Hey Sas (love that little drawing of the lop! It's adorable

Well, I took my dog to the vet last night to have her lumpiness checked out, and fortunately it turns out that she's just a lumpy fool. She has fatty deposits under her skin, so unless they change drastically in some way, she should be okay. While I was there I asked the vet what he could give me for Raph in the way of pain medication, as it's become pretty obvious that the poor guy is in a fair bit of pain most of the time now (for him to turn down food, you know something is wrong). He suggested starting him off on a low dose of Metacam - which is what most bunny people have mentioned to me as well...they use it for their rabbits. For some reason the first dose has to be injected, so Raph is going in tomorrow afternoon (I was hoping to just pick up a prescription and take them home to him). Since I do see improvement with him when I give him baby aspirin, I'm hopeful that the Metacam will help him even more. He actually ate a bit more of his pellets last night along with some oats, and cleaned up all of his veggies. I wantRaph's appetite to pick up even more as he's lost a fair bit of weight...my heart breaks when I pick him up, he feels so frail. So if the Metacam kicks in well, hopefully his appetite will pick up too. I can't wait to get him to the vet tomorrow for his pain meds and see how he does.
Gosh, it's not that long ago that Raph came to live with me, is it? Only a year and a half ago. I was so excited, waiting to get him...and the day he came into my life it changed me. He's truly a special soulmate...one look in his eyes and I swear we connected at some unspoken level. Anna also came to me in a special way, and she too is a very special bunny...but it's Raph who carries that 'wisdom of the ages' in him. Wish I could post a recent pic of him, but my son has the camera. :?I'll post one of his sink pictures I guess...though I did post them before, they were the last ones I took before my son left back in December. I'll have to try and borrow my sister's camera sometime and get some new ones.
His birthday's coming up too, February 23rd...he'll be all of two! I will have to try and think of something special to give to him, as he surely does deserve it.
Oh, on another topic, this was a bit weird. Last night as I was running to the vet's with Kaya (running to keep warm because it's so frickin cold here! -32 deg C yesterday, and the same for today and tomorrow), suddenly a scene from Dances With Wolves flashed into my head...the scene where John Dunbar is running and playing with the wolf, Two Socks. The movie has been airing here this week, so it's not surprising I envisioned that scene I guess...even though I haven't been watching the movie itself. But as I ran I pictured a wolf running along beside me, which was a bit odd. Three or four minutes later I walked into the vet's office with my dog. It's a very old house run by one vet, so his volume of customers isn't high...you're lucky to see more than two people and their pets sittingthere at the most. But was I ever in for a surprise...I walked into the office and there, pacing back and forth in the waiting room, was a wolf! Someone had him as a pet, an amazing, beautiful animal, very gentle with extremely soulful eyes. I just found it so ironic that I'd suddenly pictured a wolf in my head as I was running, only to see one actually in the clinic when I walked in. Strange...:shock:
Raph in the sink (getting his eyes and ears treated):