The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Ike was can't really tell from the pictures. I'd guess he was around 8 or 9 inches? They can get even bigger than that, but I think his growth might have been a bit stunted. I feel bad saying it but I don't really think my brother took very great care of him. He actually bought Ike as a feeder fish for one of his frogs, and for some reason none of the frogs would eat Ike, so he became a pet. As much as I love my brother, he really isn't much of an animal person. He doesn't have any pets now which I think is probably a good thing. All his pets he eventually ends up wanting to get rid of, and of course I'm a sucker for an animal in need so I almost always take them in.

We actually buried him today. I just couldn't bring myself to flush him or anything like that, it just didn't feel right to me. So I made him a little cardboard coffin and we took him to the park and buried him right on the edge of the bay. Seemed like an appropriate spot for a fish funeral.

I feel like 3 years isn't that great. I read online that some goldfish live a really long time like 15 years or more. But I don't know how healthy Ike was. Since he was a feeder fish and all, and didn't have the best start to life when my brother had him.

I feel kind of bad about this...but now that Ike is gone I've been thinking a lot about how I want to rearrange the rest of my tanks.

Ugh I was so looking forward to this long weekend with Chris and it seems like nothing is going right. I didn't write about this here yet, but we spent our Thanksgiving at the emergency vets with Kitsune. We took him to the Thanksgiving party at Chris' families with us, like we usually do. But this time I guess Chris' family has been having a mouse problem, so they had mouse/rat poison down on the floor and forgot about it. Kit might have eaten some. Only a very very small amount if any because I was keeping a really close eye on him and noticed when he was going after the poison that was under a counter. Actually I'm not 100% sure he even ate any of the poison, but he at least got a lick of it. :rollseyes 4 days later and Kit has shown no symptoms at all of being poisoned, but I don't think we'll ever be 100% sure if that's because he didn't eat any in the first place, or if it's because we acted so quickly getting him to the vet. It was a very stressful/scary/expensive incident. He'll be on medication for awhile now, just in case.

Then the day after Thanksgiving was Barnaby's birthday, but that was also the day Ike died so I spent a lot of the day dealing with his tank.

Then yesterday our nice big screen TV display just stopped working! We haven't even had the thing for a whole year yet. Luckily it has a year warranty so we're hoping we can just get it replaced or fixed for free. Hopefully it works out, because if it doesn't than we won't be able to afford to replace it until after Christmas.

Luckily nothing major went wrong today. All the pets are doing well, even Kit who thankfully has been his normal, happy, playful self. And the bunnies have been awesome and didn't give me any problems all weekend. Ziggy hasn't even peed on the floor in 4 or 5 days now!

Sorry for the long post...I needed to vent a bit.
Poor you. The holidays somehow always get stressful. Hope Kit continues to be happy and healthy. So sorry about Ike, though :(
Ugh stressful isn't even the word. I was about this / / close to having a panic attack over the whole episode with Kit. It's a miracle I didn' heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. But I managed to keep pretty calm and collected and got done what needed to be done. I didn't sleep for like 2 nights in a row I was still so worried. Even now, I get up like 10 times a night just to check on Kit to make sure he's still okay.

I love that little fur ball so much, I don't know how I'd handle it if something bad happened to him.
[sub]While we're talking about the little trouble are Kit's Christmas photos since I never posted them...









I get to pick first!!! This is the pic...!!!!!!!!


"The name is Kitsune. Kitsune Santa Bond." Wow, such a randy-looking little man in this pic.

Glad to hear he is feeling like himself. I understand what sort of stress you were under. I would have been in a panic myself if he were my pup. Good thing you acted so quickly. Better to be pro-active than to wait too long, especially with a poison.Kit has the best parents in the world! :D
Thanks ladies!

He is doing well. The effects of the poison he may have gotten can be counteracted by giving Vitamin K supplements. So he got an injection of Vit. K at the vets when we first took him in, and he's getting Vit. K pills everyday for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks I have to take him in for a blood test and at that point they should be able to tell me if he needs to continue with the vitamins for a few more weeks or if he can stop them.

So I guess all in all it turned out okay, because the poison he had access too does have an 'antidote' of sorts. I guess most rat and mouse poisons are basically blood thinners. They deplete the body of Vitamin K, which you need to form blood clots. Eventually the animals hemorrhage, and bleed to death. But if you supplement with Vitamin K, the body is able to use that Vitamin K to thicken and clot the blood normally.

The vet said I did the right thing to take him in right away, and to have him treated even though we weren't even positive that he got any of the poison. Because without treatment, the effects of the poison can take a few days to a week to appear, and once the animal is showing symptoms the animals chances aren't all that good. But if you treat them before they start showing symptoms, they will most likely never even show any symptoms and will be perfectly fine.

So yeah, luckily the Vitamin K supplements have no side effects and because of them Kit's had no symptoms at all of being poisoned. He's been just as crazy, playful, and happy as ever!
Thanks! Me too! I'm so relieved that he's doing well. Tomorrow it will be a week since the incident and he's still not shown any effects whatsoever. I think we are almost out of the danger zone so pretty soon I'll really be able to rest easy knowing that that whole thing is behind us.

Ziggy must have known I was feeling better about what happened with Kit, because he decided that now that I'm not so stressed out anymore it would be a good time for him to start peeing on the floor again. :rollseyes

Plus I'm not sure who it was, but some bunny kept waking me up last night. I was too lazy to get up and get them to stop.

Our TV is definitely done for. It sucks because the stupid thing isn't even a year old, and it's not like we treated it bad because Chris always talks really good care of our electronics. The thing still looks like it did when it was brand new, but the display won't work. I think we're going to try to take it back to WalMart this weekend to see if there is anything they can do, since it's still under warranty.

Happy December! Only 25 more days until Christmas, 26 till Kit's 2nd birthday! Is everyone getting ready for Christmas? We have our decorations all up, but I haven't bought a single gift yet!
I'm totally not ready for the holidays! I guess we're skipping decorations this year because we're lazy but I haven't gotten any gifts yet for people either. Yipes. :(

Out of curiosity what brand is your tv?
Uh the TV is a Philips. Chris picked it yeah. It was suppose to be really good, especially for the price, but then it just stopped working randomly last weekend.

We pretty much had to decorate I guess because we're having a Christmas party on Christmas eve this year. But I really need to start thinking about what I'm going to get people...or at least what I'm going to get for Chris and the pets :p
Just spent a ton of time hanging out with the bunnies. Berry's tummy is really gurggly. I'm a bit worried about her...but she's acting fine and is eating normally. I think Berry would have to be on deaths doorstep to actually stop eating, she does love her food. Even when she had her stroke and couldn't even lift up her own head, she was still an enthusiastic eater.

But seriously I could hear her tummy gurgling from across the room! I don't think I've ever heard a bunny tummy make such loud sounds. I gave her some Simethicone and no treats this afternoon - just a ton of fresh hay and a bit of pellets. She nomed everything right up like usual, and then she started chasing Ziggy around trying to hump him :rollseyes Silly girl.
No more tummy gurgles or bunny farts from my little lady Miss Berry today! :D

I'm so luck to have gotten a super sweet dog who is so amazing with my bunny babies. Kitsune has declared himself as the bunnies personal assistant. Every time they so much as make the slightest sound from moving around, he runs into their room to check on them. If he thinks that there might be anything amiss, he comes to get me. Last night he jumped up on our bed and woke me up then got me to follow him into the bunny room...where Berry and Ziggy where patiently waiting for more hay.

All our pets are doing well. Lately I've been working on making some new cage decorations for my geckos, for their Christmas present. They are going to get their gifts early though, because I know I won't want to wait until Christmas to set up their cages with the new stuff.
Awe..that is so sweet of Kit to take on the big-brother role to your bunners. Sounds like your bunners will never have to wait long for their next meal with Kit on duty!!:p

I know what you mean about hearing a gurgly bunny-belly. The first time I heard a tummy gurgle across the room, I was in a panic to call someone to ask about it. I think I did the same thing you did, just gave them some gas-meds. I asked the vet about it, and he said that it was actually a good sound because it means the cecum is working. Bunnies are almost like cars.... they make this kind of sound when.... lol

Ha yeah. I know that gurgles can be a good thing...I have just never heard them so loud before! And um...she was...passing a lot of gas lol.

Luckily whatever it was seems to have resolved itself. She never stopped eating or acting normal. I was trying to figure out what could have caused it and I honestly have no idea. I don't give my buns a lot of treats or junk food, and when I do it's usually just a bit of fresh fruit which they have all seemed to tolerate well in the past. Ah who least it was nothing serious.

I have to order more hay today. So much hay...I'm always buying hay! I think I should invest in hay stocks :p

We got our tv replaced! Luckily, since it was under a year long warranty still, we where able to get a replacement for free. I'm glad because it would have sucked if we had to buy a new one so soon. We got a Vizio this time instead of Philips, so hopefully we'll have better luck with it.

The pets are getting more Christmas cards than I am! So far, Kitsune has gotten 3 cards and Barnaby got 1. So 4 in total for the pets, but Chris and I only got 1!