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oh so cute love the pics, your buns are too cute!!!!

My Belle loves, loves, loves boxes, she gets in one and goes to town so much that the box jumps all around their cage,lol
I'm such a bad bun mommy!:( Hubby called me earlier to tell me I locked Sebastian in the closet this morning. He must have stuck right by me. Poorbaby was in there for 2 1/2 hours running and scratching trying to wake hubbyto get his attention. He said when he opened the door, Sebastian was sitting there giving him a sad look~ "What did I do wrong?"
:shock:AWWWWWW! That is so sad! :hug:You're not a bad bun mommy though. Everyone has their days!
Aww! :hug: Don't feel bad! I've done that before (Toby likes to trail my heels, and Sammi loves to hide under the dresser!) Also, when I lived at my parent's house, all of us would accidentally shut our terrier in the basement. She'd follow us downstairs then took her sweet time coming back up. We always felt horrible when we found her, but she always forgave us!
Your not a bad bunny mum at all Helen....this happened to my Jack one time..he got shut in the cupboard in the kitchen one day,i didn't know he was in there when i shut the door...they just like to get into mischief.
That stuff happens. One of our bunnies got herself trapped beneath the sink, and another got 'lost' in the garbage can. Luckily we found them both quickly and they got over it. Just as Sebastian will too.
Ahahahahah I love the christmas buns- and that Sebastian was having no part in it. Scrooge hehehe :p!
Sorry I didn't mean to sound so insensitive after your post earlier. I'm sorry about Sebastian but honestly don't worry. He will forget in a few days, even hours!!

We lock Harry outside the back door all the time when it's bedtime. Then we take the dogs upstairs, and count them, and then realise there's one missing, and it's like 'Oh for goodness sake, Harry is outside the back door again'. And there he is, sitting there waiting patiently. He's just such a dopey doggy lol!!!
Thanks everyone! After reading all your stories, I feel better! Now when I leave in the morning, Idouble checkto make sure I know where he is. My biggest fear is one day he'll run out the front door with me. I also feel guilty for not spendingmore time with him. I'm usually in bed by 7:30 and his playtime isn't until 8:30 so on weekends I'll stay up with him. I just wish he'll let us pick him up. I know the trust is there, he'll only come to us for treats and a quick nose rub.However it's still in hisnature to be skittish. Perhaps one day, we'll get that unconditional love from him.

On another note, Cappuccino, the little chicken girl, is slowly coming around. I actually got to pick her up and hold her without a struggle. I've been worried about the girls. Ever since they moved into their own bedroom, they have really no interest to come downstairs unless I bribe them with treats. It's more like we have to go up and visit them!
I'm surprised they'd venture all the way down! The fact that you CAN bribe them down is a feat in itself :)
kirbyultra wrote:
I'm surprised they'd venture all the way down! The fact that you CAN bribe them down is a feat in itself :)

They're pretty smart. As soon it's time to come out, I shake the craisin bag and down the stairs they come!
jcottonl02 wrote:
Ahahahahah I love the christmas buns- and that Sebastian was having no part in it. Scrooge hehehe :p!
Sebastian does not partake in any "planned" photo ops. He sits therein amusement as his siblings are subjected to humiliation!:biggrin2:
hln917 wrote:
jcottonl02 wrote:
Ahahahahah I love the christmas buns- and that Sebastian was having no part in it. Scrooge hehehe :p!
Sebastian does not partake in any "planned" photo ops. He sits therein amusement as his siblings are subjected to humiliation!:biggrin2:
I was typing my blog yesterday and was all set to hit the post reply when the site went out on me!:X Arrrgggg!!! And to top it off I missed out on giving Baci his goodnight hug b/c I was too busy typing. So lets try this again............

We moved my mother in law this weekend to her daughter's house. It's the next town over, so don't know ifthat's a good thing or bad. We have a great relationship however hubby and I like our privacy. And his family has a tendency of just dropping in without any notice, let alone an invitation!

At least we got a rug out of it. We decided to switch out the girls' rug, give themnew one which is 6 inches wider and give Sebastian theirs. We also had a small matching one that we placed in front of the bed, their new lounging spot now. Yes~ a queen bed for the Queens! The girls were so grateful by doing binkies.

Here are the before and after shots of Sebastian's space. He lives in our bedroom and gets free range of the house after his siblings have gone to bed, usually from 8pm-6am.



Sebastian is also happy with a larger range ofrug to hop up and down from the window shelf. He likes his potty up by the window and loves sitting up with the sun on his face.You would think he's a Western and not Eastern bun! Notice their are no blinds or curtains. He showed his distaste by chewing up my verticals!! Since our bedroom is on ground level, hubby had to tint the windows so one can't look in. I can say it works b/c the meter man surprised me one morning as I was changing!