I don't count calories, I did a few months ago and realized that I only eat like 1,000 calories a day and most of it was wine(300 per glass at 2-3 glasses) and the rest of coffee. bahaha. Thats sad but true. You drink red bull all day, I drink coffee all day. You always need a vice. haha. Coffee is my life blood.
You might do better with counting calories because you can't control what you're eating because you're not making it. Why does the salad have to be iceburg, they can't get some romaine or some kale? LOL
You shouldn't have a hard time losing the weight again after all the depot wears off. You're body probably isn't at its natural weight place anyway, because of the shot.
I agree with Denise, a lot of the time pregnant woman take "eating for two" a little too literally. Its just not true though. The first few months, you won't eat any differently minus a craving or two. The middle from like 4-7 months is the most comfortable you'll ever be because the morning sickness is gone, and you're not too big to move. Thats when you'll eat a little bit more. Then months 8-9 you'll eat like 20 small meals a day because there is no room in your torso to eat anything large. Or you'll do what I did and eat standing up so everything had room to do whatever it needed to do. haha. Its different for everyone, but thats how it was for me. I had a really hard time eating at the end. AJ was born 3 weeks early, but he was 23 inches long. He was nothing but arms and legs. haha.
Franklin is SO cute. I just want to smush my face into him! I wish I had a cuddle bun.
Sorry for long pregnancy ramblings.

I just get excited.