:kiss1:for Karla.
I do believe Raph was watching over Yofi recently. Yof's feet were a mess last weekend; they had developed sore hocks and then became swollen...they were soft with two large masses in the center of each foot. I've seen infection in rabbits before, and this definitely looked like infection. I'd been treating them twice a day for almost two weeks but his feet just seemed to be getting worse, and I couldn't get him in to see the vet until Monday evening. So on the weekend I did a lot of praying, and Raph suddenly appeared in my mind...so I prayed to him too, to help Yofi's feet.
Monday morning I treated Yof's feet before going to work and thought, 'They seem different somehow'. Monday evening took him to the vets, and I was shocked. The vet examined him and said, 'There's no infection here...it's just irritation and inflamation. If there had been infection his feet would have been swollen and soft to the touch; you would have been able to leave an 'impression' in the area had you pushed on it'. Well, that's exactly how Yofi's feet
had appeared...until Monday. But at the vet's the area was firm and raised, like callouses, no softness whatsoever, no cracks and bleeding as there had been a couple of days prior.
Was it the power of prayer (mine as well as others here)? Or the continued treatment that caused the sudden change? Or...did Raph somehow have something to do with it?
I think it was probably all three...but I somehow suspect Raph had a huge paw in it.