Shya-she does what she wants

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HOLYFECKSHEET!!!!!! This giant thing just went running across the floor! It looked like a spider scorpion thing! It was not a camel spider. Atleast not like one I've ever seen. Had these pointy long legs. OHMYGAWD!!!! I dont know where it went! I tried to crush it with a fire exstinguisher it went up under the tent. I am normally not such a girl about such things but this thing was ridicoulous!! AND HUGE! EEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEEK!
Let's see how did my week go?
There's these neat beetle things everywhere so I dedcide to take a picture. I poked it with a stick to get it to turn around and guess what. They FLY! You dont want one anywhere near your face. Trust me on this.

My loving husband bought me this mud mask thing from Bath and Bodyworks. I dont normally use stuff like that but he was just looking to pack a box for me. I put it on after a shower and you're supposed to let it sit. So I watch a little bit of a movie and go to wash it off. SgtMajor who is like in charge of all things enlisted for the Battalion sees me. He did this double take and proceeded to ask me how that was within uniform regulations. And what the heck it was so on and so forth. Very difficult not to laugh.

I went to the bathroom and proceeded to wash my hands. It's on a timed push lever thing and it wouldnt shut off. So I pulled up on the nob and the whole damn sink came with it. I had managed to pull the thing from the wall and water was leaking everywhere. Better believe I blamed it on someone else!

Oh Mayor Cell Detail. It's like camp beautification and improvement. Mostly hard labor outside in the melt your face off heat. I had my jacket off for about six minutes and started to get red. Tanned out really nice. But extremely exhausting work. I work nights so being up during the day and in that much heat almost killed me. I managed to get in and out of the shower but was in bed by 6:30. The next morning my girlfriend was laughing at me. She found a loofah by the entrance to the tents. She picked it up and walked into the tent and was greeted by a pair of shorts. Next she found a sock. She said "when I walked by your area I just saw all your clothes and toiletry bag sticking out from your curtain. I went in and you were face down on your bed with one croc on and the other off. You were snoring so I knew you were alive but I was a little worried!" Atleast if I had died I was smart enough to leave a trail to my body.

Oh yeah then the giant mutant bug thing from last night. Now every little sound is it returning for seconds. Fire exstinguisher is handy!

And this intro to philosophy class. It is by far the worse class ever. I've been getting a lot of Army stuff done though due to trying to procrastinate reading the book as long as possible.
Me: I'd rather write counseling statements then deal with this class
Omar: end of the world! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!

Yep that's how it's going. I am so ready to go home now
Running a muck today. Shi shi per usual started chinning everything and flicking people off. She's so opinionated.


What up?
They're so cute! I think thats how bunny couples should be, a big and a small. haha. I think its adorable.

I really like your parents snail figurine. That thing is pretty much awesome. I would totally put it on my bookcase with my Elvis bust.
There is no telling where my mom even found that. She's had it forever. They are a very oddly bonded couple. Shya could do without Kai. She doesnt panic when left on her own. Then you catch her doing stuff like this and it makes you wonder.

She will lay by him when they're out. But she also hides from him when he irritates her.

Now Kai on the other hand panics if he has to go to the vet by himself. He'll wander around the house but he has to be in the same room as her. He'll run around the yard by himself but you see him get a little nervous after awhile and have to let Franklin out or the dog. Crazy guy.
Is she in his ear? His ear canal is the size of her. haha. She could just hide in there if she wanted to. Like, if she didn't want to go to the vet or something she could be like "hey big thing, let me get in your ear." *hops into Kai's ear*

That just happened.
Goodness we were looking for a French Lop and now they're coming out of the wood work. I'm trying to get my dad to pick a day to go look. I was thinking about adopting out the one from your friend. Not even sure what that color is!
Yes, these are the original odd couple. I love how she´s grooming that enormous ear. Morgan is right, she could get lost in there lol.
So I have a personal goal to lose of 22 pounds. I use to be this sexy little skinny thing when my husband and I were dating. I use to wear belly shirts and skinny jeans and all kinds of cute things. I WANT CHEESECAKE SO BAD IF I HAD MY GUN I'D SHOOT SOMEONE!!!!!
This is hard and I keep reasoning myself into this cheesecake. The food here is terrible at best. You cant just go on a chicken breast diet because we dont have chicken every night. Tonight is taco night. Or you can have the same crap salad of iceberg lettuce, some cheese, and if you're feeling feisty some olives. I'm also trying to get skinny for the baby thing. The Army gives you like three months after kid is born to get back to Army Standard height and weight. My mother gained over a 100 pounds with each of us kids. If genetics are in my favor I'll still be screwed. I want f-ing cheesecake. >.<
Feeling terribly, terribly, mean right now.
You can't get cheesecake at the mall place you're allowed to go to? Is there no cheesecake in Dubai?
You can diet and exercise, but you can't deprive yourself of the good things! You have to be able to eat something good for yourself to be able to achieve what you want to achieve!
It shouldn't be hard to lose weight in the middle of the desert, don't you sweat your body weight in water a day? I feel like jogging in 9238475987 degree heat would probably make you sweat it all out.

I only gained 22 lbs when I was pregnant. I don't understand how people gain like 60 to 100 lbs. That seems insane. The only difference in my eating habits was I ate a little more frequently than I do now. I lost like 12 lbs in the first trimester too. Too bad it was WHEN I was pregnant and not AFTER I was! hahaha. I don't think you'll have a problem with weight. As long as you eat right and exercise regularly. How tall are you? I'm shorter, I'm 5' 7. So 22 lbs with baby is a huge difference on my frame. When I was like 8 months pregnant, everyone was like "holy sh*t you're about to pop!" I was like "NO! I have like 5 weeks left, stop telling me I'm HUGE! THATS NOT GOOD FOR THE SELF ESTEEM!" I think like 30 lbs is the MOST they want you to gain and if you're gaining more than that, you probably have the suga (gestational diebetus).
You'll be fine!

Can you mail a cheesecake? I'll try to mail you one. Is there a no-refrigeration-needed kind of cheesecake out there?
See the thing is to add to our crappy food we have desert almost every night. I'm pretty good about saying no but they had cheesecake last night. That's 400 calories per one slice! I wouldnt mind a slice every once in awhile but I am so stuck on Red Bull. I like need it to live. It's a terrible juggle. I got on the depot shot and that's what blew me up. Did it last deployment as well. I'm 5'5 and currently at 148. I'm off it now of course due to the change in plans and baby making. I was 112 when I first joined and probably way to skinny. I'm shooting for a nice 128-130. I can pass a PT test no problem just by Army standards I'm really pushing the weight line. We do the insanity program every night and end up covered in sweat. The heat isn't so bad and it's starting to cool down a little. But 114 degrees with 70% humidity is still way to hot! Appreciate the cheesecake offer!!

I actually get to leave the camp and go to the mall in the next couple of days. Excited to get out of this place. Getting cabin fever something awful.
Have to be careful not to eat my way through my pay check. Bleh.

Anyways! Franklin happy in a dirty pen

Franklin happy in a clean pen!

Frankles happy running around the garage

And of course Frankles happy to be watching TV
See, the thing to do is to still have the cheesecake, but make it a smaller portion. Then you don't feel like you are torturing yourself, but still being good too.

I always love seeing picks of that cute little fluffball. Just makes me want to snuggle a bunny :)
I know in my experience, most of the women that put on huge amounts of weight when pregnant did so because they looked at pregnancy as being an excuse to get totally lazy and eat huge amounts of whatever they wanted. I'm sure you know giving birth is physically the toughest thing a woman will ever do so letting pregnancy be an excuse to get lazy is the worst thing you can do.

The depot shot...if it was the reason you put on weight and you are now off of it then hopefully you won't have problems losing the weight. I'm sure it's made more difficult because you can't just eat what you want that would be less calories and healthier.
I don't count calories, I did a few months ago and realized that I only eat like 1,000 calories a day and most of it was wine(300 per glass at 2-3 glasses) and the rest of coffee. bahaha. Thats sad but true. You drink red bull all day, I drink coffee all day. You always need a vice. haha. Coffee is my life blood.
You might do better with counting calories because you can't control what you're eating because you're not making it. Why does the salad have to be iceburg, they can't get some romaine or some kale? LOL
You shouldn't have a hard time losing the weight again after all the depot wears off. You're body probably isn't at its natural weight place anyway, because of the shot.

I agree with Denise, a lot of the time pregnant woman take "eating for two" a little too literally. Its just not true though. The first few months, you won't eat any differently minus a craving or two. The middle from like 4-7 months is the most comfortable you'll ever be because the morning sickness is gone, and you're not too big to move. Thats when you'll eat a little bit more. Then months 8-9 you'll eat like 20 small meals a day because there is no room in your torso to eat anything large. Or you'll do what I did and eat standing up so everything had room to do whatever it needed to do. haha. Its different for everyone, but thats how it was for me. I had a really hard time eating at the end. AJ was born 3 weeks early, but he was 23 inches long. He was nothing but arms and legs. haha.

Franklin is SO cute. I just want to smush my face into him! I wish I had a cuddle bun. :(

Sorry for long pregnancy ramblings. :) I just get excited.