The days of BunBun&Slave

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Jan. 11, 08

Nothing much. The 50 dollar check my grandma gave me (and spelled both my first and last name wrong... did I ever tell you about that? if not, my loony grandma gave me and my brother a $50 check for Christmas... On my check it was made out to "Kaytherine Wigglesworth"... xD My name is spelled "Katherine", and she put HER last name instead of mine. o-o;;; )

The check is still being cashed, so We'll see. Every penny is going to BunBun's vet checkups and neuter. ^^ ANY leftovers will be spent on toys and things for him.

I ran out of veggies, too. =O always the start of a tragedy...



Nothing much, typical day. I noticed the dressed up plant is getting shabby, and there had been talk about "taking it down"... taking it down where? Silly girl. :craziness
I'd gladly "remove" it! Give it to ME!

I got a new toy- a SOCK! =D
Don't get me wrong, it's one of the best toys I have! ^^ If anyone is looking for cheap toys, (IE; toilet paper tubes, keys, etc.) defiantly try socks. =D (Just be sure they do not have anything bunny-harmful on them- such as fabric softiner or soap- or loose threads! and don't be afraid to try used ones from the person your bunny trusts most... I have no preference, but I do love socks. So light and easy to throw around; It's one of those little ones nobody fits into and has no match. An awesome solution to your miss-matched sock problem!)

And remember, when it comes to toys, NEVER rule out the simple! Just be sure you’ve checked them over and did a little research before giving them to your bun(s). The girl checks over my sock every morning to be sure I have not pulled any threads loose.

You’d be surprised how many unused objects just lying around your house your bunny will love!


Jan. 13, 08 (Huh? What happened to the 12th? o_O)

Oh well.xD
I got BunBun's cage extention up! (Finally!)


Oh, and people requested more pictures of BunBun;

Pictures aplenty. =D (scrool down a little)
Well, we took down the tree today... got his pen up... other than that, not much. ^^
BunBun won't be in his pen tonight. as said on the topic, he got out once.(and gave me quite a scare- like said, all our cats see a rabbit as "FOOD"... I had not put the bigger cats outside before letting him into his pen. I had not thoguht of it.) Althoguh I believe I fixed the problem, I'm not taking any chances... But after tonight, he'll be spending nights in his pen too. ^^


WOW! Mum builty me a mansion! =O I love it! But she says I won't be in it tonight... SO I got out once... when there were cats in... And she wasn't watching me...

But that's not the point!
They took the dressed up plant out of the house. =/
Silly girl. :craziness

Nothing much else...


Jan. 13, 08

Did you all have a nice weekend? ^^
I did.
Nothign much today- same as every weekend.
I've been thinking about another bunny. =3



The girl says I can stay in my pen tonight, but she is going to put the bigger cats out incase I find a flaw in the NICs. ^^

Yay! She says I'm doing well with litter training; she said she expected to have to sweep my pen every week or so, but she says there is hardly a poo in sight and she is impressed. =3
That's always good, right?
Oh! I got a new toy- a bluue stepping stool! I love racing under it. ^^

Jan. 14, 08

Hah. Today I was feeding my fish- I was shaking the can over the water and the flakes weren't comming out... so I got frustraited and started banging it and such... my brother comes over and goes "What are you doing?" and I said "The fish food won't come out!", he takes one look at it and says "you know, it might help if you took the lid off the can..."

xDD Fwah... the highlight of my day.
Sad, huh?


Nothing extreme- just a normal day. =3 Nothing much to put here except I love my new pen. ^^

Jan. 15, 08

I appoligize these keep getting shorter, but I'm just a normal person- you can't expect something huge to happen every day, right?

Anyway, about another rabbit... I'm been catching on to "signs" as my friend would fall them... The rabbit's name is Pumpkin Pie. Someone was talking about pumpkins this morning, and we spent all bus dismissel talking about pie. Could these be signs, or should I wait some more?

Eh. =P


I'm planning my excape! I've learned if I yank the cloth at the top of my cage it'll usually come down... as of what then, I'm still getting to that.
But I'm working on it!

Jan. 16, 08.

I stayed home today. =3 But I felt really cruddy, so I didn't get a chance to let BunBun out.
I'm feeling better now! ^^

I've been playing around with transparency and such... it's pretty fun once you get used to it.
But how do I save it so it *stays* transparent? I've tried JPG, BMP, and PNG, but none save it so it's transparent. What do you save your transparency files as?

Well, night. ^^



Eh, hi. The human stayed home today... She didn't let me out, though. :<

She got bored and hid bits of red letuce (I think? not sure) in varyous places in my cage. =3 I'm quite confident I got them all!

Hmmm... Umm... -insert other things here-

Jan. 17, 08

EEK! I spilled water on my ipod last night! =O
It's ok, though...
Thank goodness!

Nothing much happened today. =/ Same old same old.



Same thing today; nothing much happened... It'd been so slow lately! Augh! :X
Well... I suppose it's a good thing no catastrophy has happened, right?

Jan. 18, 08

I started littertraining BunBun today! ^^ You guys were right- using vinegar to clean up rabit urine works like a charm! :D
I took out his rug and won't put it back untill I'm confident I won't have to wash it twice a week... :disgust:

I'm up to just under $100 by way of BunBun's neuter.

Yay! 4-day weekend! ^^



The girl took out my mat! D= Doesn't she know the floor is cold?
She keeps spritzing this funny-smelling stuff on my cage floor where I mark... Silly girl.:craziness Then I have to go and remark it when she takes it away!

Jan. 19, 08

I started littertraining BunBun yesterday- I can tell we are making progress! ^^

I can also tell BunBun is really starting to calm down... I noticed he had been laying down and flopping a lot more. ^^

My mom and brother went to see Cloverfeild- they said on a scale of one (worst) to 10 (best), they's give it a 1.3 (the .3 is becasue they harmed the Statue of Liberty... It's just not a disaster movie unless they destroy the Statue of Liberty! <3
In my litarature class on Thursday someone pronounced "Liberty" like "Library"... o_O)
But, yeah, they said it was a really cruddy movie.

Other than that, not much happened!


Hi! =3 The girl is trying to constantly guide me to my little red sitting box...

Eh, who knows what she's up to? Silly girl.:craziness
Nothign much happened today, sorry!

Jan. 21, 08

Nothing much happened.. D= It's a very slow day. I hate it when it's a slow day, but I suppose I should be thankful that some tragic event doesn't happen every day?



I got two new toys- a tube stuffed with hay, and the trim of old, ripped up geans! (The tall slave likes to weave, and she had no use for the seams of pants, so I get them! ^^ Such fun ropes.)

But, other than that, nothing much. D=


I know why my dates are messed up! I usually go to bed on the weekends after mignight, and I look at my watch to check the date! *thats* why all my entries are ahead one day! =D (Oh yeah, I am smart... It only took several days to figgure that out!xD)


Jan. 22, 08

Sorry for the weird spacing, I'm using IE instead of FF. Ugh... Anyway, nothing much happened. I'd just like to add- if anyone has Yahoo! Messencer, IM me (Quinalah). I love talking to people. Just be sure you remind me you are from RO or I'll think you are some kunitic and block you. o_O

Once I ate a green crayon as a kid...



The girl gave me a new litterbox... she said the other one was too small. I have no idea what she means...

Nothing much today. ^^ See you tomorrow!


Jan. 22 (the real 22nd), 08

Ickky. We go to school tomorrow... D=
Full moon tonight. If you work late, keep an eye out for warewolves. (sp?)

Sorry I haven't been on much recently.



Hi! Nothing much, sad to say... I'm just a bunny! D= you can't expect something huge to happen every day, right?

Jan. 23, 08

My bad, *tonight* is the full moon. ^^

Uherm... nothing much else.



Nothing much.. o_O Sorry! Just a normal day.

Jan. 24, 08

Normal day. D= Sorry to dissapoint you.
I was going to put somethign here, but now I'm not so sure...



Hehe. When she says she isn't sure, she means she doesn't remember. ;D

ok, Ive been reading your blog I just keep forgetting to reply!

I wanted to tell you this picture is awesome:


Now thats a disapproving rabbit if I ever saw one! lol
Hi there!

I love this blog, and since Haley stole my favorite pic:), I'm gonna include my next favorite:p. He actually reminds me of another member's bun Chandie Lee's Belle;).

So pretty! I'm glad he loves all his toys! What a happy baby. GiveBunBun a squeeze from me.:D (My first bun was named Bun Bun;).)

