Baci gave me quite a scare this afternoon! I had a very bad day at work and was looking forward to seeing all my "therapy" buns. I walk into the house and start calling for Baci, usually he'll come running down the stairs to greet me.Today,nothing. I heard the girls running around upstairs, they heard me. Baci usually hangs out on the top landing in front of the girls bedroom. I decided tosurprise him. No Baci. I come downstairs and no Baci in site. My heart is now racing, my worst nightmare is becoming a reality, he's nowhere to be found. I don't hear his little pitter patter running to me. Igo into our bedroom praying he didn't sneak in there to pay Sebastian a visit. Sebastian is not very fond of his brother and I was afraid of the outcome if Baci made his way in there. No Baci. I run back upstairs back into the girls room, No Baci. Now I call my husbandhysterical crying that I can't find him, assuming the worst. Perhaps he snuck out to the sunroom when hubby wasn't looking and ran out the door behind him? I couldn't find my baby and I was getting desperate. Hubby swore he left him on the couch when he walked out the door. I hung up on him, silently blaming him for thedisappearance of my Baci, I'm an emotional wreck at this point. I heard the girls running upstairs, then it dawned on me,they are normally napping at that hour. I decide to check upstairs again and who do I see? BACI!! He's chasing Cappucino! I was so happy hugging and kissinghimand at the same time reprimanding him for scaring me and terrorizing the poor girls.
Now the mystery is~ how he got into their room. We have a baby gatepositioned the doorway to keep them apart.Did Baci, ourlitte mischievous rabbit with the permanent broken foot actually jumped over the gate???? He's lucky his sisters, two 5lb lops didn'tkick his little 3lb bunny butt! So now the door will have to remain closed and he'll just have to communicate with his sisters via the glass door.I insisted daddy give him a lecture when he gets home, however he found his antics quiteamusing and gave him a bunny high five instead!:highfive:
Ok, now just looking forward toa nice quiet BORING weekend!