Naughty Clan

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Sebastian's in trouble tonight! The little bugger chewed thru the cord to the portable heater that we leave in the bedroom for him. What an ungrateful rabbit! The cord was wrapped, luckily it wasn't plugged in. Guess like his momma, he's not a big fan of portable heaters!

On another note, I just finished my Christmas cards. Yes a bit late but I didn't plan on sending any out this year until hubby came up with the idea of making our own. Have to admit, I'm proud of the way it came out.



Since this was a last minute idea, I figured I'll get the pictures ready for next year's cards. After a bit ofbribery withthetreats and trying to get them to sit still, here are the Christmas Buns (with the exception of Sebastian, he was not having any of it, Mr Bah Humbug!)


It's Santa Baci!


Mrs. Shades Claus


Cappucino~ the Button-nose reinbunny!
Poor Baci, Sebastian wants absolutely nothing to do with his little brother. When they did interact, fur was flying!Baci thought it was fun, Sebastian was not playing, he meant business.


What you looking at?


I wish that little bugger will just leave me alone!


Yummy! Mommy said hay is good for me but do I have to eat all of this?


Now let me mark it so they know it's MINE. All mine!


Boy I'm full! Nap time, wake me during dinner please.

[align=center]Happy New Years from the Naughty Clan




[align=center]Bunny Slaves[/align]

[align=left]Well so far it's starting off to a good year! Baci was sick and gave us another scare! (I swear these bunnies must love to test ourblood pressureand time it to get sick during the holidays!) He seems to be recovering fine. Of course now he gets spoiled and gets tostay out for the next couple of nights.[/align]

[align=left]Only problem was the first New Years in 13 yearsthat I did not wake up with hubby next to me. Insteadwhen I opened my eyes I saw this across from me~

[align=left]Baci in his new bed.[/align]
[align=left]After 3 nights,it was my turn to stay out with him![/align]
Baci is back to his normal self. His new name shall be Sir Poop A'lot. Not complaining. It is the most wonderful site after a couple of sleepless nights.
Now we give each other high five when we see a full litter box!

I was so worried about him that I felt like I ignored the other 3 buns especially Sebastian. Poor Sebastian had to give up his "out" time and wasn't allowed out of the bedroom for a couple of nights. He was not a happy camper. But boy did he get his revenge. The first night out, he pooped in the community hay basket and everywhere that he smelled Baci's scent. You would have thought a bomb loaded with rabbit poop exploded in our living room! As naughty as he was, I'm trying to make up for his neglect. I think I'm close to forgiveness. He will always be the "Master of the House."




Give all your buns their due love, Helen! I'm so happy that Baci is back to himself.
How funny, I called my Toby (who has always been "Sir Toby") Sir Poops-a-Lot after his stasis a few weeks ago too! Silly bunnies.
Well the coronation happened last night apparently without my knowledge. The Princesses decided it was time to become the Queen(s) of the house. Their daddy slave is out of time so momma slave just learned that none of the buns are pleased with the new horse pellet litter that we started using. I figure it would be cost saving and was so excited to purchase a 50lb bag for less than $7.00. Hubby has been slowly trying to switch it over and kept a layer of the old Cozy Comfort bedding on top. Silly me figure hey after a couple of weeks, they probably were adjusted by now so I kept if off last night. NOT!

I woke up this morning to pee and poop all outside the litter box, over their straw mat and the area mat we have in the cage. (so they are not lying on a cold floor) Ungrateful B*****! So now I have to head out to Walmart and Petsmart to get all new mats! That cost saving backfired royally!

The Royal Poop


Queen Shades and Queen Cappucino


Treats for the Queen(s) please!


The Queens on their Throne. Ok well the floor....

Baci gave me a scare today. He didn't touch his lettuce all morning. Then I thought maybe it's because I just filled up the left over plate from the girls to give to him. Well, Mr. Snob wouldn't touch it, it reeked of the girls' scent. I had to get a new plate with fresh lettuce. Even then he only nibbled on a few pieces. He usually sleep during the late morning then wake up to eat. Well today he didn't come down. Now I'm getting nervous. Hubby is away and I'm usually very good at handling anything, but ....not a sick rabbit, I fall to pieces. He's sleeping at the staircase as he usually does, he like to be up high so he can see everything. Before I start pulling out the Benebac and CC, I decided to try again. Well it seems ALL my rabbits want the royal treatment this weekend. Of course it's to punish me because their Papa Slave is not here.

I literally had to feed Baci his lettuce one by one from the landing below and when I decided to put the plate in front of him, he had an attitude and pushed it right down the stairs!!




LOL...that's why he had lettuce at the stairs?! My goodness. Are your buns bonded to your husband? Maybe they miss him, and Baci is showing it by not eating.
kirbyultra wrote:
LOL...that's why he had lettuce at the stairs?! My goodness. Are your buns bonded to your husband? Maybe they miss him, and Baci is showing it by not eating.
B/l it or not, hubby seems to think Baci is the reincarnation of his dog. Baci used to play parrot, jump up on to hubby"s shoulder and just sit there all nite. I think Bacifeels grateful to him for "saving his life"~ it was hubby who took him to the vet, fed him his meds and CC when he was sick. (though at the time he hated him) They are "best friends" andyes I do get jealous sometimes.
