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I love the chair picture! And dark bunnies are hard to see sometimes. I told Finley I'm going to paint her lighter so I can keep track of her more easily. ;)
hln917 wrote:
B/l it or not, hubby seems to think Baci is the reincarnation of his dog. Baci used to play parrot, jump up on to hubby"s shoulder and just sit there all nite. I think Bacifeels grateful to him for "saving his life"~ it was hubby who took him to the vet, fed him his meds and CC when he was sick. (though at the time he hated him) They are "best friends" andyes I do get jealous sometimes.

Your husband must really love rabbits. Baci's story is amazing and I'm sure that during his hardest time, he knew your husband cared for him.

I just love the dutch bunny markings. Baci is very charming! :hearts:
I went into work a little later todayso I can get all the buns set up this morning. (Usually hubby's chore but he was away.) Baci was so playful this morning. It's 2:30am, I'm trying to get ready and he keep coming up and scratching my slippersb/c he wanted to run. I must have did 10 laps around the coffee table with 30 minutes. I'm sure if anyone was peeking in the window, they would have saw a crazy lady running in circles! I felt bad b/cwe finally came home15 hours later. First thing we do is check on all the kids in their rooms. Baci is still veryactive tonightwanting to play more. He on an adrenaline rush. He just came flying down the stairs and jumped right up on the couch. These are the times that I try to take in as much of him as I can. As tire as I am, I feel guilty if I ignore him. The last time I did,he got sick and Imade a promise to him that whenhe gets better, I'll never ignore him again.

It's funny b/c since we became bunny slave I don't think hubby and Ihave been away from them longer than a weekend. Weplan our vacation separately so one of us is always therewith our "kids."
kahlin wrote:
I love the chair picture! And dark bunnies are hard to see sometimes. I told Finley I'm going to paint her lighter so I can keep track of her more easily. ;)
LOL, Ihave a friend whoonce turned her neighbor's white horse into a zebra!
We took Shades to the vet today to have her front teeth trimmed down again. I was surprised how fast they grow, the last time was just a month ago and they had to dremel down her molars. A simple visit or so we thought turned out to be a bit more. When the vet checked her molars, she realized they had to be worked on again. A procedure that would require anesthesia. I'm sure it's safe, however I still get nervous. They told me I can come back in about 1 1/2 hour to pick her up. Within 30 minutes my phone rang, I was so scared to pick it up. Why were they calling so soon, did something happen? Well~ aside from grinding down her molars, they also had toextract one b/c it was so bad. Poor girl. The 45 minute ride home also didn't help calm her nerves. (None of the buns like car rides) ButShades' such a trooper. She's already eating and I made her favorite dish. Mash- soaked pellets with pumpkin! I didn't realize when her front teeth were overgrown, she couldn't use her tongue to lick, I should have known something was wrong when I didn't see her tongue. Boy do I feel horrible for missing that. I have ALOT ofmaking up to hernow!
Baci was so loving today, probably b/c we were both home with him all day. I almost felt guilty working outside since it was nice today. He wasfollowing us around allover the house seekingattention and licking my slippers to death. (Of course he'll never give my face the same treatment.) All the other buns are so independent, they would rather be left alone unless it was treat time. Baci is different, he demands attention. He has quitea personality. I think he's the smartest rabbit. When he wants to run laps, he'll scratch at my slippers; if the girls are making a commotion upstairs, he's like Lassie, he'll look at you and then go running up the stairs expecting you to follow to check up on them. Last summer he was going crazy jumping on us all over the couch trying to get our attention. Unfortunately with the communication barrier, we just assumed he wanted attention again. Well the next day we read that their was a minor earthquake 20 miles away. He was trying to warn us! Didn't I tell you he's one smartbun? I just wish he had a little playmate. The girls have each other and Sebastian is just a loner. Well I guess Baci has us! As much as I know he loves us, while I'm typing this he is currently giving us dirty looks b/c it's the girls turn to come down so he's back in his cage for the night. I'm almost tempted to sleep out here on the couch tonight so he can stay out all night. Don't think that'll fly with hubby!


Morning Hugs


Best friends watching TV together


Rough day
I knew it was too good to be true! I woke up this morning and notice Baci didn't touch his greens last night and only had a couple poops in his litterbox. He did pee. Then I gave him the Craisin test. He grabbed it immediately but took a while to chew it. We also thought perhaps we switched the lettuce brand and he didn't like it, so we left 2 plate with 2 different brand of lettuce. I came home, the floor by the girls' cage is flooded with poop but he didn't touch his food. Now I'm calling his vet who won't be in until Friday. That would be 4 stressful night of not sleeping and having to syringe feed him if necessary. Now I'm calling all the vets recommended by the RHS, however none will do rabbit dental work. (I'mseriously doubting the website's referrals.) I finally found one an hour away who will see him tomorrow afternoon. Perfect! Hubby's a bit nervous obviously b/c this will be a new vet. I called some friends who is familiar with the hospital and has heard good things. A bit calming to us.

The strange part is he's still running up and down the stairs. He was sitting hunched up a bit but then when you call him, he comes running over to you. He's still very active, if anything, more than usual. Almost as if telling us, hey I'm not feeling well, do something about it! He just went over to nibble on some pellets but I did notice his poop is now getting smaller within the last hour. We just syringed him so Pedialtye and placed him back in his cage so the girls can come down back to their cage. Then we'll feed him the CC. I was able to order some Apple-banana flavor from Lambert Pet Supply and it does smell 10x better than the Anise flavor. Hopefully he won't fight us when we syringe feed him.I took tomorrow off so I can sleep out in the living room and leave him out all night. That's his therapy, whenever he gets sick, he gets to stay out all night with one of us. Tonight is my turn. I'd rather be near him, usually he'll jump on the couch and snuggle up with us, or I should say insist on being petted till he falls asleep. If we do before him, he'll nudge and wake us until the petting resume.

Everyone has their :heartsbunny and Baci is ours. I really hope he outlives me b/c I don't even want to think about not having him around. Baci baby~ momma, daddy, Sebastian, Cappy and Shadesneeds you to get better soon!
Thanks guys. I'm am having a little anxiety attack right now. Baci has an appointment at 2pm and this vet is about an hour away. He hates car ride and unfortunately I have to take him alone since hubby is working. Figure I'll give myself 1 1/5 hour since I also don't know where this place is. They were listed under the RHS site and the only one around here that will perform rabbit dentistry. Unfortunately I don't know anything about them.

Baci is still hyper and very active until about an hour ago, not sure if he's just tired b/c he was running around all night trying to get the girls' attention in their cage. He still won't eat on his own except for a few sliver of carrots so we gave him some CC this morning and Pedialyte twice. That Apple/banana flavor definitely makes a big difference! He doesn't fight us as much now. The feeding time is cut in half from 20 mins to 10.

Time to pack up my little Baci and take a trip! Keep your fingers crossed!


Thanks April. As I posted in the infirmary section, it has been one frustrating day. I was all set to start bawling on the way home from the vet but didn't want to stress Baci out more. The vet did confirm that Baci's molars had to be dremeled down (again~twice now in 2 months) HOWEVER~ the procedure had to be done tomorrow morning! She said she saw laceration on his inner cheeks which is causing discomfort when he chew his food, hence why he's not eating. Don't they realize how important it is when a bun doesn't eat on their own yet he had to wait another day??? Unfortunately I'm at their mercy since the other vet can't see him till Fri. I learned my lesson, I'm going to schedule a monthly appointment ahead of time now to plan to have his molars filed down just in case.

So, another day of Baci not eating on his own, (he lost 4oz) I have to take off from work tomorrow and a total of driving 4 hours! The latter two, I'm not complaining. I'd do anything just for him to get better, I just hate seeing him so uncomfortable. The cost for the procedure is more than double- about $325, not including today's visit. I think I'll be stressing out all day tomorrow until I can bring him home and see him eat on his own. I plan to stay out with him again tonight (poor Sebastian will lose his spot once again) and hubby agreed to stay out with him tomorrow night. Right now he's sitting on a blanket on top of the basket, his new fav spot whenever he doesn't feel well. We just gave him some CC and Pedialtye. I left the girls in their cage hoping they can entice him to visit. Usually when he sees them, he starts pooping in front of their cage. Like this morning, the best site I saw was a bunch of poop, small ones but at least he
was pooping.

11 hours to go now..........

Maybe you can talk with your regular vet about preventive care(whether it's a monthly visit. maybe they can give you a discount). I know every rabbit is different with their teeth.

I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow but keep us updated. :hug:

Thanks Helen. April~ if I use the regular vet, they only charge me 1/2 for the anesthisia which bring the cost to a little over $100. That isn't so bad. This place is sort of an emergency.

I stayed out with Baci on the couch last night. Couldn't sleep, I kept looking at him to make sure he was ok. Little bugger slept on the basket next to me so at least he was close by. Then my mind would start worrying about the procedure today. My husband always told me I have a hell of an imagination andsometimes it justgoes non stop. Last night was a non stop night. Usually I'm afraid of the dark, this time it was about my rabbits. Baci was still in the same position when I woke up, never once left his basket. No poop, no pee. Now I'm really worried. Is he even strong enough for the procedure? I went over to the girls cage knowing that would get his attention. Sure enough he hopped down and jumped right into the community litter pan and did a little pee and poop. He ran around a bit and guess what~ straight to his pellet bowl!!!! He started munching down.Unfortunately he didn't drink any water so I'll give him so Pedialyte before I head out. He's back up on his basket now. I'm sure all that chewing hurt his molar but at least he has food in his little stomach. I'll leave here in about an hour, hoping to avoid traffic.It's going to be hard to leave him behind until this afternoon.It'll be the longest ride home without my little Baci.
Baci's recovering nicely. I was finally able to pick him up by 4:30pm yesterday. I took one look at his little paws and saw that they shaved a small section for the IV and almost started to bawl again. He was still upset during the ride. He wouldn't look at me, kept his head tucked down, I even called hubby using the speakerphone hoping his voice would stir him. Nothing. Broke my heart to see him like that. He didn't trust me. I know he probably thought I deserted him like the previous owner.

When I finally got him home, he ran straight to his basket and sat there. He really got us nervous.However an hour later, he ran downand started to nibble first on his pellets, then walked over to the greens, and couple sips of water and finally~ HAY!!! He hasn't touched hay since his bout withstatis back in Sept.Hewas playing musical chair with his food. Definitely making up for not eating the last coupleof days.

Today he's almost back to normal. I can tell he's still worn down from the procedure. Every time he hops on the couch,I'm running around placing the cushion on the floor so he has something soft to hop down to. It still bothers me to see his paws like that. I'm sure it's also sore for having theIV needle. Still haven't come to the conclusion whether we like this vet or not.

He's going to be spoiled the next couple of days. Hubby will be away for the weekend so it'll be bonding time for us. The girls gets to stay out all night in the bedroom upstairs and Baci will get to stay out also the next couple of nights. Poor Sebastian, he hasn't been allowed to come out of our bedroom since Baci's been sick. I'm sure he'll leave his markings everywhere next week when he comes out. Payback's a b**tch!