The days of BunBun&Slave

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Jan. 25, 08

Cool! ^^ I love comming on and after almost an entire page of no posts other than my own, then seeing 5 people creep up during the day and post. xP

Yeah, I love that face too. =D If I'm on Yahoo! Messenger or something and my friend really annoys me, I send them that picture and not reply to them for a while.
BunBun is getting good at the cold shoulder and disapproving thinggy. ^^

It's nice to know people watch this thread but don't post. It a good thing to know I'm not posting after every single day to just be ignored. =D

I will. =3 He is cute- his forehead is really soft. o_O It's weird- it's, like, the softest part of his body (including his ears).
And yes, BunBun loves his toys... =3
He has found a new way of gaining my attention and getting a new temperary toy at the same time.
Just now He wanders into his cage and stands on his hind legs with his front paws on the bars(what he does for attention), and I glance over and he has the sock I was wearing yesterday in his mouth. o_O (remember he is in a cage!)I suppose I left it a bit too close to him?
He took mah sock... D=

"Yes, as a matter of fact, it -is- mine! Silly girl. :craziness"
I have to remember to keep my stuff a good foot from his cage unless I want to wake up to see he has it in his cage with him...
Once I woke up on a school day to see my open backpack had fallen off it's chair by BunBun's cage, and some papers in my binder came out a little. Anyway, I come down to see little bits of lined paper scattered around BunBun's cage. I remove the peices and peice together what I can...

Turns out it was my algebra homework. x_X

Like owner like rabbit, I suppose- we both share a dislike for math.
(I can just picture comming into school like "Mr. G, my rabbit shredded my homework... But I got most of it..." then handing him a plastic bag with the shreaded paper in it. xD Anyway, I redid it during homeroom and all was well.)

My mind isn't working today. xD I was like "REW? what?" Then it took a few minutes, but I figgured out I think it means "red eyed white", correct? x3

I was using my photo editer... Did I show this allready?
Anyway, it's *really* simple, but I like it. ^^


Who knew BunBun could be so spacey?

Heh. =3 Well, ANYWAY, thanks, everyone for keeping up with my Blog. It means a lot to me. ^^



Argh. I see a sock by my cage and take it... she is accusing me of taking her sock. :headsmack Silly girl. She still soesn't know *ALL* the socks are mine?

I've realized now that I talk so much of being Prince, but I've never spoken of my subjects! Without burther adu...


[align=center] (I like my blue stepping stool...
it makes me look taller. =D)

[align=left]What would a kingdom be without a king? It'd be a dom!
What's a dom?
Oh well...

Name: BunBun
Age (at current time) : about 9 months old
Gender: Male
Color(s) : White, pink, red
other: I may be little, but I'm the head of the household! Never underestimate the strengh of a rabbit... great things come in little packages. ^^
Quote: Silly girl. :craziness

[/align][align=left]Me? Nibble this? I'd Never!


[align=center] Zzzz...
[align=center] Fog
[align=left]Name: Fog
Age (current time): About a year. )I know, she is *SMALL*, but she and her sister were runts. D= )
Gender: Female
Color(S) : black, orange(varying shades)
other: The runt of the litter.. her and her sister try to poke me sometimes. D=
Quote: C'mon, *everyone* knows a cat can't talk... ;)


Phoee! My garlic!

Mess? What mess?

[align=left]Name: Phantom (If you think you know why she is named that, post it! If you are right, pat yourself on the back. ^^)
Age (current time) : about a year (Born from the same litter as Fog)
Gender: Female
Color(S) : Black, shades of White and Orange
other; Runt, like Fog. Fog and Phantom like to hang around each other. they poke me sometimes. D= The slave doesn't really do anything about it, though, sinche she sayd they can't hurt me, being so small.





[align=left]Name: Al
Age: Almost two years
Fender: Female
Color(S) : black, varyation of orange.
Other: Augh! THIS one is annoying. She sits on my hay and pokes me when I'm eating. o-o But the little slave yells at the fat slave and the fat slave removes the kitty from my hay. ^^ Woot!

She is so annoying, she doesn't deserve another picture.


Muhaha! Mysterious shadow![/align][align=center]
[/align][align=center] Varyous Cats

When you live on a farm, there is BOUND to be an occasional cat that sneeks in.
So everything varies in this one.
I dun care if in the barn they are the master of the cats, but when they come inside- I dun care if it's a LION- they are under my controll!


Gyrah! Pink elephants!


Name: Maggie
Age: about 7(years)
Gender: Female
Color(S) : white, black, gray (Bearded collie)
Other: I feel bad for her. She can't do much- Puppy, a dog that passed away in October, crippled her. D= Poor dog can't do much, but is a really sweet girl.


-is dainty-

Name: Desi
Age: about 2 (years)
Gender: Female
Color(S): white (Like me!)
Other: Hehe. Look how she crosses her front paws when she lays down. How cool is that? ^^

Well, that's about all! Thanks for tuning in... if you read all this, give yourself a nice pat on the pack. I'm proud. =3

Everybody needs a REW! Seriously! Or Oberon will beat your butt.:p

I looove BunBun with the sock. What a cheeky little monkey! And when are you sending your kitties to live with me? :inlove:
Jan. 26, 08

naturestee wrote:
Everybody needs a REW! Seriously! Or Oberon will beat your butt.:p

I looove BunBun with the sock. What a cheeky little monkey! And when are you sending your kitties to live with me? :inlove:

Yeah. REWs are cool. =D

He is a cheeky little guy. x3
I noticed he would face the back of his litterbox and then "miss", so I get him a bigger litterbox and he still does it sometimes just to annoy me. o_O

Yarhar. When you you want them? xD

My mom nags people who come by (if they comment on our quanity of cats) that we stuff them in people's cars when they aren't looking. >=D

We have a dog who used to do that. (Jump into people's cars when they weren't looking) Maggie- She doesn't anymore, though, consittering she can hardly go up steps, let alone climb into a car.

Someone almost drove away with her once. She (the lady) was talking to my mom and left their car door to their van open- Maggie casually waltzes over and climbs in the back seat with her kids.

A few minutes later the lady gets in her car and closed the door (not noticing Maggie) and drives off... She gets half way down the road before one of her (little) kids goes "Mommy, why are we taking their doggie?"
So she has to turn around and give our Maggie back. x3

I don't remember what I was going to say... Hrm... =/

I have a song stuck in my head (from a comercial) but don't know what it is.
Anyone seen it? It's a comercial for the "world's thinnest laptop"... It starts off with a tan paper package, the person unties the red string, and pulls out a silver and black laptop from the package, puts it ontop of the empty package, opens it (the laptop), the camera does a dramatic 360* view, then they close it (the laptop) and show the brand name... the song from that. Anyone know the name?
I remember it has something to do with someone saying they can learn a bit about someting, and it goes "la la la la" etc.
Arent I wonderful at describing things?
Of course I am.

Scuse' any typos, I'm writing this at 1:30 in the morning. (my time)



Did you understand a word of that comercial thing? I didn't...

You know, if you guys like me so much, you can watch my webcam.
I disapprove of it (people watching my every move), but publicity is good, right?
Anyway, You'll have to have the instant messenger. Sorry, as of right now, that's the only way. Search for "Quinalah" (Minus the quotes) and click "View my webcam" (Or double click on Xila's name- actions- view my webcam, or double click on the name, click the webcam button.)

You can IM her, but you might want to say you are from RO. ;) She might get freaked out if someone comes up and says "Hi! I'm watching your webcam!"
Don't have Yahoo? Why not sign up? It's free and comes with the IM system and an email adress. =D

Anyway, Just view my webcam. Please note Xila lives in EST (GMT -5 hours)
So while it may be breckfast for you, I can be the middle of the night for her... With that said, just remember to be reasonable with the hours and time difference!
If you glance it the webcam and notice it is knocked over/out of position(you can't see anything)/ too dark/too bright, IM her and she'll see what she can do, given that she is online. (With the too dark/bright, remember the time difference! If you IM her at 1:10 in the morning for her and tell her it's too dark, we'll LAUGH. We really will!)

PS- Mods, is it allowed to talk about Yahoo messenger on here? I know a lot of sites frown upon advertizing other chat systems. If it bothers you, by all means edit out the part about my urging to get a yahoo ID. ^^ (Just leave in the part about the webcam if at all possible. I know a lot of people have webcams on their rabbits- Ex, the Cami(Cami or Cammi?) Cam.- It looks fun. =D)

Hee, I love the pic with the sock too! Adorable.

Haha, I know the commercial you're talking about- the Macbook Air? That thing is very skinny:shock:, I've only seen it once, next time I'll pay attention to the song:p.

Yes, you can mention yahoo messenger on here, and you can also add the link for your webcam if you like.:D
Jan. 27, 08

Whoopsie, over my curfew. HarHar. =P

Yeah, I love BunBun with the sock(S), too. You can always tell if he was restless- he has either pulled nearby onbects to/in his cage and thrown a lot of his existing toys out, litterbox is flipped over, everything is scattered, and/or his food bowl is dislodged from it's bar.

Uh, right. Anyway-

Cool. ^^ I was afraid posing chat places was frowned upon.
As to the link to the webcam, I'd love to, but I have yet to figure out how to put it on a webpage. Any ideas/suggestions? (For FREE sites? I can't spare money right now... BunBun's neuter and all.)

Erf, nothing much today. Typical Sunday. =/ My friend is annoyed at me, though, because I wasn't at her house. I'm usually at her house Friday-straight from school- to about noon on Sunday. >.>

I mean, I keep trying to explain to her that the reason I did this before was because I could- But I have a rabbit now! I can't be gone all weekend anymore! o_O
She still doesn't get it, though. Ugh...

I mean, on the weekends with my dad I have the webcam so I can check to be sure he is fed, litterbox is changed, and he has water... But she doesn't have Yahoo installed there, her dad is EXTREMLY strict about chat systems (She can't even join NEOPETS! I mean, Neo is about the most high-strung, g-rated site I can think of! You can hardly say “Crap” without being suspended!), plus it is *REALLY* rare to let me be on the computer more than three minutes anyway.(She is *so* impatient.)

She has two (otter-mark? the black with tan chin/underbelly) rabbits... I pitty them. Poor things. D= Little to no human interaction (Only when they are being fed- they don't even pet them! They have grown scared of humans due to no interaction with them.), food every other day, water whenever it isn't frozen, litterbox is never changed,(Plus they were never litter-trained. They tossed a box of clay cat litter in there and expected them to know what it was and how to use it. >.> ), no (edible) hay, chewing things and toys are a minimum, if any at all,(I'm actually thinking about going over there just so I can donate them a few of BunBun's old toys and some fresh apple branches and treats (to use sparingly)!) they know *nothing* about rabbits, and they only get greens when they can "spare something"...

(Keep in mind my mom doesn't work, my mom and dad are divorced, and my brother doesn’t work, so we have NO income right now- and we are still able to spare some red lettuce to BunBun every day! And her? Both parents are working full time, three kids (21-maybe 22(Married, Pregnant)-, 13, and 14-maybe 15)and they have just about everything you can imagine! I mean, they have a Gamecube AND an xbox360, a DDR mat, a HUGE flat screen TV, a TV in almost every bedroom, and they might even be getting a wii!)

I mean, they just toss whatever they find in there! (Did I mention it was an outside hutch? Wire flooring?) They could toss Rhubarb leaves in there as casual as can be and not even take them to the vet! (Those leaves contain toxins)

PLUS, they have a bonded pair- only the MALE(Midnight) is neutered. I feel so bad for Cassie (the girl) Her chances of cancer are SO high, but they do nothing about it. D=
The only thing that keeps be from breaking down over the thought of them is the realization that they[Cassie and Midnight] have each other...
Cassie also had a litter once with Midnight... I think they gave the babies to Rockwell’s. (our animal feed store) =/
Geez, now that I think about it, rabbit-wise, Devyn is a horrible person!


Uh, right…
I’m going to bed. See ya!



Are you kidding? No toys, no treats, no nibblers, no treats, greens “When they can spare something”?!
Xila’s family is on the verge of bankruptcy and she gives me fresh food/water/hay/lettuce EVERY SINGLE DAY! >.> Her[Devyn’s] mother and father work FULL TIME and can’t spare a leaf of red lettuce?
Gosh, really sucks to be them! I’ll think about them tonight… To think if one of my littermates- or even MYSELF, were adopted by her!

Augh… Nothing much else.

See ya.

PS- the webcam- a few things-
One- The webcam does have audio, but viewer beware. Xila’s family is swear-o-holics. Especially her brother… You’ve been warned!
Two- Remember Xila also goes to school. She gets home around 4PM EST (GMT –5 hours)


Your blog is really fun to read.:biggrin2: BunBun is adorable! How big is he?

Xila wrote:
I have a song stuck in my head (from a comercial) but don't know what it is.
Anyone seen it?
I love that song. I had to look it up after I saw the commercial's New Soul by Yael Naim.:)
trailsend wrote:
Great pictures! I had fun looking at your pictures and reading through your blog.
Thank you! ^^

Your blog is really fun to read.:biggrin2: BunBun is adorable! How big is he?

Xila wrote:
I have a song stuck in my head (from a comercial) but don't know what it is. Anyone seen it? ~Xila
I love that song. I had to look it up after I saw the commercial's New Soul by Yael Naim.:)

Thanks. =D Nice to hear people like it!
New Soul- cool! Thank you. ^^
Ever heard any other of her songs? She has a pretty voice. =O
I was thinking if I'd ever get another rabbit I'd buy her song and use it while a video goes on of the rabbit wandering the house. =3 That seems like it might be cute.
Except, I'd have to learn how to export a file from a .FLV to something else. >.> Argh.

Jan. 28, 08

Augh. Over my curfew... shocking. =/

As to how big BunBun is- I Can't say... I wouldn't be sure as how to measure him.
If you nitice in someof the pictures it shows things (furnature, perople, animals, etc) that might gelp you know how big BunBun is.


Uhm... Nothing much.
Typical day, I suppose!


Jan. 29, 08

Meep! Over my curfew- it's midnight!
Sorry! Can't talk. See ya!


Oi. the girl forgot my lunch! Argh! D<
Oh well, I still got my greens...

Jan 30, 08


I go get some water, and come back to see:
A little white rabbit, staring at me.

YARHAR. Two line poem! =D

So anyway, BunBun got out somehow. I think I've fixed it.

Nothing else


Argh. Found another flaw in the cage! =3 (But she had to go fix it. Phoee!)

Erf. Slow day...

Jan. 31, 08

Ugh. I have a headache, probably a fever, homework to finish, a huge storm comming, and I feel crappy. Nuff said. =/



Augh! The girl enter moi in the "Be my Bunny" thinggy! (Last minute, of course!)
Narr.. I'm going to bed. I'm tired... D=

Jan. 1, 08

No, no, I haven't forgotten. I'm just now going to bed. ^^
Snow day! Yay!
The only thing that sucks, thoguh, is if we have any more snow days it is going to start being added on at the end of the year. =/ Other than that, not much.



Nothign much, but the girl forgot be greens untill 5:30! -.- Yarrgh...

LOL, it's like 'There's something wrong with my jumper, there are no arm holes!'

Tyrone has a bunny tunnel, he likes to race through it like a bullet. He surprises me how fast he can go.

February(sp?) 2, 08

Argh. I'm using IE, so the spacing will be different. I, myself prefer FireFox...


-just realised she put "Jan. 1, 08" for yesterday's entry-

Becasue I'm that clever. ^^

REWs are pretty cute.

Thanks. ^^ I like my critters, too.

Yarhar- Call the talor!

I've always wanted to get BunBun a "real" run tunnel- one a grown bun can fit through. =/ Any sudgustions?

Thanks you two for your comments! ^^

Today- nothing much happened. Typical Saturday. =/



Argh. The girl forgot my lunch again! >=(

Silly girl. Such a procrastinator. Plus I didn't get my bedtime pellets untill 1:30 IN THE MORNING!

I don't know *how* she stays up that late! (Plus the "clicky-click" of the keyboardkeeps me up. Does it have to be so loud? She tells me a laptop's keys are quieter(sp?), but she doesn't have one. She says they use to, but it broke, and her dad won't bring it back to her from Philly so she can get her stuff off it.)

Oh well. Nothing much else.

Feb. 3, 08

Nothing much. Typical day.
I promised BunBun a full-cage cleanout tomorrow, and we all know it is bad luck to lie to a rabbit. ^^

I was going to but something else... =/

I was watching the superbowl (Not watching it, more like waiting for it to be over) and I saw this cool comercial. It was a pad you put on the palm of you foot, and while you sleep it literally *absorbes* the toxens out of you body. o_O Strange, yet amazing...



Who would want to watch a bowl, let alone a *super* bowl? o_O That's silly...
You know, I was reading some of the threads, and it got me thinking- if the girl treats me right, and assuming I live to be ten years old... She'd be 22 when I died... I'm simply saying. Reading of other's rabbits passing on, it begins to make you think.

On that topic, me and the girl would like to donate this entry to TinysMom. As most know, Peg's precious Tiny has passed away. Both me and Xila are praying for Miss Bea and Peg to overcome this sad time...

RIP Tiny. We may not have known you long, but It caused a flood of sadness to wash over us to hear you had passed on to a better place. (The girl even cried.)
I hope you, Peg, do not mind this entry being dedicated to you. Again, We are both wishing you and Miss Bea well.

Feb. 4, 08

Argh. Dentist's appointment tomorrow mornign. >.> I hate the dentist's... they have this huge x-ray they stuff in your mouth that is the same size for all patients... so for people like me, it DIGS INTO YOUR FREAKING GUM. OUCH, MUCH?
Seriously, though, if it werent for that thing I'd love the dentist's. >.> I mean, you stay out of school and get a free toy! =3

Today? Nothing much.



A dentist? Is that like getting your teeth trimmed? I've never had it done (My teeth and nails happen to be very healthy!) but it looks... frustraiting. =/

Xila says when she was asking where she got her rabbit neutured, she said the one on town... She said "You mean the one that doesn't neuter or spay rabbits?" It just really annoys me knowing she didn't bother to find an experianced vet! They could have killed him!


aww good luck at the dentist's office! I hate the dentist :(

I love looking at all your pics. I think its hilarious what you said about your mom and the cats! Its funny because one day my friend and I were over at my grandma's house and it was summer so the windows on my friend'scar were rolled down. We went to back up out of the driveway to leave and when she looked in her rearview mirror she sees a big orange fluffball looking back at her! He had snuck in the window andlayed in the back window to sleep in the sun. We were so happy we saw him before we left!
Feb. 5, 08

"aww good luck at the dentist's office! I hate the dentist :("

No dentist (or school) for me! I got up and my mom waved the bus on, and ten minutes later we are...n't going anywhere. o_O

It rained, than froze over night! It's thawing now, though. But really, you can see in the picture we tried everything- salt, creole, cat litter, ashes... Nothing worked!
Notes about this pisture:

* The car isn't even supposed to be down there! My mom drove out a bit, put the brake on, and the car kept on going backwards. Thank goodness we didn't hit the truck! xD

* There are two kitties in this picture. =3

* I was standing on the ice- NOT EVEN MOVING, and I was sliding downhill! o_O Aah!

"I love looking at all your pics. I think its hilarious what you said about your mom and the cats! Its funny because one day my friend and I were over at my grandma's house and it was summer so the windows on my friend'scar were rolled down. We went to back up out of the driveway to leave and when she looked in her rearview mirror she sees a big orange fluffball looking back at her! He had snuck in the window andlayed in the back window to sleep in the sun. We were so happy we saw him before we left!"

xDD Hehe. A few people did that. We used to have cats that would literally JUMP in their open windows! o-o

Nothing much other than that.



Woot! The girl stayed home! >3 And I got a salad- lettuce, sliced banananananana, and, to top it off, a craisin! ^^
Nothing much, I don't remember what I was going to put here... Oh! Right!
I got a Bunspace- Prince BunBun, Look me up sometime!
