Raphael's photo thread

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Hey Pam, Raph is doing great, thanks! If he werea horse I think he'd be termed 'a good doer', as he will eat anythingand everything set before him. Every time I let him out to run in theyard he does cute little mini-binkies and those long ears get battedaround (it sort of resembles a girl with long hair who playfully flipsit back...when Raph jumpsboth ears flip back and over to oneside). His legs have been doing well, and he doesn't show any signs ofdiscomfort. He is, however, a bit limited; I had to take a restingboard out of his run because whenever he was on it his legs would beginsplaying out. (Will have to look for a sisal mat or something toreplace it.) And he can't sit up on his hind legs to wash his face likeother bunnies...he adapted by putting his face closer to the ground andwashing it one paw at a time.

And I'm really glad I got Scooby, because - even though they cannot beloose together - they are housed side by side, and they seem to loveeach others' company. Scooby actually seemed to be pining during onebrief time when they were separated from one another...he wouldn't eathis pellets or hay and barely touched his veggies. But as soon as hesaw Raph again his appetite picked up. Scooby is a sweetheart too,loves to have his face scratched and is generally a rather quiet type.But Raph is an in-your-face bulldozer! LOL...especially if there isfood. I once was feeding them after dark and had poured Raph's pelletsinto his dish, but couldn't quite tell how full it was. So I tried toput my hand in to feel, as I wanted to add a bit of oatmeal, but Raphwas stubborn as a mule. His head was buried in that dish and no matterhow I tried, he wouldn't let me go near it...he'd shove his head overand wedge it against my hand so I couldn't get near his treasured food.

Wish I could update with some more pics, but my son took the digitalcamera with him when he went back to college. I'llsearchPhotobucketand see if I have any from lastsummer that I haven't posted...

Very glad to hear how well the bunns aredoing! I wondered how Raph had been getting along with his"disability". Have you tried the ez-pad plastic mats (couldalso use a rubber sink matt).

Maybe you'll get a new camera for Christmas (start hinting now LOL).

Jan, sorry I missed your post...I was away forquite some time and have only been here sporadically lately. To answeryour question, no...the breeder's rabbit who succumbed to a cat attackwasn't related to Raph. However, I did hear that Raph'ssirehad been put down several months ago...I believe that the breeder whooriginally owned Raph was getting out of the 'business' of breedingrabbits (thankfully, as I've heard a lot of bad things about herbreeding habits) and she had that rabbit destroyed because he had thesame problem as Raph...genetic defect in his legs. Apparently she soldseveral rabbits to the breederI got Raph from (including HRHhimself). And that breeder in turn sold Raph to me. But, as theysay...the buck stops here (hehe)...I won't ever use Raph for breedingpurposes. He's simply here to be a pet, provide comicrelief,and rule the roost. ;)
How could Scooby absolutely not love his newhome with you as his mom?! Silly Woman! He'sadorable! It sounds like he picked you rather than youpicking him, but isn't that usually the way?

I love this picture....


You take that ball away from that canine, Raphael!

How adorable! :inlove: Gotta love Raph's attitude. No Fear. :no:

Scooby sure does have gorgeous blue eyes. :shock2:

I love this picture of your cat. Can an animal's life get more relaxed???


Again with the attitude! I love how each of their personalities come out loud and clear in the pictures.

Kiss them all for me.

Oh, I've seen those online Pam...never seen themanywhere around here though. I do know of a place in the province whereI might be able to order them...but will leave it to next year, as Raphand company are soon transferring from outdoors to indoors for thewinter. I did try a similar product once from PetSmart, only it was aninterlocking thing that was in small sections...what a silly productthat was! They didn't ever stay interlocked and wound up all over thecage, everywhere except under the bunnies' feet. :?

I didn't know a sink mat could be used...had thought of it a while backbut was worried about Raph ingesting the material (he is definitely achewer). So that would be safe to use for a rabbit who chews?

LOL...I was thinking of asking for a new camera for Xmas, but there'sjust so many other things on my list as well! Keeping my fingerscrossed that Santa will be good to me...;)(At the very least,I will be able to take some pics over the holidays...my son will becoming home and I will ask him to bring the camera)
Bassetluv wrote:
I didn't know a sink mat could be used...had thought of it a while backbut was worried about Raph ingesting the material (he is definitely achewer). So that would be safe to use for a rabbit who chews?

Suprisingly, most rabbits don't chew on the rubber mats. Asmall amount wouldn't hurt and would pass through harmlessly, althoughI wouldn't let a rabbit devour the entire mat.

Awww, thanks Carolyn and Mike!

Carolyn, that is so true! Our pets certainly do seem to pick us.Several animals I've had grace my doorstep, I swear, I knew thembefore. There is an unspoken connection, a soul bond. I felt thatinstantly with my dog Kaya, and also with Raphael. The day my sisterand I went to the airport to pick up Raph for the first time, we had towait for half an hour before he was brought out to us. I was extremelynervous, because I could feel *something*....first, I knew there wassomething wrong with him, I sensed it, but kept dismissing thethought...and second, I felt this energy that I cannot really put intowords. And sure enough...when they set Raph's carrier on the counterand I looked in at him, I saw one huge soulful eye staring out at me,and the sense of recognition was so powerful. I knew him. And I alsoknew that he came into my life for a reason. I do believe that animallovers draw to them many soulmates in furred form, and the ones who arehere to teach us things, or to help us in some way, truly stand out.Tina and herApollo certainly seemed to be one of those closesoul connections. And Raph is one of mine...:)
Suprisingly, most rabbits don't chew onthe rubber mats. A small amount wouldn't hurt and would passthrough harmlessly, although I wouldn't let a rabbit devour the entiremat.
Thanks Pam, that's good to know! Iwill giveone of them a try and see how Raphie does. :)
What a beautiful way to describe it, Bassetluv. :highfive:

No doubt that they do pick us. Tucker was such a sweet littledude when I first picked him up. He acted like he liked to beheld - then when we got home, his true self came out. Nodoubt he can sense my moods/feelings - sometimes even before I am fullyaware of them. Fauna, no doubt, reacted to me more than shehad to any other person in her life. Buck Jones would alwaysremind me of that. The minute I held Fauna, I knew that shewas meant for me. Cali--I was scared of when I picked her upat the airport. The look in her eyes and the size of hertotally intimidated me. There's not a doubt in the world thatshe adores me and I her.

Kathy Smith would the ones that have that special close bond with "OurHeart Bunnies". They truly are that. Tucker andFauna are very similar in the connection they have for me; Cali's morelike a child of mine than the close friends that Fauna and Tuckerare. No matter what, one can't fill the place of another andeach connection is extremely deep and heartwarming. I missthem when I'm not with them and I can't get enough of them when Iam. They've so enriched my life and have blessed me with suchlove and happiness in my life that I can't do enough for them.

I knew you'd understand, as do others on this forum. The bondwe have with them is not easily described in words, but you certainlycome close as to conveying it.

Thank you for expressing it to us.


I'm so glad Raph is doing so well. I'vealways loved English lops and I adore Raph. When I was given the chanceto adopt a special needs E Lop I jumped at the chance. He is amazingand I adore him. So I thank you and Otis thanks you and Raph.

Awww how sweet that Scooby just wants to be near his big brother. Very cute.

Give those awesome babies of yours kisses from me.

Hey Tina, you know...I have always believed inlove at first sight, and it certainly was true with Raph. And I suspectyou had the same thing with Apollo. Sometimes there is just thatspecial *something*. I see it in Raph, and saw it in Apollo too, when Ilooked at his pics.

I'm afraid I don't know Otis's story...I didn't realize he is a specialneeds bunny. I'll have to catch up with your thread again to see (wishI had more time to spend in the forum; I am always trying to catch upon things and miss half of what's going on). I'll give my guys a bighug from you, and you can give Otis (love his name too!) a big hug backfrom me...

Carolyn, I just read your post and now I'm allemotional (can't do that at work! lol). I know exactly what you meanwhen you describe the bond you have with your bunnies. This justtouched my heart:
Fauna, no doubt, reacted to me more than she had to any other person inher life. Buck Jones would always remind me ofthat. The minute I held Fauna, I knew that she was meant forme.

And this:
Cali's more like a child of mine than the close friends thatFauna and Tucker are. No matter what, one can't fill theplace of another and each connection is extremely deep andheartwarming. I miss them when I'm not with them and I can'tget enough of them when I am. They've so enriched my life andhave blessed me with such love and happiness in my life that I can't doenough for them.
I think you've captured so much with those words. And your descriptionof Cali being more like a child of yours...it just reminds me so muchof a cat I once had, Snooch. He was truly like a child; he would evencurl up in my arms and go to sleep whenever we were going for a ride inthe truck (one of his favorite things to do).

There's just so much I think we could all describe about ouranimals...I think there's more than one book waiting to be written bysome of the forum members, describing the spiritualconnectionwith the animals who love them...



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