Well-Known Member
It's probably best to cage the bun buns away even if Berry is presentable (lol!). Having people over for the holidays is really stressful enough. I know that when I have folks over I prefer to put Toby away (so people don't step on him or attempt to pet him). And Kirby and Penny, while they are neat and relatively friendly, I don't want them stressing out if someone does something unforeseen. I have had well meaning guests do the wackiest things to my rabbits while I am busy cooking, entertaining, etc. And when I find out about it later I don't know whether to be angry with my guest or with myself for letting it happen. Best to just not allowing the possibility, in my opinion. I put them in the cage and people can walk into to see, but no touching/petting. I politely tell them that the bunners behave unpredictably with strangers and it's for their own good