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Nela wrote:
Whoa how scary! I'm glad it turned out to be a misdiagnosis! Must have been terribly stressful for sure. :expressionlessCongrats on the job! I mean, I know you turned it down, but I am sure it's always good for the self-esteem to know you got the position anyway ;)Hoping all is well with you and that the rest of the years will go more smoothly :biggrin2:
Thanks Nela~ hell yeah it felt good to know I got it! :biggrin2: I was "flying high" for a couple of days!
"Leaf me alone", Cappy says. Maybe she wants you to give her leaves and leave her alone to eat them.. heheh

It's good to see pics of your other bun-buns. Baci is a sweetheart and a superstar bunny, but we miss seeing more of the others as well. I won't even say what I think about the pics - I guess you already know..
I guess everybody agrees with me you should be a professional bunny photographer! :)
hotmaildeal wrote:
"Leaf me alone", Cappy says. Maybe she wants you to give her leaves and leave her alone to eat them.. heheh

Unfortunately today I wish that's what she is saying. I posted this in the infirmary section


I swear the buns knows my inner thoughts. As I said earlier, I decline the flight attendant position b/c one of the main reason was I didn't think I could leave my buns for an extended period of time, I would miss them like crazy. The day I would have reported to training, Shades started having molar issues.I had to take her to the vet the next day. Then a couple of months ago, I was having doubts and regretting my decision. That same week, Baci gave me a scare. He didn't finish his greens. However the vet said it was b/c he was more interested in his new hay. Which is a good thing of course!:D

My company is offering an early out package now. I've been very unhappy there and talked about it with hubby. I drive 55 miles each way, 1 1/2 hour every day. The wear and tear on thecar, not to mention the gas was getting expensive. Then I saw my co worker who did become aflight attendant and she mentioned how much she loved her new position and I told her I regretted not going for it. Well, Cappy must have heard. She's giving me a scare this morning. As of last nite she was fine, she finished her greens during the evening. Today, she has no appetite, failed the treat test. I'll be worried all day at work now. If she still hasn't touched her morning greens by the time I leave for work, I'll call the vet. Unfortunately I don't think he's in Fri/Sat. She's been moulting and had the same issues last year. However after a day of pumpkin and CC, she was back to normal. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she'll bounce back quickly this time. I'm a worrywort when it comes to my "kids."

So I guess my decision has been decided for me by the buns. I would still have to find another job so they can keep their lifestyle:biggrin2:. I doubt I'll find another schedule as flexible as the one I have now. So it doesn't matter that I'm unhappy at work as long as I'm happy at home!

hln917 wrote:
...So I guess my decision has been decided for me by the buns. I would still have to find another job so they can keep their lifestyle:biggrin2:. I doubt I'll find another schedule as flexible as the one I have now. So it doesn't matter that I'm unhappy at work as long as I'm happy at home!

I think I am at that point also. I just want a job that I will be happy to get up in the morning for, as well as the flexibility to make those emergency trips to the vet without reprimand for wanting to take care of my "kids".

Let's hope that we find the perfect balance between home and work.... ;)
There's this phrase by Dostoyevsky I learned to respect: "I'm well-educated enough not to be superstitious, but I am superstitious" - I think you're doing a good choice letting the buns decide for you. Many times, with many friends (and myself too), I noticed that when something doesn't happen it's because it's not supposed to.
Something else must be in store for you and you'll get it at the same time.
In the meanwhile, I hope Cappy gets fine soon, I hope she's just keeping mommy close and got no bigger issues.
I'm sending a big virtual hug for all of you, I hope Cappy has already fully recovered and that you and your family are all ok.
myheart wrote:
I think I am at that point also. I just want a job that I will be happy to get up in the morning for, as well as the flexibility to make those emergency trips to the vet without reprimand for wanting to take care of my "kids".

Let's hope that we find the perfect balance between home and work.... ;)
I should have asked the vet if their was any openingin his office. :biggrin2: That would be the perfect job now if only I wasn't allergic to cats and dogs. Perhaps I can only handle his bunny patients.

Vivian~I do b/l in fate and I b/l the buns are directing my life for me. I'm tired of people telling me "they are just rabbits, they are not your children." Well they are my children, they have 4 legs and not 2.

Now back to the buns~by the time hubby came home that day, Cappy finished her greens and came down for her treat. I still took both her and Shades to the vet the following day to get their annual check up. The vet said they were both very healthy and at the perfect weight! Only downside was Shades was getting too much protein from eating mostly pellets and no greens. She no longer has any interest in them. So the next day, we went to the farmer's market and bought a variety of greens.


Unfortunately Shades still had no interest, Cappy however was very happy!


This was the 2 of them getting comfortable on the 80 miles trip to the vet. They were such good girls taking care of each other.

Wow Helen, your food arrangement topped anything I've ever seen!! That's so nice, any bun would want to eat those greens... er.. except for Shades, it seems? What if you go to "her home" place and feed her there? You might have to get some little pieces of greens cut and put them into her mouth, and make sure she'll eat them all. MILU tried to cheat eating when he had dental problems, I did this method of putting food into his mouth and he'd spit it out, but I didn't give up until he ate a considerable amount. It must be done in a place where they won't run from you, their "house/home" is usually a good one, since they'll be comfortable and won't run away. It was funny how eventually MILU got so mad at me pushing him those greens that he started eating them voraciously. The key was showing to him that I wouldn't give up...
Ah and yes - bunnies ARE kids for us!

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