Naughty Clan

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Haha - paws on the plate. Very cute!!

Boo to monthly vet visits. But at least the condition can be managed through regular care. :hearts
I love your bunnies!! All of them are soooo cuteee! I especially liked the one where your bunny was on the computer, ha ha. That was a cute one! =) Wish I could get a couple more bunnies, so Elvis can have a friend or 2.
Helen~ today it was 2 paws!! He's getting very demanding.

Gina~ we only started with 1 bunny and that's b/c he was orphaned. We never thought we'd end up with 4. However only 2 are bonded.
Yeah I'm off today and got to sleep in till 7:30. I'm usually up by 1:30am to get ready for work, so this was an extra 6 hours! Hubby was so nice to let me sleep in and took care of the buns. They're up and ready to get out by 5:30am. Sebastian goes back into the bedroom, the girls comes out for about an hour than upstairs into the other bedroom and finally Baci comes out for the day. They have it all timed and if we're late, they start their ruckus.

The cable cable was scheduled to come this morning and I'm scrambling to get the house clean. Also needed to take down our Christmas decorations including the tree. (Yes~ I'm embarrassed to say we never took them down.) Figure July would be here in a couple of months and we could have Christmas in July! Baci decides he wants to go for his morning run and scratching at my slippers for attention. So here I am chasing him around the coffee table and who's watching me thru the front door? The cable guys!! How embarrassing. Funny part was since the couch blocked part of their view, all they saw was me running in circles. They were a bit perplexed as what I was doing!

Yesterday, I'm working in the kitchen and I look over at Baci and started laughing. Talk about having an attitude. Guess he was hungry and his way of demanding food was 1 paw on his plate, then progressed to both paws, now he place his half his little body on the plate. Can he be more obvious?


The Prince is patiently waiting and waiting and waiting...............


Yum LETTUCE!!!!!!!


Stop looking at me while I trying to enjoy my dinner! Get your own..How rude!
ha ha ha did you at least have Baci in your arms when you answered the door so they knew what the heck you where doing? lol I still have my icicle lights up outside, and i suppose we are leaving them up all year round, Santa is still on the porch but he is off to the corner, and i have a box of christmas decorations in the hall upstairs that havent made it to the attci,lol least i'm not the only one whohadn't taken down their tree after christmas..i took mine down in late January..umm i do that every year though lol..i just dont get around to it..Ebony and Cassidy love to sit under it..and i'm sure they are quite disappointed when it's gone lol

Your bunnies are absolutely gorgeous

Baci gave me quite a scare this afternoon! I had a very bad day at work and was looking forward to seeing all my "therapy" buns. I walk into the house and start calling for Baci, usually he'll come running down the stairs to greet me.Today,nothing. I heard the girls running around upstairs, they heard me. Baci usually hangs out on the top landing in front of the girls bedroom. I decided tosurprise him. No Baci. I come downstairs and no Baci in site. My heart is now racing, my worst nightmare is becoming a reality, he's nowhere to be found. I don't hear his little pitter patter running to me. Igo into our bedroom praying he didn't sneak in there to pay Sebastian a visit. Sebastian is not very fond of his brother and I was afraid of the outcome if Baci made his way in there. No Baci. I run back upstairs back into the girls room, No Baci. Now I call my husbandhysterical crying that I can't find him, assuming the worst. Perhaps he snuck out to the sunroom when hubby wasn't looking and ran out the door behind him? I couldn't find my baby and I was getting desperate. Hubby swore he left him on the couch when he walked out the door. I hung up on him, silently blaming him for thedisappearance of my Baci, I'm an emotional wreck at this point. I heard the girls running upstairs, then it dawned on me,they are normally napping at that hour. I decide to check upstairs again and who do I see? BACI!! He's chasing Cappucino! I was so happy hugging and kissinghimand at the same time reprimanding him for scaring me and terrorizing the poor girls.

Now the mystery is~ how he got into their room. We have a baby gatepositioned the doorway to keep them apart.Did Baci, ourlitte mischievous rabbit with the permanent broken foot actually jumped over the gate???? He's lucky his sisters, two 5lb lops didn'tkick his little 3lb bunny butt! So now the door will have to remain closed and he'll just have to communicate with his sisters via the glass door.I insisted daddy give him a lecture when he gets home, however he found his antics quiteamusing and gave him a bunny high five instead!:highfive:

Ok, now just looking forward toa nice quiet BORING weekend!
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
ha ha ha did you at least have Baci in your arms when you answered the door so they knew what the heck you where doing? lol I still have my icicle lights up outside, and i suppose we are leaving them up all year round, Santa is still on the porch but he is off to the corner, and i have a box of christmas decorations in the hall upstairs that havent made it to the attci,lol
Next year I'll just make sure I have pastel Christmas decorations so I can keep them up till after Easter! I had so Christmas balls in the color of red and silver so I was able to say they were also Valentine's decor.
cheryl wrote: least i'm not the only one whohadn't taken down their tree after christmas..i took mine down in late January..umm i do that every year though lol..i just dont get around to it..Ebony and Cassidy love to sit under it..and i'm sure they are quite disappointed when it's gone lol

Your bunnies are absolutely gorgeous

Thanks Cheryl!

Doesn't Christmas take place during your summer season? You actually have an excuse to keep it up till your winter season!
How awful of Baci to terrorize the girls and nearly give you a heartattack! I know how you feel. That sinking feeling, when all the worst things start to race through your mind when you can't find your bunny. I actually broke into desperate tears when I couldn't find my Toby and even I pretty much knew he had to be in the apartment somewhere - I just didn't know where. It's such a helpless, lonely feeling.

The cable guy story is pretty funny! Our Christmas tree made it all the way to February :)
Dave~ I can imagine your heart condition with all your buns!

Helen~ good to know I'm not the only emotional wreck when it comes to our buns!:biggrin2:
hln917 wrote:
cheryl wrote: least i'm not the only one whohadn't taken down their tree after christmas..i took mine down in late January..umm i do that every year though lol..i just dont get around to it..Ebony and Cassidy love to sit under it..and i'm sure they are quite disappointed when it's gone lol

Your bunnies are absolutely gorgeous

Thanks Cheryl!

Doesn't Christmas take place during your summer season? You actually have an excuse to keep it up till your winter season!
Haha yeah...good one!..the bunnies would be happy anywaylol

Well Baci has been such a little Rascal lately!The other day he gives me a near breakdown with his little escapade in the girls' room. So now the gateis goneand we keep the door shut now so he's pissed! However he still managed to sneak between my legs and into the room yesterday when I went to check on them. I'mchasing him trying to chaseCappuccino. Fur is flying and Shade couldn't bebother. (Unlike hissister, who'll come to her defense,Shades wasmore annoyed with the commotion disturbng her beauty sleep.)

Then last nightthelittle rascaltook 2 nips on my laptop cord. I saw wires sticking out~ not a good sign. Fortunately hubby is good with wires and was able to splice it back together, saved me $80 since this would be the second cord he got to. This morningthe little bugger was demanding attention.I'm trying to enjoy a cup of coffee and he's anxious to play.I ignore his scratching at myslippersand what does he do? THUMP! The nerve of him, so this bunny slave adhere to his calling and does the bunny lap with him. Yes I think he's got us trained well!

Have some new picture of Sebastian from last night. Sorry if it's a bit dark, I grabbed the cell phone to take the picture.


Yay it's treat time and hand fed for the King!


Burp......time to chill now.

hln917 wrote:

Burp......time to chill now.

I LOL'ed at this!!!

Yeah, I think Baci's pretty much got you owned. Did you and Baci bunny hop to more Lady Gaga Bacirazzi? Good thing your husband knows how to put that stuff back together. My buns... can't be trusted with any yummy wires. Not even fora split second. I had to play Playstation 3 standing up for about an hour while the wireless controller was plugged in to charge LOL
kirbyultra wrote:
I had to play Playstation 3 standing up for about an hour while the wireless controller was plugged in to charge LOL
The things we do for our buns! Have they gotten to the controllers yet? Everytime I try playing the Wii Fit, Baci wants to join in so I stopped. He's dancing around my feet and I'm afraid to crush him. Like he needs to work out!:p

We just spent the morning moving and rearranging the girls' room. Since it's finally getting warm out there, we decided tomove the girls into the bedroom upstairs permanently. They get the roomall day then they usually come downstairs at night and into their cage which is in the living room along with Baci's. They'll still be able to come downstairseverynite so we can interact/play with them but instead of spending the night in their cage, they're free to come and go. So if we ever have overnight visitors, they'll have to share the room with the girls as long as the girls don't mind. It is their bedroom!:biggrin2:

Pretty sad when their room is larger then ours! Originally it was to be our bedroom but it needed renovation and we used the bedroom downstairs temporarily. Sebastianhas always stayed with usin our roomsince he was a baby so moving to a different room nowmay cause him stress. AlsoI have a chaise in our room which he took ownership of and the chaisewill notfit the angles to the upstairs landing. We decided if we ever move to a different house, the chaise will be the first piece of furniture in therefor him. It's like his "security blanket." Now I'm trying to convince hubby to build Baci a new cage similar to the girls, at least 2 levels so he has more room during the evening.

I'm so excited! I come home and in the mail waiting for me was a Jury Duty notice. I must be the only freak who gets excited being called. This will be the 3rd time I've been called in the last 2 years and I'm praying they will let me serve. The first time, I packed my books, crossword puzzle, knitting, and Ipod only to get there and find out I was no longer needed. I literally begged them to reschedule me ASAP. The second noticed came last October. This time I had a business trip that I couldn't miss so I had to postpone. I was very upset. I even wrote a little note on the excuse line apologizing and more or less stating I will be more than happy to serve at anytime. I'm hoping this one pans out. My husband said he's never seen anyone fill out a form so fast.:biggrin2: So keep your fingers crossed for me. I really hope they don't take my eagerness as a reason to disqualify.

On the bunny front, the girls did great on their first night in their room with the new set up. It also saves usan extra hourwhen we're running late in the morning!