Feb. 18, 08
I stayed home today. My dad got today off as a holiday. I was hoping he would come over and play with me, but he didn't. )=
He just stopped in and said bye.
I was looking around the "wonderful whites" photo board... and I was wondering...
BunBun has a sworn pact to get under my hands when i'm doing something (filling his litterbox, watering plants, handeling hay, etc.) and he ALWAYS ends up a mess!
Aye. -eyeroll-
I think BunBun might need his nails clipped. Arg. =/ Problem being, I can't take him to a vet! He has reached "that age" and I'm scared to beath he'll try to mount the vet.

Maybe I can hunt down a bunny expert... Like Undergunfire... or Tinysmom... kidnap them and get them to trim his nails...
Hmm... That's an idea...

onder: I'm sure it's much cheaper... (But I'm sure the breaking and entering charges won't be nearly as cheap.)
Oh, but they both live so far away... Hmm...
Maybe I can get the vet to do a post-neuter exam... Hint his nails are a bit long...
Or I can just postpone it untill after the surgery. Maybe get them to do them while he is still under...
I can't/won't do it myself. I'd never forgive myself if my baby got hurt because of a mistake on my part...
I was filling BunBun's grass tunnel with hay (he can't fit in it, so I use it as a toy.) and I put the tunnel down, look back to his cage, and see a little bunny, COMPLETLY COVERED in hay, giving me this pathertic "Why mommy, why? why would you do this to me?

". Ahha. I appologized and wiped the hay off him, looking him over real quick to be sure he didn't get any in his eyes. I never realized how patient BunBun was... He dat there while I gently rubbed his fact and back... Ah. =D He is so cute...
He tried to gnaw himself free from his harness today. I took it off as soon as I noticed to prevent any possible damage to him or the harness.(that thing was, like, 10 bucks!)
I got him some wood chews yesterday. He had nibbles on all of them.
Except the pear.
He doesn't like the pear.
Some of his trys seem to be disappering...
Like his keys, flip n' toss, and his wodden rabbit rattler.

They just... fanish...
The new litterbox really seems to be working for him. I haven't had to clean up any rabbit urine since!
<333 YAY!
But, with every good thing there is a flaw...
-blocks most of his cage door, so it is a bit awkward for him to get from his pen to his cage...
-uses more litter (where I live that Yesterday's News isn't exacly cheap!)
-the material it's made of isn't perfect... sometimes urine, litter pellets, and poo often get stuck on the bottom and I have to manually scrape it off... Yuck.:yuck I find tupperware-like material better in this area.
-He has to jump THROUGH his litter box, sometimes scattering a bit of litter. The high sides don't really help, either...
Oh well. Cleaning up rabbit urine was one of my least favourite rabbit chores. It was really hard on my back, to be honest. BunBun's cage is JUST the right hight so that:
BunBun can jump out. (if there is something on the other side for him to jump on to)
BunBun can jump from his pen in to his kennel if the lid is not closed. (and yet, he san't scale his pen. I find this odd.)
I can't sit on my knees (cage wall is too tall, can't reach in properly)
and I can't bend down easily (hard on my back. The fact BunBun nibbles my hair as I'm trying to clean up his mess doens't help either.)
I'm just glad I won't have to do it anymore. (at least, not often!)
Arrg. I'm tired...
It's allready almost midnight? Sheesh...
I was going to take a shower today... My hair is terrible. All oily and dandruffy and stuff...
Too late now.
I MUST ask...
Other than brushing and a full out bath, is there any way I can clean BunBun without... cleaning him? I don't know if that makes sence...
I've seen people put a thin layer of water in their tub, then put their bunnies in it and let them wash... and I've seen people run a damp cloth over their bunnies...
Waht do you think?
Wow. That was long.

Worse yet, she took all the stuff *I* was going to say! Now I've got nothin'...
Well, I suppose I could talk about my day... I mean, this is a blog...
I did one a DBF today. I don't do them too often. It was after the fat slave was consumed my the yellow and black moving rectangle. No surprise there. Anyway, when he comes home it always get so stressful... He yells for sweets, and turns on the moving picture box (And doesn't even watch it), he yells, and stuff... I like it when the slave somes home, but him? I'd rather if the big yellow moving rectangle didn't bring him back.
There has been talk of relocating the computers (and, naturally, me too. I'm part of Xila's computer "
bundle".(no pun intended) if one thing isn't there, the whole thing just doesn't work...)
The tall slave made a pun today. She saw the wood stove wasn't catching, and said "It looks like the stove isn't doing so hot..."
The girl took away one of my towls (SO I was "trimming" the fringed edges! that's no reason to take it away from me... D<

and she took the other two and folded them. And I had just gotten everything the way I like it, too...
Oh well. I'll have them back to my liking soon.
Leave it to me to forget to post the blog.