Well-Known Member
May 5th, 08
ONGEE! I'm so sorry... First RO wouldn't let me post, than I couldn't view topics, and I got locked out of RO for two days straight! D=
Eek! I thought I was gonna' go INSANE!
I need my rabbit people. D=
You'd think that over the days I was gone, I'd have some pictures...
I don't.
And maybe something to talk about...
I don't.
One thing I feel like venting about-
So when I take a shower, I usually put my clothes on the toilet lid.
So anyway, I go o take a shower yesterday, take off my infamous blue hoodie that I wear, like, every day, and casually throw it down... Only to discover that I missed a bit, and that my hoodie fell to the side, where it was all wet and stuff, and... yeah.
So anyway, I say to my mom "You have to wash my hoodie for tomorrow."
And every once in a while I say that-
"Remember to wash my hoodie for tomorrow." "I need my hoodie tomorrow..." "Remember to put my hoodie in the washer.", etc.
So she does the wash, and Doesn't remember to wash my hoodie. >.>
I guess reminding her, like, TWENTY TIMES wasn't enough.
And it's not like I had the hoodie in my room, or behind the piano, or under the sofa or anything... It was sitting in plain sight the whole time.
So, anyway, now I'm wearing the green hoodie I made in sewing.
I love it, but it's SUCH a pain to wear.
I accidentally sewed a fold in the next line, so my head barely fits through the hole, and It's VERY hot to ware, and it's a REAL pain in the butt to take off. To take it off, I have to put my hair down (If it's up), take off my watch, and take off my Bracelet(s)... JUST to get it off!
Then I have to put everything back after it's off!
So... It's good for cold whether when I have no intetion of taking it off, but... everyday during the spring...? No.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Also, since RO is being kinda' iffy,We'll be doing both entries in the same post.
I don't get it... Why are we doing this in the same post again?
Oh well.
Bad RO locked us out, D= Was it jsut us, or was it lots of people? Xila was starting to think it was computer problems.
Well, Nothing too interesting happened.
THe Dandilions are starting to come back... Yay!
May 5th, 08
ONGEE! I'm so sorry... First RO wouldn't let me post, than I couldn't view topics, and I got locked out of RO for two days straight! D=
Eek! I thought I was gonna' go INSANE!
I need my rabbit people. D=
You'd think that over the days I was gone, I'd have some pictures...
I don't.
And maybe something to talk about...
I don't.
One thing I feel like venting about-
So when I take a shower, I usually put my clothes on the toilet lid.
So anyway, I go o take a shower yesterday, take off my infamous blue hoodie that I wear, like, every day, and casually throw it down... Only to discover that I missed a bit, and that my hoodie fell to the side, where it was all wet and stuff, and... yeah.
So anyway, I say to my mom "You have to wash my hoodie for tomorrow."
And every once in a while I say that-
"Remember to wash my hoodie for tomorrow." "I need my hoodie tomorrow..." "Remember to put my hoodie in the washer.", etc.
So she does the wash, and Doesn't remember to wash my hoodie. >.>
I guess reminding her, like, TWENTY TIMES wasn't enough.
And it's not like I had the hoodie in my room, or behind the piano, or under the sofa or anything... It was sitting in plain sight the whole time.
So, anyway, now I'm wearing the green hoodie I made in sewing.
I love it, but it's SUCH a pain to wear.
I accidentally sewed a fold in the next line, so my head barely fits through the hole, and It's VERY hot to ware, and it's a REAL pain in the butt to take off. To take it off, I have to put my hair down (If it's up), take off my watch, and take off my Bracelet(s)... JUST to get it off!
Then I have to put everything back after it's off!
So... It's good for cold whether when I have no intetion of taking it off, but... everyday during the spring...? No.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Hey Xila, sorry I have missed some of your posts! You're welcome for BunBun being the Mystery Bunny last weekend, I knew you'd love that
I did- Thank you! ^^
Ew, I remember having to disect a frog, I refused to participate, we had a partner, I made her do it. That smell is called, let's see if I can spell this right-phromaldehyde? Anywho, yeah, I remember smelling that :yuck.
Yeah- something long and hard to pronounce like that. I did that, too. xD I feel guilty, but... I really didn't want to go ripping organs out of an animal. I love animals. D=
Hope you get your camera working soon.
Thanks. ^^
Also, since RO is being kinda' iffy,We'll be doing both entries in the same post.
I don't get it... Why are we doing this in the same post again?
Oh well.
Bad RO locked us out, D= Was it jsut us, or was it lots of people? Xila was starting to think it was computer problems.
Well, Nothing too interesting happened.
THe Dandilions are starting to come back... Yay!