Downtown Buns, DH here:
Got to the rental car place and they offered a GPS with the SUV we were renting. I didn't need the GPS but the rental was $15 less with it than without it. So, now I don't have to ask for directions, (Yeah right, like that was going to happen.) and I got a deal on the rental too.
Then we get outside and find out that our Ford Escape was a Subaru Outback. Hmm, may be big enough for Croc Hunting, but not much good for bunny transporting. It was not much bigger than the Bug with the seat's down. Downtown Buns was very frustrated.
Don't you fear rabbit transporters, I asked if they had anything bigger. They did. He rented us a Flemish Giant sized white cargo van for the same price. It's brand new, only 80 miles on it, and it has the GPS. Now I just have to avoid aggravating DTB playing with it.
Judah says, "You know those things aren't programmed to locate the nearest American Pet Diner or Oxbow dealer? What good are they?!"
See you all soon. Keep the paw-side down and the ear-side up.