The days of BunBun&Slave

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Hey Xila,

This is a great pic! How'd you manage that? I can't even get those:p.


Hey hon, as far as Olivia? Just my opinion, but if I were you? I'd ignore her for awhile, let things simmer down? How can you want to hear her put you down all the time? That is upsetting to you, I know, from your blog. It's great that you put this all somewhere to vent though, great form of Therapy:D. Don't let her get to you.

Oh! Why no pic of you?:p
March 9, 08

(Sorry I couldn't update last night... the power went down... even when it came back on, though, I was dismayed to find it had taken the internet (and cable) with it.
This entry will be of what I would have written last night.)

Ice storm...
The power went out while I was uploading videos. D=
That. SUCKS.
I mean, I only upload pictures once a week, if that.
I lost over half of my pictures! (I had over 70, now I have 21)
Really, though... The pictures I took of things around the house? I could jsut retake those... but all those clips and pictures of BunBun...?
Those were priceless, once-in-a-lifetime things.
Real bummer. D=

I swear, where I live, if the power goes out, it's ONLY long enough for EVERY electronic to turn off.

If it's longer than that?
It's usualy for a few HOURS.


Anyway, happier subject...

I was browsing BunBun's old albums (Making sure those pictures didn't somehow end up in another folder), and I found this one picture.... Every time I see it, I crack up!
Are you sure?

*giggle snort*
I mean, that picture... the expression... something about it just makes it look REALY DANG GOOFY.

That's an old picture, you can tell. I don't even remember when I took that.

I also found some cute pictures...
(Warning! Picture heavy post!)


BunBun in the Music Room


BunBun butt! <3


BunBun sits on top of a table (yes, that's a table!)


"I disapprove of being tricked into my cage!"




BunBun struts around with his "prize" (The sock I was wearing that day, which he somehow got a hold of)


"Bah! I disapprove of this harness!"




"Stop looking at me!"


"Let me out, slave!"


"Stooooooppppp wwaattcchhiinngg meeeeeee,"

"Cute" outtakes from the "Be My Bunny" photo shoot:




"You want me to do WHAT?"


"Bzz bzz bzz bzz..."


"It sure doesn't SMELL like a flower...
Maybe it tastes like one..."


"Nope, doesn't taste like one. )="

Hmm... Well, I guess that's about it.



Arg. The girl took all the good stuff again!
-browses Kodak-

Ah, I guess here are a few pictures:

Alex, AKA, "Big Black Fluffy Kitty"
Really sweet, a barn cat, but has never been in the house before.
Really nice- will let you pet her/


Smith, named so becasue Mrs. Smith, the band teacher, gave her to us... she was abandoned outside the band door as a kitten.

Ready for some drama?
Ooh, Drama Drama!

You see, There is a dog... Desi, let's call her.


She is just your average dog, except, there is this kitten... Fog, let's call her, who has a huge obsession with her.


Desi does not care for her, but Fog was cheating on her with... Phantom, let's call her...


They liked to cudde together- big cuddlers-


And when Desi found out, even though she did not love Fog, She was upset.


HOWEVER, Phantom was cheating of Fog with a third member... Al, shall we call her?


Phantom, being an honest kitty, walked to Fog to confess.


However, in the brief talk, Phantom found out she was not the only dishonest kitty.
For she found out, Fog was cheating on her...



Phantom, being upset, than ran around the house causing widespread doom and destruction.

The end.


AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Hey Xila,

This is a great pic! How'd you manage that? I can't even get those:p.
Well, it all started when BunBun fell into some neucular waste(?) as a kit...


Hey hon, as far as Olivia? Just my opinion, but if I were you? I'd ignore her for awhile, let things simmer down? How can you want to hear her put you down all the time? That is upsetting to you, I know, from your blog.

Yeah, it is... I think I'll do that- Thanks. ^^

It's great that you put this all somewhere to vent though, great form of Therapy:D. Don't let her get to you.

It is. =3
And I won't.

Oh! Why no pic of you?:p

Ah... is it strange I'm fine posting OTHER people's pictures on the internet, but not my own?
Well, I might post a picture of me. I "joined" the forum around Christmas (As in, I was a member, but I started getting "active" and posting and joining in conversations around Christmas), so maybe some time when I'm more comfortable. ^^
I want to find a good picture of me...
But every one I find, there is a flaw.

Did you know that in my School Picture this year, I have a (NOTICIBLE!) (Purple) stain on my (Light Brown) shirt?
Good thing the yearbook is Black&White!
March 9, 08

Har. My watch is now offically a DAY, HOUR, and SEVERAL MINUTES behind.


Ever played Fish Tycoon?

Nothing much else.



The girl started the Photo Shoot for the Easter contest...
I won't spill the beans on her idea yet, thoguh. ;P


March 10, 08

I finally got around to syncing my watch.

My brother was "sick"... styed homw from school... I'll give you a moment to gasp in awe.


Yeah, maybe at how many times a week a kid can play sick before their mom cracks down on them!

He was out almost FIFTEEN TIMES last year!

One time he was out 8 days of a MONTH!


The thing is, all he does is fudge the thermomitor and cough a little. I don't know why my mom falls for it.

Thing is, when I come home, he is usually running arround the house, being bothersome, looking for candy, on the computer, or playing a video game on full blast.

Not to mention his story changes.
"My throught hurts!"
three minutes alter
"My stomach hurts!"
five minutes later
"I have a fever!" *shows faked thermomitor*
seven minutes later
"I have a headache!"

You get the idea.

Once when he was staying home, before the bus came, he was RUNNING AROUND THE HOUSE CHASING CATS.


Can't you just SEE the fever?

And he's 14.


As of today, nothing much.



That boy is noisy.


Xial forgot to do the Easter photoshoot today. =/

Oh well- No skin off my bones!

Nothing much today, to say the least.

I'm sure I could drone ON AND ON AND ON about every last detail of my day... but I'm sure you would not be intereested.

March 11, 08

Nothing much.
a rather dull day...

BunBun did something really cute, though.
I was in a rush, so I was putting on my socks as I was feeding BunBun... and BunBun, seeing me putting on my socks, runs over and grabs his sock and starts running around with it; kind of like I was. xP

^^ <3

He's so cute.

My friend's cousin can't spell rabbit.
He spells it rabit.

And "you'll"?

It's a contraction- you and will. THERE IS NO "E" IN EITHER OF THOSE WORDS.

I mean, he is just one grade below me. and he can't spell YOU'LL.

Today was the last day of cooking... Uck, I have sewing next.

I also left fish tycoon and Virtual Villagers one) on all night.

VV- other than 3 more villagers than I left the game with, and an ammount of food that I'm uncomfortable with, they were fine. One sick, but she's fine now.

Well, thank god only about ALF were sick. overall, one death.

And keep in mind I left these on X2 speed.



The girl frogot the photo shoot.

And my greens.
I got them at 7 PM today.

Hehe. The girl said she was busy, thoguh. She came in all covered in hay.



AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Love your pics you added! So cute.

Thanks. ^^

You take care of yourself and stay away from Olivia for awhile. You need a break:).

Thanks again- I will.
And I know I do. xP
March 12, 08

Did you know a woman gave birth in the local McDonalds restraunt a few days ago?

I don't intend to go there any time soon.

Hehe. BunBun is so cute. ^^

I was cracking my fongers/toes once in a while, and every time BunBun would get up and look around.



Sorry, can't talk. bsuy.

Sorry, it was REALLY late last night, and my mom was comming down. Since BunBun can't turn my computer on, I had to just scribble something down for him... here, let us finish:

Xila wrote:
March 12, 08

Did you know a woman gave birth in the local McDonalds restraunt a few days ago?

I don't intend to go there any time soon.

Hehe. BunBun is so cute. ^^

I was cracking my fongers/toes once in a while, and every time BunBun would get up and look around.





Today in school, my scince teacher was getting us to name seeds that we eat...

He said
"Well, you got a lot of them, but you forgot one...
Yellow, maybe sprinkle some butter and pepper on them... eat them..."

And this one girl raises her hand and says "Green beans!"
And she was NOT jokeing. She was serious. o-o



Sorry, can't talk. bsuy.

bah, the girl answered for me!

well, I guess I don't care... I don't have anything to say anyway.
What can I say? I'm a rabbit!

March 13, 08


BunBun will be in this year's Easter Photo Thinggymabob! Remember to send a vote his way! ^^

You can read my post on the thread to learn a bit about it... It could have been better, but my procrastination got my into troubble.

Whoa! BunBun is, like MAGICAL! >.>

I hear a strange noise, think "...? That doesn't sound like paper..."
And I look over... BunbUn is MERRILY digging away at a plastic bag.

I also found a little green bow in his cage.
The kind you put on presents.

And earlier today, I cought him red-pawed PULLING my sock in through the bars of his cage.

I guess I really can't leave anything my his cage that I won't want to "magically" appear inside...




The girl says I'm magic.
I think she leaves her stuff too close to my cage.

Did I tell you I once shredded her algebra?
Not a happy mummy.

It's not MY fault she put her open backpack on a chair by my cage, it fell, and her algebra just HAPPENED to slide out of it into my reach...
Wha'd she expect me to do?
Just leave it there?

Bah. =P

The girl says she is leaving untill Saturday afternoon.
She also ran out of greens!

Well, nothing much else...


March 15th, 08

Nothing much today... I got back from Devyn's.
Nothing much, though.



The girl went away for a LONG TIME! Bah! D=

Well, slow day nothing much...

Remember to send a vote my way when voteing starts!

March 16, 08

Nothing much today.

Typical weekday.

BunBun did a LOT of DBFs, though. ^^




Typical weekday.

Did you know Xila fed me a 6PM?!

She says "oh, you have hay. You'll survive."
,But I disapprove of that saying.

March 17, 08

Happy St. Patrick's day!

I think I skipped a day. o_O

Oh my gosh... I was jsut reading about a rabbit on here... Agouti(?) dutch. Belonged to a drugee and alchocolic. Was fed a handful of HAMSTER food "Once in a while", and was given water "Whenever she fealt like it"

D= Thinkfully, someone stepped in! he is now in a Loving home.



The girl got to come home early!

Nothing much, though. The girl got som "cute" pictures of me... I'll upload them whenever.

March 18, 08

Remember to send a vote BunBun's way when it starts!

Nothing much today... highlight of my day was when my friend said her crush was blowing her nose, instead of his nose.




Nothing much.

the girl ran out of greens.

March 19, 08

[/align]Right now he has SIX votes.
That's good, but he needs moorrreeee! Lookit those other numbers there! :panic:

PS; I noticed Rory and Tallulah are in the contest. I ALSO noticed in the rules that you cannot win twice.
If Tallulah wins, would she not count, and the place go to the runner up? Also, is her "big brother" disqualified from winning, too? Or just Tallulah?

[line]Well, as for today, nothing much.

One thing, though, is something that happened yesterday... tell me what's wrong with this IM:


When I saw this, and pictured it in my head, I CRACKED. UP.
I can just picture that. (Ben is her crush, by the way)

Still, though, nothing much interesting happened today.

It's my brother's birthday tomorrow.

He's going to be FIFTEEN! iflhrsognsrughawiofhsuogj!:panic:

When a kid spends haf his day playing shooting games... you can't picture him taking Drivers Ed.

Phantom is back into that "Jump into BunBun's cage" phase...



The girl says it's the fat shave's birthday tomorrow... By gosh, I hope they got something for me! If they didn't... I've got a plan... :nasty:

I'm tired. See you tomorrow...

Gyrah! That CAT just jumped in my cage again!!

March 20, 08

Sorry for not updating last night... The power went out, I was tired, the internet wasn't working becasue my brother's computer wasn't on, it takes, like, 15 minutes to start up, all my shows were over, BunBun was allready put to bed... it was just too out of my way. So, this is what I'd have written.

Well, nothing much today. It was my brother's birthday... =D

Remember to vote for BunBun!



The girl tells me to write what I would've yesterday, but I forgot what I was gonna say. D=


March 21, 08

We had my Prother's birthday celebration today, and I got an awesome hat! <3

Remember that one I posted earler? "Property of Rabbit"? Yup, that one! =D

I love it lots and lots. I'm gonna where it all the time! ^^



Did you know that girl FORGOT my freens and DIDN'T GIVE ME LUNCH!?

Argh! The nerve...!

March 22, 08

Well, nothing much today... we moved the computers. (Or, mine at least.) It is now in the music room, rather than the living room. I feel a bit bad for BunBun, though, becasue... well... all that dragging, talking, etc. Now, though, everyone is in bed but me, and BunBun is merrily munching hay, So I'd say he is unwinding just fine. ^^

Hey! Found BunBun's Ferminator! =DDD

It was behind the TV. o_O How it got there, I'll never know!

Still, though, I'm glad I found it. it's about shedding season...!

The only down side with this new computer/rabbit layout is that there is nowhere to put his webcam. D=
So, yeah, It's going to be offline untill I can find a place to put it.

Well, I went to Kelly's party.
xD She put on the invitation, "Please RSVP before I die of old age!", but didn't put her phone number on the card.
Ah, silly Kelly.

Nothing much else.



Did you know that the slaves were picking up my cage, putting me in a place, talking a bit, measuring, than putting me in another place, and so on? I heard the small slave offer to take me in another room (so that I wouldn't have to be in the cage when it was being carried around), but they declines, saying "It'll only take a minute."

20minutes later, I'm now next to Xila's computer^^

Did you know as the girl's sire was getting up to get her from her friend's party, he knocked my water bottle right off my cage? D= Luckily, the girl saw it shortly after comming home and corrected it.

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
BunBun, are you okay dude? You sound a bit stressed. How's the girl?
Stressed? Maybe a little. I mean, with two dogs, an ADD caretaker who refuses to take his pills (Whom also just turns the moving picture box on and LEAVES IT ON while he has HEADPHONES on...), several cats, and slaves comming in and out of my room 24/7, I supose it can get a bit stressful. The girl does try, though, to keep things under controll. Like, if her sibling turns the moving picture box on, she'll turn it down for me, she'll make sure I have hay, etc etc.

With stress, it's a bit edgy right now. you may or may not know, but the slaves are remodeling the room I'm in, so there is a lot of talking, draging things, pushing things, loud noises, measuring, drilling, scraping, etc. Xila usually has plans to take me for a romp outside when they are doing this, but she is usually needed, and I cannot be outside by myself. D=
But, I am eating lots of hay, still doing my DBFs and meatloafs, I still like digging through my towels, and running around with my toys, etc... so it's all good. ^^

The human slaves... they locked me out of my backyard and than carried my cage around! D=

I guess it wasn't *that* bad, though. the girl put two towels, a wash cloth, my sock, and several of my toys in my bedroom with me, so I was quite pacified while they were talking, measuring, carrying, etc.

So now I've been relocated in the room next to my orriginal. I think I like this more...

Well, for starters, much less trafic. (At least, when the slaves aren't improving the room. apparently they are remodeling.
To say the least, it looks okay.

Warmpth. my cage extention (not my entire cage) is by a gas stove(the kind that circulates warm air up), so I have juuuusssstt a hint of warm air at one part of my cage. It's hardly noticibe, but I like it. ^^

But, yeah. It's not that different- other than the fact I get more light and less trafic, and the floor is a different material, It's not *drastically* different than my old setup...

The girl? She's fine. She is still wearing that hat she got for her sibling's "gotcha-day." Harhar, I like gnawing on the visor of it when she leans in to me to kiss me. x3
And it's true, too! She's mineee. =D

Hm... nothing much else, I guess. ^^

Oh! Before I forget! I'd like to dedicate this post to Peg(Tinysmom)'s Tiny, as it would have been the third anniversary of Tiny's "Gotcha" day today.

