The Bunhalla Bunnies 2010

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I know what you mean about being lucky to have a dog that is so great with your rabbits. I would like another dog but how many like ours are out there.
I know right? When I was dog sitting the other week I was so nervous to have that dog around the bunnies. Maybe he would have been fine with them, I don't know because I didn't try it. But I barricaded the door to the bunny room with 2 baby gates and then kept the bedroom door shut so he couldn't even get near their room. I figured better safe than sorry!

I'd love to get another dog someday. I think, as difficult as it is to raise a puppy, that I'd get another puppy with hopes that if it's raised around the bunnies that it will be good with them. That's what we did with Kit. He was 9 weeks old when we brought him home and he grew up knowing that he had to be respectful of the bunnies if he wanted to be able to be around them.

Chris has been sick for the past week or so. He stayed home from work yesterday but forced himself to go in today. I really hope I don't catch his cold!

For the past 4 or 5 days in a row I've been woken up early in the morning by Ziggy and Berry shaking around the pen door. They do that now when they want more food, lol. I know the only way they are going to stop is if I ignore them so they learn that that behavior doesn't get them what they want. But it's soooo much easier for me to just go in and give them a handful of fresh hay than go back to bed than it is for me to try to ignore them.

I try giving them a ton of extra hay before I go to sleep...but it seems like no matter how much I give them, they just eat it all! I swear I could give them like 5 lbs of hay and it'd probably be gone before morning. They eat a toooon of hay, then when it's gone if I'm not awake to refill it instantly they freak out and act like they are starving. They start trying to eat their cardboard boxes and pulling on the cage bars to get my attention.

On that's a good thing I have new hay being delivered today, because I'm almost out again!
Yeah I agree. Plus who doesn't love puppies? They are a huge pain in the butt, but are just about the cutest things on the planet. I loved being able to watch Kit grow up from a tiny little fur ball the the amazing adult dog he is now. I think I'll probably always get dogs as puppies.

For some reason I feel a bit differently with rabbits. I don't know why - but all the rabbits I have now I adopted when they where already adults, and I think in the future I'll continue that trend.

I caught Chris' stupid cold. Now I feel so sick...soar throat, headache, fun! I spend the morning curled up on the couch with Kit. There's nothing like a warm, snugly pup to help you feel better.

I've been writing pet articles for I'm the Newark Animal Welfare Examiner heh. It's kind of fun...I hope that if the right people read my articles, maybe I can make a small difference. Last week I started writing articles about Hug-a-Bunny Rabbit Rescue's adoptable bunnies. Today I wrote a short blurb about Zoey, an adorable little red eyed white polish dwarf mix.


I feel like I didn't do such an amazing job writing about her, but I feel so horrible today it's hard for me to concentrate.

The bunnies are well. They are loving their new hay. I got them timothy this time...the Sweet Meadow Timothy we got looks amazing, and the bunnies are going nuts for it. Last time I ordered I got Meadow hay, and I wasn't all that pleased with it. The bunnies wasted a lot of it, and it had moths in it I think, because I kept finding moths on the walls in the bunny room. I think I'll just use Sweet Meadow Farms for timothy hay from now on, and maybe order other types of hay from somewhere else. Does anyone know if any websites sell oat hay in bulk? Barnaby loves oat hay!
Sweet Meadow Timothy is great, Kashi loves it! He really likes the dried clover pieces, he'll even do tricks for them. Lol!

I'm having puppy-tummy-troubles, and just realized you'd be a good person to ask. Aiden has developed a super-sensitive stomach lately. I used to be able to give him Mother Hubbard treats since all the ingredients are human food grade, but I think the time has come to switch him to something healthier. I'm not even sure what he's reacting to anymore. I switched his food awhile back to Nutro Chicken and Oatmeal, and he has no problem with it. So I bought Nutro treats as well, but he doesn't really care for them and I'd like to switch things up. Do you have any treat suggestions or recipes?
Hey! Thanks for reading :)

Sweet Meadow Farms Timothy is great! It's so fresh and green and soft, and not dusty at all. My bunnies loooove it! I switched them over to the Sweet Meadow pellets and they love those too! I'm glad because shipping from Sweet Meadows farm to my apartment is cheaper than all the other hay places I've tried.

Do you think Aiden could have food allergies? They are actually pretty common in dogs, especially to grains! My Kit actually has grain allergies. I'm not sure if Old Mother Hubbard treats have grains or not? Nutro Chicken and Oatmeal I'm pretty sure does contain grains. I've never fed either to my dog though, so I'm no expert on those particular foods.

When I choose dog foods, I look at this site a lot...

If you go to "reviews", you can see the foods sectioned off into star ratings. 6 Star foods are the best, and I think most, if not all, 6 star foods on that website are grain free. 5 and 4 star foods aren't too bad...the less stars, the lower the rating of the food. I personally only feed Kit kibbles from the 6 star section. But like with any website, that one is written by people who of course have their own personal opinions, so take it with a grain of salt. The authors of the site I think really don't like seeing grain in dogs food, which I personally tend to agree with, but not everyone shares that opinion. I've found the sites food reviews to be really helpful though.

If you think he might have food allergies, you might want to research doing an "elimination diet". It should help you discover exactly what he's allergic too. If you can find out what ingredients are the ones that are bothering him, it'll be a lot easier to look for treats and foods that don't contain those ingredients.

As for treats - I give Kit Wellness Pure Rewards - they are 90% meat, grain free, come in I think 6 different flavors, and Kit really enjoys them!

But lately I've been making him home made treats more than buying him treats! So far, this is his favorite...

I came up with the recipe myself!

I bake those until they are slightly hard/crunchy...and Kit goes absolutely nuts for them. They smell really good to me too, lol. The cool thing about those is they they are also grain free, and if you want to change the flavor around you can just use different types of ground meat. The only down side, which hasn't bothered me at all, is that because they don't contain preservatives, you have to store them in the refrigerator.

I also came up with this recipe...

But it's not grain free because of the flour, unless you use potato flour which is what I do when I make them for Kit. Kit likes those, but not as much as he likes the other recipe I came up with.

What do his tummy troubles consist of? Kit had a really really sensitive tummy when he was a pup. He seems to have grown out of it somewhat, but I'm still super picky about what I feed him.

Sorry for the insanely long response! Lol Sells oat hay in bulk. One of the volunteers at NYC RRR buys her oat hay there.

Newark pet examiner huh? Nice!! :)

Chris always seems to bring home the germs and you keep the germs healthy?! LOL Poor thing. The weather's been pretty rough lately. Stay warm and hope you feel better soon.
Ah thanks! I'll have to order some for Barnaby sometime. I wish it didn't have the seed heads though. I thought they where fattening or something like that? I dunno...I know before I found oat hay that was harvested before it went to seed and I thought that was better for bunnies? I guess it wouldn't be a huge deal, since it will be more of a treat than a staple hay for my crew.

Yup yup I've been writing articles for Examiner since October now. It's fun, because I get to write about topics that are very near and dear to my heart. I'm actually also trying to write a book, but eh...we'll see how that goes. I enjoy writing though :)

Chris always brings home his yucky NYC germs and gets me sick! This time he got it from someone from his work, who showed up to work sick and gave it to everyone else in the office...nice. Chris is exposed to a lot more people on a daily bases than I am, since he works in NYC and all. Although I'm sure I've shared my fair share of colds with him as well.

He's such a sweetie though. He's picking up dinner for us on his way home from work to give me the night off from cooking :)

Tomorrow Sune (Kitsune) goes to the vet for his blood work, to see if he can be taken off his meds since the whole mouse poison fiasco.

I'll try to get some new pictures of the bunners tomorrow. I know it's been awhile since I posted pictures.
4 star is good! The thing about that website too, is that I think some foods would have gotten higher ratings if it wasn't for the fact that they contain grains. The authors of that website seem to be really anit-grain when it comes to dog food. My dog happens to have grain allergies, so I have to feed grain free either way. But there are some great foods out there that do contain grain, if your dog can have them.

Speaking of my dog....he had his blood clot test done today, exactly 2 weeks after our mouse poison scare, and he's perfectly normal/healthy! His blood clot time was normal, meaning that he doesn't have to take his meds anymore and if he did eat any of the poison (still not sure if he really did or not), the danger zone is passed and he should be perfectly fine now!


Writing about Berry in the infirmary section here a few mins ago made me feel so proud of my little girl...I almost wanted to cry haha! I can't believe what she's been through. She really is my miracle bunny. She's in inspiration to me everyday.

Sometimes I wish I had taken videos of her during her bad days. Just to show people exactly how bad things looked. But at the time, I was so sure she was going to die, I didn't want my last images of her to be so depressing. I feel like I can't explain with mere words just how scary and miserable the whole situation was at first. She couldn't even lift up her own head. The morning after her stroke, I found her limp, unresponsive, face down in the litter box...and I thought for sure she didn't have much longer on this earth. I was 99.8% sure that the vet would tell me just to have her put down, or that she'd pass on the way to the vets. It was one of the worst experiences I've ever gone through with a pet.

She would try to move during the first few days...and it would freak me out so much. She couldn't control the front of her body at all pretty much, but could control her back end. A few times she tried to stand up on her back legs...but when she did her front legs and head just hung downwards. It was really creeping looking and very scary.

I feel really bad about this now...but when we brought her home finally she still couldn't move much and was restricted to a small cage. At night, I dreaded having to sleep in the same room as her. Every time I heard noise coming from her little cage, I expected to look in and find her dead. I had nightmares about her having another stroke, and having to listen to her stream and struggle and not being able to do anything to help her. Every time I had to check on her or feed her or whatever, I held my breathe, expecting each time to find her dead.

Berry taught me so much about caring for and accepting other living things with disabilities.

Berry's recovery was so amazing. Looking at her now, if you had seen her right after her stroke, you would never believe that it's the same bunny. I'm infinitely greatful everyday I have with her, that I didn't give up on her - even though the whole experience was so hard on me. A lot of people told me I should have just had her put down...but I didn't feel right not giving her a fighting chance. And I'm sooo happy I gave her that chance!
Pictures! I took them yesterday, but didn't feel like uploading them.

Hay! I wish I got more of this hay...I'm going to order more next week, just so I have extra. The bunnies are going nuts for this stuff. It looks nicer/greener in real life though.


I let Berry and Ziggy run around the bed for awhile (Barnaby didn't want too).






I was cleaning the cage, and but the big litter box up on top of the bunnies dig box so I would wipe down the cage floor (yes because Ziggy peed on it). The next thing I know, Barnaby jumps straight up into the litter box on top of the box, silly Barnaby.



The pictures don't show how high up the box was...but he jumped high for such a little guy!


Drinking pictures! I was trying to get Barnaby to drink too, so I'd have pictures of all three of them drinking, but apparently he wasn't thirsty.




That's it for now!

Thanks for the comments!

I love the pictures of Zigs and Berry-Bears noses. I have a lot of pictures like that, lol. It's a common pose for those two.

That's Ziggy's funny half smile Elvis face haha. He makes that face a lot - I haven't really figured out exactly what it means. I think it's his cheeky attitude "Hey I'm cute and I know it!" face.

I had to take Haku out today and help him with some retained shed he had around one of his toes. The geckos are doing well! I'm still working on the new cage decorations to redo their tanks, hopefully before Christmas.

Pictures of Haku...I don't have any of Aurora because she's cranky, and doesn't like to be held. I don't handle her much, and when I do it's usually just for a quick check over.







I like the Haku wink picture! ;)

Kitsune murdered a bunny today!

Ah don't worry though! It wasn't a reaal bunny.


It was a little plastic bunny that I had sitting next to Zeus' memorial photo. I must have knocked it on the floor and not noticed.


He bit the poor things head right off!! Sune says "Why are you blaming me, mom!?"


Well Kit, maybe because I came into the bedroom to find you sitting next to the bunnies mutilated body? Or maybe, because not 5 minutes after finding the remains, you proceed to throw up hay and a plastic rabbit head right onto my nice clean blanket.

I went crazy cleaning the bunny room today! Even moved their condo out of the room so I could clean up all the coco puffs and stray hay that got underneath it.

I didn't take many pictures of them today. But like an hour after I cleaned, I went into their room to see how much they had managed to mess it up since my cleaning spree, and I saw this...





It's hard to see, since I can never get good clear pictures through the cage bars, but they where both laying in the exact same position, with their back feet stretched out behind them to the side. They where laying in different spots in the cage, so that their back feet where touching. It was sooo cute!

Eh don't mind Ziggy's nasty stained butt! Since putting the grate in the litter box, Berry's feet are starting to get cleaner. But Ziggy still insists on peeing all over the plastic floor of the cage, then he sits in it and it stains his fur a nasty color. My little slob!


Okay so Chris and I are throwing a Christmas party at our apartment on Christmas eve. Oh boy I've never had this many people come to our apartment at once before. I've never had to be the one to cook for this many's a little stressful. Of course it's mostly Chris' family but I'm stuck doing all the work for the party, even though I wasn't really all that excited about having it here in the first place.

I'm trying to decide what to do with the bunnies during the party. I can either close off their room and not let anyone in there, or let people in but that will take some work because Barnaby hates strangers, and I don't want Ziggy peeing and pooping all over everything while we have company.

I keep telling Chris...Berry is our only bunny who is actually presentable. She's friendly (unlike Barnaby), and clean (unlike Ziggy).

So I'm thinking that I should either just block access to the room completely. If not, Barnaby will for sure have to be caged because he'll get upset if people go near him and try to pet him and stuff. Ziggy I'm sure would love the attention if I left him uncaged with Berry...but it will be a bit embarrassing having people see bunny poop and pee on the floor. Unless I check on him constantly and clean up any messes before it all piles up and starts looking really bad. Or I could just leave Berry out, but cage both the boys. They will be the easiest in some ways - but it will mean sectioning off the cage for the day because I don't want Barnaby and Ziggy alone in a cage together all day...with all the commotion and Ziggy's moodiness that's just asking for trouble trapping Barnaby in there with him.

I can't believe Christmas is so close. I haven't got a single present for Chirs...well I bought him some gifts, but I got them online and they haven't gotten here yet. Hopefully I get everything before Christmas.