Thanks for the comments!
I love the pictures of Zigs and Berry-Bears noses. I have a lot of pictures like that, lol. It's a common pose for those two.
That's Ziggy's funny half smile Elvis face haha. He makes that face a lot - I haven't really figured out exactly what it means. I think it's his cheeky attitude "Hey I'm cute and I know it!" face.
I had to take Haku out today and help him with some retained shed he had around one of his toes. The geckos are doing well! I'm still working on the new cage decorations to redo their tanks, hopefully before Christmas.
Pictures of Haku...I don't have any of Aurora because she's cranky, and doesn't like to be held. I don't handle her much, and when I do it's usually just for a quick check over.
I like the Haku wink picture!

Kitsune murdered a bunny today!
Ah don't worry though! It wasn't a reaal bunny.
It was a little plastic bunny that I had sitting next to Zeus' memorial photo. I must have knocked it on the floor and not noticed.
He bit the poor things head right off!! Sune says "Why are you blaming me, mom!?"
Well Kit, maybe because I came into the bedroom to find you sitting next to the bunnies mutilated body? Or maybe, because not 5 minutes after finding the remains, you proceed to throw up hay and a plastic rabbit head right onto my nice clean blanket.
I went crazy cleaning the bunny room today! Even moved their condo out of the room so I could clean up all the coco puffs and stray hay that got underneath it.
I didn't take many pictures of them today. But like an hour after I cleaned, I went into their room to see how much they had managed to mess it up since my cleaning spree, and I saw this...
It's hard to see, since I can never get good clear pictures through the cage bars, but they where both laying in the exact same position, with their back feet stretched out behind them to the side. They where laying in different spots in the cage, so that their back feet where touching. It was sooo cute!
Eh don't mind Ziggy's nasty stained butt! Since putting the grate in the litter box, Berry's feet are starting to get cleaner. But Ziggy still insists on peeing all over the plastic floor of the cage, then he sits in it and it stains his fur a nasty color. My little slob!