The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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My rabbit gets very upset if I don't feed him right on time, he will sit by his empty dish staring or sometimes he even throws his dish around. But he always acts like hes starving, he is worse about begging than any dog I have seen.
Thanks for all the comments!

Berry and Ziggy are excellent beggars. Their begging is almost on an equal playing field as Kits...but I'd say Kit is still the top beggar in our family.

Ah I finished the bulk of the work on the Secret Santa took me literally like all day! But now I'll just have to do maintenance stuff, answer questions and fix any problems and make sure everyone gets a gift.

Today, if Chris ever wakes up, we are going to paint the living room. Not anything extreme, just a very light white/creme color. The original paint is just white, but it wasn't done that well and doesn't look all that good.

After the paint is dry and we move all the furniture back into place, we'll be putting up our Christmas tree and decorating! Either late tonight, or more likely tomorrow. I'm excited. Working on the SS since Oct. has really gotten me in the Christmas spirit lol.
Ugh if anyone's bunny or dog or anything else ever has to take Metronidazole (Flagyl) make sure to give them extra's a harsh drug! I'm supposed to take it for a week but it's only been like a day and I feel so horrible. The worst part is that it makes you feel insanely run down and tired, but then you can't sleep when you try.

I had the weirdest dreams last night, and kind of just laid there in a daze for most of the night. I was listening to the bunnies run around and stuff. One of them was playing in the dig box for hours and I could hear them running around all night. Usually I don't like when they make a lot of noise at night, but last night it was oddly comforting.

Chris' birthday is next Sunday, he's going to be 26! :shock: I'm going out tonight to get the ingredients to make his cake. I'm going to attempt to make fondant and make him a real fancy cake! But I can't decide what to put on it. He really likes video games, but I can't think of a video game related theme that would be simple enough for me to attempt, considering this will be my first time making a cake like this.

I got him a cuckoo clock for his birthday, lol. He keeps talking about how when he was a kid his family had this cuckoo clock. Soooo I had to track down this stupid clock that I *think* should be pretty close to the one he remembers from when he was a kid. I hope he likes it. I didn't get him much else because the clock wasn't cheap. I just got him a random game and a few DVD's.

We painted the living room over the weekend. We did it all on Saturday, but didn't start until around 5 in the afternoon so we where up really late finishing up. After we painted we moved the furniture back into the room and set it up diffrently than we had it before - I like it a lot better the way it's set up now. We put up our Christmas tree on Saturday, but I don't have any pictures yet because we didn't finish putting all the ordiments on. Basically we just put it up and got the lights and garland on it and that's it.

The color we painted the's just a really really light cream color. We have a lot of wood in the living room so I think the new color goes well...



Ziggy modeling next to the bunnies new water bowl...


I think someone asked to see picture of the grate I made in their litter box? Here it is...the grate is about a good 2 inches away from the bottom of the box, so plenty of room for litter (none in the picture though since I ran out!), poo, hay crumbs, and all that good stuff.




Here's what it looks like on the bottom floor of the bunnies condo...



And in use!




Very cool! How do you keep the hardware cloth from being against the bottom? What's holding it up?

The cuckoo clock is actually a super thoughtful gift. I wish I had the gift of gift-giving. I'm so bad at thoughtful gifts :(
I think I'm going to make him an Ultros cake (From FF6) lol. Final Fantasy 6 is his favorite video game. I was going to do something with all of the characters, but I think that's just too much work for me to put into it when it's just going to get eaten. But what I'm planning shouldn't be too difficult, and funny!

I feel like I didn't get him enough for his birthday. Usually I try to give him more gifts, but I had to have the clock shipped from Germany and just the shipping itself was expensive. I hope he likes it.

I made legs for the grate out of more of the wire. I cut little sheets of the wire and then folding it in half so it's kind of like an upside down V. I made four of them and attached them to the sheet of grating with zip ties. They are stronger than they sound! All three bunnies can stand on the grate at once without it sagging or anything like that.
Huh... I'm having trouble imagining the legs... but it sounds like you were pretty innovative :) Lot cheaper than my baking rack!

Coincidentally, FF6 is one of my all-time favorite RPGs as well. I think I've played that game about 10 times. And each run through was at least 20 hrs. Oh god. LOL Ultros cake. No Kefka? "Uwah wah wah wah"
I'll try getting a picture that shows the legs of the grate next time I take it out to clean it :)

Ha I was going to do Kefka! Chris likes Kefka, and even, yeaars ago, started a parody game called "Kefka's Revenge". But I'm making the cake all fancy and 3D, and I don't think I'd do a very good job making a fondant Kefka lol. Maybe I'll try it another time, after I make a few fancy cakes first. I was going to do a chocobo and a moogle, but that's more my thing than Chris'. I think an Ultro's cake will be relatively easy to make it come out good.
Thanks in advance for the pics of the grate :)

For the record, FF6 Moogles were my favorite type of moogle. Mog was such a boss of a character to use ;) But, in the game, Sabin was my favorite character overall.

Fondant cakes are so hard to make right? I've never tried but it looks so fragile to handle and shape... I hope you take pics of the Ultros cake!
Mog is my favorite character! Whenever I play the game, I always have Mog in my party when I can.

I got pictures of the grate. Cleaned the bunny room today but didn't get much cleaning done on the rest of the apartment. Today kind of got away from me! I decorated for Chris' birthday, so the apartment will be all decorated when he gets home from work. Theen I finished his cake, so I don't have to work on that while he's home. I really wanted to clean the whole house, and get all the bunnies out for Christmas pictures for when I send out my cards this year. But I didn't get any of that done yet.

Anyways here's the grate. Not sure if the picture even helps though.


So yeah, the legs (there are 4 of them) are shaped like an upside down V and zip tied to the top of the grate. The grate has been working really well for keeping the bunnies from laying in their own waste, but I am actually surprised at the amount of hay that falls through the grate, even though the squares are pretty small - just big enough for the poo to go through. I feel like it's wasting hay, because it falls down under the grate where the bunnies can't get it then they just pee all over it. But I guess a bit of wasted hay is an acceptable price to pay. The only other thing that is kind of annoying is that the hay gets caught in and wrapped around the wire and it's kind of a pain to clean it all off.

I think if I need a new grate anytime, it will actually be easier and about the same price to just buy maybe a grill grate or something like that. The hardware cloth was like $12 for the roll and then I actually had to put the time into cutting it and putting the grate together, and making sure there weren't any sharp parts or anything.

The new water thing I got is working really well. The bunnies didn't dirty the water at all and also there isn't a single chew mark on the plastic so far. I think I'm going to get another one for outside their cage, because it's so nice not having to refill their water bowls 3 times a day.

The bunnies like the Sweet Meadows Farm pellets and eat them with no problems now. I'm still not a huge fan of pellets though and only give them really small amounts. Kit, luckily, like's his new food too and it didn't upset his tummy at all when I switched foods.

Ultros cake! It was harder to make than I thought it would be. I didn't think it'd come out good when I was working on it but I don't think it's too bad now. It looks better in real life, the camera seems to have washed out the purple color a bit, because it's actually pretty bright purple in real life. I swear this cake weights like 20 lbs lol!





Ha it's no professional cake, but I think Chris will get a kick out of it. Plus, it should taste good! It's chocolate and vanilla 3 layer cake with chocolate fudge frosting and fresh raspberries between each layer.

So pet pictures today. I meant to take some but really just ran out of time. Chris is on his way home now and we're going to his Kendo practice. He practices outside usually, so I usually bring Kit and let him run around for awhile too.

Sometime this weekend hopefully I'll get the bunnies and Kit together for Christmas pictures!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
LOLOLOL! That is such an awesome looking cake! Looks just like Ultros! You're very talented :)
Thanks for the pics of the hardware cloth grate. For some reason I thought the cloth was more fragile so I thought the legs wouldn't hold up to a bun's weight. But cool!
Haha thanks! I can't wait to see what Chris thinks of his cake!

The hardware's pretty strong when it's in smaller pieces. I think if I made the legs long, there would be a chance they would bend a bit with weight. But they are short, and don't bend at all even with all three bunnies standing on it! I don't see why anyone would need to make the legs long enough that they'd bend, because of the height of most bunny litter boxes.
When is his birthday? How are you hiding that big cake? :biggrin2: I'm sure he will love it. It's really spectacular.

That's cool, I guess it is stronger than it looks. I have seen hardware cloth at other buns' homes used for other things (she used it to zig-zag wrap around the bars of the baby gate so that buns cannot escape through the wide bars) but when I felt it, in my mind I didn't think it was strong enough to withstand 5-6 lbs buns. Now you have proved me wrong :) If only I'd seen how she used the cloth for the baby gate, I'd have done that. Bolt-cutting the NIC panels to fit the baby gate was so hard! But it does look a bit neater.
His birthday is tomorrow (the 21st)! The cake is taking up all our space in the fridge, covered in tin foil.

Yeah I wasn't sure if the hardware cloth would work when I got it. I was originally going to have my brother make me a wooden frame for it, but then the wire seemed stronger then I was expecting. I still think I might ask my brother about some kind of frame though, if he has the extra time.

Oh my goodness...I just finished taking Christmas pictures of the three bunnies and Kit...I just about melted from the cuteness. I am in love!
I don't care what anyone else says/thinks...I have the cutest little fur family ever. They all looked so sickingly cute posing for their Christmas pictures.

I'm trying to decide if I should post their pictures now, or wait until it's closer to Christmas. I took the pictures early on purpose for one because I used decorations in the pictures that we are going to put up soon, and two so that I can make prints of them to send out with Christmas cards this year. Haha yeah I'm one of those people.
The cake is awesome!
I need to do that to my litter pan..just no motivation, lol.

Glad to see pictures of everyone! Thinking of you!
Thanks Wabbitdad! It did take a bit of work but I had fun with it, plus I think it will be worth it when Chris sees it.

Myia! Hey! Good to see you around here again!!

I haven't really had the time or motivation yet to sit down and go through all my pictures from the Christmas photo shoot to choose the best ones yet. I took like 170 pictures lol. Buuuut I just had to share these videos!

Poor Ziggy, I was torturing him with this Christmas ribbon! It started out as me just trying to get him to pose with a bunch of Christmas props, but he was going nuts trying to destroy everything. He bite the wire of one of the strands of Christmas lights I was trying to use right in half in like 2 seconds flat. Sooo I was trying to use safer props with him, including this random ribbon I found in with our Christmas stuff. I feel a bit bad for annoying him with the ribbon, but it was really funny! I think he was having fun with it though, silly Zigs.


