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hln917 wrote:
Everytime I try playing the Wii Fit, Baci wants to join in so I stopped. He's dancing around my feet and I'm afraid to crush him. Like he needs to work out!:p

Kirby does that too!!!!! I stopped after one time when I got too much into the game where you have to sort of do step aerobics... almost stepped on a bun :(

For some reason I only played Wii Fit in the middle of the night and that's basically when Kirby throws his parties. The king's royal parties are only to be held in the wee hours, like a proper party should. :p
You're not alone! I would also like to be a juror one day. At first it was just so I could take a few days off work with a real good excuse :shock:But actually, I'd like to do my civic duty! I think everyone should experience it once. Actually being a juror, not sitting in jury duty waiting to be screened lol :p

I got called once and was dismissed after 6 hours in the waiting room because they got all the jurors they wanted that day. :( So apparently I'm off the hook for 4 years for city court. I can potentially still be called in for federal I think.
I love those pictures Helen...and i really love the cage...

Lol..Baci wants to play wii fit with mum..silly bunny

:wave:gorgeous bunnies
oh god I HATE JURY DUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always get out of it as i have 4 kids and no one to watch them and get them to and from school, so it is a pain in the but for me. Love the girls room!!!!!
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
oh god I HATE JURY DUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always get out of it as i have 4 kids and no one to watch them and get them to and from school, so it is a pain in the but for me. Love the girls room!!!!!
Well another reason why I'm looking forward to it is b/c it would only be a 15 min drive/8 miles instead of 1 1/2 hour/55 miles each way to work. The last time I was called was over 20 years ago and I got out b/c I was still in school.It took them that long tofinally catch up with me, I was always the gypsy.
I am so bummed. As silly as this sound, I lost my coupon box last week at the supermarket andI feel so lost without it. I just started using coupons again especially since our supermarket has double coupons and I was saving at least $10. during every visit. I was hoping someone turned it in, but nope. I also had a coupon for buy one, get one free Pedialyte and decided to wait to use it. We went to Target todayand Igot another coupon holder so now I'm back to square one.

On the bunny front~ Shades was back at the vet onThursday to get her molars filed down. It looks like it'll be a procedure that will have to be done every three months. Poor thing must have been really sore b/c she barely touched any food that night, not even her fav~ pumpkin with mashed pellets.I was a bit nervous howevershe was eating normally by last night. Baci on the other hand peed outside of his litterbox. I went to the dollar store to get more carpet square for his cage and he peed on it again last night.We just realized it's the new horsebedding we're using, Equine Pine. Apparently none of the rabbits care for it. So back to Tractor SupplyStore tomorrow to get the corn cob bedding. Guess I'll just finda nearby horse farm to donate the remaining bedding. Talk about picky rabbits!

Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
have you ever tried those crafting screen over the bedding? maybe they dont like the feeling of the bedding on thier feet?
No~but after my posting, we went to clean out two more litter box and when we opened the rubbermaid container with the horse bedding, we noticed a very strong smell. So immediately off to the Tractor Supply store. We got a bag of the corn cob and switched out all the litterpan. It was definitely the old litter, all the buns are now using their litterpan. I have never used Equine Pine before, only Equine Fresh. Now we'll just stick to the corn cob.
Yeah, buns just stick with what they like.

My Kirby, over time, got more and more selective using his litter box and I could not figure out why. It turns out that months ago I decided to stop using a watered-down bleach solution as a first step in cleaning their litter boxes and switched to just vinegar.... I have always known that the bleach solution and vinegar cancelled each other out but eventually got lazy and went all-vinegar. Kirby did not like the vinegar smell and so he started to poop there only when he felt like it.

It was such a subtle change that I didn't even realize it. I switched back to bleach first, vinegar second, and he is back in the litter box. Sheesh.
Hang onto the Equine Pine and let it air out, so the smell will decrease. I just left my bagsin the basement and over time it was fine.

You could mix it with the corn cob, and see if the bunnies will notice.
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Hang onto the Equine Pine and let it air out, so the smell will decrease. I just left my bagsin the basement and over time it was fine.

You could mix it with the corn cob, and see if the bunnies will notice.
The odor was so strong that I'm afraid to use it now. We still leave a thin layer of the Kaytee Cozy Comfort on top of the corn cob. Godforbid my buns walk on the hard pellets! They literally tippy toe'd around the pellets the first time we switched over w/out adding the "cushion."
I must have spent $$$ on all sorts of toys for Shades and Cappucino. Thought they were boring rabbits. Nothing pleased them. I buy myself a shop vac for their room and now they are the happiest buns........



Finally got some pictures of the girls:

Shades aka Shakerdoodle......


Cappucino~ thaugh should have named her Two Face!




Hubby thinks the bowl is sissy looking but they are girls! Since it's plastic we have to velcro the dish onto the carpet.They liketo drag it down the stairs once they are finished eating.