Barnaby is very full of Christmas cheer because he's my spokes-bun for the secret santa! He's been helping me with Christmas stuff since October, so I think he's very ready for the holidays
Time for some Ziggyness!
Ooooh if looks could kill....
This picture is priceless, taken at the exact moment when Ziggy murdered our strand of Christmas lights.
"You're next mom!"
I can't decide which picture to use as Ziggy's official Christmas photo, but I'm leaning towards the one with him holding up the ribbon.
So the total death count after Ziggy's photoshoot was one strand of lights, and one ribbon. Could have been worse, last time he peed all over our couch.
Speaking of peeing...Ziggy has been peeing all over the floor in the bottom level of the bunnies condo. I guess it's not as bad as peeing on the rug, since the bottom level of their condo is just plastic and easier to clean. Kind of defeats the purpose of the litter box grate I went through all that trouble to make them, though, because now he's just stepping in his pee on the floor and his feet still look gross.
Ziggy says "I don't know why you blame me, mom, look, I clean my feet".
I thought I was getting sick again yesterday but after a good nights sleep last night I think I might have just been overtired. The night before, the dog we are dog sitting wasn't use to staying with us so he kept me up all night crying. He was good last night though. He's a little snippy with Kit though which I don't like and you can tell Kit is on his guard around him. I think he'll be going home sometime tonight...I think Kit might be kind of glad when he's gone. He loves other dogs, but I think a playful puppy might be a better fit for Kit, not an older kind of cranky dog.
The Ultros cake was realllly good, by the way!

I think Chris enjoyed his birthday. It was pretty laid back, but he loved the cake and the presents I got him. Next up is Barnaby's birthday! Barnaby will be turning 4 on the 26th!