Feb. 25, 08
Hehe. ^^ Desi was all cuddled under BunBun's cage sheet. ^^ I got a picture, I'll upload it tomorrow.
She is so cute. =D
Hm. I have a 62% in math.

Buy the by, I emailed Dr. Kreger today.
"Hello, My name is Katie of Wellsboro, PA. I am 12 years old- 13 in August- However I'm rather mature for my age. I proudly own a male albino rabbit, BunBun. I am his full-time owner, meaning I do everything necessary to care for him and make him as comfortable as possible, and then some.
(Which means, of course, I feed him, change his liter box, give him out time, clean his cage, clean his water bottle, etc. I feel the need to make that clear, as I know so many people who say "Yeah, I have a rabbit, and I take good care of him/her!", and I later discover their mom or dad clean up, scrub, brush, pay for everything, do all the research, etc... All the "dirty work".
I know more than one person thinks because I'm a "Little girl" that I'm incapable of properly caring for such a complex and exotic animal like a rabbit. When, in fact, I'd have to say I'm the most educated about rabbits, out of both my friends and family. I'm not bluffing or bragging when I say this. I also feel the need to add; I pay for every cent of BunBun's care... Every toy, bag of Timothy hay, vet care, bag of rabbit litter, dark greens, etc. comes from my allowance. That is why it has taken me until BunBun was ten months old, rather than the recommended eight, to begin searching for a vet. I apologize for my rambling, but this is an issue that I'm often falsely confronted upon. Allow me to continue...)
BunBun is about 6 pounds, and roughly 10 months old. His exact breed is unknown to me. He is my Baby Boy, and I simply want the best for him... I'm sure you understand that, having been with other animals over the years who felt as I do toward their pet(s), and probably even having pets of your own.
By the by...
I've been reading over your site for quite a while. Right now, you are probably the vet I'm leaning toward to get [BunBun] neutered at. I'd like to ask a few questions before I get my heart set on your services, though.
(Obvious questions- Questions online sites recommend you ask, etc... Typical screening questions. Many copied and pasted straight from a website.)
By the way- I know the answers to almost all of these questions, or what they should be around... I just want to see if *you* know.
About how many rabbit clients does the veterinarian see in a year?
How often do you do surgery on rabbits?
how many spays/neuters OF RABBITS has the veterinarian done in the past year?
what was the success rate?
Have you lost any rabbits during routine surgery?
What was the cause?
What will I need to do to prepare my rabbit for surgery?
How do you close the incision?
How soon after surgery can my rabbit come home?
If he has to stay overnight, what sort of accommodations do you have for rabbits?
What is the best way to prevent hairballs?
What antibiotics are dangerous to rabbits?
does the veterinarian do "open" or "closed" neuters?
What's the difference?
is entry to the testicles made through the scrotum or the abdomen?
does the veterinarian require withholding of food and water prior to surgery in rabbits?
what anesthetics are used?
(My Questions)
What should I do after his neuter to ensure the best/fastest healing, and to prevent infection, etc?
After his neuter, how long should I wait before I return to have the closing to his neuter removed(stitches, etc.), if it all?
How long should I wait before I can let BunBun out of his pen to explore?
BunBun is a stubborn little boy. I'd even go as far as to call him a diva. Should I bring anything (towel, harness, etc.) to help you pick him up if necessary, or will you be able to do that on your own? If not, I'll just need his carrier, correct?
Do you/will you do pre-exams on rabbits to make sure they are healthy enough for a neuter/spay? Or will that cost extra?
Do you do checkups? How much?
If necessary, will you clip nails How much would that cost?
What do you do/check at a checkups?
I noticed BunBun sneezing sometimes. He has no discharge, and his wrists are clean. Should I be concerned, or is it natural? (Like a human sneeze..?)
Do you send home pain meds with spayed/neutered rabbits?
If so, how do you recommend I give them to BunBun? (Keep in mind he does not like being on his back or picked up.)
When/if I get BunBun Neutered at your clinic, may I bring a bag of his pellets/lettuce/treats(to use sparingly) with me to give them to him on the trip back/shortly after he wakes up? Perhaps his favorite toy? (I know he probably won't be up to playing, but perhaps just for comfort/reassurance/stress reliever/etc... His favorite toy is a sock, by the way.)
I have to ask- How do you recommend cleaning a rabbitâs water bottle?
What/which pellets do you recommend for a rabbit? BunBun is running low on pellets, and (Now that I know more about a rabbitâs diet) I want to know the best thing to have him on.
Hmm⦠I really canât think of anything elseâ¦
Take your time to answer, as long as you get back to me with honest answers, I donât mind how long it takes, as long as I know you will eventually get back to me.
Thank you for your time and patience. I appreciate you putting up with me. Have a wonderful day.
What do you think? Did I forget anything?
Arg. Nothing much else... I'm still pretty upset about my grade.
PLUS, my friend (Yes, the same one as above) went around telling ALL OF MY FRIENDS "Katie is getting heald back"
The girl seems upset.
Hm. =/
She said she is talking to a vet about my neuter.
What's a neuter? Is it, like, a snack?
Oh well.