Well-Known Member
He is too cute for words!!
I didn't know a sink mat could be used...had thought of it a while backbut was worried about Raph ingesting the material (he is definitely achewer). So that would be safe to use for a rabbit who chews?
Thanks Pam, that's good to know! Iwill giveone of them a try and see how Raphie does.Suprisingly, most rabbits don't chew onthe rubber mats. A small amount wouldn't hurt and would passthrough harmlessly, although I wouldn't let a rabbit devour the entiremat.
Fauna, no doubt, reacted to me more than she had to any other person inher life. Buck Jones would always remind me ofthat. The minute I held Fauna, I knew that she was meant forme.
I think you've captured so much with those words. And your descriptionof Cali being more like a child of just reminds me so muchof a cat I once had, Snooch. He was truly like a child; he would evencurl up in my arms and go to sleep whenever we were going for a ride inthe truck (one of his favorite things to do).Cali's more like a child of mine than the close friends thatFauna and Tucker are. No matter what, one can't fill theplace of another and each connection is extremely deep andheartwarming. I miss them when I'm not with them and I can'tget enough of them when I am. They've so enriched my life andhave blessed me with such love and happiness in my life that I can't doenough for them.