TRANSPORT- Chicago Ridge Rabbits (IL) RESOLVED

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Haley wrote:
Guys, I just heard from Beth (Lagadvocate) and due to an unforeseen family emergency she wont be able to help with the transport. She feels just awful but she's in no shape to have to worry about this.

So, does anyone know anyone else in the St. Louis area who would help? I'll check with Angoragirl to see if she can cover the whole two legs but just in case lets start asking around.

Please keep Beth and her family in your thoughts and prayers. We'll still make this work!


((hugs)) Lagadvocate! Take care of yourself and yours... Just knowing you were ready and willing means so very much to me!

I messaged bunspace this morning. Hopefully they'll put this back up as an urgent.

BlueFrog, how are things looking on your end? Any updates? :)

I just finished adding my vet to bunspace (its up for review) and I see we possibly have a new volunteer driver for the transport!

I'm sending an invite now...
I'm new here. I am in St. Louis, I would need to be back in St. Louis by 6:00 Saturday evening. I have a VW bug, so I need to know how big the carriers are.
Welcome and thank you!

I'm going to try to email BlueFrog now to see if we can get an idea of the carrier situation...

Ok, I've emailed BlueFrog and hopefully she'll be back online soon today. I'll be online for a while still but I need to get some things going here at home before I head to bed. (Gotta love the overnight work schedule!)...

I'll check back in before long and thenlater this evening before I head to work.
downtownbuns wrote:
I'm new here. I am in St. Louis, I would need to be back in St. Louis by 6:00 Saturday evening. I have a VW bug, so I need to know how big the carriers are.

Wow- thank you! That would be so wonderful of you! That leg is scheduled to get into St. Louis at 430 so you should be ok. We'll just have to be sure we do get this going at 10 AM.

The carriers will most likely be the small cat carriers- I would think you could get 3-4 in the back of a bug, 1-2 in the front seat (or on the floor). We'll wait to hear from Blue Frog to confirm.

Again, thank you so much!! These bunnies are so lucky there are so many caring people willing to step in and save them.
How many are we moving? It doesn't matter space-wise to me cause I have a van, I was just curious.

Just to clarify--I am now meeting downtownbuns in Vandalia about 3, right? Downtownbuns, I will pm you with my cell number in case of any problems. We are still planning on meeting at McDonalds, right?
Haley - check your PM?

When I posted on bunspace today I went by the listing there and said we needed Lagadvocates leg, but I may have posted wrong because... didnt she and Angoragirl switch spots?

downtownbuns thinks the trip is St Louis - Union from our brief message on Bunspace!


I'm so confused and so worried aboout all of this now.
gentle giants wrote:
How many are we moving? It doesn't matter space-wise to me cause I have a van, I was just curious.
I don't know myself. The last I've seen from BlueFrog was her post on Saturday the 9th.
Well..if downtownbuns was able to fill the spot we need (lagadvocate's leg) it would be the Vandalia to St. Louis leg. There was a mixup and the leg we needed filled was supposed to be posted as Vandalia to St. Louis. If thats a problem, I bet Angoragirl would switch her since she was flexible.

The only thing Im concerned about is that I havent heard from Angoragirl since Saturday and Ive sent her a few emails and a PM. If I dont hear from her tonight downtownbuns can choose which of the St. Louis legs she wants to do and I'll try to find someone to fill the other.

I heard from Blue Frog yesterday and she said she was pretty sure we were good to go. Shes just waiting for confirmation since the person she usually works with is out this week.

Everyone just sort of stand down and I'll try to sort this out between now and Friday :)
Hi guys,

Just walked in the door from Chicago Ridge with a not-entirely-expected rabbit in my hands and discovered there's a budgie loose in my home.... somewhere. Between the rats and the lovebirds, I have to find this bird ASAP. Judging by the lack of feathers and the sound of squaking, I believe he's still alive.

I grabbed a bunch of small cat carriers and one larger carrier for the NZW. I've never tried to pack a Bug before. Will try to measure each one to give transporters and potential transporters some idea of what they're dealing with.

Chicago Ridge is now swamped with guinea pigs, but fortunately only one new rabbit. What I have scheduled to go to Leaf on a for sure basis are:
  • NZW spayed doe
  • REW mini rex doe (very mini - so darn cute!). Scheduled for spay but procedure not performed yet
  • Orange lop ear neutered buck OR REW dwarf mix neutered male
  • Blue & white lionhead mix, scheduled for an as-yet-unperformed speuter
  • Black lop buck, in surgery today
  • Blind bunny doe, in surgery today.
If it's at all humanly possible to add more to the trip, I'd very much like to. If it's not, I understand. I grabbed a couple of extra carriers on a "just in case" basis. They didn't have any water bottles to spare so I'll buy those so buns have water readily available for this long trip.
Bless you, BlueFrog.......

I was hoping there wouldn't be a lionhead in the bunch.......:inlove: I would love to have one!!!!! Be strong, Kelly.......:wink
How many lionhead mixes would you like? At least four, maybe five :p. All babies found in a box in the woods while nursing on mom. Mom didn't make it, the babies did.
Oh, you're killing me.........:brat:I bet they are just the sweetest little things too!!
Hi guys,

This is... well, I don't have a name yet. I'm here to tell you that although I have a disapproving face, I thoroughly approve of all your hard work to get my fellow Chicago Ridge bunnies to safe haven and their forever homes.

While she's off setting up a cage for a pregnant hamster, my transport driver wanted to be sure I told you that if anyone along the way is interested in hamsters, gerbils, or other small critters, to be sure to drop her an email (preferred) or a P.M. There are a lot of them in need of homes right now too, and they're so small they could easily tag along. Kpink, she said to email her regardless. I don't know why. I'm just a happy hay muncher who got sprung a little earlier than anticipated.

Also, she said the budgie is now safely back in his cage. How she could possibly notice that one was missing out of that big flock, I have no idea. Apparently they're all rescues from a neglectful home who are going to a free flight aviary exhibit at a zoo. As noisy as they are, that day can't come soon enough!


One Lucky Rabbit


I emailed you.....I think happy hay muncher looks like an "Estelle"....if you are still looking for a name:adorable:
Vandalia to St. Louis works best for me. If I did the other leg, I may have to put the carriers in my spare room until Sunday morning around 11:00. If you need help with both legs let me know. I am willing on renting a larger vehicle, or use two cars if need be. Take a breath, I am sure that this will all work out. The lionheads are so very tempting. My Judah is a character, and Oliver ATB was a sweety. Both being Lionheads.
I would be nervous about trying more than 5-6 carriers in a regular sized car like a bug..

I'll edit the transport route to include downtownbuns as the Vandalia-St. Louis leg.

BlueFrog- I do know someone in MI getting into bird rescue if you ever need help there too :)

And the Orange Lop is precious!