The days of BunBun&Slave

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April 14, 08

I didn't go to shcool today.

Still feeling cruddy. I'm getting better, thoguh. I'll probably be in school tomorrow. =D

Sorry, nothing much else.

Well, I can't talk long. Xila has to go, and I don't know how to shut down her computer.'


*nothing to say*

I'll post more tomorrow.

Actually, I did want to add something for yesterday...

Xila wrote:

April 14, 08

I didn't go to shcool today.

Still feeling cruddy. I'm getting better, thoguh. I'll probably be in school tomorrow. =D
Ugh, BunBun isgoing to be another Yofi... I know it!

I was watching ghost videos on youtubewhen I was at home (Don't ask why. I get a video up, than I keep doing "related videos" that appeal to me. So what I'm looking at varies.), and as I was watching these guys in a haunted mansion, all these creepy things were happening.. (Random throwing of bricks, etc.)... And at one of the "quiet points"of the video- where nothing is happening, but you know something REALLY BAD is aboout to happen... And suddenly...


Ijump, like, 3 feet in the air. I look to the source of thenoise- BunBun's cage...He, seemingly knowing I was watching a scary video, went KERPLUNK, into his letterbox, as loud as he possibly could. :grumpy:

That reminds me on one of Yofi's pranks... His owner was watching a scary movie, and he got on the stove, and flung her gloves at a door.

I hope he doesn't get *that* bad. xD
Sorry, nothing much else.


April 15, 08

You know when I saidmy watch doesn't change untill noon?

I was wrong.

It changes around FIVE.

I'm always writing dates on things in school... Kelly would lean over my shoulder and look...

"Katie, It's the 15th. Not the 14th."


Well... I've got nothing to say. As hard as I try, Nothing interesting happened...

Well, My mom bought some baby green and red romaine leaves. I really hate not having his usual brand. It makes me nervous. D= I mean... Even from going from red tipped green leaves to red and green leaves. It makes me nervous.

Okayyy.... Nothing much.


You know, I really don't post on this account. I mostly just read.

Anyway, a random joke:

An elderly coupple goes to the doctor saying they have memory problems. The Doctor says there is nothing he can do, however, he suggusts writing things down to help them remember. They take his advice, and go home. That evening, they watch TV on the sofa.
"You know that I want?" the woman- Edna- says to her husband.
"What? I'll get it for you." The husband- Horace says.
"I want a bowel of ice cream." Edna says to him.
"Okay." Horace agrees. He gets up. Edna stops him for a moment.
"Don't you want to write it down?" She suggusts.
"Nah. I'll be fine- I's only a bowel of ice cream." He replies to her.
"Oh, but I also want whipped cream on it. And cherries." She says.
"Souldn't you write it down?" She suggusts again.
"Nah, I'll be fine."
"But I also want hot fudge. And sprinkles." She adds.
"Won't you please write it down?" She askes him again.
"Nah, I can remember soemething like that." Horace says. And with that, he walks into the kitchen.

20 minutes later, he goes back to Edna, and hands her a plate of bacon and sunny-side up eggs. Edna sighs and gives him a dissappointed look.

"I told you you should have written it down, Horace!" She says rather matter-of-factly. "You forgot my toast!"

Har... Well.... Joke time is over. =P
That's an old one.
Well, anyway, as of today? Nothiing much happened. I hate to admit it.


April 16, 08

Ah, bunBun is so silly. ^^ Flop here, meatloaf there...

When I asked him today if I have him his papaya tablet, he said something along the lines of "I don't remember... You had better give me one, just to be sure!"

=P Silly boy.

I fell asleep with a flashlight on. o-o;;

Last night.


And than I wondered why it wasn't working.


I'm shmart. =D

I've always wondered- if you send a picture to Disapproving Rabbits, do you caption them, or do they look through the ones they get and caption ones they have ideas for? I've always wondered.

Not that I intend to send in a picture...


Well, nothing muhch happened today... we cleaned up the front porch a little bit.


Oh, nothing much today. Typical day.
Xila says she ran out of lettuce.
=/ Bah.

Did you know Xila wants to *train* me? Apparently, she wants to train me to hop or something... Duh, I'm a rabbit! I KNOW how to hop!
She also said something about a clicker... I don't know what that is, though.

Again, nothing happened today. Same old, Same old.


April 17, 08

Nothing much today... Sorry, I have to do this entry quickly and quietly, and I can't type much.... I'm spuupsed to be asleep.

I do have to tell you about my day, though. This one girl in my gym class thinks she's really popular and that everyone loves her( of course, though, in reality, she only has, like, 4 friends. Everyone else secretly hates her... She's such a snob!)... She thinks that becasue of that, she can go whatever she wants.. For instance, once after gym, the bench was full (it only holds about 4 people, me being one of them, Kelly Olivia, and andother girl being there, too...) anyway, the bench was full, so you know what she does?


I wasthinking, "What the...?! Get the heck off of me! >.>" But of course, I didn't say it. o-o I'm pretty shy.

But anyway, Kelly was helping me with my math homework today (I suck in math, and didn't understand it) and Kelly was writing down the equations and walking me through it, and she comes back and was like "OOOOO! Kelly is doing Katie's homework! I'm telliinnggg!"

We were both like "What the heck?! She was *HELPING* ME!/ I was *HELPING* her!"

She also says Kelly does my homework all the time. Does she know that HELPING ME WITH MY HOMEWORK and DOING MY HOMEWORK FOR ME are two completly different things...?

I wonder if her IQ is higher than that of a shovel...

That would be interesting to know...

Nothing much else, though.


Nothing big today. =/
The girl says she has to go, though, so I can't say much. Sorry. =/

She hasn't been talking many pictures lately,,, apparently, she is still trying to figgure out how to export a video fire...
Of course, I know how, but I'm not telling. =3


April 18, 08

Nothing much.

When are those RO chat sessions...? Are they this weekend?

I'm just going to check in the chat sessions at the timees fir a while, I guess.

^^ Today, nothing much happened.

I did fall slat on my face, though.

We have this chair laying down becasue my dad was fixing it, and the phone rang, and I ran to answer it, and it was dark, and I tripped don the chair and landed flat on my face. o-o;;;

Well... You know you need more in your day when the highlight of an entire 24 hours is you tripping over a chair. o_O


Well, I'm doing my blog kind of early today. ^^ I want to read this interesting book... So far From the Bamboo Grove. It's kind of interesting, and I have to read a few chapters for homework over the weekend, anyway.

So... Untill tomorrow!


Nothign much today...

Did you know Xila was thinking of getting me an automated feeder? Lazy little...

Like, she'd just fill it every morning with my 1/4 cup, and have it give me the pelets morning, noon, and night, I guess... I don't know. She'd have to look into it a bit more.

Nothing much happened today. Slow day.

It's really nice out. Xila is thinking of talking me outside soon. (Keyword: SOON. She says the ground is still kind of cool, dispite the warm air.)


Well... Yeah. Nothing to say. =/

Hee hee, loving reading this, you are so funny Xila! IQ higher than that of a shovel, I had to giggle at that. Then, highlight of your day tripping over a chair, haha.

BunBun? As far as the automatic feeder, Xila is thinking of you and only you, maybe you should like her a bit more?:biggrin2:
Hee hee, loving reading this, you are so funny Xila! IQ higher than that of a shovel, I had to giggle at that. Then, highlight of your day tripping over a chair, haha.
Thank you! =D I'm glad to hear you like reading my blog-Weboth enjoywriting in it.
YOUR blog? Don't you mean OUR blog? :grumpy:
Uhm... Yes, of course. ^^;;


April 19, 08

Arg, silly BunBun. I took the walnut out of his Nut Knot Nibbler becasue I noticed that he really wasn't using it, and I've always wanted to see a walnut, (surprizingly, I've never held a walnut before.) so I cracked the nut open, and I accidentally knocked a bit of shell over... he got a hold of it, for sure. He seemed to like it, but I took it away as soon as I saw. I have a thread created about it... I have no idea if they are toxic or not.

Sooo, anyway, nothing much happened today. I did dig up his flip--n-toss from under his cage, though. Ah, he had a grand time watching me fiddle around under his cage and pulling out weks worth of old bunny poop. :grumpy: (He likes to hide his territorial poos under his cage for some reason... and I hardly clean under there. It's bothersome when you want to get something out.)

So, basically, I'm reaching my hand under his cage, digging out aincent toys, swimming in old poop, and I can juussttt barely hear BunBun snickering at me.

Yeah. =P

Anyway, Haley just posted on the forum about walnuts. I'll be sure to leave extra hay out tonight, in addition to the stuff he has 24/7 access to.

You know what?

I don't like most pies.

And we went shopping today.

And now we have more fruit than we can shake a stick at.

But that's good. I like fruit! ^^

Mostly oranges, bananas, and pears.

We also got grapes, and apple juce.

It's strange... I like both apple ciderAND apple juce- Just not... apples. o_O

Seriously. Apple or a grape- I pick grapes every time.

Which is saying something.

I don't like grapes.

Hoo. Look at how much I rambled... I best be off now. ^^


BunBun? As far as the automatic feeder, Xila is thinking of you and only you, maybe you should like her a bit more?:biggrin2:
Yes, perhaps... I do like her lots, thouh. She's always giving me toys n' stuff. And she pets me. =D
For instance, this morning, she spent, like, five minutes petting me, and me licking her back.
I like licking her hand. she always tastes like banananana. Because she's always eating banananana. and when she's always eating bananana, that means she is more likely to give me bananana. =D


When people say I'm spoiled, Xila always tells them "Of course! He's my prince! ^^" and people think she's crazy. That's okay, thoguh. Crazy bunny lady buys me things. :biggrin2:

Once, they were doing a slideshow in computer class, of "who I admire", and the first slide was of me. someone asked her how she could admire "such a boring, smelly rodent", and she went into this loonnggg speach of how we aren't rodents, and of how that girl has never met me- so she has no right to say things like that, and how proud and naturally clean we are, and if we smell, it's the owner's fault for being irresponsible and not caring for the rabbit properly. =D

Speaking of, Xila saw a can in a store today. it was a deodorizing spray for a rabbit cage.
She said to her mom, "If you need 'fragrant spray' for bunny's cage, you need to clean it out more often. Rabbits are very clean aniamls, given that they have a place to BE clean.", and other stuff. ^^

Yar. =D

Yes. I ate a walnut shell.
What can I say? it was... THERE. and it smells soo tasty... of course I had to try it. Her fault for being a mesy person. =D

Hm. Well, nothing much happened today.


April 21(20), 08

Well, RO went down last night (at least, for me.) And I dind't know how long... I didn't have time to wait for it to come back, so I just went to bed. And I forgot to update after school for yesterday's entry... so today will be a cross between today and yesterday. =D

Well... No pictures, since we're expermimenting with the memory chip of the camera.

And, to be frank, I've got nothing to say.

I had this loonngg list of things I wanted to tell you, and right nnow, I've gor NOTHING.

Last night, BunBun kept me up. >.> In the DEAD OF NIGHT, he picked up his biiiiig gnawin stuck, and SLAM it aghanst the ground. :grumpy:

Needless to say, he got my attention. I didn't even think to see what time it was, but I knew it was early. (2ish?)

And today, we were comming out of class, and someone said Kelly was mean... She said "I AM NOT mean!" I said to Kelly, "It's a good thing you're mean! You ward off idiots like Hannah." (Hannah was the girl who I talked about before- who said she was telling on us for Kelly "doing my math homework", when she was walking me through it.) and she said





Hey! I'm NOT mean!"

=P It took her a second there...

You know... I hate my parents when it comes to rabbits. My mom was complaining about how I don't use the Bunny Kabob she let me buy...

YEAH. You won't take me out to get toys, and you won't buy me lettuce! I Don't HAVE anything to put on it, because you won't let me BUY anything to put on it! :grumpy:If you won't let my buy anything to put on it, than It's not gonna get used! DUH!

(And grass doesn't fit on the 'Kabob)

And they complain about how the hay they give the cown is the "same stuff" as the all natural sun-dried timmothy hay BunBun gets now.

No, It's not. o_O The cow hay has dead bugs, sometimes even snakes in it! They just mow a feild, and bail it. Heck, it wouldn't surprize me if there were TONS of milkweed in it! Timothy hay... I know what I'm getting, and I know that is best.

And when they ask why I buy BunBun so many toys if he is just going to eat them... First off, DUH! That's what wood toys are FOR! Keeping their teeth down! >.> (And providing some ammusement)

And secondly, it keeps him pacified while I'm not home.

And she tells me that TOYS DON'T KEEP HIM HAPPY.

Seriously!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!? What the heck do you mean that toys don't keep him happy?! >.> He uses them ALL THE TIME! He throws them, carries tham, runs with them... Perhaps if I were to lock THEM in a cage more than 8 hours a day, they would learn how much he apprechiates his toys...?


And they don't want me to get Bunny Basics T. They say, "What he has now is the best locally!"

Yes, it may be the best locally, but it's CRAP. >.> Heck, it's not even made with timothy hay! I mean... Is that even possible...?

Than they say, "But than you'd have to ship it."

... Duh. o_O

"and who'd pay for it?"

Me, of course... Wait, do they know I pay for... Like... Everything related to BunBun...? Where have they been the past 10 months?

It wouldn't surprize me, how ignorant they are... What can I say? I'm talking about the people who STRONGLY believe a domestic rabbit can survive in the wild... I remember one of her biggest threats with me hetting BunBun was "Well, if you start to forget about him, we're letting him go." (She reffers to "setting him free" in the woods behindour house.)

And just recently, I was talking to my dad about how the vet didn't Email me back yet, and I wanted to call him... he said 'Don't bother, jsut bring him in."

Of course, I said (being kind) "Well, I'd still feel better if I called and asked them some questions", but in my head I was screaming "What are you, an idiot!? Just because it says they treat rabbits, doens't mean they CAN! Heck, they could be completly unexperianced, and give the rabbits nothing more thn a bandaid for a serious wound, or simply slap a cast of a hurt leg wiithout any exams... Why on earth would I jsut take him in for such a delecate opperation that could KILL him if done incorrectly!?"

I don't understand... WhenI got BunBun, allthey wanted was for me to be responsible... whydo theyyell at me and get mad when I want to do just that? I jsut... Don't understand. Why is it that they Don't approve of me feeding him pellets that are actually GOOD for him? And getting him GOOD hay? And Making sure he does not cause himself harm with overgrown teeth? or harming himself trying to ammuse himself without toys? And being sure he gets the more expensivelitter that's better for his health? Why does she not approve of neutering him, andextending his life so he can be happier and healthier, and not distracted by hormones?Why?


Of course, I could go on and on... But I'll simply stop there. For everyone's sanity. ^^

And just so you know... I don't hate my parents, I love them both very much... it's just when it comes to rabbits... they don't know anything about them, and keep telling me I'm wrong about what I do. (Even though I do what they wanted me to do in the first place- the "responsible thing"!)

Like, I could say "Rabbits are really good, intelligent animals! They can be litter trained, and are really as affectonate as a dog if they are bonded with you, and trust you.".... Even though all of those things are proven, they'll still say I'm wrong!


Xila is ranting again. =/
I do agree with her, though. Her parents do sound kind of clueless...

And I've heard them before. They do say a lot of the things she says are wrong, even when they aren't.

Well, I don't want to talk aout her issues. Moving on...

Why are they fooling with the camera memory card...? RO wants pictures of me! :X


Well... Nothing much happened today.

Uhmmm... No...
Did RO go down for anyone else last night? It did for us... How long was it down? I can't find any threads about it.. So maybe it was just us?

Well... Night! ^^


April 22, 08

Man... I feel like I'm forgetting to do something!

But.... what?

Well, I'm going to the dentist's tomorrow. D=

Oh, joy.

Today we drilled some holes in some wood sticks, and stuck them on the bunny kabob. ^^

He seems to prefer ground-dweling toys, though.

He can't throw the ones on the kabob around and wake us up in the middle of the night... D=

He is so cute. ^^

I hope to order some Bunny Basics T from Oxbow real soon! =D


I got BunBun some more Timothy hay. I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed with the quality. in my past purchases, the hay has always been "fresh"... this one, it defiantly seemed more dried out.

BunBun doesn't mind, though. ^^

"Unfourtunatly", we had to get a bigger bag of hay, since they didn't have the normal size... ;)

BunBun also got a hay rack today. =D

Nothing much else, though, sorry to say.



LuvaBun wrote:
Prince BunBun wrote: BunBun**

Why are they fooling with the camera memory card...? RO wants pictures of me! :X


Yes please :biggrin2:


Of course you do! ^^
I wish they'd get done "experamenting" allready.

No promises, but... Maybe tomorrow? :biggrin2:

Aww. Xila took all the interesting conversation again. =/
I swear... one of these days, I'm going to post my entry first, and show her what it's like to have all the good topics taken.

