Naughty Clan

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LOL! Just realized you can't type certain words. It'll come back as "badword."

Baci~ prior to his dental work


Momma didn't say where I'm going so better make myself look good!


Ok ~ don't think I like this place.


MOMMA!! No I don't want to be here!!

Oh, I'm glad Baci is home. I am sure he will forgive you and understandin time. He is glad to be home, he may just be unsure what to make of this whole thing the last few days.

Sad face about the little bunny paw :( That would tear me up too... I understand. When they took blood from Kirby, I felt so guilty... and it was just a needle stick, not even an IV. It had to be done :(

Edit: LOL - I thought YOU typed "badword"! Too funny...

Baci is cute even when he is upset. How's that possible? :bunnydance:
I'm so glad he's doing well. :)He isso cute. Adorable pic's.:bunnydance:

If he's not eating hay thats probably why his teethhave to be filed down so much. I would push hay....even if you have to cut back on veggies. Hay helps keep the teeth filed down and helps the belly :)

He is so cute :)
Glad to here it went well. I would feel guilty about it too though, just like I felt awful taking Chew in for a visit.
Why is it that when someone hears that you have a pet other than a cat or dog, inappropriate comments are necessary? We don't have any kids, our rabbits are our kids. Do we make comments about your children? No ~ so please refrain from saying anything negativeabout my children unless you want to tell me how adorable they are. A while back, we had a power outage and my co-worker invitedus to stay with her which I thought was very nice, UNTIL..... I jokingly said my rabbits will be coming with me. Her comment, "That's fine, my husband love rabbit stew!" Well she has 2 cats which she adores, so my comeback: (and I apologize beforehand, I don't mean to offend anyone) "Well you know, in my culture, we consider cats to be a delicacy!" She was horrified by my comment. Needless to say, her invitation was rescinded quickly. Perhaps now she'll think before she speak!

Ok, enough ranting.... On the bunny homefront- I'm happy to say Baci is doing well and he's slowly eating hay again!Of coursewe have to weave some alfalfa in with the orchard and timothy. And he has a new song~ Baci-razzi. (my version of Lady GaGa's Paparazzi) On the way to the vet, I serenaded my little guy. Yesterday I came home to another scare, (I swear my heart is going to give out one day worrying about these buns!) when I went to check on the girls, I sawsome blood smearedon the mat next to their food. We check both girls and literally got on our hands and knee and crawled all over the floor looking forany traces of blood. Thankfully none. Looks like Shades lost a nail and was able to lick/clean her paw up by the time I got home. She seems fine now.

Oh and I met Valerie Bertinelli at work today. She is so sweet and she looks great! Her boyfriend/husband is also a cutie.

hln917 wrote:
Why is it that when someone hears that you have a pet other than a cat or dog, inappropriate comments are necessary? We don't have any kids, our rabbits are our kids. Do we make comments about your children? No ~ so please refrain from saying anything negativeabout my children unless you want to tell me how adorable they are. A while back, we had a power outage and my co-worker invitedus to stay with her which I thought was very nice, UNTIL..... I jokingly said my rabbits will be coming with me. Her comment, "That's fine, my husband love rabbit stew!" Well she has 2 cats which she adores, so my comeback: (and I apologize beforehand, I don't mean to offend anyone) "Well you know, in my culture, we consider cats to be a delicacy!" She was horrified by my comment. Needless to say, her invitation was rescinded quickly. Perhaps now she'll think before she speak!

:grumpy:I AGREE! Some of my friends make stew jokes to tease but perfect strangers assuming my rabbits are lesser pets than their dogs is rude and plain ignorant. I am really bothered by that too.

Our buns are our kids. They're as good as adopted children, except we can't claim them as dependents on taxes :X
:roflmao: I had to laugh about the cat comment. I don't blame you for saying it. lol.

That is awesome, Baci is eating hay again. That will help his teeth :)
So everything is quiet in the Naughty homefront~ knock on wood. Shades has an appointment at the vet tomorrow to trim her front teeth. Hopefully her molars are fine this time. Seems both her and Baci has been having problems with their molars and every month they need to be dremeled down. Shades stopped eating hay, but will happily eat her greens. Baci is finally is eating his hay, only because we weave in Alfalfa with the Timothy and Orchard.

I do have a rant about the vets that are referred by the HRS site. Baci was having problems 2 weeks ago. I called the vet's office on Monday, explained he was barely touching his food,theycouldn't gethim intill Friday morning. The receptionistsaid only 1 vet there will treat rabbits, the other 2 staffed will not even touch them. She evenrecommend that I should try to findhim another vet to see if they can treat himsooner b/c their office "is really for dogs and cats!" Then she told me Baci will need to be scheduledwhen 2 technicians are not on staff because theyare highly allergic to rabbits. And you work in a veterinary office????:X

I was desperate, their was no way I was waiting till Friday. He would have stopped eating by then and he's not a fan of being syringed fed. I called at least 4 other vets listed on the HRS site. As soon as I mentioned rabbits, the receptionist had to check if they evensee them, however none would deal with rabbit dentistry. It was getting frustrating, I'm tempted to contact the HRS and have them update their list. I finally found one over an hour away. I'm always nervous about taking them to a new place. They were a bit more, double the price. Fortunately they also accept Creditcare which I sign up for. I also found someone from another forum who lives nearby and she referred me to a vet in PA. At least I now have a backup. I think as a requirement to veterinary school, all should be trained in treating rabbits!
Took Shades to the vet yesterday to trim and front tooth and check on her molars. Good news~ her molars are fine!!!:bunnydance: Better news was that this visit only cost $10. I'm also finally getting the hang of taking the buns to the vet myself. I'm so nervous with them in the car and extra cautious on how I drive.All the bunshate car rides so I sing to them on the way there. Baci's song is Baci-razzi fromLady Ga Ga's Paparazzi and nowShades song is from KC and the Sunshine Band (for all the older crowd out there!) Shake your Booty~ Shade Shade Shade, Shade Shade Shade, Shakerdoodle. Her nickname from hubby is Shakerdoodle.

Took some pictures last night, Sebastian and Baci decided they wanted to model. The girls, Shade and Cappucino could care less.


Have you ever seen such a handsome bun? Yeah I'm cute!


What ya think? They say my right side is more photogenic.


That kid's got nothin on me, this is a real man!


Yeah check out this sleek body!


Oh my Gawd!! Boys will be boys, they are so VAIN!

I can't believe I actually went into work this morning during this Snowmageddon that we're experiencing in the East Coast. They are estimating at least 18 inches by the time this is over My reward for coming into work? I cannot get home!!The company is shacking me upat the hotel with no TV, the satellite is down. Fortunately I have my laptop so I watched Twilight. The worst part is I miss my buns so much! Getting update from hubby every hour. He's texting me pictures of my babies. But I get so jealous when I hear him talking to them over the phone b/c I'm not there. However I think one of the coolest feeling is when after a couple of days of being away, the first time they hear my voice and look upas if saying"Hey I know that voice, it's HER!"

My girlfriend also sent me a message asking if we want to take in another rabbit. Seems a friend of hers is foreclosing on their house and can't afford to even feed their rabbit nor dog. It really upsets me to hear this but we don't have the room for another bun. So if anyone isin the NY/CT/PA area that's interested, pleaselet me know. I feel bad that we can't take it in but I do trust my friend to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hand. She's the one who rescued Baci for us.

Well off to bed now, have to be up for another early day at work tomorrow. Hopefully it's be a quiet day and I get to go home!

Here's what I'm missing tonight:(




12_27_256.jpg bright side of not being home~ hubby found this in the basement tonight.


Glad it was him who found it and not me. His friend will "foster" it until it's warm enough to return back to nature.

My company tried to do that to some people. Some people took the bait. I told them no thanks, I'll commute. Not worth it to not see my buns. I feel you!:hug:

Your husband found a SNAKE in the basement? I'd have a heartattack!!!!! How did he deal with it? Did he pick it up?! Isn't it scary to have buns in the house with snakes running around breaching the home :( I mean, this one can't eat the bun but can certainly bite and cause damage, can't it? :tears2:
:inlove:I love all the bunny pic's. Your bunnies are so adorable.


Too Cute!! :) ^^^^

The snake....I would have freaked. My husband hates snakes. He screams and runs when he just see's one. It's funny cause he sounds like a girl. LOl. We get them in our shed some times.
I love your blog! OMG, I would FREAK if something like THAT was in my home! Normally I wouldn't think of NJ as heavy on the wild critters, but I guess you lucked out ;).

Reminds me of when my bf found a rattle snake on his job site once. He actually sent me a text of it!! He found a safe way to get it to go away though.
kirbyultra wrote:
My company tried to do that to some people. Some people took the bait. I told them no thanks, I'll commute. Not worth it to not see my buns. I feel you!:hug:

Your husband found a SNAKE in the basement? I'd have a heartattack!!!!! How did he deal with it? Did he pick it up?! Isn't it scary to have buns in the house with snakes running around breaching the home :( I mean, this one can't eat the bun but can certainly bite and cause damage, can't it? :tears2:

Unfortunately the roads were really bad and my commute is a little over an hour, had no choice but to stay over.

Hubby's not afraid of snake like I am. He put it in a tupperware and took it to his friend's house the next day so he could take care of it till spring then release it. Let's just say I hope this is the last time we'll ever have to encounter one indoor!
SweetSassy wrote:
:inlove:I love all the bunny pic's. Your bunnies are so adorable.


Too Cute!! :) ^^^^

The snake....I would have freaked. My husband hates snakes. He screams and runs when he just see's one. It's funny cause he sounds like a girl. LOl. We get them in our shed some times.
Thanks April! We had a call one night from our neighbor because they found a snake in their basement and her husband,who's a big guywas terrified so hubby had to go over and get the snake out for them. LOL!
Raspberry82 wrote:
I love your blog! OMG, I would FREAK if something like THAT was in my home! Normally I wouldn't think of NJ as heavy on the wild critters, but I guess you lucked out ;).

Reminds me of when my bf found a rattle snake on his job site once. He actually sent me a text of it!! He found a safe way to get it to go away though.

LOL~ don't know if I would call it lucky. Where we are inNJ, we have all kind of wildlife. I'm learned not to venture out after sundown or make lots of noise when I do.

Don't think I'd be hanging around if I saw a rattesnake! Curioushow he found asafe way to get rid of it?
I finally made it home. Had such a bad night at the hotel. Checked in at 2pm, with absolutely nothing to do. Even the satellite TV went out! Figured I would actually get to sleep in a couple hours later than norm since I'm usually up by 1:30am. Well that plan backfired~ I had a room facing the parking lot and the snow plow kept doing laps around the building! How thoughtful of him to make sure the roads leading out was clear for the shuttle the next day~ NOT! Didn't hear any planes taking off since they were all grounded, however the blizzard didn't disrupt the freight trains that ran directly behind the hotel. Damn train tooted its horn every hour! We have about 18 inches, the most we've had in a long time and we're expecting more snow on Monday! NOOOO!!! Why can't it only snow on weekends. I don't mind being stuck in the house with the buns. I hate not being able to come home to see them.

Like I said, the coolest part about coming home is having the buns recognize your voice as you enter the room. Well Baci looked up when he heard my voice and ran over to greet me by humping my foot. Such love I get from him. Though it was only one night away, I felt like I missed out on alot. Hubby bragged how Baci hung out on the couch with him all day for his bunny massage. He never does that for me! Well actually he did once when we let him stay out all night b/c he wasn't feeling well. I slept on the couch and he would jump up to my face wanting his bunny massage. Everytime I'd fall asleep, he would nudge my hand with his butt, I'd wake up and massage some more till I dozed off again. Mr. Attitude left me a present next to my pillow the next morning. Two little poop!!

And~ today is Hubby and Baci's 2ndBirthday!

Sebastian and Baci toasting their buns at separate times of course!



We've had Sebastian for about 6 years now since he was a wee bit and fortunately we've never really had to worry about him. Except for a torn nail, he's been one healthy bun. He is however they most unsociable bun. He will not take to anyone except for hubby and myself. He'll hide if he hears a stranger in the house and if they become overnight visitors, he will not leave the bedroom and will take at least one day after they're gone before he even ventures out again. Myniece stayed over last night and he's not a happy camper right now. He came out for a bit tonight, ate 2 pieces of banana, went back into the bedroom and is now moping. Tonight's the first time in 6 years that I'm worried about him. I think it's because I tend to forget they age. I'm really hoping it's just an attitude he's having and nothing else. I already told hubby no more overnight visitors for awhile. Too stressful on my buns!



At least he's still eating, he just made us hand feed him his greens~ one at a time. So hopefully it is an attitude he's having.
It's snowing AGAIN here. Started at 6am today and supposedly continue till 6pm tomorrow. I have never seen so much snow for the east coast. This time I left work early, I'm off tomorrow and did not want to get stuck overnight like the last time. It's going to be a mess at the airport,Ifeel bad for those who will not be able to get home. However I would not want to get on a plane in this weather. I'll be happily snowbound at home with my buns.Baci's always happy tohaveour company all day, the restof the buns could care less. We're only here to serve them, as long as they get food and a clean litterpan. Baci, on the other hand demands our attention.At least someone appreciateus.:bunnyheart

Shades had an appointment at the vet tomorrow but they called to reschedule for Sat. She's going in for a check up on her teeth. Looks like she'll need to get them trimmed every month. As long as it's only trimming and no molar issues, I'll be happy. Also hubby will be able to go with us. I'm a chicken when it comes to taking them to the vet. I think I getmorestressed being in the car with them alone, I drive like a granny, very cautious with my precious cargo!

Photos of the Day~



Baci's way of saying he wants food NOW! Paw on the plate.


Sebastian loves to tease Baci by sitting up high on top of the playhouse.
