Thanks everyone! After reading all your stories, I feel better! Now when I leave in the morning, Idouble checkto make sure I know where he is. My biggest fear is one day he'll run out the front door with me. I also feel guilty for not spendingmore time with him. I'm usually in bed by 7:30 and his playtime isn't until 8:30 so on weekends I'll stay up with him. I just wish he'll let us pick him up. I know the trust is there, he'll only come to us for treats and a quick nose rub.However it's still in hisnature to be skittish. Perhaps one day, we'll get that unconditional love from him.
On another note, Cappuccino, the little chicken girl, is slowly coming around. I actually got to pick her up and hold her without a struggle. I've been worried about the girls. Ever since they moved into their own bedroom, they have really no interest to come downstairs unless I bribe them with treats. It's more like we have to go up and visit them!