I don't mind going to chicago ridge, however, I have never been and am not familiar with that area at all. If you say it is on my way, then sure thing!! This is how I will be going to Gilman from where I live, so let me know if it fits in here (or maybe I can meet on my way to pick them up somewhere if it does not?)-
75th street-cass ave-I55S-I355S-I80E-I57S
if chicago ridge is somewhere on that route, please let me know! I can tell you for sure if I have an exact address for the shelter?
Haley- were you looking along the lines of me taking I55S-294S-80E-57S?
It doesn't matter much to me

The 355 overpass was newly opened and there is never traffic on it the way 294 has it so it will be quicker, but I don't oppose to taking 294 if that helps out more. I'm agreeable to whatever!