The days of BunBun&Slave

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July 25, 08

Whoot! Spent about $70 on BunBun today. =3

Can't wait 'till the stuff comes...

So Kodak decided to work- you know what that means. =D

I'm bored, so I'll put 'em into catagories:

#1- Disapproval
Every rabbit needs some disapproval in their life.


Well, Fine! Be that way!






Why, I never!




I am not a slipper. Remove your foot from my body before I bite it off.

#2 No catagory
If it's not a disapproval, than there's no real catagory for it...


Mid-scratch; I thought it looked kind of funny




You say sum'fin?


Hm, what a marvelous view.


A skylight- what a nice touch.


Hm? Who's there?




Hm- is this a new flavour? I don't recall her clothes tasting like this before.


It is? Oh, how interesting. I simply must buy this flavor for my towls.


Quit lookin' at me. D=


Myyy camera strap


No! I said it's MIIIINE! D=

Oh, and the other day, I had a weird dream- There were thesse little alien-type things (that looked just like mini-people) that lived insidethe cardboard toilet paper tube in BunBun's cage. o_O
After I told my brother this, BunBun threwthe cardboardtube around a few times.
Just checking,I suppose.



Xila bein laazzyy

There are also some videos, but Photobucket is being stubborn with them.

Sheesh- if it isn't one thing, it's another...

And she took all the pictures, so I've got nothing to say.



However, as I'm typing this, I notice Xila got a new cursor- a bunny. (of course)

White up-eared bunny sitting, with brown nose, ears, and tail. It doesn't turn up in scheenshots,but let me try something else...

Ah, I got it- you lucked out.

This is wha it looks like:


The part you click with is the ear tip closest to the left- But I'm sure you could've figured that out.

Really, nothing much else...


Cursor (C) Cursor Mania

July 26, 08

So, I found a free webcam hosting site! Free, you can add a description, embed the 'cam, add titles, all that... I still have to look into it more, butit looks perfect!

I'm going to get my dad to help me set the webcam up (Not tall enough. ^^; ), and hopefully by tonight I should have a 24/7 live feed up...

Inspired by:


Naww, man, I can't wait... hope there isn't some stupid catch to this site, though.

I know my dad will have to sign up under his name, and the account will be his and stuff like that, but It'll be of BunBun. ^^

Still only have a crap-quality webcam... So bare with me.


So... Yeah.



Watching my every move? I daresay I don't approve!

(Hey, that rhymed...)

But, anyway, I dun approve of it at all.

Oh, but it would make me a /little/ more well known... just that much closer to world domi-... I mean... fame. =D

On second thought, those rabbits do have the right idea.


Nothing much else to say, I'm afraifd...



July 30, 08

Ahha... It's way too late.

While lookingup the date:

I Stared at my calander for several seconds, and still couldn't remember what month it was.

I pressed a button on my watch- it's the kind of thing where you press a button and it'll show you the number of the month, and the day- I pushed the button and looked at it, And I'm jsut like "...? It's not 7:30.". I actually had to do a doubletake to remember that that was the date. ^^;;


That's the thing about summer vacation- I really loose trackof the days and months and whatnot because I don't actually have to keep track of them for anything.

So BunBun has been keeping me on my toes lately.


what am I going to do with him?

He can now het out on his own.

Just jump right over his cage and onto the sofa.

I have to keep the sheet on his cage. Lets just hope he doesn't try to jump thru it.

Aww, I wanted to say lotsa stuff, but I can't remember what.

I jsut realized something- if I have to keep the sheet on his cage, that makes his new live webcam pretty much useless. =/

Oh well.

I'll think of another way to angle it...


I'll think of something.

So if I want friends over, there's only one rule: My room has to be clean.

Now you should have figgured out by now that's not my kind of thing... Really, it isn't.

I hate cleaning my room. At least it only has to be done once a year.

BUT, there's a good thing about it (other than the friends)...

Redecorating, of course!

I think I want to this year.

I was thinking kind of a light olive-ey color for the walls, than the baseboard white, than getting a darker green, and painting designs on the walls...

ANd maybe I can clean out my shelves, so I can collect MORE bunny stuff, and not have to worry about running out of space for everything!


So I chavem't really thought much about the new room decorating design... thing...

I'll have to look into some fung-shuei and Chinese ballance and harmony... stuff...

You know- Put the bed facing ________ for more luck, don't have it facing a/an ________, You know, that kind of fun stuff.

So right now my room has an underwater theme... I like it, but it was kind of a "spur of the moment" thing. it really didn't have much thought put into it, and it looks a it sloppy. Don't get my wrong, I love it, I jsut think it's time for a change.

Besides, I'm going to be 13- as a teenager, I think I should have the option to redecorate my room again. ^^

I can really only think of three times I've redecorated- The first, when I first "Dominated" the room (it used to be my parent's bedroom- I took over and they took my old room), It was painted pink (Lil' 6-year-old interests. EVERYTHING was pink and girly... ick...), than it was redecorated to the Underwater theme several (and I mean several) years later, and now, a few years later (2? 3?)the redecoration I want to do this year.

Hmm... But I have this really neet chair- one of those big comfy... Things...

Yeah, that (minus the stool)

...Except it's an ocean blue kind of color.

I love that chaira lot, but I can't think of any way it can fit in with the new room theme... Maybe I can just buy a new pillow-cushon-thing for it, so I don't have to get rid of it...? Than jsut keep the blue cushon in my closet or something incase I could find something else to use [the cushon] for.

Yeah, tha tmight work...

But do they sell jsut the cushons?

I'm sure I could find one if I looked hard enough.

At this rate, though, it might just be easier to buy a new chair. Now that i think about it, the frame (a kind of dried bamboo color) wouldn't really fit with the room theme, either. It's have to be a cream/white color, or an oak kind of color (to match my dressors... Ooh, maybe I could get new dressors, too?
No, no, tha'd be asking way too much...)

That's basically waht I have right now... Maybe with the cushon being a bit of a deeper blue.

If I did get a new chair like that, it's not like the old one would "go to waste"- I'd give the old one to my brother- he's always liked it. It's pretty comfet. <3

Sheesh, but he might break it... He's 15 and about300 pounds. =/

BUT, that's another story entirely.

But, yeah- he does seem to have a "blue" thing going- blue (ish) walls, blue beanbag (actually, come to think of it, hat got taken down stairs last year- the chair could go where the beanbag was...)

I wonder when he's going to redo his room, if ever...

I have to admit, I'd miss the blue chair if I get rid of it, though. I remember I used to curl up and fall asleep on it. ^^ It's so comfey and squishy... <3

But, again, another story.

Oh, I'd also need a new lamp.

One of the few things that remain from the "pink girly cutsie" room style. Cute lamp. Got kitties. I used to have three kitties than humg off the shade... Not sure how many are left, now... two, I think?

Ah, goodness... I should stop there, this whole post has been about my room. I immagine you're getting sick of hearing about the ideas. ^^;

If I do redecorate, though, I'd definatly post pictures of the finished room.

Pictures credit to wherever I got them, which is linked to VIA the pictures, YADAYDAYDADA.



Silly girl- loosin' her mind during the summer.

So I can get out on my own now.

I don't do it too often, though- It'd really hard to jmp over two NICs. =/

But if I keep doing it, I'll get better.

Ooh, interesting thought there...


August 1, 08

Using my dad's laptop right now. Neat new one. It's even got a fingerprint scanner (Not set up)

Lammie (my super awesome stuffed lamb that I've had since 1st grade) got a pretty new bow. ^^


Long one today...


I hope BunBun gets over this new "Phase" with being totally obnoxious. I mean, I was thinking about it today, and it seems like every second I have I'm worrying about BunBun because of a reckless behavior he just did, taking something away from him, putting him back in his cage, checking to see if whatever he has should be taken away, etc.

Don't get me wrong, character is good, but, I mean... lately, he's just been plain off obnoxious.

Let's see...

He's been jumping out of his cage. /A lot/. David is always taking the sheet of his cage because "we're home"... But it's more than that. I'm so afraid he's going to land wrong or hit something, etc, and really hurt himself.

Also, he broke my measuring tape. From 28in to 31in is completely gone. At least he left the metal on the ends... And guess who was last around my computer area when I found it broken in BunBun's cage?
I'll give you a hint, he broke my headphones by pushing the tower up to BunBun's cage, than refused to take responsibility for it...

BunBun is always dragging trash into his cage (things like candy bar wrappers, stuff like that that he shouldn't have- usually I get to them before too much damage is done), he's been grabbing at papers on my desk and chewing them, chewing on my desk corners, (which is old- I'm afraid of what it might have been treated with), breaking and eating his toys (which wouldn't concern me so much if it weren't for the fact his favorite one to snack on was plastic... I've since removed it from his cage)

I'm so worried that all these foreign objects will hurt him...

I also think he might be coming down with something. He's been sneezing a lot... You don't think it's because he's near a fan, do you? I mean... there's no other place to put him...

And only as if to make things worse, my family doesn't get it /at all/.

They don't get why I go thru his hay and pick out the Baby's Breath- It's toxic to cats, so I do it Just in case. My family would think that's a really stupid thing to do because a "wild bunny" could probably eat Baby's Breath.

And they think nothing of his cage being directly under a window/fan because a "wild Bunny" would be okay, and etc.

Why is it so hard for them to understand that BunBun /ISN'T/ a wild rabbit?

They probably, knowing them, wouldn't let me take BunBun to the vet because I "Think" something is wrong... He'd probably have to be laying in front of them dying before they'd even consider letting me make an /appointment/, let alone take him in for an emergency visit.

They're just like that, you know?

They didn't approve of getting him neutered because he was "just a rabbit", they probably wouldn't approve of micro chipping, vaccinations, etc because he's "Just a rabbit", they probably wouldn't approve of monthly vet checkups because he's "Just a rabbit", etc...

Why is it so hard for them to understand that he /ISN'T/ "Just a rabbit"?

Apparently BunBun is just a wild rabbit to them.

I mean, I know that around here you raise rabbits and eat them, but why does that make it so wrong to own a pet rabbit? Why is it so wrong to take a rabbit to the vet, and get him neutered, care about his physical health and condition, buy him toys, and love him?

Why is it so hard for them to understand that I /CARE/ about him?

They don't let me buy high-quality timothy hay because they don't want me to "waist my money". They expect me to choose just random wheat grass that they found, mixed in with all kind of other plants such as Baby's Breath, so I have to pick thru it and get the other stuff out, rather than buying timothy hay that has been bailed by a reliable company that I've always trusted, and get most my stuff from. To them, picking the healthiest choices for my rabbit is "wasting my money". They'd rather have me throw any old stuff in his cage, rather than buy what's been proven to be best, just so I can save a few bucks. I've just given up the idea of telling them that I WANT to "waist my money" on timothy hay for BunBun, because I knew if I did, than they wouldn't respect my decision (which I made a good long time ago), and they would start yelling and stuff...
I don't understand. Why is it that they are always telling me to make my own decisions, and telling me to do what I think is right, but than they /YELL AT ME/ when I do?
They think it's /so/ immature of me to want to buy the "expensive", reliable hay, rather than going out and picking up some random grass they are "pretty sure" is wheat grass.

Why is it so hard for them to understand that BunBun's digestive system /ISN'T/ like a "wild rabbit's"?

It's /NOT/ equipped to handle any kind of weed you throw in his cage.
Plus, they've decided that a rabbit won't eat any kind of leaf/weed/food.etc that's toxic to them.
And if they think it, it /MUST/ be right! Just like their firm, diehard belief domestic rabbits can survive easily in the wild!

That thing about the food is almost as stupid as the "Oh, they won't breed because they're son/mother brother/sister father/daughter etc" comment that people say sometimes.

So, according to that "fact", if BunBun were to get a hold of some chocolate, he wouldn't eat it because it's toxic. While I admit BunBun is smart, he would still eat something toxic to him. Probably about 99.9% of domestic rabbits would.

…*had to go plug the laptop in* …Where was I? Oh, right.

…So my family just doesn’t “get it”…

They really don’t care about BunBun… “Who cares if he’s getting a /GOOD/ diet, as long as it’s /CHEAP/!”, “No, no, he doesn’t need all those stupid toys! He’ll be perfectly fine sitting 8+ hours alone during the week. After all, rabbits /LIKE/ being alone in a cage all day with nothing to do! “, “No he doesn’t need vet care! He’s just a rabbit!”, etc…

Why is it so hard for them to understand that I /LOVE/ BunBun…?





Neeeeeh. You’re probably sick of reading by now…

Ah, sorry!

I've been forgetting about my blog. I should put an update in soon.

So, for now, I leave you with a random picture I took yesterday(I was playing around with effects and such):


(By the way, no, I didn't let him have the whole thing- jsut a bite. I know better than to let him eat a long piece of fresh celery)
