The days of BunBun&Slave

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April 23, 08

Nothing much today... there's a dance tomorrow night. I'm wearing what I always wear, for lack of something else that matches.

As my English teacher said, "I love chapporoning. Nobody really dances- People really just hang out in the bathroom, talk,and others chase each other around. There really is nothing *to* chapporone". xP

Anyway... Nothing much. ^^

I'm done with the camera, but stupid Kodac won't let me upload pictures. >.>

I need a new camera... My OWN camera...

With a simple program...

That I can actually save videos on...


Well.. I can't think of too much to say.

I went to the dentist's.This guy came in, a new doctor, and he said "You're so prettty. Have I ever told you that before? And your teeth are very healthy and pretty."

I smiled and said "no...", but I was thinking, /Who are you? Have we met...?/

He was nice, though. =3

I love BunBun. ^^

He's so pretty.


Well, that's all for now.



Nothing much today...
The girl went to the Dentist's. What's a dentist? Is that, like, a store?

I wonder if she got me anything...

Man. Why isn't the camera working? D=

Nothing much happened today. I had a whole bunch to say, but I've completly forgotten now.

Well... Night!


April 24, 08

Yay! 7th page! =D

Well, I won't write much, I'm tired... Basically, we went to the dance, we mostly danced a bit, and the rest of the time we just wandered around and talked. ^^ Nothing exciting.

Three day weekend- Yay for senior projects! ^^

Mom made BunBun a "sofa" out of an old hoodie. =D I got some pictures, and I'll show them when my camera decides to cooperate.



Well, I can't say too much happened today.
Arg! The girl was gone almost all day. D<

She did give me something the tall slave made, though. I must say I strongly disapprove of the color (It's pink!), but I like the overal idea. It's quite comfortable.

Why doesn't the camera work? The world may never know...

Why did Xila take the sofa away at night, though? D= She thinks I'll nibble on it and eat it when she's asleep. Har, Of course I wouldn't! (Not much, anyway...)

Well... That's aboout all.


April 24, 08

Sorrry I'm doing this so late... If I'm bored, want to go to bed, but not in the mood to type[TDOBB&S], I watch movies on Youtube. ^^ Usually it's Disney, anime, annimated movies, etc etc.

Today I was watching Kiki's Delivery Service.

Good movie. 'Bout a witch(?), and a talking cat. =D

Well, I'm tired.

... Uhmm... Let's seeeeeee...

Oh! And a big shoutout to AngelnSnuffy/Whoever makes the "Today on RO" for featuring BunBun as today's Mystery rabbit! ^^

(How does that work, anyway? How do you guys know what to feature, who posts it, etc?)

I was actually browsing RO on my Wii, noticed "Oh, I forgot to check the "Today on RO" for yesterday... I should probably do that."

So I did, and noticed they had the one for today out, and looked at that one, too... It took me a second, but I sat up and went "OMG!THAT'S BUNBUN! <3"

But I'm sure that's what most people do. xP

I ran over to my computer to double check.

For whatever reason, I've always wanted BunBun to be a Mystery Bun on a Friday...

^^ Happy day.

Well, Night!

(That's a strange line right there. o_O "Happy day- Well, night!")


Why is the girl doing this so late? Doesn't she know that I'm NOT wating around for *her* to get done with her part of the blog...?

And she could have at least fed me first...

Well, Yes. =D I'm quite happy to say I was today's featured rabbit.

The girl told her mom that "BunBun was today's mystery rabbit (Kind of like that day's featured rabbit) on RO!" and she showed her, and she said,
"Is that really BunBun?"
"Yeah.... See, he is laying under his blue stool."
"How do you know it's him?"
"... Because I took the picture. xP"

Silly slaves.

I've never understood the meaning of watching movies on Youtube. I do intend to put videos of me up on that site, however... watching movies? In my oppinion, it's just a cheap way of not buying or renting a movie. Xila doesn't do it too often, though. Good.

I hate it when I have a whole bunch to say, but I forget it when I go to type it all up.
Perhaps it's the fact that I type very slow... Hey, it's not like I have fingers!
Well... I *do*, but they aren't exacly ideal for typing.

Plus, I don't have any thumbs, so I can't write things down.

And as intellligent as I am, I'm sorry to say I can't remember all of my many thoughts.

Well... That's about all that I can remember. Night! ^^



April 26, 08

'Scuse my late post. It's midnight here...

I can'r say much, I'm supposed to be asleep.

Camera is still acting up.

I love it when BunBun take a peice of paper in his mouth and runs with it. ^^

So cute.

Nothing much happened today...

I was outside helping my mom with something, though, and it suddenly atarted MONSOONING. o-o

Out of nowhere!

One moment it's fine, cool wether, but not cold... Next thing I know, I'm being soaked to the bone!

Gotta love Wellsboro's flukey weather.

I still want to order Bunny Basics T. D=


I need to save up a bit more, though.


I wonder if BunBun will like it?

He usually just snarfs down whatever I put in his food dish...

For toys, etc,he's very picky...

Food? Not so much.

Well... Night. ^^


Arg. Why is it the girl hogs all the time, than rushes me through my entry?

She keeps going "c'moooonnnn, I wanna go to bed. D<"


Well, nothing too interesting haoppened today. It rained.
The first time was just sprinkles, the second was clear skies to buckets of water in a whole 3 seconds.

I wish the camera would cooperate. What's wrong with it...?

I like to clean mah toes. ^^
And my feet in general. =D

Well, See you tomorrow!


April 27, 08

Does RO need help? o_O

I don't know how many of you have Yahoo email, but when you get a new message, a little box/tab comes up in the lower right corner of the screen with the sender name and subject.

Anyway, I'm browsing along, and I get that little tab. I look dow... It was from RO, with the subject saying something like "RO NEEDS YOUR HELP THIS WEEKEND!"

Well, I didn't click the tab to see the message becasue it opens in IE, andI prefer FF... So I log on to my FF yahoo email... And I don't have any new messages.


I mean, I love RO. If RO ever needed something, I'd always try to help... Nothing was mentioned on the "Today on RO!", soI guess it's not too important..

Huh. Strange.

Ever heard of webkinz?

I've alays thought it was a bit... babyish... But watching Kelly and Devyn play got the better of me, and I went on Ebay and bought a "NWT" lil Kinz.

And, Yes, of COURSE it's a rabbit...^^

I wanted the Sherbet bunny... But those things are, like, $70! Holey CRAP! o_O


When is it gonna' get here? D=

It's cute. White. ^^ I wanna' make a boy and name him BunBun. (of course)

Okay... The camera is working, but It's too late for me to upload them... it's late. D=

Nothing much else.


ETA: Just now, I was talking to my friend and saying goodnight, she said that we should have a friendly competition on who could do the dance to one of our favourite animes, [ame=]The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya[/ame], the best... It's a pretty cool dance([ame=][/ame]), so I took up on her offer...

Anyway, I searced Youtube for a slowed version, and tried to do the coreography for it... And BunBun started THUMPING at me! T-T

I was like, "Am I really THAT bad...?"

BunBun: "Yes. Yes you are."

(I've never seen BunBun thump before, so it must've been pretty bad. Than again, it is a pretty fast dance. Maybe I just spooked him? xD)

Geez... How many times can she use "RO" in the same paragraph?
I mean, she said something like:
"I love RO. If RO ever needed anything, I'd try to help. But, It wasn't mentioned on the "Today on RO!", so It couldn't be that important."


Well, anyway...

Lazy girl. Won't get the pictures...

Oh, a new minion has come into the picture. Chester.
He is a ram.

Why does the girl always take what I want to say...?

And why is that I always forget what I want to say...?

Well... Night! ^^

April 28, 08

Nothing too much. I didn't get around to getting the pictures off the camera.

I'm drawing a random picture. I *might* post it when I'm done. MIGHT.

I don't really like to share my art. To me, "You are your ownworst critic" is definatly true. While my friends might thinka peicewas the most awesome thing they've ever seen, I'd probably see lots of flaws- "I wish the hair came out better", "I wish the design right there came out clearer", etc.

Anyway, I'm actually very shy. ^^ I like to keep to myself... yes, that's quite the kind of person you'd expect to have a daily blog of their life. xD

Well, It's late, and I can't think of much to say.



"You are your own worst critic"? What kind of like is that?

The pocket of Xila's hoodie is falling off. It only has LESS than an inchof sewing keeping it on. I wish she'd sew it back on... I JUST WANNA GRAB THE POCKET AND YANK IT OFF. IT'S VERY TEMPTING. o___O

Well... Nothing much happened today. Sorry to say.

Xila is going to be dissecting bullfrogs this week. I find that crude and disrepectful. I know when I die, I DON'T want to be cut open and picked appart by curious 7th graders! That's such a HUMILIATING way to go! When I die, I wanna' go pecefully, and I want my remains to be treated with respect. If it happends with cats and dogs and rabbits... why not frogs? They are just as good as us!


Boring day. Xila didn't get the pictures off the camera.

Well... Night! Maybe she'll have gotten the pictures downloaded tomorrow?
Paws crosses!


April 29, 08

Nothing much. Sorry. I remember wanting to say a whole lot, but now I can't remember any of it. =/

Anyway, I just about finished that drawing. I want to add more texture and put a copyright, etc. on it.

Well... I didn't get around to uploading the pictures. D= Sorry.

Tomorrow for sure. ^^

Dang... I had a whole bunch of crap for a feild trip that I needed to get signed but forgot about.

Tomorrow morning, I guess.

Well... Night!


You know what I hate?
How Xila haas doubble line spacing. I mean, I could sit here and talk and talk and talk, and she could just do a few lines and have her entry look longer than mine.

I mean... Compare the length of hers and the length of mine. Doesn't it look like her entry is longer?

However, it looks like I have more to say, right?

Well, actually, I don't... Sorry.

Lazy girl forgot the pictures. Again!

I'll MAKE her remember tomorrow...


April 30, 08


Sorry. I went up to my mom's room to give her something, crawl under the covers, talk, and eventually fall asleep.

So anyway, I *thankfully* woke up at 1:00 AM (Almost exacly- 1:58) and went down stairs (I had left all the lights on, etc, because I thought I was comming out again)

Poor BunBun apparently had a fit. D= Food bowl knocked off the hinde, water bottle at an angle, litter scattered, his towel peed on, etc etc. He's much happier now that I've(Is that right? That doesn't look right... But it is 1 in the morning...) fed him and put the sheet over his cage. (He is less than happy about the nightlight I have.)

I won't put anything here except this: (For the sake of my mind trying to write it, and your minds trying to finure out what my typing is supposed to say...)

So in Science today, we're learning about the animal kingdom, and wer're on the Reptila (reptiles), Mamilla (Mamals), and Aqua... Aqua something. (Fish, etc)o_O and other classes like that.

So anyway, My teacher is passing around shark's teeth for us to see, and says "Oh, by the way... Sharks- What class?"

And this one girl (did I tell you about when she said "green beans" to the question:
"So what's this seed that we eat- Yellow, grown in the summer months, mostly... Sprinkle some salt, and some pepper, and some butter on there and eat it hot...") raised her hand and said "Amphibia (Amphibians)"




(For those younger views that might not know- an amphibian is an animal that spends part of it's life in the water, and part of its like out of the water, usually only returning to the water to lay eggs, etc.)

If a shark could live out of water... we'd be in a lot of trouble!

Well, night. ^^


'Twas not having a fit... She forgot about me. Soes I made a lotta noise, and messed up my cage, and she came back n' fixed it... n' fed me...


Whaaaaaat? :(


Well, nothing too much.
The girl didn't upload the pictures.

I tried. I did, but she wouldn't listen...

Oh, and for the record... I'm a rabbit and I know a shark is not an amphibian.
I don't know what it actually is, but I'm sure it's not an amphibian. ^^

See you tomorrow!


Apr-... *Runs to calander, changes page, and runs back*... May 1, 08

I love it when a rabbit goes to clean his or her face and they flick their front paws a few times. ^^ That's so cute.

We're disecting frogs in science. It was gross... o-o We couldn't get the mouth open to cut the jaw joints, and it reeked with presertivative stuff... and guts were comming out its side.



Oh! My dad should be comming home! Yayyy! ^^

He should be here around 2am tomorrow morning.

That's nice... look over just now and BunBun is grooming his sock.

Cutie. ^^

Oh! My webkinz came! =3

Now, not only is BunBun a rabbit, with a Bunspace, Pagii, Freewebs, and will soon have a myspace page...


He's also a webkinz!


Well... I can't think of too much else.



LuvaBun wrote:
Xila wrote:

April 30, 08

If a shark could live out of water... we'd be in a lot of trouble!


:laugh: You guys kill me!!!

xD Thank you! (Wait... is killing people a good thing?
Oh well, it is now. =3)


That's sad. Xila doesn't know the months. o_O
Like, she knows what they are, just not the order...


*I* know the months in order...

Now, what's this about me being a "Webkinz"?

I've never liked rabbit-ear TV sets.. you can never get a good picture...
Besides... when was the last time you saw a rabbit on top of a TV?

My Webkinz self doing what I should be doing right now...

Nothing too exciting happened.

Sorry to disappoint.


LuvaBun wrote:
Xila wrote:
And BunBun, of course you weren't throwing a fit. Sometimes you just have to teach your slave who's boss ;)

Right! ^^
[sup]Something like that...[/sup]

Hey Xila, sorry I have missed some of your posts! You're welcome for BunBun being the Mystery Bunny last weekend;), I knew you'd love that:D.

Ew, I remember having to disect a frog, I refused to participate, we had a partner, I made her do it:p. That smell is called, let's see if I can spell this right-phromaldehyde? Anywho, yeah, I remember smelling that :yuck.

Hope you get your camera working soon.