The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Haha, Ziggy is so cute. He is perfectly named. The 2nd video of him tossing the ribbon this way and that is so funny.
Christmas Barnaby!


Barnaby was easily the easiest of my crew to take Christmas pictures of! I don't even have any funny out takes of him, he was a perfect model!

I'll post the other two's photos another time :p

We are dog sitting for a few days! The bunny room has been like Fort Knox the past couple of days. The dog we are watching would probably be fine with the bunnies, but I don't want to take any chances. He's only staying here a few days, so I don't think I'd be worth it to take the time to introduce him to the bunnies.

The dog is a Toy Fox Terrier. Him and Kit already knew each other before we started watching him, but it's been interesting. The two dogs are having a lot of fun together. We're only watching the other dog until tomorrow night or Wednesday morning though. It's fun to have two dogs around!
Barnaby is very full of Christmas cheer because he's my spokes-bun for the secret santa! He's been helping me with Christmas stuff since October, so I think he's very ready for the holidays ;)

Time for some Ziggyness!

Ooooh if looks could kill....







This picture is priceless, taken at the exact moment when Ziggy murdered our strand of Christmas lights.


"You're next mom!"




I can't decide which picture to use as Ziggy's official Christmas photo, but I'm leaning towards the one with him holding up the ribbon.

So the total death count after Ziggy's photoshoot was one strand of lights, and one ribbon. Could have been worse, last time he peed all over our couch.

Speaking of peeing...Ziggy has been peeing all over the floor in the bottom level of the bunnies condo. I guess it's not as bad as peeing on the rug, since the bottom level of their condo is just plastic and easier to clean. Kind of defeats the purpose of the litter box grate I went through all that trouble to make them, though, because now he's just stepping in his pee on the floor and his feet still look gross.

Ziggy says "I don't know why you blame me, mom, look, I clean my feet".


I thought I was getting sick again yesterday but after a good nights sleep last night I think I might have just been overtired. The night before, the dog we are dog sitting wasn't use to staying with us so he kept me up all night crying. He was good last night though. He's a little snippy with Kit though which I don't like and you can tell Kit is on his guard around him. I think he'll be going home sometime tonight...I think Kit might be kind of glad when he's gone. He loves other dogs, but I think a playful puppy might be a better fit for Kit, not an older kind of cranky dog.

The Ultros cake was realllly good, by the way! :D I think Chris enjoyed his birthday. It was pretty laid back, but he loved the cake and the presents I got him. Next up is Barnaby's birthday! Barnaby will be turning 4 on the 26th!
I was about to say... but Dave beat me to it. I agree that the light murder pic is the best!! Ziggy is such a comical rabbit.
Haha I like in that picture that you can kind of tell that half the lights are on and the other half are off...because he bit right through the wire!

I like that picture's funny. I'm not sure non-rabbit lovers will appreciate Ziggy's destructive nature though lol. I think 'normal' people might think the one with him holding up the ribbon is cuter...I dunno. Maybe I'll use both, based on who I'm sending it to. I know my parents, for example, probably wouldn't think the wire one is very funny. They complain a bit about my bunnies being destructive. I wouldn't want to fuel more complaints about my little fuzzbutts.

Here is the beautiful miss Berry! She's such a good girl during photoshoots. It's kind of hard for me to pick out good pictures of her now with her bad eye, it looks weird in pictures. Uh she's blind in one eye, so that eye is unfocused and kind of always looking off to the side now. She's still such a pretty girl though, and she has an amazingly sweet personality. I luff her!









I love love love her ears! She has the best ears! She can have them both flopped, both up, one up, or hold them kind of in the middle so they stick straight out to the sides lol. Sometimes she holds them kind of behind her, like in the 4th and 5th pictures, and I think it makes her look like a little girl with pony tails in her hair. So cute!
Thanks everyone!

Myheart, you picked the same picture that Chris picked as the best one!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
This is Loki, the dog we where dog sitting. He left yesterday though. I miss having 2 dogs around! I'm looking forward to someday when I can get a second dog.




Thanks :) Loki liked it here. He was in love with our couch, I don't know if his parents don't allow him on the furniture or what the deal is but no one told us one way or another, so we allowed him on our couch. Every chance he got he was cuddled up in blankets on our couch.

It was a lot of fun having 2 dogs around, but Loki wouldn't have been a very good match for our family. In the end we where glad he was just visiting. He kept getting kind of cranky with Kit. When we get another dog someday, we have to make extra sure it's as playful and sweet as Kit is, so the two of them work out well together.

Happy 4th birthday Barnaby!!
I can't believe my little Barnaby turns 4 today! That means we've had him for over 3 years now (we got him when he was 8 months old). I'm so proud of Barnaby. He was such a timid, fearful bun when we got him and he's really blossomed with us since then. Barnaby is our oldest pet! I know 4 isn't really old either, but pet birthdays are always kind of bitter sweet. You're happy to celebrate another birthday with them, but at the same time no one really wants to think about their pets aging.

We're not doing too much today. I'm cooking our Thanksgiving dinner a day late since Chris and I where visiting Chris' family yesterday. I'm going to let Barnaby watch tv all day if he wants and make him some treats.
On a sadder note...

March 23rd, 2007 - November 26th, 2010


Ike was my comet goldfish, he was only 3 years 7 months old. I got him in March of 2009, 3 months after Chris and I first moved into this apartment, from my brother. My brother got him on his birthday, March 23rd, 2007. Ike was a 5 cent feeder fish and was so tiny when my brother got him! He grew a ton, and when my brother was starting to think about starting college and didn't want to keep up with tank maintenance anymore I inherited Ike.

I feel really bad. This morning when I went to feed Ike he was still alive but was gasping for air at the top of the tank and didn't look good. I tested the water and the parameters where way off...I don't know what happened. I did a water change and tried to get things under control but apparently it was all just too much for poor Ike. :(

I spent the majority of my afternoon taking down Ike's 55 gal aquarium. I decided not to keep it set up. I still have my 5 gal betta tank, and my 55 gal aquatic frog tank. I told myself that if any of my aquatic pets in my larger 2 tanks passed that I would take the tank down instead of keeping it running and getting more fish. The 5 gal betta tank is probably the only one I'd keep going and get another fish for if my betta died.

I'm actually really sad/upset about Ike passing. Comet goldfish can live a really long time, so I was hoping to have Ike around for a long time. Me and Chris used to always talk about the awesome outdoor pond we wanted to build him someday when we get our own property.

Rest in peace handsome Ike. I hope you had a good, although too short, life here with us.