TRANSPORT- Chicago Ridge Rabbits (IL) RESOLVED

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Leaf, I think I PMed this to you but Im not sure. We're going to have to ask Bluefrog to get this going earlier regardless but heres the update.

Because downtownbuns has to be back in St. Louis by 615 you would have to be in Eureka by 545 at the absolute latest. I think she said if absolutely necessary she could come to Union but you would need to be there by 515 so she has an hour to get back to St. Louis.

If those times wont work we'll have to see if they can possibly stay with her overnight and you can meet in the morning.


PS. I sent out contact info, everyone check your PMs :)
Im on the phone now. Im tyring to get our "guest speaker" to switch spots with the lecturer. I may be able to arrange the start time to be 15 minutes earlier (so it would be 2:30-4:00) He'd have to travel earlier but they are doing a rideshare whith the HazMat team. I may be able to do my recert with the JAL tonite if a wrecker comes in with the last two cars by 3:45pm. Two of my coworkers need the same retraining so we may be able to picth a class with the first car providing the other two cars arrive and get marked in time. We can't cut any cars until they are tagged correctly in order to release the wrecker service from any liability.
I have an OLD hutch that was given to me that I put on Freecycle earlier today. I just got an email about it from someone in the area. Maybe I should send them an invite to the forum to see if they could do a leg...
Ok, she'll probably run screaming thinking I'm a nut but I invited the lady from freecycle to see the thread. If she can't help it's totally understandable - after all, all she was interested in was a hutch for her 6 rabbits play yard...

Desperate measures, though...

I'm going tokeep the computer online while I shower and hopefully in that time something will take place.

This just CANT fall through after all the work thats been put into it!
One more thing Im thinking- even if we do find a driver theyre going to be in Eureka or Union far too early for you, Leaf. I think you said the earliest you could get there would be 6-630?

Maybe if I do find a driver to do that leg downtownbuns could hold them at her house for a half hour or so so that last leg wouldnt get started until a little later..
I'm going to have to get to bed here shortly.

downtownbunnies if there is any chance of getting the rabbits to Union just tell me a time. We can meet at the gas station by Wal Mart off of Hwy 50 across from ECC. You should have my cell number through Haley by now...

allasmom - don't feel obligate to step in and help but if it's at all possible I'd appreciate it so much. *downtownbunnies is willing to get them to Eureka, btw* Take note of how many carriers there are (six...) but from the sound of it you'd have room (through our emails). If you can help you'd need to sort the times/places out with downtownbunnies but I do know you have an event to go to tomorrow, so I understand...

I'll check this thread again before I go to work tonite (and my email) and I'll also have internet access tomorrow.

As of right now I'm planning on being in Union at the gas stationasclose to5:30pm as possible, give or take 15 minutes. I drive a black Grand Am car and will park by the vacuum cleanerws in front of the attached car wash.

Whoever ends up meeting me - please post here the time/place. I'll be checking on RO first for complete accuracy.
Sorry I'm so late to this, I don't check my e-mail as often as I should. I live in Union, MO, and can still help transport bunnies if you still need it. Let me know!
Okay now that I've read through the thread I'm REALLY sorry I didn't read it sooner, I could have saved you all a lot of headaches. So sorry! Anyway, I can help with the last leg, I'm free all day Saturday and can make the trip to St. Louis if it's still needed, just need to know if I can fit them in my Cavalier or if I should drive our truck.
OK folks, unless I hear otherwise, I'm packing Bellapsyd's car to the gills and assuming that everyone else will be able to transport at least that many rabbits!


LOL packed to the gills....I thought my family were the only ones that talked like that!:laugh:
I can meet earlier if need be, my morning is open. Just let me know when I am to meet my contacts. I'm probably gonna snag a friend to ride along with me, soI gotta let her know what time. Anyone needs to contact me, feel free to use my home number, I will be home all day. If I'm out in the barn, Hubby will yell for me.
If someone can meet me in St. Louis, that would be great. If Leaf can not make Eureka untill after 6:30, that would not work for me because I need to be back in St. Louis no later than 6:30.
adamjai wrote:
Okay now that I've read through the thread I'm REALLY sorry I didn't read it sooner, I could have saved you all a lot of headaches. So sorry! Anyway, I can help with the last leg, I'm free all day Saturday and can make the trip to St. Louis if it's still needed, just need to know if I can fit them in my Cavalier or if I should drive our truck.

OMG I love you! Im so glad you got my PM in time! Youre a lifesaver!

Now, can you please PM downtownbuns (or she can PM you) so you two can figure out where in St. Louis you will want to meet?

Also, Leaf, can you please PM adamjai to figure out where in Union to meet?

I'll respost the schedule with this updated info. We're ok to start at 10 AM tomorrow then!

Oh and adamjai, what kind of car do you have? We're trying to figure out how many bunnies we can squeeze in based on everyone's car sizes. Also, can you please PM me your phone number?

I can meet you in St. Louis downtown, just let me know when and where...I know exactly what gas station Leaf is talking about, I can meet her there whenever she needs me to.

Chicago Ridge, ILto Union, MO. Scheduled for Saturday, August 16, 2008:

10:00 AM to 11:30:
Chicago Ridge, IL to Gilman, IL: Filled by bellapsyd

11:45 to 1:30:
Gilman, IL to Charleston, IL: Filled by Kpink

1:45 to 3:00:
Charleston, IL to Vandalia, IL: Filled by Gentle Giants

3:15 to 4:30
Vandalia, IL to St. Louis, MO: Filled by downtownbuns

4:45 to 5:45
St. Louis, MO to Union, MO: Filled by adamjai

Arrive in Union, MO (meeting Leaf) at about 5:45-6:00 PM.

PLEASE NOTE: The times listed (ex. 11:45 to 1:30) are the times of transit. If you are the one doing the driving, please be at the location 15 mins before the listed time (so 11:30 for a leg leaving at 11:45). This allows 15 mins for handing off the bunnies, pictures, etc. Thanks!

I just sent out a final schedule and contact list. If anyone is unclear on anything please PM me and the person you are meeting. Be sure to call the next person if youre running way late.

Also, Blue Frog, any estimate how many carriers? Adamjai is wondering if she should drive her cavalier or her truck.

Thanks all!