TRANSPORT- Chicago Ridge Rabbits (IL) RESOLVED

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Posting this here just in case:

UPATED 8/13/08

Chicago Ridge, ILto Union, MO. Scheduled for Saturday, August 16, 2008:

10:00 AM to 11:30:
Chicago Ridge, IL to Gilman, IL: Filled by bellapsyd

11:45 to 1:30:
Gilman, IL to Charleston, IL: Filled by Kpink

1:45 to 3:00:
Charleston, IL to Vandalia, IL: Filled by Gentle Giants

3:15 to 4:30
Vandalia, IL to St. Louis, MO: Filled by downtownbuns

4:45 to 5:45
St. Louis, MO to Union, MO: Angoragirl???

Arrive in Union, MO (meeting Leaf) at about 5:45-6:00 PM.

PLEASE NOTE: The times listed (ex. 11:45 to 1:30) are the times of transit. If you are the one doing the driving, please be at the location 15 mins before the listed time (so 11:30 for a leg leaving at 11:45). This allows 15 mins for handing off the bunnies, pictures, etc. Thanks!
Haley, any word from Angoragirl? If I need, I could call the St. Louis HRS to see if she knows of anyone that could do that leg. I have helped them clean the shelter a couple of times. I know how to contact them and could possibly have a responce tomorrow sometime.
No word from Melissa (Angoragirl). Leaf, do you have a phone number for her?

I already emailed a few rabbit groups I belong to (including Bunderground) as well as the MO HRS and Ive gotten no responses yet :( But if you know people at the MO HRS maybe they would be more responsive if you called? Id really appreciate it :)
Haley, is there any way that the time be moved to about 1/2 hour earlier? If this is possible, I could easily do both legs if needed and get to my 6:30 appointment. Again, if this is not possibly, could I drop the bunnies off at Leafs Sunday afternoon sometime?
Haley wrote:
No word from Melissa (Angoragirl). Leaf, do you have a phone number for her?
I'm looking for it now. I had computer problems earlier and was in a panic!
downtownbuns wrote:
If this is possible, I could easily do both legs if needed and get to my 6:30 appointment.
Again, if this is not possibly, could I drop the bunnies off at Leafs Sunday afternoon sometime?

You really are awesome!

Saturday at any point is great for me so thats up to the others. If Sunday is better:

I haven't - should have - and will try to put a vacation day on hold for Sunday. I start my shift at 8:30pm. At worst, I'll go in tired but that isn't anything real new...

I'm slowly catching up on replying here and should be online a few hours still, then right before work tonite to follow the progress.

You are all such angels. Maybe if we had to we could start this at 930 and then Leaf and Downtownbuns could split the distance between St. Louis and Union (meeting somewhere inbetween)?

Lets wait until tomorrow before we alter things. I sent outa PM to all our MO members so hopefully we'll hear something :)
An hour earlier works okay as well as 1/2 hour earlier. I know that we are dealing with quite a few transporters here, plus the lady picking up at the shelter. I am the new kid on the block here. Is someone adopting all the buns or is someone going to foster until they get homes?
Bunnynapper, LOL. Hey, my Judah almost got bunnynapped last month. A lady came over to visit a house guest of ours and fell in love with him. He is a orange handsome Liondead.

BlueFrog wrote:
What I have scheduled to go to Leaf on a for sure basis are:
  • NZW spayed doe
  • REW mini rex doe (very mini - so darn cute!). Scheduled for spay but procedure not performed yet
  • Orange lop ear neutered buck OR REW dwarf mix neutered male
  • Blue & white lionhead mix, scheduled for an as-yet-unperformed speuter
  • Black lop buck, in surgery today
  • Blind bunny doe, in surgery today.
If it's at all humanly possible to add more to the trip, I'd very much like to. If it's not, I understand.
Since the rabbits are making their stop/residence (short, permanantor long) here, I'm hopeful that Aiden my Flemish will like one-1st try will be the NZW. If not, he'll have a chance to finally find a bond mate with one of them. A friend donated a huge rabbit hutch to me and I have it set up in my garage right now. It's not new but BIG and Aiden is currently checking it out. Definantly big enough for him and a friend. Once the camera batteries are recharged I'll post some setup pics - he has a huge XPen run there...

REW mini rex - a friend wants a REW, no problem (unless I fall in love!)

Any idea on who is coming, the Orange or REW? REW would be a definant choice as a second for my friend above. She'd probably go for two similar sized... How long neutered is Orange? I have the three lops from a forum member. Two are neutered but one is not spayed at this point.

Orange has a few options, possible (but doubtful) 3rd for my REW friend - Possible bondmate for Aiden if NZW wouldn't work - Possible tagalong with Black Lop to a coworkers friend who currently has one lop that she's training in the "hopping" sport - Possible home with a friend who at this point wants LionX.

LionX - possibly a pal for Orange while they stay here.. or seperate if need be. LionX has a possible home with a friend but if so, we have bunny proofing and NIC building to do before a move is made.

Black Lop - as of now my coworkers friend WANTS him. She's the one with a lop herself, looking for another. There's a slight chance she'd want Orange as well but I won't push the issue.

Blind Doe is staying with me. I'm very excited to be able to offer her a forever home.

On this end it looks good - everything is falling in place. It looks like the only two long terms will be LionX and Orange. LionX will (hopefully) only be while a home is bunny-proofed and Orange just needs to have a definant claim.

Not so hard to find homes with wonderful bunfriendly family and friends of mine at this point. As for
If it's at all humanly possible to add more to the trip, I'd very much like to. If it's not, I understand.
I'm personally NOT going to be put out by having more come. Besides putting out money for additionalfeed, hay, NIC grids/misc, gas to drive (I have a class in Ft Leonardwood so thats where I'll be coming from instead of Rolla) and putting some aside for vetting (including possible alters) ... I'm doing ok. The additional food/hay is mainly to be sent with the buns heading for homes other than mine to be on the safe side in planning - The NIC/misc is for a friend who wants but isn't quite prepared...

The main deal will be space issues during the transport. Of course, if you send just one lionhead mix and Kpink takes the carrier out of the transport equasion - maybe other transport people would sigh with relief about space? I dunno. Its up to you.

I have a friend who was all set to help by fostering if needed BUT I may have to pass on that unless her Florida Room would work. Her hubby started a small remodeling project on Wednesday because he got a Lowes gift card from work so I'm worried about air pollutants. Maybe next time... if there is one (and no, she isnt one of the above said so no health worries about that!)
lionhead mix...

Kpink wrote:
:yes:I think I could be......;)

Leaf wrote:
LionX - possibly a pal for Orange while they stay here.. or seperate if need be. LionX has a possible home with a friend but if so, we have bunny proofing and NIC building to do before a move is made.


Ok, so if Kpink just *can't* control herself and MUST bunnynap - that means I'll only be needing a definant YES from one of several who haveOrange Lopin mind.

Now, my friend was pretty much wanting a lionhead (or longer haired bun.. unique - she's odd, ok?) but if only one comes this way.. Kpink for sure can step in, and that would probably secure Orange a home with my Lion-Wanter friend... unless, BlueFrog, you can send another LionX (or however many... Kpink, you'd have "dibs" it sounds like) but what would that do with transport space issues? Could LionX'es travel together, Kpink have a broken down carriers stashed to set up once the hand off is made so she could take hers home? I'm not sure how BlueFrog has space issues set up so I'm just throwing out ideas. The more to move, the merrier.
Hey Leaf......I have looked at Sam's club, Walmart, Staples for those NIC grids. Any suggestions besides online as to where to find them?
Kpink wrote:
Hey Leaf......I have looked at Sam's club, Walmart, Staples for those NIC grids. Any suggestions besides online as to where to find them?
I see them at Target quite a bit, and especially now when the stores carry school supplies. I had to go back to the transport route to see - but unfortunantly you're not one I'd meet so I couldn't give you some during the transport. I do have extra or could buy some and send them your way if need be.
Leaf wrote:
Kpink wrote:
Hey Leaf......I have looked at Sam's club, Walmart, Staples for those NIC grids. Any suggestions besides online as to where to find them?
I see them at Target quite a bit, and especially now when the stores carry school supplies. I had to go back to the transport route to see - but unfortunantly you're not one I'd meet so I couldn't give you some during the transport. I do have extra or could buy some and send them your way if need be.
Walmart had them onsale recently for back to school. 4 cubes (17 grids) for $5.
Oh what a sweetheart you are to offer!!!! Thank you. I have seen what looks like NIC Cubes online at Target, I haven't looked at our local Target yet though. If not the "Whitmore Cubes" look exactly like the NIC Cubes so I will order them. I can always return them if they aren't what I need.

LOL I am bringing an extra carrier in case I fall in love, but I am trying to be I don't want your friend to miss out and I have to adorable boys at home already. I'm so happy you have potential homes and plans for them all.
If you look atthe Wal-Mart website, you can order them and have them shipped to the nearest store with free shipping. I have ordered them that way before, and it doesn't cost any more than buying them at the store. Whitmor is the same thing as NIC, thatis what I got.