TRANSPORT- Chicago Ridge Rabbits (IL) RESOLVED

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Kpink wrote:
LOL I am bringing an extra carrier in case I fall in love, but I am trying to be I don't want your friend to miss out and I have to adorable boys at home already. I'm so happy you have potential homes and plans for them all.
I wish I could afford to fall in love, but I am crammed right now.... I will just have to be happy with the thought that they are all going to good homes anyway. :)
Kpink wrote:
Oh what a sweetheart you are to offer!!!! Thank you. I have seen what looks like NIC Cubes online at Target, I haven't looked at our local Target yet though. If not the "Whitmore Cubes" look exactly like the NIC Cubes so I will order them. I can always return them if they aren't what I need.

LOL I am bringing an extra carrier in case I fall in love, but I am trying to be I don't want your friend to miss out and I have to adorable boys at home already. I'm so happy you have potential homes and plans for them all.

If you need the NICs just let me know.. and as for my friend, we've talked about a few possible setups but nothing is for sure yet. If youo fall in love, don't feel like you have to hold back.

This weekend will be the transport and then I'll be busy getting everyone/bun settled. Joyce and I wont even begin rearranging her livingroom/dining room combo (or bedroom) until at least Wednesday of next week in order to get a NIC up. Once set up, she'll want a few days to get used to the new furnature arrangements.. and then the fun of actually having a bunny will begin... be it with a lionhead mix and/or Orange.
gentle giants wrote:
I wish I could afford to fall in love, but I am crammed right now.... I will just have to be happy with the thought that they are all going to good homes anyway. :)

Once everything is confirmed... if Kpink empties a carrier (if BlueFrog doesn't have it occupied with others)... and if you're in need... well, you could fill it. My friend is looking for the "unique", and though she is almost completely legally blind I want to uphold her request. I haven't looked at your listing since the Harls came, but if the shoe fits and space allows... She'll fall in love with a rabbit regardless...

Only possible issue would be cross contamination from the original facility unless you guys would be able to do a disenfect... I don't know - I havent given it a lot of thought in that aspect but it's a thought and offer. Please don't take it lightly. If it helps you, it'll open you up to help more.


On this note I'm going to go run the dogs, shower, throw a load of laundry in... and then I'll try to check in before I head to bed.
Quote function hates me, as usual, so I'm going to try to remember everything I wanted to say.

If being already neutered isn't an issue, I can swap out a REW for any rabbit on the transport - orange lop or otherwise - except the NZW. Her presence is a must on this trip. (Good luck slimming her down, Leaf! She's determined to pretend she's a Flemmie). I told Catnap that since Leaf had an adopter actively seeking a REW, they could put one of theirs on this trip as long as they agreed to take in an AWL bunny in exchange. That would uphold the spirit of the trip and maximize the number of buns in forever homes, since Catnap can't seem to find placements for those darling REWs they have. The catch is that the only one they'd gotten neutered so far was a biter, and the offer is not open to him. They were going to try to get another neutered in time, but I don't know whether they were able to arrange it. I've been bedridden from pain all day and am way behind on everything.

I'm going to do my very best to measure carriers and get back to you guys so that everyone with a vehicle that's iffy on carrying capacity can determine how much they can hold. That way, if there is space for an extra carrier or two, I can grab some "surprise" bunnies. Most of the carriers are too small to safely fit multiple buns, and the only ones currently living together are the lionhead crosses.

BTW, everyone altered except the NZW will have been altered this week.
Transporters, grab your tape measures and your vehicles!

1 carrier approximately 18" x 18" x 27"'
5 carriers approximately 14" x 14" x 22"

I deliberately chose the largest of the "small" carriers to measure, but they're all very close in size.

Rabbits will be packed one to a carrier, on thick newspaper, and provided with timothy hay and romaine. I hope to purchase some water bottles tomorrow to strap on the fronts of the carriers as well. I will also provide a package of hay to go with the buns so that the supply can be replenished along the way as needed. If transporters can bring some extra lettuce and newspaper, that would be good, especially for the latter portions of the trip. There will also be a small goodie bag provided to the transporters so that each may pick out something for their own buns, then pass the bag along to the next in the chain. Don't get too excited, it's not much, but I wanted to provide something to help express my appreciation. :)

I plan to arrive at Chicago Ridge around 9 a.m., which is technically before it's open to the public and should be plenty of time before the transport begins. I have provided my mobile phone address via PM to Haley and Bellapsyd, so if someone needs to reach me while I'm in the building (say, to open the doors to let Bellapsyd in) I can be contacted.

Leaf, how longhaired does your friend want her bunny to be? What about Peach? She's a staff favorite over at Catnap. Apparently she was a regular boarder before her owner's mom decided she couldn't keep her any longer. Not spayed yet.

(bolded stuff has been added, and is important!)

BlueFrog wrote:
One Lucky Rabbit


Glare or a possible cataract? Is this Orange or the unexpected you brought home?

Now I'm muddled - Orange will find a home through my network, but if a swap for a REW that won't... but I'd hate to hear at some point Orange didn't make it...

OMG - Peach is a doll!!! But the Harl's that gentle giants has..

I don't know what will work best and it's so close to the deadline.

GG, BlueFrog, do you guys want to weigh in the pros/cons about who to send? Any who come that aren't fixed will personally be scheduled and paid for by myself so it will be done. - So GG, yes a Harl baby would be done and they are gorgeous! BlueFrog I'd be more than half tempted to keep Peach for myself, honestly.

I'm having horrible times with the forum right now so I'll stop here and send the message.

I need to go measure a bit and will be back shortly.
Kpink, what are the chances of you bunnynapping LionX?

I know I had something else to add but I forget and my messages don't want to post easily.

BlueFrog, did I read correctly that all but NZW have been altered? That alone is going to be a wonderful relief on my end. If not, NP.
I am planning on staying strong, Leaf......I have 2 adorable boys at home and I don't want your friend to miss out. I am just so glad you have found homes, I can't tell you!!
Hey is everyone okay with starting the trip 1/2 to hour earlier? If I am understanding correctly, it looks like I may be doing the last two legs of the transport. Haley said something about Leaf maybe meeting me in Eureka instead of Union, Saturday. Is this going to work out as well? I have an SUV on reserve, so I will not be needing to put the Bug on steriods, LOL. If everyone can start their transport earlier, can someone revise the pickup times for me?
I am an hour and 40 min. from Gilman, but I can do a half hour earlier or even an hour earlier if need be. Not a problem on my end.
BlueFrog- did you still want me to meet you at the shelter around 10 or earlier than that? (or is it 9:30 now since we a re starting a half hour earlier) I can come as early as you need me to help pack the buns up.

Everyone bring a camera!

Sorry to keep you on pins and needles, guys. Since downtownbuns is the only one who offered to get them past St. Louis we have to try to get this so she and Leaf can meet up at a time that works for both of them. Leaf has an afternoon committment and downtownbuns an evening one. We're still trying!

Bluefrog, if need be, can we move this up so the buns leave at 930 from Chicago?

Also, downtownbuns, I think you mentioned them staying over at your place was an option. Do you have a setup where they could get out and stretch their legs etc? Id be worried about keeping them in carriers overnight. Or, are your dinner plans an all night thing? Maybe they could chill at your place until after and the you could meet Leaf if youre not out too late?

Sorry for being OCD guys, just trying to work out all options for these babies!

PS. Regarding the number of buns- downtownbuns is renting an SUV so Bluefrog and Leaf- decide how many you want to send!

That's Unexpected in the photo, and I sure as heck hope that's glare.

Orange will be just fine if he's swapped for the REW. Peach will be fine regardless. Catnap is no kill even though they don't say they're no kill. (Bless their hearts, they're concerned that if they use the term someone will object when they have to euth to prevent suffering that can't be alleviated by vet care. They do not euth for space or convenience, and every animal has unlimited time to find its forever home).

Which of the following would you prefer to swap out for a REW, the orange lop (who looks a lot like Unexpected but is red rather than agouti-based) or the LionX?

As for Peach vs. GG's harl, I say take GG's harl since overcrowding is much more of a burden on a private rescuer than on a shelter facility that has a foster network. Peach is new to the Catnap adoption pool and so beloved by the staff I know they'll "push" her when they find a home that's willing to take on her grooming needs. But for that, she'd have gone home with someone by now.

ETA: OMG! I missed some crucial posts before writing this! AWESOME NEWS ABOUT THE RENTED SUV!! THANK YOU DOWNTOWNBUNS:yes: So what's the smallest vehicle on the train, and how much can it carry?!?!

9:30 pick-up on Saturday is fine with me. Or is that 9:30 departure? I can make the latter, just need to be sure I know when I need to be there. Bellapsyd, if you could come a little earlier to help pack that would be great, but if not, NP.

Now if I don't get off this computer I'm going to be late for today's transport run, which includes Unexpected!!!

We are fine.......lets keep the pick up points the same. It sounds like our times will change, so the less confusion the better.

But you are a sweetheart for offering!:thanks:
Blue Frog, how about 9:30 departure from the Shelter. I want to make sure that this works for everyone. I can not remember the ladies name that I will be meeting in Vandalia (sp). My husband will be coming with, I need to get him out of town for a short drive. He is also a creative packer and truly loves bunnies. Betta not let him wuk at da wionhead, say Judah, hee hee hee.
I'm still looking for options but here's what I PM'd Haley about meeting in Eureka:

Coming from Ft Wood it'll be aboutan hour and 45 minutes to Union. We're scheduled for a debriefing class from 2:45 - 4:15. That'll put me in Union a little after 6:00 and then to Eureka in about half an hour thereafter, traffic providing.

I'm going to send this PM then work on making some calls, but I dont know what kind of outcome I'll be able to make. I've gotten approval to cut it short due to a "family emergency" but if I leave too early I may have to reschedule my class and I'm not sure how possible that will be.

What is the transport timeframe looking like? I've been given the ok to cut the class short but at this point it's not looking like I can do so more than about an hour, and thats where I'm at now.
