Shya-she does what she wants

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Ain't that the truth! They have it so easy physically at least. The typical man doesn't deal with issues until older where a girl starts dealing with them once hitting puberty.
Poor little Tyler, I hope someone adopts him. It looks as though he´s got a mouth halfway down his nose, really weird markings.

Are the rice krispy treats the ones that you just add the chocolate to the krispies. We used to have those at home and I loved them, haven´t done any for ages. We used to do them with corn flakes as well.
The bun does have some strange markings. I would like to see him in person to get a better view. Maybe it's from molting? It looks similar to a himi and I know there is another breed with similar markings and at least one of them can have the markings get lighter due to heat so maybe that's going on. have made me hungry for rice krispy treats. One of my all time favorites. I usually make a double batch and when those are gone make another double batch. Otherwise I haven't had enough to hold off the craving for them. And no I don't eat them all myself. I always add extra butter and marshmallows to make them extra gooey and yummy.
Haha Maybe her himi markings did just get lighter from the heat. Seems like there are a lot of californias for adoption around here. Not sure why. Hope she finds a good home and no one thinks her "ugly."

I LOVE the extra butter! I'm not a huge marshmellow fan so mom usually skimps on those for me. Just enough to hold the whole thing together. For everyone else she dumps most of the bag of marshmellows in. I just ate my last chunk for breakfast. They have the packaged ones in the DFAC but they never taste the same.
Homemade rice crispies are the best! They have the best taste! I've also made cheerio crispies, same concept only with cheerios, they're pretty good!

I think maybe the bunny was a mix like a Himi X Lop or a Cali X Lop. Or her crown was just a little wide, because it looked like she totally could have had lopped ears. And her markings probably did lighten up in the heat and will darken once it cools down.

Did you get my package yet?!
Kmaben...I think they definitely could have gotten a better picture. That one isn't very flattering. I know some bunnies are cuter than others or more regal in appearance but I have never seen an ugly bunny.

I'm not crazy either about having a lot of marshmallow taste in mine either. If someone offers me one and it looks like it has too much marshmallow I won't take one. Maybe I just need to make some and send you them so you can see.

Chris....rice krispy treats are made with rice krispy brand cereal, marshmallows and butter. It is very simple to make as you just melt the butter and add the marshmallows until it is melted and mixed well and then mix in the cereal and you have a kick ass treat. It is simple to make and you can usually find the recipe on the rice krispy cereal box. I do add extra marshmallows and butter to mine as it makes them sweeter and gooier. Also there is a particular brand of marshmallows I use because they seem to melt better than others plus a particular butter I use. The hardest part is to stand there stirring and stirring until it is all melted so that it doesn't burn as I cook mine one high and so it is mixed perfectly. Also, mixing in the rice krispy cereal so it all get mixed well before it starts to cool.
They sound really nice and very sweet so I will just have to try them.

She was quite a cute bunny, just not a great photo with her head down. I really hope she finds someone to love her.
Morgan I did get your package! That is ALOT of ellie fur. When we brush Kai that's about what we see everytime until his molt is complete! Omar was like "wait, what? She sent you rabbit fur? That's kind of weird"
No not at all! It's soft like Shya and I almost killed one of my Majors who apparently is deathly allergic to rabbits. He consented that since we're so rabbit crazy it's ok. Any other place and it would be commitable weird.
So we have wild cats that roam the camp. This Major was coming into the aid station to get some benadryl because a cat made it into his tent. He was very puffy. I just so happend to get your package that day and was checking out the Ellie fur. He began to sneeze and get hives.
"Is there a cat around here?"
"Uh...I think I saw one hanging out earlier sir"
He had to get a shot and get quarters. Woopsie! To bad it's the Major I like. If it had been the other Major that EVERYONE hates I would have sprinkled Ellie fur all over his bunk!
Hahaha. I'm glad you enjoyed it! It is a lot of fur! That wasn't even all of it.
Thats too funny about the Major. Whenever anyone says Major, all I can think about is Major Frank Burns from MASH. Then I think of them calling him Ferret Face and it makes me laugh. LOL
That Major must be SUPER allergic to cats and rabbits, to have an insta-reaction! That would SUCK.
I was SO happy when Burns left the show. He was so useless and incompetent. Major Winchester was so much better. He was very witty and way more comical than Burns. I sent you a crazy letter and some coins from UAE.
I know, I hated Burns, he was terrible. I just wanted to punch him. I did like Winchester, especially towards the end when he got off his high horse a bit. But the person that I missed the most was Trapper. I can't believe he left like that, I was really upset when he didn't come back. He was so funny (and handsome) and his womanizing made me laugh. But I did like BJ, he was hilarious.
Also, my most favorite character other than Hawkeye(who I would totally leave my husband for), was Colonel Potter. He was the best, he was a such a good replacement for Col. Henry Blake.

I really LOVE Mash. If you couldn't tell.
Dude when I get home I'm coming to visit. We're going to have a MASH marathon and make scenes at terrible pet stores and pick on your husband and run from chickens.
I loved MASH as well, I thought it was probably one of the funniest shows but also at times quite sad but in a nice way. I loved Colonel Potter and Hawkeye was so cute. I like pompous Winchester better than Frank and the lines between Hawkeye/BJ/Margaret were classics. Oh for the old days lol.

I can´t believe you sent Ellie fur to are one crazy lady Morgan haha.
Haha. Well, Kaley can't pet her bunnies so I sent some of mine for her to run her fingers though. It was a sandwich bag filled with fur! LOL Or to throw at people or make a mustache, whatever she wants to do with it really.
haha, that is so funny, I can just see Kaley with a moustache. Maybe she should make one for the Major lol, it might cure his allergies. I´m sure Ellie´s fur has miraculous properties.
Ugh. Wow. If I could only say what I really want to say about this unit.
I mean I'm about to go find a sharp stick. And a brick.

Good rabbit thoughts. Almost in a DBF. I've only seen her do it once and wasnt fast enough for a shot. Omar took this though.
Lol. She sent you fur?!?! Please, nobody send me fur! I have PLENTY here! Lol!!!! I can send someone else fur though hahah. Nice to see everyone is doing good on RO! Miss y'all!

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