The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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Merry Christmas!!

Is there a place at the table for me? I think I'm hungry now that I know what's all on the menu.
I wish! There was barely room at the table for everyone that came!

The party was a lot of fun. The bunnies where really good. I ended up leaving Berry and Barnaby out in their room and caging Ziggy. Everyone went in to say him to them and pet Berry but everyone was great with them and Berry loved the attention. One thing that was funny is that one person who came to the party had never seen the rabbits before, everyone else had met them before. But he couldn't figure out what Barnaby was lol. He was like "What is that?" and someone asked him to guess and he guessed a chihuahua lol. Apparently Barnaby doesn't look like a rabbit with his crazy long hair. I personally think that Barnaby is MUCH cuter than any chihuahua!

Kit was sooooooo cute opening his presents this morning!! He opened them all, then tried rewrapping them so he could open them again lol. Kit is obsessed with opening presents...he goes nuts! I haven't had the bunnies open theirs yet. I want to set everything up in the living room for them and let them open/play with everything and just run around the apartment for awhile. I took pictures and videos of Kit and I'll be sure to do the same with the bunnies and post them later!

Chris got me lots of books (a ton of books in the Dragonriders of pern series, because I am working on recollecting and rereading them) and some really nice jewelry. Oh and I got video games... Kirby's Epic Yarn, Eyepet, and Lair.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas!! I'll post pictures of my furbabies enjoying the day later on tonight or tomorrow.

A bunny Christmas!!

This hay basket was one of the things that was sent for Berry - it was a huge hit with all the bunnies! The hay and treats inside are already gone, but now the bunnies are having fun playing with the willow basket.



Ha this picture wasn't aligned right but I think it's funny, Berry kept doing binkies in and out of her hay basket! It would have been an amazing picture if her head didn't get cut out of it!













Kitsune's Christmas!

Less pictures since I know most people here are more interested in the bunnies...but here are a few pictures of Kitsune opening his presents.






Thanks for the comments.

Happy 2nd birthday Kitsune!!!

On a few of my other forums I went on to gush about how much I love my "Christmas puppy". However, I know this is a rabbit forum and I post enough about Kit as it is, so I'll spare you all that. I will, however, be picspamming Kitsune's birthday pictures later on tonight.

We'll be spending the day celebrating 2 years of Kitsune inside where it's nice and warm. We're suppose to be getting a lot of snow between today and tomorrow. Kit is getting snow for his birthday (He loves the snow)! I'm really looking forward to the snow too :)
I love your dog's name! do you say it "kit-soon-ay" or "kitsoon"? The video wouldn't play for me so i'm going to try it again in a bit.

Your bunnies are absolutely sweet!:heartbeat:
Thanks :)

To pronounce his name correctly in Japanese it's more like Keet-Soo-Nay, I believe. key-tsu-nay...something like that? I have a hard time writing it out that way lol. But yeah it has the "ay" sound at the end.

But we call him Kit as a nickname, so we say it more like Kit-soo-nay. But a lot of people, including everyone at his vet office, seem to pronounce it Kit-soon. Which is fine, he actually responds to both. Poor pup you'd think he'd get confused, but he seems to know all the names that people call him. He gets called Kit most often by far, but also responds to Kitsune (pronounced kit-soo-nay or Kit-soon), Sune (soon or Soon-nay), or Kitsu.

Here he is opening his birthday presents from me...speaking of his name, I got him a fox toy!


More present pictures...











I'm working on making his birthday slideshow...not sure if I'll finish it tonight or tomorrow though.

Kitsune's birthday slideshows...

Here's the one from last year...
The original song on that video was "Forever Young", which I like a lot more, but because of some copyright issues or something Youtube wouldn't let me use that song for the video. So I changed the song for the Youtube version, but luckily still have the version I like more saved on my computer.

And here's this years video. I made it kind of quickly because I wanted to get it done on his birthday. I may work on it more sometime.
Ha yeah his ears have certainty grown! He does like all his new stuff! I think between everything he got for Christmas, and then his birthday, he's a little bit overwhelmed. He can't seem to decide what he wants to play with/chew on most and keeps going back and forth between all his new toys/chews.

I'm just glad it's all keeping him busy! There's so much snow outside I could barely open the front door to take Kit out to pee - no way he's getting his 2 walks today! He's usually a little terror in the house when he doesn't get his exercise, but I think he has so much new stuff to play with that he shouldn't be too bad today.

And luckily I have lots of books and new video games too - because we are staying in today! It's just about imposable to walk down the street...We got 20 inches of snow!

Last night I spent some time grooming Ziggy. Ugh he keeps getting mats on the bottom of his back feet, and they are a pain to brush out. I don't want to go too crazy cutting them out if I don't have too because I don't want to take all the cushion off the bottom of his feet and risk him getting sore hocks. His feet look much cleaner now that I brushed them out...but he just keeps pissing all over the floor then getting pee all over the bottoms of his feet, which I think is what causes the mats...I don't understand what is wrong with him. He's so gross. I'm thinking of taking him to the vet again just to double check, because I don't understand why a healthy rabbit would be so disgusting. But I've already been through all this with him - he's had blood tests, urine tests, the whole 9 yards and everything always comes back normal.

Berry is looking so beautiful. Her fur is so sleek and clean, I've never seen her look so good. And Barnaby is good too - his fur is growing out nicely.
Yay 40 more lbs of hay just got here. I'm getting good at timing my hay deliveries so that the bunnies never run out.

The bunnies got all these bell toys for every night since I get woken up a billion times a night by bells and them throwing toys around and stuff. Kind of annoying, but on the other hand I'm glad that they are having fun playing.

I'm kind of bitter though...because Chris has the week off from work and gets to sleep as late as he wants, which is usually till at least noon. While I have to get up around 8 every morning because the bunnies and Kit don't like to let me sleep late. I wish just once in awhile I could sleep in in the morning. But I guess that's one of the prices I pay for having pets. They are totally worth it!
I feel the same way sometimes... It would be nice to sleep-in at least one hour later without a cat doing relays off of me or a bunny rattling the cage bars. But, on the other hand, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have a reason to get out of bed in the first place. So every time they are a bit naughty in the morning I do my best to be thankful for their urging me to get going to maintain their schedule which is so much more important than my own. ;)

It looks like your fur-kids had a wonderful Holiday. I dunno, I think I would be kind of jealous of the number of gifts they received over what I received. I'm not sure it's so fair for them to receive more gifts... :p

Lol they received way more gifts than either Chris or I did. Kit too - I think he got the most gifts out of all of us. We don't mind so much though, Chris and I both like to spoil the pets. Plus we had a lot of fun watching them open and play with their new stuff.

Sometimes I wish, just once in awhile, that Chris would get up with the pets and let me sleep in. He never takes Kit out for me. Since we live in an apartment, someone has to actually get up and walk Kit in the mornings, we can't just open the door and let him out in a yard unfortunately. Chris loves the pets too, but because they are technically my pets, apparently that means he can have all the fun playing with them without ever doing any of the work.

Ziggy went to the vet today, somethings going on with his mouth/lips or's weird.

It's always something I tell ya!
Chris is super lucky he doesn't have to do any of the pet chores. I guess he's not a bunny slave after all. Just a bunny admirer and a doggy's friend :) It's tough to get other halves to do routine things for pets. But I know if it was important, my hubby would take the day off if he had to, and take the buns to a vet visit. And he has done it before. What's important is that he loves the fur babies as much as you do. :) None of my buns wake me up anymore as they've worked it out all of their system on their own, thankfully. When Toby was a baby bun he used to wake me up every single day at 7am regardless of the day of the week and I'd always be the one to get up and try to figure out what he wanted/needed. It was like taking care of a newborn. You're not sure if it needs feeding or a diaper change or in Toby's case, to be let out so he can do bunny 500s...

I hope Ziggy just bit his lip or something funky. Once I picked up Penny to do her nails or something ordinary like that, and to my surprise she had blood coming out of her lip! Her lip looked a bit off for a couple days but it healed quickly and nothing ever came of it. She either bit it or she got stuck by a rough piece of hay/greenery. Freaked me out! I hope Ziggy gets better soon. Amazing how you caught that. It is a rather subtle looking change unless you look at him head-on.

I had to chuckle though... you have mug shots of him "before" and "after". :D
Chris loves the pets, but animals just aren't really his thing. Oh he loves to play with them and give them treats and stuff like that, but when it comes to doing the pet chores...nope, that's all me. Chris made sure I understood that before I got pets though - he doesn't like cleaning up after them or taking them to the vet or doing any of that type of stuff. He will take care of them if I need him too, if I'm sick or on the rare occasion when I travel and he doesn't. I know that he would step up and do more if he HAD too, he just doesn't like too. And he loves them, which is important.

Ugh my bunnies wake me up almost every night/morning...numerous times. But it's not on purpose usually, usually they are just playing or running around and that wakes me up. I'm a really light sleeper and their room is right off of our bedroom, so I can hear just about every move they make in there when I'm trying to sleep.

I remember when Penny had a bloody lip! I hope Ziggy is okay too. I get sooo stressed out when something is going on with one of my babies. I know I'm driving Zigs insane too because I check on him like a billion times a day now. But at least he's still eating and acting normal...his face just looks kind of funny. And it's very subtle too. When I first noticed it, I asked Chris if he noticed it and he didn't. He still says that he didn't notice anything wrong until I pointed it out and then he saw what I was talking about, but it's a very slight change.

Actually I kind of thought it was no big deal, but took him in anyway because I was slightly worried that since it was his mouth area, maybe it was/is a teeth issue. Then I made that post and now I'm way more worried than I was before - I really really hope he doesn't have an abscess or something.