Raphael's photo thread

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Scooby's Scare

Talk about something I wouldn't want to have happen again...

The other evening I was cleaning the boys' cages. Scooby was in amakeshift pen I'd set up in the basement, while Raph was running aroundloose, getting into every nook and cranny, doing his best tobunny-explore the cellar. Of course, since I was concentrating oncleaning up after the two stooges, I wasn't really watching what Raphwas up to. Suddenly I heard a noise, and turned to see Raph climbing upa bag of Woody Pet as if it was Mt. Everest. He reached the top just asI spotted him, and then (literally!) flung himself over the wirebarrier and into the pen with Scooby. I was stunned to see this, as Ididn't know Raph could be that mobile...but in the two or three secondsthat I stood there in shock, Scooby had made a beeline for Raph anddecided to celebrate his love for him, head-first. (Picture theface-hugger in the 'Alien' movie and that's what the sceneresembled...Raph sitting there with face-hugger Scooby clinging tohim.) I bolted for the pen, and when I got there, at first thoughteverything would be okay...I'd seen Raph 'nudge' Scooby, and saw Scoobyjump a bit, but that was it. However, all was not well.

As I went to remove Raph from the pen I noticed a few drops of blood onthe floor, and realized that something had happened. So I wentand picked up Scooby, and - to my horror - saw that he was drenched inblood. His hind legs were soaked bright red, and he was dripping bloodeverywhere. And that's when I understood what had happened. Raph, inhis ever-docile patience, did have a breaking point. He didn't takekindly to Scooby's expression of love for him, and he nipped.Unfortunately, the nip was a direct hit...and for a while I feared theworst...a 'Bobbitized' rabbit. However, after calming myself down Icleaned Scooby up and applied some antibacterial salve. The bleedingwas almost stopped by that point, so - it being well past closing timeat the clinic - I decided to keep an eye on Scooby and call the vet thenext morning.

When the vet finally did see Scoobs the news was better than I hadexpected. While Raph hadn't severed anything, he had sliced a largepiece of tissue, and it would have to be fixed. Well, Scooby wasoverdue for his neutering anyway, so now both will be done at the sametime, this coming Tuesday. So far Scooby seems to be doing quitewell...he had gone off most of his feed for a short time, but is onceagain eating now, and is as active as ever.

So that was our excitement for this week...and Raphie has been spokento about his lagomorphic attempt to home-neuter his little buddy...:?

Ouch!!! Poor Scooby - that was a near miss. Iguess Raph only has so much patience, and that 'loving' was just toomuch (loved the Alien reference :D).

Glad to hear that Scooby had no lasting damage. I will be thinking of them (and you) on Tuesday.

(Wow...the last time I posted to Raph's thread, Scooby was still here...:( ...I guess it's been a while)

Thought I would update with a couple of new pics of Raph:

The Devil-Bunny Himself...


And, his newest discovery...using the cat door....


Wisconsin, huh? Well, I'll ask him...but Isuspect His Royal Highness would expect a first-class ticket, carrots,craisins and parsley served to him on a silver platter, and a nice softblankie to cuddle in (actually, to pee in as well...he has a 'thing'for making sure his blanket remains his alone) during the flight.

And yep...Devil-Bunny he is...just lookit those red eyes! He also has apenchant for getting the dog's nose totally out of joint; the otherevening Kaya (the dog) was leaning against the sofa, trying to get asclose to me as she could, since Raph was receiving too muchattention for her liking. So what did Raph do when he saw this? Heleapt up and used Kaya's back as a spring-board to catapult himselfinto my lap! Of course, with Raph and his clumsiness, he didn't quitemake it on the first try, and wound up scrambling on top of thedog....which really ticked Kaya off. And since I suspect thiswas Raph's main goal, it was mission accomplished....Score: Devil-Bunny1, the dog, 0....

This is such a happy/sad thread. :tears2:

Thanks so much for posting this pic. I was really wondering how he got his ears through that cat door!

With all that snow, you should knit him some ear muffs. (Earsocks?) If you start now, you might get them finishedfor next winter. :sunshine:


Bassetluv wrote:

(Wow...the last time I posted to Raph's thread, Scooby was still here...:( ...I guess it's been a while)

And, his newest discovery...using the cat door....

With all that snow, you should knit himsome ear muffs. (Ear socks?) If you start now, you might get themfinished for next winter.
LOL SAS, when I first decided to let Raph play in the snow, I did worryabout his ears. Would they freeze? After all, they drag on the groundand the cartilage tends to be fairly thin...but I soon discovered he'sfine, so long as the temps aren't too cold. I don't let him stay outtoo long, and when he comes in I dry his feet and ears. But I like theidea of ear muffs...LOL! Couldn't you just picture it? Great big ol'purple sock-muffs on the poor boy's head!

hehe...but I think he's suffered enough humiliation at my hands, withslipper socks and Christmas antlers. I only put the slipper socks onhim now if I find he his back legs are sliding (for the most part heseems to have learned to keep his feet under him now, though he stillhas his days), as I found the more he wore them, the more he begangetting frustrated with them - which is odd; you'd think it would havebeen the other way around. And he also began getting *old man'sankles*....ever see older men who wear shorts with socks and sandals?They get a bald spot on their legs where the hair rubs off from wearingsocks all the time....well, Raph was beginning to get bald spots fromhis socks too.

Yes, this really has been a thread with so many ups and downs, hasn'tit? But I think Raph more than makes up for all of the bad times...heis the most comical little guy I've met in a long time. And such agreat companion! In the evenings he will come hopping into my room andlie at my feet under the computer desk...he runs circles around my feetwhenever I'm in the kitchen...he'll hop up onto the sofa with me whenI'm watching TV...he's always following me around like a big bluepuppy...:D

When I decided to get an English lop last year, I had no idea just whata wonderful friend was going to come into my life....crooked legs andall....:)
Garden Flowers Rabbitrywrote:
I really love Raph's colour, one day I'd like to havea lop the same colour as he is
Well, I don't know why this is, Connie, but for the pastwhile it seems most of my pets are tending towards that blue/greycolor. Take a look:



Scooby (miss him, the sweet little boy):




And Rufus (a bunny I had a few years ago):


I didn't even notice it right away...but these guys all sorta lookalike! (well, except for a bit of a species difference with Fritz ;)).And it wasn't planned with any of them. Actually, when I began lookingfor an Elop, I had my heart set on a broken color, but when I saw Raph,and that he was for sale, my heart melted. Some day I'd like to get asolid black Elop too...and maybe a white one...and a fawncolor...hehe...
Aww, Bassetluv, your love for Raph shows in the way you write about him
Thanks Jan...he really is special to me, it's hard to explain, but thenI guess I don't need to, as everyone here probably feels the same wayabout their own special loves. Raph is definitely one of those 'heartbunnies'....

And I noticed while feeding the cats and dog last night that Raph hasnow learned what 'Is anybody hungry?' means! I say that to theothers when I am about to feed them; well, Raph now begins circling myfeet like crazy as soon as I say it, making it hard for me to not tripover him in my efforts to feed the rest of the crew. He has nowofficially become *one of the gang*....LOL!
Thanks Jan! Yes, I thinkRaph looksregal there too...very handsome! Of course that pic was taken just afew hours after I brought him home from the airport, on his first dayin his new home. Now it seems all of his poses show his truepersonality...goofball plus...

hmmmmm, and that's how it begins..............ya start thinking about all the colours and pretty soon.........you are naming bunny litters :colors::bunnydance::group

Bassetluv wrote:
Garden Flowers Rabbitry wrote:
I really love Raph's colour, one day I'd like to have a lop the same colour as he is
Well, I don't know why this is, Connie, but for the past while it seems most of my pets are tending towards that blue/grey color.

I didn't even notice it right away...but these guys all sorta look alike! (well, except for a bit of a species difference with Fritz ;)). And it wasn't planned with any of them. Actually, when I began looking for an Elop, I had my heart set on a broken color, but when I saw Raph, and that he was for sale, my heart melted. Some day I'd like to get a solid black Elop too...and maybe a white one...and a fawn color...hehe...
hmmmmm, and that's how it begins..............ya start thinking about all the colours and pretty soon.........you are naming bunny litters
LOL Connie! That would be all that I'd need right now...bunnies in every nook and cranny of my little house... :shock2:
Linz_1987 wrote:
Im sorry, I must have a really short memory or I missed something along the lines. But what did happen to Scooby? :?
Linz, late last year I decided to have Scooby neutered. I wanted to attempt to bond him with Raph (they got along okay, but Scooby's sex drive was a typical male bunny's). He was spraying everywhere, and he would tear through anything to try and get at Raph (whom he thought was female). So I took him in to my vet's in early December for the surgery, but unfortunately, halfway through Scooby began having problems breathing, and my vet couldn't save him. It came as quite a shock to me, even though I did have some apprehensions about the surgery itself...and it made me extremely gunshy of having any rabbit undergo surgery after that. However, I have recently adopted a young female rabbit from the HC, and had her spayed before she came home. It's been 8 days now and she seems absolutely healthy now.

For some reason, it was Scooby's time to go...I still miss that little guy so much, he was so gentle and sweet...:(

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