Raphael's photo thread

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I have a bunch of pics of the new bunny, Anna...but cannot access them right now as they are on my harddrive at home. And Anna - as I found out a while ago - is a first-class chewer! She ate through the wire for my cable modem, and I've been trying for almost a week now to get it replaced. Still no luck...so until I do, I am limited to posting whilst at work. I do have two pics of Anna in Photobucket that I posted earlier, but neglected to post them in this thread. So here's a picture of her, not long after she arrived:


(Sorry if it's a bit big)

I introduced Anna to Raph the other day, and all was going well...until last night. Raph loves Anna...follows her everywhere like a little puppy. And Anna seems to have taken to Raph as well. She won't quite let him snuggle with her yet, but she has groomed his face...and every time she hops by him she waggles her tail like a lamb. I was so pleased to see that they got along so well.

However, Raph is an unneutered male. He doesn't seem to have the same *drive* as a regular male rabbit (to put it casually, his 'boys' never dropped). So he hasn't been displaying the normal male tendencies, at least not to any extent. I did see him half-heartedly make a small attempt once, but Anna told him to shove off, and he gave up - I haven't seen him do that since. Now he seems happy being her shadow, and he sticks to her like glue, sitting in front of her and attempting to get her to groom him.

The problem that I mentionedcame up last night. I was cleaning the rabbit cages and had allowed the two rabbits to run about the house while doing so. In order to clean the cageswell, I have to crawl into them to reach the back...and while I was in Anna's cage, Raph kept running in and getting in the way. (He has been doing this ever since I got him...very curious about what I'm up to, always getting underfoot.) This time though, I wasn't paying attention to his 'language'. I would take him out and plop him on the floor and say, "No Raph, you're in the way", to which he'd promptly run right back into the cage again. He was being exceptionally persistent this time, and I wasn't noticing. So, around the 5th time that I removed him I said, "Raph..NO! Stay out". I went back into the cage and almost immediately, Raphran inagain....only this time, he nipped the back of my hand. That completely surprised me, as Raph has never shown any type of aggression in the past. So I stopped what I was doing and removed him again, sat him down in front of me and said, "Raph? What's wrong with you? Why did you do that?"

And what was Raph's answer to my question? He lunged at me! Only this time, he drew blood. Actually it was just a nip, but his teeth are in need of a trimming and the edges are very sharp...and they caught the side of my hand...it looks more like a cat scratch than a bite. (Had he actually grabbed me he could have done severe damage.) Regardless though, he DID bite. And I am now realizing that I'm dealing with what I believe to be 'rabbit ownership'. I think Raph is displaying territorial aggression/rabbit possessionbecause he now sees me as a threat, someone who might come between him and Anna...who, in his mind, is now his mate. I was invading his/her territory by going into the cage and pushing him out (hence heinterpreted that as me being aggressive towards him over Anna, as it was her cage).It was very upsetting at first, but now I've come to realize that it's something I will have to deal with since he isn't neutered. So from now on Raph and Anna will have to have their free time separate from one another, and I will be much more astute in paying attention to the cues he (and Anna)display as to their emotions.

One thing I haven't written about lately isRaph's health. He has beenhaving a lot of difficulty with both his hind and front legs, and his shoulders...it seems his entire skeletal structure is *wonky* (I suspect his spine is affected as well), and he has been going somewhat downhill. He slips and falls a lot more than he used to, and has difficulty getting up. My feeling is that his life will not be as long as most rabbits...but I plan on spoiling him as much as I can, and keeping him as happy as I can. And Anna definitely put a smile on his face, so I have no regrets in getting her, even if it means a bit more caution has to be taken when handling them now. :)
Awww, Anna is such a cutie. That's cute that Raph is so enamoured but it must've been shocking to you get get a nip!

Sorry to hear about Raph's hips and spine. What does the vet say? My heart goes out to you, I know you've had so many bunny issues to deal with in the last half year.

The vet isn't optimistic about Raph...he doesn't believe it's really feasible to look into surgeries, etc., as there is just so much to take into consideration. Basically he's suggested I keep him comfortable for as long as I can, and that's about it. And the good news for now is, Raph isn't really showing any signs of pain. He stumbles a lot, but is still quite mobile. When he's in pain he tends to be much quieter and doesn't want to move around very much. (That's when he gets baby aspirin, and it helps him a lot...and fortunately he's only had two episodes of pain since I had him.)

So I know there will be heartbreak down the road at some point...just hoping that road will have at least some length to it.

Thanks for understanding; it sure can be tough when we love them so much. But it's still definitely worth it. :)

Oh, and Anna is just a sweetheart too...she can be quite nervous and flits about the house, but is so gentle when taking a treat from my hand, and she'll jump up on my lap (and off again a moment or two later) when I'm watching tv. At first she was terrified of the cats, but has gotten over her fear now and will approach them curiously. She's definitely a keeper!
Well, that was a bit of a suprise to hear that Raph nipped you. I guess once the male hormones kick in, then they are unpredictable (typical man ;)). It sounds as if Anna is really beginning to settle in, which is great.

I am so sorry that Raph seems to be having problems. I was so hoping that he wouldn't get any worse and be able to live a long and pain free life. At least I know he will at least live a very spoiled and contented one with his two special ladies!

aawwww ....thanksJan.... :)

And LOL...yes! Typical man!:tongueWho woulda thought I'd wind up being part of a love triangle -- with rabbits??!!?? Sheesh! :bunnydance:
Here's a few more Raph and Anna pics (taken a little while ago):

Here's Anna, about a week after I got her, checking out Fritz:


And here she is, totally relaxed and chillin' in the living room (Ithink she likes that spot because it gets cool around the base of thedoor):


Oh, here's a couple of pictures of her that almost confirms mysuspicion...when I first saw her at the HC I was trying to think ofwhat breed(s) she could be; I came to the conclusion that she might bea mini-lop that didn't really lop. Well, the first time I scratched heron the ears, this is what happened...and now I notice that sometimesshe will have one ear up and one down, so I now highly suspect this iswhat she is...a mini-lop with earus erectus (LOL):



Here's Raph, chillin' as well:


Raph and Anna:


And Raph, 'chinning'...which is why he and Anna can no longer hang outtogether indoors (the chinning is inevitably followed by that lovelymale rabbit habit, spraying...I've wiped up more urine in this housethan I think I've seen in my life!) Silly Raph...:?


Isn't she a sweetheart? And her personalitymatches...she's skittish, but loves to approach on her terms, then willbe all over you, sniffing and climbing up on your arms, legs, etc.

Here's a couple more pics...Anna and Raph enjoying the garden outdoors.I've moved them both to the outdoor cages for the summer, and they bothseem to love it. I was a bit concerned with Anna at first, as she was astray from the Humane Society who was found wandering on her own, andshe was absolutely terrified of cats when I first brought her home, butshe settled into her outside home in no time. Now, so long as they gettheir hours of playtime in the garden or yard, they're both happycampers.

Anna chillin':




Humans aren't the only ones who blink when the camera goes off:


My cat, the sun worshipper:


Anna and Raph:


Anna has gotten over her fear of cats so well that now she constantly follows Fritz around like a little puppy:


LOL...I think Anna decided to take over the dayshe arrived! Even though she was skittish, she still was intoeverything. And once the fear of cats simmered down (we went throughmany furious WHUMPS!! whenever one of my kitties entered thesame room as her), Anna was queen of the hive. She took to Kaya rightaway...no fear of her at all...and her curiosity of Fritz is funny.It's odd, because a few years ago I had another little rabbit namedRufus, and he too would follow Fritz everywhere - much to Fritz'sdispleasure. (Imagine trying to act all kitty-cool to your fellowcatmates with a nerdy rabbit sticking to you like glue!)

Oh, I'm very fortunate to be able to have my pets...though for somereason the city won't allow me to move a horse in as well.;)If I could, I'd do so in a New York minute...of course, I'dalso have more rabbits too, and a couple of goats, and...make that twohorses...and maybe a mule, more dogs...

And so far every animal has an assigned role: Kaya the dog is anexcellent watchdog and *ear*dog...I don't hear subtle sounds very wellbecause of an inner ear problem, but Kaya can hear a pin drop on acotton ball...from another room. She's also assigned herself the dutyof cleaning out the garbage bin if I don't get to it first...

Fritz is a self-appointed keyboard-warmer...but only when I am actuallytyping something on the computer. When the cursor begins to go wild and"143oy4twtqt4jqmtjtq" is typed out on the screen, he looks at me as ifto say, "What?? I wanted to say something too, y'know". Oh, and he'salso a very absorbant sun-soaker, as you can see from the pic.

Tasha is my little calico cat. She appointed herself chieftime-announcer throughout the nights a few years ago. She may be butlittle, but she be mighty! At 2:00 in the morning all will be still,and suddenly I will be terrified out of my sleep to the sweet mellowsounds of "MEOORRRRWWWWWW!!!!!! MEOORRRRWWWWWW!!!!!!" And ofcourse, every time she does this I check on her and sheinvariably doesn't want anything. ("Just thought I'd say hello,Mom...hey, why do you look so crotchety?")

Raph is of course, self-appointed King of the Home. He slowly andmethodically plows, trips, and stumbles about the house and yard, longears dragging on the ground (btw, he's a great under-the-bed duster),checking for imaginary bunny-foes. And he also appointed himself chiefguard of Anna, at least towards me. The cats and dog can get as closeas they want to Anna...heck, they can even step on her or cuddle withher and Raph won't bat an eyelid...but if I touch her without HisHighness'es permission, I had better be careful. If Raph happened toget up on the wrong side of the hutch that day, I risk both life andlimb. Makes me wonder if he ever got to see that Monty Python moviewith the crazed man-eating white rabbit...

And Anna...she is definitely self-appointed Queen, running here andthere and then suddenly flopping at whatever place looks most comfy forher. She is also chief inspector of all things off limits to rabbits. Ilearned within the first hour or so of having her that not all rabbitsare like Raph...some actually DO like the taste of telephone cords,wallpaper and cable modem cords. Of course I don't have solid evidence(i.e., eyewitnesses) to testify that Anna was the culprit - the catsain't saying anything...I thinkAnna bribed them intosilence...but the next time it happens, I'm calling in one of those CSIguys to come and take dental imprints. That is, if I can get them pastbunnyguard Raph first...

Quick update (thanks for asking, jordiwes):

Raph and Anna are residing in their 'summer home' (a.k.a. the outside rabbit hutch) for the summer. Actually today they are indoors enjoying the cooler air of the basement, as the weather is predicted to go to +28 deg. C today. Anna is doing very well, awee biton the heavy side, so she will be dieting till the extra pound or two is shed (I wonder if they have a bunny weightwatchers around here). She's certainly keeping me in shape! I let her loose in the yard and she has a grand time, but to get her rounded up again and into the hutch can be a challenge and a half. She's certainly fast when she wants to be...tears around the yard and darts under the raspberry bushes, just out of my reach. It's not surprising though; on her records at the Humane Society it said she'd been found as a stray, wandering a neighbourhood...and she was absolutely terrified of cats when I took her home. So she still gets very skittish at the hint of being 'captured'. She's a real sweetie though, very gentle and loves to have her nose scratched.

Raph, on the other hand...

Some days I'm tempted to change his name to Damien. Ever since Anna came to us Raph has had this incredible possessive fixation with her, and he seems to think that I am the evil mom who is going to take her away from him. If I approach his hutch and don't immediately step away from it again, I am greeted with a stream of bunny pee shooting straight out from the cage and landing all over my clothes. (He's a real deadeye, that one!) When he is loose in the yard he runs wherever he thinks Anna is, was, or will be, and he patrols it. He watches me constantly out of the corner of his eye, and will run parallel to whatever path I am taking, but keeps his distance. However, he has been known to suddenly divert from this plan and attempt the 'Raph maneuver'...heading straight for me, eyes wild, mouth open, elongated ears streaming like furry banners behind him. And that's when I run.Fast. In the opposite direction. The littlebugger makes Freddy Kreuger look like Mr. Rogers when he's on the warpath. What usually triggers one of these attacks is if I (a) step within 6-10 feet of Anna; (b) am trying to round Anna up to put her in the cage; (c) call to Anna, trying to get her attention; or (d) look like I might be thinking of setting foot near Anna. I have to be extra cautious whenever Raph is outside if I don't want to wind up as Bunny Chow. He has also slammed into, nipped, and peed on, both of my cats...and the darned fool has even had the foolish audacity to bite my dog on the head, twice now. Kaya doesn't put up with anything, but she does know her boundaries, and Raph is one of them. She knows that if she were to bite him back she'd be grounded for the rest of her life (no more Denta-bones or Animal Planet for her!)...so when Raph did bite her, she simply gave him a nasty look and ran away. Now whenever I see Raph aiming for her, I yell, "Kaya...run! Raph is going to get you!" and she does.

Oh,Raph also has a covert maneuver that he has practiced on me once or twice: He hides under the berry bushes and, as I am walking past, unaware of his rabid rabbit presence (and unfortunately, always bare-legged at the time) he suddenly bursts forth from the underbrush, teeth bared and phaser set to maim. The one saving grace for me is that he almost inevitably either tumbles to one side because of his hips, or he trips over one of those famous ears and falls flat on his face. Then he gets up, licks himself indignantly as if to say, "Didn't happen...didn't happen" then he hops off to another hiding place to silently mull over what went wrong.

Thankfully though,Raph is fairly easy to handle. If he thinks of lunging at me when I place my hand in his cage, I simply put my hand on his head and scratch his nose. It's like giving him a tranquilizer. That is, so long as I keep scratching him the entire time. And whenever I put his harness on him he calms down completely. Sometimes I take him for hops around the neighbourhood, which he seems to enjoy thoroughly. I call his name and tug gently on the leash and he follows me down the street. He sometimes walks better on his leash than my dog does on hers. So I can still enjoy my 'old' Raph...the gentle, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly Raph...I just have to be careful whenever he's on the loose in the yard. Then everything is fair game for him, and as they say, all's fair in love and war. And apparently he's hopelessly in love with Anna, and I am the mortal enemy, to be annihilated immediately if I set foot anywhere near his fair maiden without (or even with) asking permission first.

On the more serious side, Raph's condition has deteriorated a tiny bit. He does fall over more often than he used to, so I do have to try and watch that he doesn't hurt himself. However, I haven't seen him displaying any signs of pain, just major annoyance that he tumbles a lot, so that's a blessing. LOL...maybe the sight of Anna keeps his mind so occupied that he wouldn't even register pain if he had it! Lovesick bunny that he is...

I haven't been around much as I have no Internet at home (computer decided to become fussy on me) and can only access the Net at work...which leaves me very limited for time to surf (almost none). I am working on getting my computer fixed, and once I am will hopefully be able to participate more again.

Thanks for asking how the guys are doing, jordiwes...I hope all is well with you and yours too!
Awwww, that's so funny that Raph is protective of Anna! But probably not so funny when you're in shorts ;).

Do you ever let them out together?

I'm glad to hear Raph is still pain-free (aside from the occasional embarrasing moment).

We would love some updated pictures (when you get your PC fixed)!! I might just have to make a trip out there and fix it for you :).


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