Well-Known Member
Orange Lop:

Wasthe rexfeatured in "The Reporter" newspaper? I used to work for them as designer and remember them doing a Pet of the Week. They were always doing dogs an cats from AWL and I was the one to convince them to put in rabbits and to do that Easter story about adopting rabbits as well.SOOOSKA, would you believe that white mini-rex(ish) has been at the shelter for ages, even after being featured in a newspaper ad? She's even sweeter than she is pretty, too.
plan on posting my pics ASAP...had a bunny emergency. Right after I got home from my leg of the trip, I noticed a large growth on my Chester's chest/armpit. Took him into emergency. It must be fast growing since he had a check-up 2 weeks ago and nothing was noticed! Please keep him in your thoughts. He goes in for his "pre-surgical" apt. tomorrow and surgery on wednesday.