Raphael's photo thread

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Bassetluv wrote:
Soooska, Raph is still a junior (just turned 5 months), sohe should still have a bit of maturing to do. I don't know exactly howmuch he weighs right now as I don't have a scales, but he feels to bearound 4.5--5 lbs or so. I suspect he is a bit underweight/small forhis type. I do know that an adult male Elop should reach around 10lbs...so it remains to be seen how Raph does. He's a wee bit'bony'...not really fleshy and filled out like some rabbits...thoughhis belly is nice and round. I'm hoping he will fill out a bit, butwill have to watch his weight because of the problem with his hindlegs...
awwww he is just goingthru the akwardsganglies he will fill out theboney parts shortly ,They all gothru that stage and makeus wonder IF theywill ever fill out , when theydo they Fill out nicely .
He is a beauty!!! I just LOVE his coloring, those ears and that tail!

Hey, since we live in the same place, if you ever need someone to watch your rabbit, let me know. :)
awwww Stephanie, thank you for the offer! I will most certainly keep you in mind if Raph ever needs a sitter... :)

And I don't know what it is about this color, but my cat is the samecolor, and the last rabbit I had was also the same blue as well! Inever chose any of them for their color...they were simply animals whoeither came available (as Raph did) or they 'found' me. Animals withthis color seem to be drawn to me...lol
What a GORGEOUS Rabbit!!!


He was lucky to have you for a mom. Praying hard for ourlittle guy, Bassetluv. Couldn't think of better, morecapable, and loving care for him to be in other than yours.

My heart and prayers go out to both of you.

Construction began today on my outdoor bunnyhousing...don't laugh, neither one of us really knows how to buildthings, but we're trying. So far we have part of the outer 'run'section done...the 'hutch' part will be inside the shed, with entrancesalong the wall where you see the plywood...


Kaya elected herself 'chief building inspector'. Here she is checking out the flooring for any faults...


And here she decided to step in and take over when my son was havingproblems with the hole he was digging. Must say, she did a betterjob...;)


Here's Raphie playing ball with Kaya (well, not really...but the pic came out looking like he was)...


And finally, a pic of regal Raphael, doing what he does best...


Wonderful pics...what a beauty he is!! I just can't get over how stunning he is!

How have his leg probs been? Giving him much trouble?
Its a hard Jobbeing the Supervisor , Must watch overthe construction , the boy mightnot get the hole right !!!! Howhard a life being aBunny.


W:shock:W, he got huge. He is trulystunning. How is hegetting around? Any improvement. He islucky to have such a loving mom. That is one huge run and home.

I can't get enough of him. I love his stories and his picutres.

He is so beautiful! Ok, I want one of those too....I just adore the ears.

I love that picture of him playing with the dog!! That's too funny. :laugh:

Thank you for the great photos! Raph lookswonderful! He is certainly a very special bun - there is just somethingabout him - you better keep him in sight - because if I should be inCanada for some reason - he just might disappear on you! :)

That rabbit looks too beautiful to be real. What a BEAUTY!!


How is getting around? Anny improvement.
Thanks Tina...Raph's doing quite well, all told. He truly enjoyshimself when he's on the loose; does little spurts here and there andtwists his head around when he 'mini-binkys'; he eats like a pig(!) andhe loves to follow the cats around, much to their chagrin. Of coursetheir tails get all out of joint because he gets underfoot, but Fritz(my big grey cat) will reach over and lick Raph on the face when hethinks no one is looking. (I'm onto him, just haven't let himknow...wouldn't want to embarrass him. ;))

The cage that I'm building is actually going to be divided; it's notall for Raphie. I'm planning on taking in a couple more bunnieseventually, once I have everything set up properly. It just breaks myheart to see them when they are sitting in cages at PetSmart, waitingto be adopted. So Raph isn't going to be moving into a bunny mansion,but it will be adequate for him, as he also has an outdoor ground run,and he gets the run of the yard whenever I'm out there (usually 2-3hours at a time), and he'll become a house bun during the colder wintermonths. Well, there's no way around it...he'll still be spoiled rotten!hehe...wait'll the cats find out Raph is moving into *their* house thiswinter...I wonder which one will be the first to have their kittysuitcase packed...:p
Oh, I have to agree...he is one beautiful bunny.Does have a wee bit of an attitude when it comes to being picked upthough. He hates it, and will squirm and kick till he gets his way andis put down. And if he doesn't get his way...well, a little nip on thehuman's arm is his way of saying, 'Whatsa matter with you? Aren't youlistening to me??? I said I want DOWN!!!' Mind you, thenip is just that...barely a brush of the teeth, nothing that wouldhurt...but still, he knows how to get his point across.

And...oh no! Raphie is on the official bunnynappers' list? Yikes....Iwill have to put Kaya on alert! (Of course knowing her, she'd be thefirst one to say to the 'nappers, "Pssssst...look! Look! He's overhere, sitting behind the raspberry bush! But hey, don't tell my human Itold you, okay? Now can I have my cookie? Please Please Please????")

LOL Freddysmom....when you wrote that he looks like the flying nun Iimmediately thought, Raph, the flying bun! I'll have to get a pic ofhim with his ears in the air somehow just to see how he'd look (asidefrom the humiliation that would be plastered across his face).

(And Jen...I'm just like you too...every time I see another member'sgorgeous bunny I want one too! They are all just so beautiful...fromthe Netherlands to the Flemmies...I think we need to live in thecountry and have a huge barn made just for bunnies...:)
That is so good to hear. Have you heardanything from the breeder about when you may be getting you otherbeauty? When we move into a bigger house I am going to start lookingfor an EL for Dale.

Raph is definitely living the high life. Living indoors in thewinter, can't let those stunning ears get cold. I laughed so hard whenyou said the cat licks him when no one is looking. Too bad it happenesso quick, I would love a picture of that lmbo.

I think it's great that you are going to adopting some morerabbits. I'm lucky there is nothing like that here or I would be introuble. I would be bringing them all home.

I am so glad that all is going well for you and Raph. Please rub those gorgeous ears for me.

Another member of the family

Meet Scooby-Doo (or, 'Scooby'):




(btw, ignore the wonky wire and such under his feet...I set him in thestill-being-constructed run just to take a couple of pics)

Scooby just came here to live today. I was at PetSmart with my dog andcaught sight of him in the Humane Society adoption section. Of course Iasked if I could pick him up and...well, that was it. He is such agentle little guy...very amicable, doesn't mind being held, and doesn'trun in the other direction when you approach him. And he has the mostbeautiful blue eyes! He seems pretty curious about his surroundingsdespite all of the stress of coming to a new home, meeting the dog andcats, etc. He and Raph haven't met yet; I'm keeping them away from oneanother for now. I just hope he loves his new home! :)

(Tina, if the breeder does hold true to her word and sends me anotherElop, it will probably be next spring. I don't have high expectations,but we'll see... I noticed she had pulled the pic of her breeding buckfrom her website, and when I emailed her with an update on Raph, shetold me that her buck had a heart attack and died after he was loose intheir yard and the neighbor's cat jumped the fence unexpectedly andchased him down...:()


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