The days of BunBun&Slave

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April 5, 08

BunBun got two new toys. =D

A cat dumbel (bells on either end), and a bunny kabob.
However, I didn't remember to get toys for it.

Theree shee blowss!
Kind of random, but seriously, as I was writing that, BunBun does this MAJOR leap into the air. Out of nowhere.
It reminded me of a whale...

What was I going to say? I don't really remember.

We burried Bandit today. My mom and dad intend to plant a rose bush by him. D'=
That reminded me of a scene of Where the Red Fern Grows, if you've ever read that. Anyway, at the end.. when the kid was moving, and he went to see his dogs (Which had died in a hunting accident, and were burried side by side), and he saw a bush growing in between them, and he got out his knife as he thought "How dare a weed grow so close to my dogs!?", or something like that, and as he was about to cut it down, he realized it was actually a Red Fern. Told by legend that it is so rare because they are planted by angels.

My hair is all dandruffy and oily.
Eew. o_O

Dang! I was going to say something and I don't know what! D=




Another picture?

The girl took all the interesting stuff. D=

Normally I would post pictures, but I'm tired.

So... 'Night!


AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Hey Xila,

I'm really sorry to hear about Bandit:(. Your poor grandma will be devastated. Give her a big hug from me.
I will. Thank you. ^^

Got your pencil back and a purple sharpie? Cool!
Yeah! Isn't it? =D
Now, this is adorable!:biggrin2:


Thank you. ^^

Jess_sully wrote:
Awww, I'm very sorry to hear about Bandit. I hope your grandma copes well.
Me too. D=
When my great-grandma's golden retriever died, she was heartbroken. She did get a new dog, Gretchen, a year or so later, but the little grey scruffy hyper mutt is NOTHING like calm and gentle Duchess. :(
Awww. Yeah, I know what that's like. D=
I agree, verrrry pretty eyes!
April 6, 08

My mom listened to the Ebay song by Weird Al, and now it's stuck in my head.

Well... Nothing much else. Typical day.

We did go for a hike on the hill, though.
1,370 steps... Or, something like that. (Keep in mind, too, that it was almost all uphill.)

I'm trying to think of something I did today, but *NOTHING* comes to mind. =/

Oh, I saw this automated feeder at the store today. I figgured I could use that, seeing as how I'm always forgetting to feed poor BunBun. xD

(Don't get that wrong... I feed him when I get up and when I go to bed every day, and he has 24/7 access to hay and fresh water. I jsut sometimes forget his noontime pellets.)
Well... That's about it...


If the girl had hardly anything to say, what makes you think *I* will?
Nothing much, I hung out all day, blablabla.


April 7th, 08

I can't type much. I have this huge headache.



The girl is telling me to be quick because she wants to go to bed.


Okay, so, nothing much today. Pretty much it.

Im so sorry to hear about Bandit, Xila. He was reallya beautiful boy.

I love this picture of BunBun:


He looks so noble!
BunBun is beautiful! I love red eyed whites. I still can't believe some people get creeped out by the red eyes, i think they're very pretty and expressive.

I especially love the pic of BunBun's butt!

I'm so sorry about Bandit. That's so weird to me that the vet wouldn't treat his disease, but wouldn't end the pain either.

April 8, 08

Wow. I never realized how different the formatting was on IE than it is on FF. o_O

Hm. Strange. It seems to do a dubble-line indent...


Anyway, nothing much going on today. BunBun did get out again... The little pain.

Well, moving on... I've got ...

Actually, I pause there because BunBun just excaped.

Yes, just now, as a write this.

I removed the stool from his cage... I hate to do it, he loved it,but his excape routes revolved around it. D= I'll give it back after he has free-roam of the house.

So, anyway, now BunBun is running around his cage, gnawing the bars, and having a hissy-fit.

*is in the "bunhouse", so to say*

Oh well. He'll get over it.

Haley wrote:
Im so sorry to hear about Bandit, Xila. He was reallya beautiful boy.
Thank you. D= Wasn't he? I loved him.
I love this picture of BunBun:


He looks so noble!
Thank you. ^^ I do like to take pride in my adequate little home.

naturestee wrote:
BunBun is beautiful! I love red eyed whites. I still can't believe some people get creeped out by the red eyes, i think they're very pretty and expressive.

Thank you! I love his eyes, too. ^^ My mom doesn't like his eyes. She says they are creepy. =/ I think she's crazy. I think they are really pretty!

I especially love the pic of BunBun's butt!

Thank you, again. xD I love his butt. It's so cute! <3

I'm so sorry about Bandit. That's so weird to me that the vet wouldn't treat his disease, but wouldn't end the pain either.

Yeah. D= I don't get that, either... If you can treat it, you do so. If you can't, you do *SOMETHING*. I'll never get why she didn't do anything for him...

April 8, 08

I'm sure someone noticed, and said "Where's BunBun?"
Well, I'm here... on my new spiffy account! =D
Bear with me, I'm still working out some things.

Since BunBun was (obviously) taken, Prince BunBun it is! ^^
Did you know Prince BunBun is my unofficial name?
It's also my Bunspace name (PrinceBunBun), I think it's my freewebs page, too, and also a few other sites.

I am *NOT* having a hissy-fit, I'm simply demanding my freedom.
And she took away my little blue jumping step. Boo, hiss. I liked that thing.

Oh, nothing much else.
I'm mad at the girl, though.


April 8, 08

I'm using IE again. BunBBun has chaimed FF for the blog entry, and it's such a pain to switch accounts... I know it can be difficuly for him to use the shift kety and such, with his little bunny paws...

Well, Picture day!


Why do I always get the weird ones? D= (And yes, she is ASLEEP. On her back. And she does this very often- not just for this picture. xD)


Today, we investagatea suspicious crime.






You have nothing aghanst me- Innocent untill proven guilty!

Prince BunBun is a snobby, high maitnance rabbit. He loves to chew, and he tends to be stubborn in order to get his way. This toy houses in his cage, and was bought for his amusement.

[No Picture avalible]


The cats are suspictious charecters. They love to play, and often steals things from BunBun- this toy was no exception. THey are known for pllaying rough, and could very likely have caused this.

Our top investagators are on this case, and we intend to catch the criminal.

Through state-of-the-art technology, we have determined that the woulds that broke the sisal free were, indeed, bite marks. This most likely rules out out suspect... leaving only...


He chewed, and broke his toy, framing the cats in order to get a new toy.

He fessed up after being confronted.

It is known that no punishment will be established, however, the toy will not be replaced.

(I know something like this was allready posted, but to be honest, I've had this adea for quite a while. =D I also have another one for whenever)

Oh, and am I glad I realized that rabbits need to be indoors... look at the peice of rotting crap BunBun *WOULD* have had to live in!


PLEW! I'm glad to have learned that little tidbit... Just in time, too!

BunBun's Bunny Kabob:


In action:


Nothing much else.

Oh well. Dull days are good days. ^^


Ah! My turn?

Well, I guess I have my share of pictures, too...

The girl thinks it funny to balance things on my head.
I've never quite understood, but whatever makes her happy, ii suppose... :craziness



Pictures from when I excaped form my cage:


Shoelaces <3


So! We meet again!


I don't know if I approve of this color fabric, given the theme of the room...


There is no rabbit under the sofa.
There is no sofa.
There is no rabbit.
There is no room.
There is no house.
There is nothing there at all, in fact.

Oh, and Xila's Daykeeper of me:

Nothing much else, today. The boy stayed home, but Xila didn't! HOW RUDE!


April 10th 08

I really have no idea what the day is. xD

Arg. I've been feeling worse. D=

More headaches, dry throat, tiredness, and it feels like a swallowed a golf ball and it's stuck in my throat.

not fun. I'm probably just dehydrated, but it sucks. D=

Well, as they say, "She show must go on!"

In this case, we have a new episode...







Desi- A female dog. As innocent as she appears, she is quite infamous for eating BunBun's pellets. She has sharp teeth, more than capible of tearing through the thin plastic bag, containing one of her favourite treats- Rabbit food.


BunBun- A male rabbit. With a cuddily appearance, and a sweet, kissable little face, he is quite capibleof getting away with whatever he wants to. This bag was very likely in reach of his cage. After all, this is his food. He has rights to it.

Our top team of investagotors are working on this case.

We discovered that on this day, they owner's older brother stayed home from school, however, the owner did not. Both animals were rather upset and confused.

Careful investagation reveals that this bag was in reach of both subjects. It was also discovered that BunBun liked to gnaw and/or eat thin sheets of plastic (Such as this bag, for example.). Desi, however, also has a reputation of tearing through thin plastic if it involves food.

Careful investagation followed these observations. After many talks and research, it was discovered that BunBun was, indeed, the culprite. He saw the bag in reach. Dismayed and confused that his owner was not at home when her sibling was, he began to tear at the bag. He blaimed the dog, as she has a reputation of taking his food.

He later admitted to this.

It is knows that no punishment is administered, as this food was pretty crappy in the first place.

That concluses today's episode.

April 10th 08

Nothing much today.
No pictures, either.
Well... Okay. I have to admit, it was a dull day.
Nothing more.

Nothing more... that reminds me of "nevermore", which reminds me of "The Raven", by Edgar Allan Poe. He was a scary man, he was...

(Nethie= Netherland Dwarf. I like to abreviate things, because my bunny paws are hard to type with. I like to make things simple for me.)

[align=center]Thinking aloud:
[/align]I speak for us big guys when I say... wheer'z the plus sizes!? Everything these days is for those "Cute little Netherland Dwarfs"! I mean, I have *SO* many toys that I's supposed to be able to go INTO, but, next to me, I tower over them by quite a bit. I could flex and twist, and not even have a whisp of a hope of even getting my SHOULDERS in there...
What will happen in the future? Will there only be things big enough for those little Nethies and Mini Lops? What will happen to us big guys?
I mean, I consitter myself a medium sized rabbit, but still.. I'm pretty big, consittering the scale of the things they make these days!
And not only that, if there *WERE* something big enough for us, it would be really expensive! What's up with that?
I mean, you go to your feed store, buy this cool grass tunnel for your Nethie- three bucks.
You have to CUSTOM ORDER THEM... ONLINE... and have them MAILED to you. That's, like, 20 bucks for one tunnel. D=

And... I don't know... When you're not born a cute "pocket-sized rabbit", your options in hiding and tunnels, etc, is quite limited. Not to meantion, if you're one of those "cute little ones", you have such a bigger chance of being adopted if you were to find your self in a shelter. Everyone wants those "cute" Nethies and Mini Lops.
I know there are places like Busybunny that still have large hearts, and think of us large guys, but... The economy today, just doesn't think of us as much.
You know what I mean?
Well, that's enough venting for today. I'll see you tomorrow.


April 11, 08

I stayed home from school today. I fealt pretty crappy. D= Sore throat, headaches, stuffy nose... it's a pain. D= Arg.

Well, I stayed home, so nothing much happened.

Slept, ate, watched TV.

You know it.

It's one of those things where you don't have a fever, but your breath is REALLY warm, so it hurth to breathe out with a dry/wet nose.



Well, that's about it.


I hate to say it, but I've got nothing to say.
The girl doesn't feel well.
But you allready know that.
Oh well. It's bedtime anyway, and I can't stat long. So... Night!


April 12th, 08


I feel a bit better, thannks for asking.

Still got a stuffy nose. and My throat hurts.

The headaches seem to be geting better, though. * knocks in wood*



Nothing mcuh.

I'm tired.



I was thinking about calling the vet. Since they *clearly* don't check their email.

Well... Nothing much else.



I've got nothing to say.
Sorry. D=
I really don't.
*thinks of something to say*



Speaking of, Xila was sitting on the sofa. She's sick, right? Well, she was watching me, and she was watching me shread my phone book, she commented on how I have so many simple little quirks that make her smile. =D
Like, how I don't just shread... I tear a peice, run around the cage, stop, nibble on it, than leave it somewhere and get another. ^^ Even though she has to chean it up, she loves that.
And she likes how when I nibble, I kind of turn the paper in circles to get all the edges. =D

Well, nothing much else today.

I hope doing random posts like this won't become a habbit... It's annoying.

But than again, what post?
There is no post here.
You. See. NOTHING.

April 13, 08

Hm. My watch doesn't seem to change the day untill, like, noonish. o_O Odd.

I feel guilty for not giving BunBun lettuce. My mom is refusing to buy lettuce, since she is growing lettuce (Which, may I add, are types like Icequeen, and other light-leaved lettuces. She bought some Romine seeds, but they won't be ready for a LOONNGGG time. D=)

We went to wall mart today... I looked at the Bunniez game. ^^

I actually decided not to get it. It looked very similar to Nintendogs- which I loved... but... It was something about the bunnies being in an outdoor hutch that bothered me. =/

Not to mention they had them, like, sliding down slides, etc. It makes meworried that some little kid gets that game, sees that, and decides it would be fun to throw their poor bunnie down their jungle gym slide.


LuvaBun wrote:
I love your blog/blogs :D. Xila, hope your feeling better

Thank you. ^^ I'm feeling a bit better, but still pretty crummy. =/

We went to wallmart today, and I fell asleep on the ride over... I wake up when we get there, and I've got this loonnggg string of snot all down my sleeve. o-o

Apparently my nose decided it was bored with being stuffy, and wanted to ge runny instead.

Well... Nothing much else today.


LuvaBun wrote:
I love your blog/blogs. BunBun, you take care of your girl, OK?

Thank you. ^^
And I will. =D

Hrm... Well, nothing much to say.
I did get a peice of a bananana, though. =D Always nice.
I haven't been getting any greens lately. =/ Odd.
Xila doesn't usually forget *this* many days in a row... I wonder if something is wrong..?


D= Why do I never have anything interesting to say? I mean... I sit in a cage. I tear up a phone book. I eat, drink, sleep... I'm not exacly the type to go and scale K2 Pakistan.

I did recently discover, though, that rather than going for distance, if I go mainly on height, my cage is big enough to do a binky.
Well, I could go on length... but... I usually slam into the NICs. =/ Not fun.
I'm smart enough to not hurt myself, though.

You know, just my rambling on like this, I could easily make a long blog entry.

You know... This really isn't a blog. It's more like a... journal. =/ Or (and Xila doesn't like this term; she thinks it is 'girly')a diary, if you will...
Oh well. =D I like calling it a blog.

Like... a bog.
Where there are frogs
in bogs.
on logs
in fogs

Frogs. =D
