Raphael's photo thread

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I have a lovely image of Raph charging after you! I saw a brown elop doing that on an animal behavior show on Animal Planet, except he was always mad. He'd charge all over the yard at his owner and she'd run shrieking!

Thanks all...I`m at my sisters right now (and am struggling with her French keyboard). I tried to reply on Friday when I was at work, but got interrupted and never managed to get back. Am on holidays all this upcoming week, so unless I get my computer fixed, won`t have access to the `net.

Raph can be a handful, and at first it was upsetting when he became so protective of Anna and saw me as `the enemy`,but now it doesn`t bother me at all. It`s just his way...and he does seem very hesitant to actually attack me (he tends to turn at the last second most of the time, esp. when I shout, ,`Raph...NO!!!¸`...but for the most part I don`t mind. And I suppose if anyone were watching, it would look pretty funny; me running from this weird blue long-eared manic rabbit. I`ve just learned to be extra careful when I do let Raph out to run....and to warn the cats when Raph is on patrol.

Yes, I will let Anna and Raph out at the same time. Anna is much faster than Raph, and so he doesn`t bother her too much with his amorous advances simply because he doesn`t know where she is half the time. She will run and be on the other side of the yard before Raph even knows that she`s hopped away. Sometimes I will catch the two of them lying side-by-side in the bushes, but not too often. They seem to be enjoying life greatly, so that`s what counts the most.

Whenever Ido manage to get my computer fixed, I`ll take some new pics and post them (and will get caught up on other threads here too). Take care all, and I hope all your bunnies are happy, healthy, and full of beans! :)

Di, Raph, Anna and the gang
sorry to hear about Raph's health. :| i'm really happy that he seems to be taking it well though and is pain-free. you're so strong and loving, he couldn't ask for a better home.:hug1
Thought I'd post an update on Raph.Unfortunately the problem with his joints seemed to accelerate thisyear, as last summer I was starting to notice he was taking many more'sideways falls' (gently falling on his side) than usual. Thiscontinued to progress, and in the last couple of weeks ithasbecomeclear that Raph has become pretty much disabled now. Hecan still get his hind legs under him once in a while, but for the mostpart that is more of a rarity than normal. In his cage he doesn't standat all, so spends all his time lying down. Fortunately I did get himsome extremely soft absorbant bedding, so this helps to cushion hismuscles.

He is also having a problem right now with his eyes, especially hisright eye. Ever since I got him he's had very slight discharge from thecorners of his eyes, and since he can't clean his face properly, I haveto wipe his eyes for him daily. But over the months his eyelid began tochange, so I took him to the vet recently. It turns out his eyelid istoo loose for the eye, so now he's on a course of antibiotic drops tohopefully help the condition...though I suspect this will be a chronicproblem.

Raph has also had a few baths in the past few weekstoo...somethingI normally don't do with rabbits, but hiscondition sometimes warrants it (he falls into urine and becomessoaked). On the lighter side of this, I'll relate what happened to himone day when my sister came over to visit. I had Raph and Annaupstairs, andmy sisterhad decided to bring her dogwith her. Anna was already in the back porch, so I put Raph in therewith her...he was curled up in his little 'cat bed' and was beingquiet, snoozing away and having weird bunny dreams, no doubt. Since hevery rarely tries to hop anymore I figured the two of them would befine alone; Raph used to love to chase Anna around when he was able,but now that he's not I figured he'dstay quiet. Turns out Ifigured wrong. After my sister left I went to fetch the two bunnies,and when I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw. Anna wassitting in the litter box, which was fine, but apparently Raph'samorous button doesn't get turned off just because he isn't verymobile. His little cat bed was flipped upside down, there was rabbiturine from one end of the porch to the other, and rabbit feceseverywhere!! Nope, not bunny balls, but mushed-into-the-floor,Salvidor Dali-inspired mural-painting poo all overeverything...including Raph. He was a mixture of urine and soft fecesfrom head to toe, and I swear he had a smile on his littledevilface. As it turned out, Anna had some soft poops (aresidual from her previous day's dinner...she sometimes will developthis if she has a tad too many veggies), and Raph, in his lapin glory,forgot that his legs didn't work right. He must've been dragginghimself about everywhere, excited (and happy) as a pig inyou-know-what. And he had managed to get every square inch of his thickbunny coat smeared in an exhilarating combination of urine and rabbitpoo. Poor Anna was peering at me from the litter box with a look on herface that clearly said, 'You left me with him???!! The Don Juanof bunnydom?? What were you thinking?!?!!' (I guess she watchesDr. Phil.)

Anyway, Raph got a good scrubdown after that little stint, and it alsotaught me to never underestimate the power of a male rabbit'stestosterone, as it will drive even a disabled rabbit to super-bunnypowers of mobility. Ever since he's been behaving pretty well, but Istill have to keep one eye on him, just in case he decidestogo for broke again and try to impress poor Anna. So in themeantime I keep him entertained in his bunny bed, scratching his noseand stroking his long (and usually stinky) ears. I tell you, he's gotme trained well.
:laugh: What a suave boy Raph is! I'm sure that would impress me if I was a girl bun.

Poor boy, he just can't get a break can he? I'm so glad he'swith you. Who knows what would have happened if he had beenbought by someone else?
Typical man! Only motivated by food and.... ahem.

I'm so glad Raph has such a good mom to take care of him. It must be hard to see your baby with those health problems.

Hugs and strength to you.
How is it I never saw your blog before? I just read through the whole thing and I have to say, your babies are adorable!

Raphael reminds me a lot of Katt's Herman. I just love that sleek greycoat and those long ears! Do they require any special attention? Likedoes he ever trip on them?!

Very cute!
naturestee wrote:
:laugh: What a suave boy Raph is! I'msure that would impress me if I was a girl bun.

Poor boy, he just can't get a break can he? I'm so glad he'swith you. Who knows what would have happened if he had beenbought by someone else?
Yeah, I'd probably fall for the bugger too if I was a bunny. Annathough, seems to have very particular taste...she would snub himconstantly whenever he would follow her about in the yard, keeping himat paw's length(though when she wasn't looking, I would seethem sleeping next to one another). LOL...but she was such a tease withhim too! She'd wait until he was practically on top of her beforedashing off, but only running far enough away that Raph would beenticed to pursue her.

I hate to think of what would have happened to Raph...something tellsme he wouldn't be here today if he hadn't come into my life. Apparentlysomeone did put a down payment on him a week or two before I saw him,but changed her mind and didn't follow through with the purchase. Ialso found out that his dad was humanely destroyed (there's an oxymoron:() not too long after I got Raph too. Never found out why, but I wouldimagine his dad must've had a ton of physical problems too. So at leastRaph can have a home with me for as long as he isn't in pain, or if hedoes have pain, so long as it is controllable. I'm also grateful hecame to me, as I shudder to think of the consequencesifsomeone had bought him and had used him for breeding stock. So now hismain purpose in life is to sit in his bunny bed and look cool...and toreach out and give my dog a chomp on the rear end when she gets tooclose to his bed. Yep, he did that a couple of times. He must've beenin a bad mood, as normally he would tolerate Kaya, but not the cats.And it really ticked off Kaya cuz she knew she wasn't allowed toretaliate! Man, did she ever get upset! LOL).
jordiwes wrote:
Typical man! Only motivated by food and.... ahem.

I'm so glad Raph has such a good mom to take care of him. It must be hard to see your baby with those health problems.

Hugs and strength to you.
LOL! jordiwes, I do have to laugh at Raph because he really is atypical male. You're absolutely right...motivated by food and...ahem.(Just like my ex was!)

Sometimes I feel as though I'm not such a great mom to Raph, as I hearof somany others who do so much for their rabbits, and withme working all day I tend to sometimes feel neglectful. I also have tokeep their cages in the basement as I don't have room in the houseitself (really, it's like I live in a shoebox, cuz the house is dividedinto half and is designated as a duplex). I bring them upstairs whenI'm home, and during the day Raph and Anna can see one another as theircages are a few feet apart, so they don't feel lonely. They get the runof the yard during non-winter months when I'm home too, yet still Iwish I could do more for them. It would be wonderful to have a room Icould set aside to give to them...but I definitely need a bigger house.Guess I will have to put that on my wish list for Christmas next year.

Thank you jordiwes and naturestee, for your kind words. You know, whenRaph first began having difficulty getting around it bothered me to noend. I felt so guilty because I couldn't afford to look into surgeryfor him, and I wanted so much to help him. It was hard to watch him ashe would try to keep his footing, only to have his legs give out onhim. But I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and fromthe time I first saw Raph's picture online at the breeder's website, Iknew he was to come into my life for a specific purpose. And now Ithink I know what that purpose is. I've always loved animals, yet neverfelt as though I was doing enough for my pets; those I've have in thepast or the current gang. Raphael has been motivating me to give thatextra bit of myself, and I am so grateful to him for that. From themoment I saw him I knew that he was extremely special, and could feelit. So even through all the bunny poo and urine-dipped ears (and spraysand nips and evil-eyed glares from him when I'd get too close to hisAnna), he has been, and continues to be,a joy.
Haley, you probably didn't notice this blogbecause I don't post to it very often. :?Actually there's alot of threads I never even see in this forum, as I'm in and out ofhere so briefly that I don't tend to read a lot...so I never even thinkto update my own thread.

As for Raph's ears, I do have to clean them out every few days (and boydoes he hate it!). He gets a buildup of wax in the ear canal and itdrives him crazy if it's left there. I had heard that this was aparticular problem with English lops...though I'm not sure how well a'regular' E-lop would keep it's ears clean, with Raph I am the solecaretaker of his, as he cannot use his hind legs well enough to get hishind foot in there and clean them out. He can reach up and scratchbehind his ears, but can't access inside them. I also have to make surehis claws were short, as he would 'nick' the ear cartilage whenscratching.

And yes, he used to trip over them constantly! LOL. Raph's gait was abit different than other rabbits, as I suspect his entire skeletalstructure is a bit wonky. His hind feet would come further forward thana regular rabbit's - both when hopping and when just sitting - so hewould forever be trodding on his ears.I watched him one dayas he was hopping about in the backyard, and he suddenly gotstuck...one of his big hind feet was firmly planted on an ear that washanging down, and he couldn't figure out why he couldn't go forward.Poor guy...it took him a minute or so to realize he was stepping onhimself! He finally lifted his foot and off he went again. :D
Oh, Luvabun- I have been cracking up at how you describe ol' Ralph and his antics-how cute.

You are a wonderful bun mom for him-thank God You got him-and yes I agree it was for a reason. :)
Afraid Raph's not doing so well this morning. OnThursday he had a bout of diarrhea (or what looks to us folk asdiarrhea...it was all over him and his bedding). I had to clean him up,freshen his bedding, and make him more comfortable again. He did perkup somewhat, his appetite - which had been wavering a bit - got better,and the diarrhea cleared up overnight. However, over the past couple ofweeks or so I'd been noticing that he no longer would eat all of hispellets in his dish - and Raph has always had a humongous appetite.Well,over the weekend it dropped off quite a bit. He stoppedeating his pellets altogether, then gave up his most favoritefood...his oats. He's still been eating his veggies all along, but thismorning I noticed that even they went only half-eaten. I've been givinghim what I can with a syringe, but cannot force him to take very much.I think his body is starting to tire, and he's losing the will to go on.

Guess I'm still hoping for a miracle, in that Raph will perk up andwant to live...but he has so many problems with hisjoints andhis muscles that I cancertainly understand why he's goingdownhill. I did know that this was coming, just didn'treallythink it would be such a rapid decline. All I can do is cuddle him andmake him comfortable, and hope that he's not suffering in any way.

Any prayers for Raphie would be appreciated...:(
Oh No! I'll definitely be praying for little Raphael.

Have you given him some pedialyte? I would syringe him some to try andrehydrate him. He probablycould use some extrafluidif hes having diarrhea.
i can't believe i missed this thread! i just went and read the whole thing.

i am so sorry to hear about all his health problems, i have known ofmany breeders to have health problems with their english lops.

i hope that he gets better, and will keep him in my thoughts. . . .
Lots and lots of prayers for Raph! Keep fighting, boy! :pray:

And I do agree with Haley's suggestion of Pedialyte. It might help and could make him feel more comfortable.
Thanks, guys...I think this is just beginning tohit me, that I could lose Raph soon. Someone even asked me about itlast week and I said I was fine; but it turns out I've probably justbeen burying the emotions. And to look at Raph this morning, he justlooked so...sad. I can't tell if he's experiencing much in the way ofpain; it doesn't seem like it for the most part, but I've begun to givehim something for it just in case. He does have pain when his musclesseize, which oddly, happens whenever he is touched around theshoulders. It is like his body cramps up...like someone having acharlie horse in their leg...and then it goes away. But otherwise hejust lies there...and yesterday Anna was sharing his cage, going in andout, keeping him company...and Raph was still showing interest in her,turning his head and tugging at her fur. But this morning he trulylooked depressed, would just lie there, and would sometimeshalf-heartedly eat a piece of romaine, then stop...and it just broke myheart.

Haley, I haven't given Raph any pedialyte, no...but it sounds like agood idea, so I'll pick some up on the way home. His diarrhea didn'tlast long; he only had one small bout of it and it cleared up the nextmorning, but he isn't drinking very much water, so getting electrolytesinto him might help. Thanks very much for that suggestion. I've beengiving him some water (which he absolutely hates) and have been makingsure his veggies are well soaked as well; maybe adding pedialyte to themix will do something. But you know, to look at him he simply looks asthough he's decided he doesn't want to go on. Guess I will take my cuefrom Raph...I'll keep on trying to encourage him; if he starts torespond I'll be so grateful...but if he doesn't respond then I mighthave to do the kindest thing for him. My biggest worry right now iswrapped up in preventing him from suffering.

It's so hard watching a pet go downhill, and feel helpless to doanything about it. And I think it's doubly hard right now, as Raph ismy heart bunny...


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