.

Nothing much.

Feb. 28, 08

Man. I was going to go to bed early, but It completly slipped my mind.

Anyway, I'm going to Devyn's thus weekend. I'm bringing a tupperware of, basically, some treats, toys, and hay. I;m going to get some apple branches tomorrow, if I remember.

So, TDOBB&S might not be updated for a bit.

Thanks, Angel! ^^
I won't get a chance to get the pictures off untill a while.



Bah. The girl took some of my stuff!

I mean, she took some of my treats, and TWO pages of my phone book, and even made a toy jsut like mine!


Mar. 1, 08

I cleaned BunBun's cage today and alternated his toys.


Something. I'm tired. I came back from Devyn's, and they gave me some really nice apple sticks. ^^
Her dad has HUGE, sharp plyers (As apposed to my puny sissors and hands), so that's definatly an appreashated treat.


By the way, my webcam is still on. I usaully go to bed at 11, so you can mostly see up untill... 11:10 PM or so.

His normal schedule:

(typical weekday- varies on weekends, as I'm not usually here)

Anywhere from 7:05AM-7:15AM- BunBun gets his "good morning" nose rub and pellets.

7:20AM-3:30PM- I'm usually at school. Typical bunny stuff... I'm sure you could catch all kinds of flops, meatloafs, DBFs, etc during this time.

3:40-3:50PM- I get hime. I take the sheet off his cage, and feed him. I usually give greens around this time, too.

4:00PM-10:50PM- Pretty much a free-for-all: Anything can happen. This means anywhere from changing his litterbox, to getting in his cage with him, to cleaning his entire cage! (Which also means you might get a glimpse of me-I know a few people ask what I look like. ;) )

11:00PM or so- I cover bunBun's cage, give him his nightly pellets, say goodnight, and turn off the lights *Sorry! BunBun doesn't like me leaving the lights on. I mean, If I knew someone was watching, I might leave a nightlight on or something, but...*

Again, this is only for those with Yahoo Messenger. If you have a free website to put the webcam on, by all means, post it!

Even though Bunun is right next to me, if I can't sleep or something I just bring up his Webcam and he calms me down.
He is simply fasinating to watch. ^^

PS; This is a really common question. The moving purple thing at the top/center of the screen is a green hanger. ^^

To view my webcam-

Bring up the Yahoo messenger main screen

Go to "contacts"

Contacts>Add a contact (you may need to click it, rather than just hover over it)

Put in my username (Quinalah), and make sure "yahoo Messenger" is selected.

Put me under whatever you like, add a description in you want, and click next.

You should get a screen like this

When I accepy, you should see me under "Friends" (Or whatever you put me as)... I didn't get a picture, but you should see something kind of like

(except, of course, with my name)
Anywhay, something like that. Click "view webcam" and it should some up. If it doesn't say that, than wait a few hours for me to come home from school and turn it on.

This is that BunBun does when he is excited. ^^
(I appologize for any audio- I don't have sound on my computer, and forgot to take the audio out)


Arg. Blog-hog!

I need more hay...

I got a new toy today! ^^


Arg. my post is shorter than her post...
I must make it longer, than!

Xila and her strange sence of Humor thinks this picture is funny. o_O


Do I look any bigger? The girl says I do.


Just a neat picture.


Mar. 2(3?), 08

is it the 2nd, or the 3rd? My watch(Is that the right kind of watch?) sayd 3rd, my compputer says 2nd.

Arg. I'm loosing my mind.



Nothing much today.
Sorry to disappoint.

I disapprove.
Of... something.

Feb. 3, 08

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Great new pics! Glad things are well with you. You are so funny:biggrin2:.
Thanks! ^^ Nice to be appreshiated!

Me and my friend Olivia got in another fight.

Yup, if you don't like listening to me and Olivia quibble, scroll down now.


All set?

Well, typical fighting, but this really set me off:
(Bold is Olivia)

ßunßun is just ur average ßunny! he is no better and no worse

To someone like you, maybe. You've only seen BunBun in real life ONCE. He was so small than, and since that time, his personality has really blossomed. You know nothing on him or me.

he would have excelled if he were to stay with karen, but she had to give him away, give him away to some snoby child that already has a million pets, and doesn't pay attention andy of them, she spends all of her time on the computer and her academics show it, every time she gets a new animal she spends more time with that pet until she gets a new one and that pet is left to rot away it's years of lovely life, now wasted just because of a snoby child.
(By the way, I think she took that "let it rot away" thing from a poem *I* showed her, and than she promptly stole. By the way, I'm sure you all know she is lying. I do no such thing. I think what gives her this impression is the fact I have BARN CATS.
She doesn't understand that,.
BARN. CATS. Spell that out Olivia.
There IS a difference, LEARN IT. Barn cats are not usually kept in the house, given vetrinary care, and sometimes aren't even fed! Barn cats were orriginally brought up to catch mice that soil the animal's hay. They mostly lived off that- It's LUCKY we fed them a good ammount EVERY DAY, give them water EVERY DAY, and even spend an hour outside with them EVERY DAY to make sure none of them act sickly. If they do, they are brought inside for further treatment.

House cats, on the other hand, are given regular checkups, have their nails clipped and are cared for to perfection 24/7, and are by far less independant than a barn cat.
See the difference?)

Are you saying I'm not a good owner?
Does she worry about his GI tract?
His heart rate?
Does she spend ONE HUNDERED-TEN DOLLARS to get her bunny neutered or spayed? (And since she had kits, I immagine NOT),
Is her rabbit an indoor one?
Does she spend almost five dolalrs a WEEK on the highest-quality hay avalible, when she could just toss in some "perfectly fine" cow hay?

Me? Snobby? HAH. You know nothing about me. Snoby and bitchy are two different things, learn the difference. I don't have a million pets. I DO pay attention to all of them... Have YOU spent half an hour EVERY SINGLE DAY checking on your cats and dogs? you have no idea what you are talking about, surely not about me. I love every one of my animals. If I even see a cat SCRATCH, I worry about fleas. If I see a cat nibble another, I worry about ticks. Every time I see a SINGLE BIT OF SNOT on a cat, I worry and fuss over them untill the point of no return/

when she got the bunnies they said they had been spayed and neutered!
but they lied to her

If she was stupid enough to not have them checked by a vet, that was her loss.

Well, it kept going on like that.
Still, How could she say that about BunBun?!
Just for that, I swear to god, she id NOT comming to my birthday party. I don't care if she was just mad, or jsut saying that to sound more dramatic or something, but, if there is ONE thing I will not tollerate, is people critizing my care and BunBun's happiness.
Constructive critisism? Yeah, I;m fine.

Saying RIGHT TO MY FACE that BunBun would be happier cramped in a little breeder's cage? In a mesh wire BOX? Or maybe suffering in a shelter? Maybe even being PUT DOWN due to the overpopulation of rabbits, expically in little rural areas like PA?

I don't care for that. She is not comming to my party, no matter how much she says she was sorry or kidding.

She also said I was too "Untelligent" to make a music montage(Which I am doing), thoguht a "movie" made by a TWELVE-YEAR-OLD was one that would be in the movies. She also did not understand why I cared so much about BunBun... She doesn't understand me at all, yet she continues to act like she knows everything about me.



Hm. Xila seems upset again.

By the way, I was looking at peafowl on Googlt immages... Becasue, I mean, they are beautiful creatures.
Other than us rabbits, of course.
Anyway, I was looking up the beautiful albino peafowl:

And the graceful blue peafowl:


But what I saw next made me sit up in my seat!


Like, whoa!

I swear, that's real. Even look it up. ^^ (Patterns vary)

Well, highlight of my day.

The girl got me some more hay, and a new lead... The fat slave filled the house with smoke, stupid boy. :grumpy:

Anyway, thoguh, it was a beautiful day out.

Nothing much else.

Feb. 4, 08

Hm. My watch seems to be ahead one day. o_O

You know waht annoys me? When people say "for know"... I mean, I can tollerate switching "too, two, to, thru, trough, etc", but when they say things like "yeah, for know"
It really bugs me.

You know who else bugs me?

Olivia still won't drop the BunBun thing. She keeps moping around saying how miserable BunBun is, how he'd be so much better off with Karen, How he is terribly cared for (I think BunBun gets EXCEPTIONAL care. Better than any rabbit around here, at least! I can SAFELY say I care the best for my rabbits out of any of my friends, and know the most, too. I do not brag when I say that, it's a fact.)

But you know what REALLY ticks me off? When i ask her how she knows this. She says she knows BunBun's thoughts (Yeah.. I've been living with him since he was jsut a little baby, she sees him once and can magicly read his thoughts), and she says he says he is unhappy and miserable.
(apparently, she can now read BunBun's thoughts)

She said she had a folder that said "Olivia's eyes only", and it had BunBun's thoughts in it. xD

One time, she replied that since he was laying down, it meant he was bored, lazy, neglected, unloved, didn't get enough exercise, etc.
I tried to explain to her a rabbit lying on his or her side is a pat on the back to the owner, as rabbits are very skittish creatures... they don't expose their underbelly or go in a position where they could not easily sprint away unless they feel 100% SAFE, HAPPY, CALM, and SECURE.

She didn't believe me.


I keep telling her, "Read a bit about rabbits befor eyou accuse me of being a horrible owner."

But she never does.

Than she has the nerve to call ME a spoiled, stupid brat. xD

What a drama queen...

I think that today she even said to me that SHE KNOWS MORE ABOUT ME THAN I DO.

What. A. Priss.

Oh, I took an IQ test today.


Olivia thinks that becasue she is in enrichment, that she is WORLDS smarter than every last human being on the earth.

I could easily be in enrichment if I wanted to, but I figgured I have better things to do than hang around with a bunch of self-obsessed prisses.

No offence to anyone in that kind of activity.

But really, she has NEVER owned a rabbit. She has NO RIGHT to accuse me of treating BunBun wrong. She even said I "abused" him!

You know who abuses things?
She absuses her rights. She takes freedoms a foot to far.
I can't tell you how many times she has said "i can call u whatever the h*ll i want to! Its a free country!!!" or "i can mock u whenev. i want! its a free country!!!"


If it wasn't for me being Kelly's friend, and Kelly Being Jessica's friend, and Jessica being too aftraid to break off the relationship becasue she fears... well... I can't say.

And Devyn? Her father says if Olivia keeps lying, than Devyn is forbidden to see her.

If it wasn't for one. tiney. single. little. thing, and if Olivia keeps her act up, her friends will be gone before she can try to lie to make it better.



The girl took all the interesting stuff.


Did I mention she is making a mucic montage? I'll post it when she finishes.

What's with this Olivia girl? She keeps insisting I'm miserable.

PLUS, she thinks she can read my thoguhts.
(Pfft. What a load of... Who does she think she is? I've only met her ONCE, when I was a baby... I didn't like her one bit, I'll give you thst much! She doesn't believe mommy when she says to her "Rabbits know a bad person when they see one!"
We can... that's why every rabbit Olivia has ever interacted with has BIT HER.
And she darn right deserves it!)

Is she kidding? I love it here with Xila! She is so nice. ^^

Have you ever seen me when she comes home from the moving yellow and black rectangle? I grab my sock, and race around and around and around and around, untill she comes over, takes the sheet off my cage, and pets me.


The girl makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
(Oh, wait... I allready am.)

Feb. 5, 08

Well, I talk about my friends so much, I guess I should introduce them...
So you can see how SUPER PHOTOGENIC they are.




I wouldn't really even call her a friend... more of an aquatiance.

Ever since this girl- Skye- moved back, she has

dyed her hair blonde
gone from sitting with us every day to once every two weeks, IF WE'RE LUCKY
started dating someone she doesn't even like just becasue skye wants her to

Well... if she keeps this up, she'll eventually just be "out of the loop" entirely.

Don't get me wrong, she's nice, but...



[/align][align=left]Jessica's long haired female teacup chiwawah(sp?)... Eh, she happened to be in the picture and I was bored. ^^


Based on our conversations and fights, I don't think I even NEED to talk about her personality.


The girl I got BunBun from... Really nice, tall, but moved away. D= I only see her on special occasions.

I miss her...

We think that's the reason Olivia has gotten so mean and clingy- she feels the need for friends since Karen moved, and doesn't realize that just because Karen put up with her crap, doesn't mean that everyone else will.


Ah, Kelly...
Literate, sane... slightly perverted...
Yet stubborn.
Like me, in a way.

A huge PSU fan, as you can tell by her shirt.

She like horses, Garfield, and PSU.

She, also like me, shares a bond of haterid with Olivia.

She's fun. ^^ I like her.


(Sorry, only one picture. She did most of the picture taking.)

She is wearing a hiding hood in this picture.

She claims to like Olivia, but... I'm not so sure.

She is nice, slightly short-fused, and is very good at putting up with me.

Thaks, Jess~! I appreshiate it!


You won't hear much about her... her parents are strict, and she is rarely allowed online, and she is not allowed to say a WORD to another person on the internet.

Not even me. >.>

She is the owner of Cassie and Midnight, the horribly-kept, beautiful black otters.
Oh, how I pitty them... whenever I see them, I just want to take them in my arms and sprint home and take care of them and love them for the rest of their (so far) sad, lonely, unloved life. )=

We've been friends since kindergarten(sp?)


Olivia is completly ignoring me.

That reminds me- Jessica said to Kelly and me that Olivia forgot her books and had to go back down the stairs, and Kelly said "Good!", and I started cracking up... The hallway was noisy, and I heard:

"Olivia fell down the stairs."

Mostly I laughed, though, becasue I would have said the same thing. =P

Nothing much else.


WASD sucks.
(Wellsboro Area School District)

Seriously. The wheither was terrible!

Ice everywhere

(I'm serious, this stuff was HUGE!)

branches and peices of bark were literally being TORN from trees




Electric company vans as far as the eye can see... even a car or two SLID INTO A DITCH!

Seriously, EVERYTHING had a skirt of icicles.


...And WASD still made the yellow and black rectangle take mummy away. :grumpy:

Extra, extremly irrelevant pictures:

Desi Minion:

Yummy. ^^

I'mmm fflloooaaaattiinnnggggg...


Mar. 6, 08

I went and sat in BunBun's cage for a while today...
I'll upload the pictures tomorrow.



Nothing much- slow day... Sorry.

March 7, 08

Yay! Weekend!

Did you know my mom wants to make flocotti(sp?) rugs?

They are greek- hand knotted and than tossed in a waterfall for almost a day... they were very valuable, and were ofted used as wall hangings, capes, blankets, etc, rather an rugs. In ancient times, I mean. They fealt it was too valuable to walk on.

At least, I think.


Yup, didn't get the pictures off the camera.



Typical the girl didn't take off the pictures, and my non-existant opposible thumbs can't open that little flap on the camera and get the card out myself.


The girl is staying here this weekend!
