The days of BunBun&Slave

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Feb. 6, 08


Anyway, nothing much today. =/



Yes! I'm in the contest, vote for me! >.>
(Not that I approve being surrounded by pink... grr! But still, a contest is a contest.)

Nothing much. I hate to say it. =/

Again, my Bunspace is "Prince BunBun"

feb. 7, 08

Remember to vote for BunBun and "Xile"! xD

I mean, I'd think it was a typo, but they did it twice... =/

I'm too polite to point it out, though.
Today; Nothing much.
I don't remember what I was putting here... Uhm...
first off, my keyboard isn't letting my do a *lot* is symbols and capital letters. Sorry.

A local vet. What do you think? Not on he rabbit savvy list, but I think it's because ro hasn't herd of it. I mean, there isn't a 'savvy vet near Wellsboro that isn't over 2 hours away.
=/ Need oppinions!
Just look over their website and tell me what you think.



Nothing much. Bah. Remember to vote for me!

Feb. 8, 08

Vote for BunBun! (What do you think of Kreger?)

Nothing much. I think BunBun might have something. I was petting him, and I noticed under one eye was a bit of hair stuck together. Not much- pictures are useless because it isn't even noticible, but if in the morning, I see it is any worse, I'll clean it a bit using the guide thinggy in the RO library. However, I can't even notice it anymore. Maybe I'm just being paranoid...



=O Xila found a closer, local vet. Dr. Kreger. She gave you the website- check it out and tell her what you think. Much closer, neuteres are $110, checkups are $50-$60. If neuters are as much as my she read, than Xila'd have enough... She has about $120.Using the extra money on me, of course. ^^

Nothing much. Typical day. Eh? My eye? No, it feels fine.

Feb. 9, 08

Ahh, Picture heavy entry today!

Anyway, Guess what?

Anyway, I'm not sure how much you guys know about my home, But basically you have my computer desk, BunBun's cage (left) and an end table (right).
So I have a cup of soda on my computer desk, and I'm turned to my left oogling over (who else?) BunBun. I have a sandwich on the end table.

Desi wanders over and to look at my sandwich while I'm distracted. I hear her, and whip around, completly forgetting the glass of soda.
Needless to say, in a slpit second I got my sandwich stolen, a mess to clean up, a ruined book to explain to my teacher, and a soda-covered dog.

Go me! :bunnydance:




It mostly got on her nose and left side.

So, anyway, When you have a soda-soaked dog, what time is it?

We take off her collar

And plop her in the tub.

I couldn't take pictures after this point, for obvious reasons, but here are some of her shortly after:




Aww, she looks so sad. D= (not to mention she looks like a drowned rat!)

We figgure, if she is getting a bath, why not Maggy, too?
So, we grab Maggie, plop her in the tub, too!


Again, no pictures after this point for obvious reasons.



Why, mommy, why?


This picture reminds me of "baby bunny grooming". Look it up on youtube.


Desi, about 50% dry- Look how fluffy she is getting! ^^


Maggie, about 47% dry (remember Maggie is not as active as Desi)

Random snapshots:

Fog (top) and Phantom (arm)

I also find this... I mean, I knew it was a bit chilly, but not THIS cold:


And people ask why Fog and Phantom often have singed whiskers. =/


I'm a little girl.
With a camera.
I will take your picture while you sleep.
And post it for the world to see.
You've been warned!


I LOVE this picture for some unknown reason. =/

I think that's it...

Oh! Right!


How DARE you almost forget to put up a picture of me!




The nerve of the girl! Almsot not putting up a picture of me...
Harumph. =/

I ahte it when the girl's entry is longer than mine.
What's a bun to do?
I have no camera.
Nor thumbs.
So picture taking is out.
And I live in a cage.
Nothing interesting to talk about there.
I got my cage cleaned.
But that's not interesting.
-Raids Xila's Kodak album for interesting pictures-

Aww. She took most of the good photos.

Typical. =/
Shouldn't she leave some for me?
Anyway, this is what I have rounded up from her veryous fileds; Not much...


Cat. With a sock on his head. ^^ Always fun.


Another hint to "why Phantom is called so". Here you see Phantom doing his job. (besides screaming), what does it look like he is doing?


yes, I know I'm in the way. No, I won't move.


I LOVE this picture- it makes me seem HUGE! ^^ Doesn't it?



Today, nothing muched happened. Sorry to disappoint you.

Feb. 10, 08.

My day?

My jack --- friend was using this same smiley over and over, in the wrong expressions.
My other friend thought it was because she didn't know what it ment. He asked, politely pointing out she was using this term at all the wrong times. (IE- "Sorry to hear your crush id moving! =P" "Sorry to hear your dog died. =P" "I don't like you. =P", etc. You get my point.)

I log off and go back to the main page. I had a message. From her. She calles me a jerk. -_- After some quibbling, I block her, and she sends her boyfriend (From that site, may you notice. It's sad when a 13 year old dates someoe she doesn't even know online...) and one of her friends to tell me I'd a jerk, too. -_- Ugh. I'm not talking to her again. I told my friend (who is also fed up with Olivia's growing prissyness) that "I swear to god, (And I'm a christan! If I say this, you know and know darn well I'm SERIOUS.) if you ever see me talking to Livi, you may shoot me dead.

So, yaeh. My day.




The girl had a bad day. Always fun to watch. =/

My day? Nothing special. Same old-same old.In other words, a pretty downright boring day. I was thinking of writing a story.
I've never been much of a writer, but I might be fun to try...

Remember to vote for me in the Be my bunny
Remember to check out and tell me what you think!

Feb. 11, 08

The 11th allready? Time flies! =/

-squee- my dad is comming home this weekend! ^^


If you do not like the phrase "Dear god" for religious or personal reasons, message me, and I'll copy and paste this (below) to you with the "dear god"s ereased or deleted. Same with the phrase "Bull crap".


Oh, remember Devyn? Cassie and Midnight, her (horribly kept) bunnies? When I first got BunBun, she lent my a bunny guide (Hah! Fancy that!) and I've just now begin to read it. I've finished it, and I've found these major (and some even possibly fatal) flaws, or some comments that are just really. 'freakin. STUPID.-
(Warning- might be a curse or two. I was talking to my friend, and she doesn't mind "cursing". I read through it and re-worded things. but I might have missed something. Be warned. ^^)

"Rabbits require a simple diet of rabbit pellets, supplemented with occasional tidbits of bread and vegetables."
a. Bread can be deadly to rabbits.(Or so I’ve heard) It messes up their digestive system and their GI tract. Not to mention Milk can be deadly to bunnies if fed in large amounts. Milk is a very common ingredient in bread.
b. Vegetables are NOT an "occasional tidbit". Vegetables are needed for a healthy rabbit, and are something a rabbit should have DAYLY.

"Rabbits are not comparable with dogs as companions. They cannot do the variety of tricks, nor are they as affectionate as a dog."
I repeat: TOTAL UDDER BULLCRAP. Rabbits can be trained. They have a natural instinct to use the litter box, like a cat, and can be clicker trained.
NOT AS AFFECTIONATE?! Obviously they have never owned a rabbit! (At least, not my BunBun!) When I come home from school, BunBun is LITERALLY racing circles in his cage waiting for me to come over and say hello. When I do, he rushes over and licks my hand. If that isn’t affectionate, I’m not sure what they describe it as.

"They can be kept in relatively small quarters where larger dogs are prohibited".
Ugh. Rabbits should NEVER be kept in "small quarters" 24/7. Anyone even MILDLY experienced with ANY ANIMAL IN THE WORLD would know you should never keep an animal cooped up in "small quarters".

"They like to be picked up and handled."
COMPLETE. TOTAL. BULLCRAP. Ever tied to pick up a rabbit? No matter how much they like you, or trust you, NO rabbit will be picked up 100% without fuss. Rabbits are ground dwelling animals. Being picked up reminds them of being picked up by bird of prey.

"They won't scratch the furniture or eat the houseplants"
About 5%(if not more) of rabbits die every year from eating the leaf of a toxic houseplant or by chewing (toxically) treated wood of furniture and not seeking medical help.

"Therefore, they do not require grooming".
Rabbits should be groomed at least once a week, and at least every other day if shedding.

"Children and rabbits can both have fun during play time if someone watched them carefully" (Shows a picture of a dressed up rabbit in a baby stroller)
Dear god, I hope the rabbit's death was quick when the child broke it's limb(s) by:
Forcing it in that stroller
Forcing it in that outfit
Getting it to stay in that stroller
Stumbling on to it
“Playing racecar” with the stroller, and “crashing” it
I'm serious. This was, like, a THREE YEAR OLD.

"Rabbits are probably best compared to hamsters, gerbils, chinchillas, and guinea pigs as caged animals"
Oh god. =/ They are NOT. Rabbits have their own, extremely sensitive and exotic needs.

"Yet they demand no more care than those smaller animals, and certainly less attention that that of a dog or cat."
Again: Oh god. Domestic rabbits require CONSTANTION affection and care. Their immune systems are fragile things. It can drastically decrease if the rabbit is depressed or in bad conditions. Several diseases to rabbits, if not seen by an experienced vet ASAP, can be fatal. I mean, c’mon! >.>

"However, with the proper provisions, a rabbit can be left alone for a weekend."

"Regardless of purpose, you should buy the best animal you can afford."
NO. This means people will go buy from breeders and pet stores for those “cutie little miniature lops”. For every animal adopted from a breeder, at least two in a shelter die.
Then, of course, it grows from a “cutie baby” in to a “mounting your arm not-as-cute adult” and they release it, plop it on someone’s doorstep, or give it to an (already overstocked) pet store or shelter, when all the could do to fix this problem would be a spay or neuter. I don’t understand how they can spend HUNDREDS on expensive cages, toys, and foods, but won’t spend 100 bucks for a neuter or spay.

"The larger breeds are more difficult to lift and carry around."

"Well raised rabbits are brought up in cage with wire mesh floors"
NO. “well-raised rabbits” aren’t on wire floors 24/7. They are usually given cardboard, bits of rug, or wood to stand on so they don’t get sore hocks as easily.

"An important rule to remember when owning a rabbit is one rabbit- one cage"
Not necessarily true. A bonded pair can easily live in a cage together. In fact, when BunBun gets a girlfriend and they bond, I intend to move them in together.

"and if one is male and one is female they will mate without your blessing."

"if you have two males or two females, they will fight"

"Smaller varieties, like dwarves, need no more than 4 square feet of cage, no matter the breed."
NO. NO NO NO. In my opinion, rabbits should have a lot of room, no matter the size or breed.

"Hence, an all wire cage is the best choice for a rabbit enclosure"
NO. >.> Again with the sore hocks.

'Sponge it down with a household disinfectant..."
DEAR GOD, NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, A THOUSAND TIMES NO! DISENFECTANTS ARE PROBABLY POISONOUS! (Vinegar is the most effective and safe way to clean. Add a small amount of baking powder for stubborn messes.)

"These are some of the best bedding materials you can buy. They are cheap, and easy to change." (Shows picture of wood chips)

Yeah, but the vet bills won't be so cheap! I’d avoid sawdust and wood chips altogether. If gotten into eyes/nose/vents/ears, it can cause a (sometimes fatal) infection.

"To properly lift the rabbit, one hand should firmly grasp the loose skin on the rabbit's neck or chest."

AAH! NO! SO many rabbits die a year from having their neck snapped or back broken from being lifted like this, getting scared, and struggling!

"You should give your pet all the pellets it can eat"
This is very unhealthy. =/ A rabbit's diet is supposed to be about 90% fresh hay, about 7% veggies, and about THREE PERCENT pellets to make a healthy diet.

“Your local bakery is bribable your best source for stale… bread.”
Again with the bread!

“There may be anywhere from one to twelve pups...”
Yeah, hi. I thought we were talking about rabbits, not dogs. Forgive me if I’m wrong, and I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure baby rabbits are called KITS.

Correct me if I’m wrong on any of these things.

But really, I swear to god, I’m 12 years old and I could write a better book than this full-grown adult! >.> (Who claims to be "rabbit savvy". xD
And, oh god, she wrote more “care” books. It pains me to think how many rabbits and other animals suffered because their owner listened to this deadly guide. My friend told me she[the author] wrote a book called “If you really cared…”
And I simply finished her[the author’s] sentence.
“If you really cared… YOU WOULDN’T READ MY BOOKS! >.> )

ugh… Really! It wouldn’t surprise me if she just put things down to “sound smart”, and, as you see here, the end result could have been deadly for the pets.

Notice I gave out no names, titles, or authors. Nothing more than the pronoun "she", referring to the author. Her book may be complete rubbish, but she still deserves her privacy.

Ugh... Just... Ugh.




I need a new way if presenting my blog... maybe a story... or...
I dunno. =/ Just me talking seems so bleak. Any suggustions?

Today, nothing much happened. Two hour delay for the girl... other than that, same-old, same-old... as aways. It's tmes like this I only WISH something would happen!

I suppose it's a bit much to ask for, eh?
But really, that book... I'm so glad when Xila first got it, her ADHD prevented her from reading it. That... that could have been ME! =O

Feb. 12, 08

First off, we found a dead cat. Right at the top of our driveway. D= Poor thing, looked like it was hit by a car (aprox. time= early this morning, as when I got to the bus - about 7:20- the blood was allready frozen.)

I also think I ahve lice, fleas, or dandruff...

I hope it isn't lice or fleas. I'd be terrified to snuggle BunBun! D=

Two thing I really want:
c'mon! It's AWESOME! <3

I'd really like it more if it came in other colors, but this is something I strongly support. ^^ I'd like to use this as a gym bag or something... Or perhaps just wander around town with it so people can see it. ;D

Nothing muh else.
Oh, I;m bad at ignoring people. ^^ Olivia? the "jerk"? The very next day we are mutually talking and chatting like nothing happened at all.

x3 THIS is why I won't be a jailkeeper when I grow up...



Wonderful. =/ I wish for something to happen, and an animal dies... Typical.

Anyway, I'm still thinking of a way to present my blog... allow me to try out something:

"The slave says she is going to put a blanket over my cage tonight," a familiar young male rabbit said as he looked up to you. "She says there is a broken window or something, and it's letting a draft in." the red eyed white rabbit said with a nod in the direction of a door, the glass mere plexiglass, covered by plastic wrap. Indeed, when the wind blew, it let in a shiveringly cold draft. He glances back to you. "She also says she is putting some hay on my cage floor for me. Just in case." He continued," and also putting a towl or two down in my pen."
He seemed to smile, transforming from a four-legged creature to a two-legged one, sending an abrupt glance around his surroundings, than sinking back down onto all fours.
"So, what do you think of my blog being this way?" BunBun asks, his pink eyes looking up at you expectantly. Before you can answer, he quickly calls "Remember to vote for me in the BE MT BUNNY contest (BunBun and "Xile"), and remember to look over and tell us what you think as a vet for me." He said-twisting on his heals, then binkying off.

Hey Xila! Ive been forgetting to check your blog!

Judging from the website information on rabbits, that vet sounds great! Did you call and ask if they see many rabbits?

If you check out this thread in our library: Finding a Vettheres a link with questions to ask a vet before you schedule a surgery (most will even speak to you and answer your questions over the phone if you call).

Please let us know how it works out and we'll add him to our rabbit savvy list if need be!

Good luck to you and BunBun!
Haley wrote:
Hey Xila! Ive been forgetting to check your blog!

At least someone still checks it. =P

Judging from the website information on rabbits, that vet sounds great! Did you call and ask if they see many rabbits?

I intend to email them sooner or later.

If you check out this thread in our library: Finding a Vettheres a link with questions to ask a vet before you schedule a surgery (most will even speak to you and answer your questions over the phone if you call).

Cool. ^^ I'll check it out.

Please let us know how it works out and we'll add him to our rabbit savvy list if need be!


Good luck to you and BunBun!

Thanks. =D
Feb. 13, 08

Did you notice the spiffy new avvie? ^^

I was looking for new Skullcandys (headphones) on Ebay (The darn right ear konked out!), and tht somehow led to looking up cat carriers. o_O Anyway, I found several:
(Divided into three parts to avoid major stretching)
(Divided into 3s)
(into 3s)

What do you think of them?

The more people that say Dr. Kreger is a good vet is making my more freaked out! It's kind of scary knowing someone so close to you would be going through such a painful operation, and it's really going to be up to ME to be sure it doesn't get infected and that he is comfortable...

I'm not complaining, I'm simply saying it's a bit scary, knowing something so important would be with someone who would be gone almost 8 hours a day... =/ Maybe I can arrange something with the school... Maybe let me go home for lunch or something to check on him...

Enough flounder(ing?). I suppose I should go to bed. Ciao!



The girl seems a bit freaked out over something. =/ It's beyond me, anyhow.

My thing for today: Time schedule!

6:30 AM- the phone rings. The slave answers, yells "No school" up to the two other slaves and they chear.

7:00 AM- The tall slave gets up.

7:30-10:30- Typical thing. Waiting, laying down, napping, playing, digging, jumping, binkying, etc.

11:00 AM- The small slave gets up. Walks to the kitchen.

11:10 AM- Mummy comes in. takes the sheet off my cage, pets me, and puts the usual (stingy) ammount of 1/4 a cup of pellets in my bowl. I roll my eyes at the ammount that was only enough to cover the bottom of my bowl, but nevertheless, nibble away.

2:30 PM- The girl comes away from her computer. she pets me for several minutes and tells me abiut a breeder on RO who had a litter of kits from an old mother, and won't listen to the breeders here who are, obviously, profesional. When they'd give her/him advide, s/he would turn around and snap at them for "Being rude". (When, infact, they were being very polite.) S/he would ask a question, than, before even getting a chance for a reply, does it. Forinstance, s/he asked if cow's milk was good for baby kits. She asks, than goes off and gives the kit(s) some. I will say no names, and, alas, I won't say any more.

5:20 PM- I get my greens and "LUNCH". The girl washes my watter bottle.

7:20 PM- the girl cracks up over something. Shortly after, I go and check it out:

Someone posted a board saying that she saw their rabbits mount in dominance, but this time it seemed... "Different". She asked if at 6 (maybe it was 8?) months old, if you could tell a male from a female. Someone said:

"You will 100% be able to see *goolies* at this age. Can you try sexing yourself right now?"

And someone replied:

"Uh... [she] does mean the rabbits.. right?

Sorry, I know it's early, and my mind doesn't work right at this early hour.. but that didn't read"

And she started cracking up. Xila is so immature...:disgust:

7:30-present- I sit at the computer and type. I've been fed, my cage has been covered, and everything is normal.

That's about it.

Feb. 14, 08

Happy v-day! Unfourtinatly, Bunbun didn't place (But than again, who can compare to adorable little Tallulah?(SP?)

Sorry, Nothing much today. I gave BunBun a specialV-Day salad, with his favourite treats in it. Pictures tomorrow.



Did you know Xila was thinking about making annimations?
Eh. =/ Nothing much for now. The silly girl didn't tell you, but the right ear for her headphones konked out because she chewed on the wire. She's worse than I am! xD

Feb. 15, 08

And thus, my life begins again. =/ My dad is comming home this weekend, and I'll be going to my grandma's. As always. I hate it there. All My brother (14) and my dad (50-ish) do when I(12)'m trying to sleep, etc is watch horror movies. Graphic, bloody, terrifying horror and sci-fi movies. >.> They don't seem to understand THAT THEIR RATED PG HORROR MOVIES ARE TOO SCAREY FOR ME.

I don't know why they don't understand this. -eyeroll-
I wish we didn't have to go there. I can't have BunBun, or my kitties, or my computer, or my blankets, or my BunBun, or my stuff, or my clothes, or my games, or my BunBun, or my tablet, or my warmpth, or my doggie, or my sweets, or my soda, and I can't feed BunBun, and I can't play with my little prince, or my pencils and paper, or my brush, or my stuffed toys, or my foods, or my soup, or my BunBun...

Anyway, I've started a new avvie. =/ I'll post when I'm done.

Maybe my dad can buy the house. And I could buy it from him once I hit 18. It's a one story(Not including basement), two bedroom, two bath place. pretty small, but has a fenced in backyard. It'd be PERFECT for a bunny...

Ugh... Just... I hate my Grandma's place. I feel so uncomfortable there. My and my grandma aren't that close, per se.



The girl seems upset. =/ Not sure why.

I've had the word "Por Favor" stuck in my head...

Aye. o_O

I'm hungery...
That girl is setting up that camera again! D=

Oh, look... I have food...

-yawn- I'm tired.

That least that Phantom minion isn't jumpting on top of my cage anymore- paws crossed!

Where is your favourite place to nap? I like napping right outside my cage door. ^^


Hmm. =/
I'm still hungery.

Well, night.

Feb. 16, 08

It's late. Arg. =/

I swear, It should e illegal to let me in the pet isles of a store. I go out today, cme back with:

-MORE treats (BunBun now has more treats than he can shake a stick at! But then again, why shake a stick at them when you could just eat them?)
-A bigger litterbox (At the store, I was torn between a triangle one and this one, and I just shrugged and picked up the cheaper one, thinking "Meh. I duppose it doesn't matter- He'll probably find a loophole no matter which one I get...")
-A harness (BunBun got out today, and I had to LURE him back wit treates. It got me thinking- f BunBun won't let me pick him up, I need a way to contain him! What if there was a fire, and I needed to get him out quickly?)
-Chews (Always a plus. =P)

So, yeah. $30 down with BunBun's neuter. =/

Because I have a lot of willpower.


Today, noting much.



That little thinggy with the glowing green ligt is staring at me! D=

The girl ot me a harness. HOW. RUDE.
I don't nead a lead in my own home!
Silly girl.

I got a biger litterbox. It's... big. It blocks some of the door, so it is a bit awkward getting in and out.

Eh. Nothing much else, though, other than the fact the girl is gone.

Feb. 17, 08

Hah. xP 1 in the morning on a Sunday night... err... morning.

My brain doens't function at this hour.

It's better for both of us if I don't put anything down. xD



har. Silly girl. Looses her head at one in the morning... I'm a bit drowzy, but I don't get every other letter wrong...

Nothing much today.
Xila got this new hay. I love it. =D

Feb. 18, 08

I stayed home today. My dad got today off as a holiday. I was hoping he would come over and play with me, but he didn't. )=

He just stopped in and said bye.

I was looking around the "wonderful whites" photo board... and I was wondering...

BunBun has a sworn pact to get under my hands when i'm doing something (filling his litterbox, watering plants, handeling hay, etc.) and he ALWAYS ends up a mess!
Aye. -eyeroll-

I think BunBun might need his nails clipped. Arg. =/ Problem being, I can't take him to a vet! He has reached "that age" and I'm scared to beath he'll try to mount the vet.
Maybe I can hunt down a bunny expert... Like Undergunfire... or Tinysmom... kidnap them and get them to trim his nails...
Hmm... That's an idea... :ponder: I'm sure it's much cheaper... (But I'm sure the breaking and entering charges won't be nearly as cheap.)
Oh, but they both live so far away... Hmm...

Maybe I can get the vet to do a post-neuter exam... Hint his nails are a bit long...

Or I can just postpone it untill after the surgery. Maybe get them to do them while he is still under...

I can't/won't do it myself. I'd never forgive myself if my baby got hurt because of a mistake on my part...

I was filling BunBun's grass tunnel with hay (he can't fit in it, so I use it as a toy.) and I put the tunnel down, look back to his cage, and see a little bunny, COMPLETLY COVERED in hay, giving me this pathertic "Why mommy, why? why would you do this to me? :(". Ahha. I appologized and wiped the hay off him, looking him over real quick to be sure he didn't get any in his eyes. I never realized how patient BunBun was... He dat there while I gently rubbed his fact and back... Ah. =D He is so cute...

He tried to gnaw himself free from his harness today. I took it off as soon as I noticed to prevent any possible damage to him or the harness.(that thing was, like, 10 bucks!)

I got him some wood chews yesterday. He had nibbles on all of them.
Except the pear.
He doesn't like the pear. o_O

Some of his trys seem to be disappering...
Like his keys, flip n' toss, and his wodden rabbit rattler. o_O They just... fanish...

The new litterbox really seems to be working for him. I haven't had to clean up any rabbit urine since!

<333 YAY!

But, with every good thing there is a flaw...

-blocks most of his cage door, so it is a bit awkward for him to get from his pen to his cage...
-uses more litter (where I live that Yesterday's News isn't exacly cheap!)
-the material it's made of isn't perfect... sometimes urine, litter pellets, and poo often get stuck on the bottom and I have to manually scrape it off... Yuck.:yuck I find tupperware-like material better in this area.
-He has to jump THROUGH his litter box, sometimes scattering a bit of litter. The high sides don't really help, either...

Oh well. Cleaning up rabbit urine was one of my least favourite rabbit chores. It was really hard on my back, to be honest. BunBun's cage is JUST the right hight so that:
BunBun can jump out. (if there is something on the other side for him to jump on to)
BunBun can jump from his pen in to his kennel if the lid is not closed. (and yet, he san't scale his pen. I find this odd.)
I can't sit on my knees (cage wall is too tall, can't reach in properly)
and I can't bend down easily (hard on my back. The fact BunBun nibbles my hair as I'm trying to clean up his mess doens't help either.)

I'm just glad I won't have to do it anymore. (at least, not often!)

Arrg. I'm tired...

It's allready almost midnight? Sheesh...
I was going to take a shower today... My hair is terrible. All oily and dandruffy and stuff...
Too late now.

I MUST ask...
Other than brushing and a full out bath, is there any way I can clean BunBun without... cleaning him? I don't know if that makes sence...

I've seen people put a thin layer of water in their tub, then put their bunnies in it and let them wash... and I've seen people run a damp cloth over their bunnies...
Waht do you think?



Wow. That was long. o_O
Worse yet, she took all the stuff *I* was going to say! Now I've got nothin'...
Well, I suppose I could talk about my day... I mean, this is a blog...

I did one a DBF today. I don't do them too often. It was after the fat slave was consumed my the yellow and black moving rectangle. No surprise there. Anyway, when he comes home it always get so stressful... He yells for sweets, and turns on the moving picture box (And doesn't even watch it), he yells, and stuff... I like it when the slave somes home, but him? I'd rather if the big yellow moving rectangle didn't bring him back.

There has been talk of relocating the computers (and, naturally, me too. I'm part of Xila's computer "bundle".(no pun intended) if one thing isn't there, the whole thing just doesn't work...)

The tall slave made a pun today. She saw the wood stove wasn't catching, and said "It looks like the stove isn't doing so hot..."


The girl took away one of my towls (SO I was "trimming" the fringed edges! that's no reason to take it away from me... D<;) and she took the other two and folded them. And I had just gotten everything the way I like it, too...
Oh well. I'll have them back to my liking soon.


Leave it to me to forget to post the blog. o_O YAY!
Feb. 19, 08

Arg. xD That bunny forgot to post yesterday's update!

"Be quiet. It was one thirty. You have to remember YOU'RE the one who lost your hair brush AND mine..."

Yeeaahh, yeahh... o-o
I don't know where my brush got to, though! Really! I want to take a bath, I pick it up, put it down to feed BunBun, and it, like VAPERIZES!


Be quiieett.. o_O I gonna put you harness on you, since you won't go away...

"Boo Hiss. -slinks off-"

Hah. =3

BunBun got out this morning. o_O He blows my mind sometimes... HOW ON EARTH!??


I should set up a video camera on him...

<3 I luves him. He is a regular Houdini... -nose rub-

I remember when he was a baby, we had to put chickedwire up around his cage because he would just about OOZE through the bars of his cage. o_O And he got into the music room by slinking through the littlest nook in the door... And I'd randomly find him out...


Arg. Bad habbit = biting nails. I'm obsessed. D=

Nothing much today.
My science teacher did admit he wasn't smarter than a paperclip, though. =D
Well, almost.
I handed him aour desiese project (I was absent the day before) after class, and he got out a paperclip (last ones) amd there was two stuck to gether... after a few minutes he is like "Man, I can't figgure these things out! I swear, I'm not smarter than a p... Okay, see you tomorrow."




The girl lost my brush.
And hers.

But I know where hers is.
But I'm not telling. =3

Har. I got out today. x3 I love baffling the girl. Simply for a morning tease. I knew she has to get ready for the black and yellow moving rectangle, though, so once she was up and opened my cage door I walked right in. ^^ She said I was a good boy and pet meee. yay. =D

Other than that, nothing much.

^^ See you later!

Feb. 20, 08

Ever had a cappichino? yum. =D Frothy.

My mom bought this chocolate coffee stuff. It's interesting!

Some may know, some may not, But...
1. My friend, Olivia, has an online boyfriend
2. I like to roleplay
3. Olivia is an "expert at roleplaying" (so quoth her)
4. So, obviously, we roleplayed.

I started off...
before I begin, I'll explain for those who are a bit lost.

Roleplaying is like writing a book. Except it's a duet, or even sometimes more.

Bold is person one
italic is person two
underline is person three
(Each is a different, actual [live] person)

(This is the middle of a roleplay- the charecters have allready been interduced.)

"Hey, Kalli!" Echo called from a few yards. He slinked over and flicked her ear as he skated along on his in-like scates.

"Another day, eh?" Kalli said as she jogged along side Echo, rubbing her ear but, otherwise, completly ignoring the twitching pain. "Another day, more long hours of school." She sighed, a hint of drama lurking on her voice. She chuckled.

"Ah, alas, do I spy drama? I think I do, Kalli!" chimed in another male, who was, today, nonchalontly crusing along on a skateboard.

Kalli laughed. "Oh, doesn't anyone WALK anymore?" she said, nudging the males on either side.

"Hey! Mornin', Dan!" chuckled Echo.

"Hey, Echo, I hardly saw you there! How have you been?" Dan said happily, swerving a bit to avoid a crevis in the sidewalk.

You get the idea.
Anyway, I start off. It's a highshool roleplay. (She requested it. It's a wonderful genre for beginners- very easy. Personally, though, I don't really like it.)

So anyway...

I take the time to type out an elaborite, clear introduction for my charecter... Several messages long, and I even cut it short!

She then replys with...
"[size=][size="-1"]ok i am the girl and u r the boy! she walks up to her boy friend and starts making out with him!"

1. Just... Just.... Umm...
2. Yeah. I typed out an intro almost 5 messges long of MY charecter so you can pick my charecter FOR me. -eyeroll-
3. I said "What. The. ****" and she replied: "[/size]
][/size][size=][size="-1"]and u wanted e to roll play! and that was what i got out of it! and i was sorta talking to my bf at the same time too! lol!"
1. Wrong on so many levels.
b.her boyfriend? Someone she met on the site. For all she knows, he could (and probably allready has) be "cheating" on her... Even have 6 more "girlfriends"... (He has, like, 15 females with the words "hot", "cute/cutie", "love(my boyfriend)", etc on his friend's list. o_O I can't believe Olivia can't figgure out where I'm coming from!)
c. I post a 5-message long intro of my ELABOURITE, DESCRIPTIVE, WELL-THOUGHT-OUT charecter, and from that she gets "I'm making up my charecter and my friend's so she can be my big strong boyfriend!" out of it!?
d. She is illiterate. She doesn't even know HOW to roleplay. >.> She called herself an expert.
-another eyeroll-
Really, though...
Just... Ugh.


Nothing more. I'm done here.



Hah. xD Why does she even hang out with that Olivia girl is she hates her guts so much?
I'll never understand her...

Eh. So The girl found her brush. It was, like, 2 feet from my cage. xD (On the arm of the sofa)

I like nighttime. It's so quiet.

Feb. 21, 08

I caught BunBun grooming his ear today. ;) (That cute thing lops do- grab an ear and groom it)
Every day I'm more and more convienced he is part lop. ^^

Still can't find his brush. =/ Phoee.

I got into a fight with my friend. It's late. I dun feel like typing it out. =/

I'm too lazy to upload the pictures from my camera.



Oi. Silly girl.

Nothing much today... Typical. ^^

Xila hasn't been putting on my harness lately.
And she ran out of greens.

^^ Arr...

Feb. 22, 08

We got a snow day today, It kinda sucks, too, since I wanted to o to this rowdy crowd thinggy. =/

I'm tired. Nothing much else.



Bah. Bland day, as always. The girl left today. She mentioned something about requesting two things for me- papaya tablets (what's a papaya?) and a toy. I'm excited!

I didn't get any greens or pelets before bed. Silly tall slave. :X

Feb. 24, 08

My post for yesterday vanished. o_O
Hm. My stuff needs to stop disappering...

It's pretty late here.

But, since I've been neglecting this thread of pictures, here are some I dug up.


"Get this foul contraption off me this instant and severe, possibly fatal damage MAY be avoided..."


A better look


"A LEAD? In my own kingdom!? That's just too far!"


Da na na na, na na, na na nanana ... DO DA MEATLOAF.
(xD I had to)


BunBun showes off his ediquite in its finest.


I love this picture. <3


"Would you get that THING out of my face while I eat?"

That's all for now.



Right. The entry just *vanished*...

Again with the girl taking all my ideas for entries! D<

I suppose the girl said it all. She hasn't been home... She usually isn't home on weekends.
Ah... no greens today. D< She says she ran out.
And no bedtime pellets, either!

