Well-Known Member
Xila wrote:
Bunbun? I think you should be a bit grateful of the girl, she takes great care of you and your neediness. The chaos should be over soon, and at least she tries to take you out of it while it's going on, good slave.
Aw, Peg will be so happy to hear of your dedication to Tiny:rose:. I'll let her know, in case she doesn't see this, how very sweet of you, BunBun--nose kisses for you.
Hey! Found BunBun's Ferminator! =DDD
It was behind the TV. How it got there, I'll never know!
Still, though, I'm glad I found it. it's about shedding season...!
AngelnSnuffy wrote:Stressed? Maybe a little. I mean, with two dogs, an ADD caretaker who refuses to take his pills (Whom also just turns the moving picture box on and LEAVES IT ON while he has HEADPHONES on...), several cats, and slaves comming in and out of my room 24/7, I supose it can get a bit stressful. The girl does try, though, to keep things under controll. Like, if her sibling turns the moving picture box on, she'll turn it down for me, she'll make sure I have hay, etc etc.BunBun, are you okay dude? You sound a bit stressed. How's the girl?
With stress, it's a bit edgy right now. you may or may not know, but the slaves are remodeling the room I'm in, so there is a lot of talking, draging things, pushing things, loud noises, measuring, drilling, scraping, etc. Xila usually has plans to take me for a romp outside when they are doing this, but she is usually needed, and I cannot be outside by myself. D=
But, I am eating lots of hay, still doing my DBFs and meatloafs, I still like digging through my towels, and running around with my toys, etc... so it's all good. ^^
The human slaves... they locked me out of my backyard and than carried my cage around! D=
I guess it wasn't *that* bad, though. the girl put two towels, a wash cloth, my sock, and several of my toys in my bedroom with me, so I was quite pacified while they were talking, measuring, carrying, etc.
So now I've been relocated in the room next to my orriginal. I think I like this more...
Well, for starters, much less trafic. (At least, when the slaves aren't improving the room. apparently they are remodeling.
To say the least, it looks okay.
Warmpth. my cage extention (not my entire cage) is by a gas stove(the kind that circulates warm air up), so I have juuuusssstt a hint of warm air at one part of my cage. It's hardly noticibe, but I like it. ^^
But, yeah. It's not that different- other than the fact I get more light and less trafic, and the floor is a different material, It's not *drastically* different than my old setup...
The girl? She's fine. She is still wearing that hat she got for her sibling's "gotcha-day." Harhar, I like gnawing on the visor of it when she leans in to me to kiss me. x3
And it's true, too! She's mineee. =D
Hm... nothing much else, I guess. ^^
Oh! Before I forget! I'd like to dedicate this post to Peg(Tinysmom)'s Tiny, as it would have been the third anniversary of Tiny's "Gotcha" day today.
Bunbun? I think you should be a bit grateful of the girl, she takes great care of you and your neediness. The chaos should be over soon, and at least she tries to take you out of it while it's going on, good slave.
Aw, Peg will be so happy to hear of your dedication to Tiny:rose:. I'll let her know, in case she doesn't see this, how very sweet of you, BunBun--nose kisses for you.