Shya-she does what she wants

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It took awhile to find a cuddle bug Morgan! My options were Shya (um yeah) and Kai. He's semi friendly on his own terms. Franklin is an expert at face smooshing though. I come home stick my face in him for about a minute or two until I calm down then the petting and massaging begins. He's such a good guy.

I'm excited about the kid having but in my mind I kind of skip over the pregnancy part. I did not enjoy being pregnant the first go round. People think it's such a lovely thing. "Your glowing!" No it's the sweat from puking my guts out. Come on now. I was pretty crazy about what I ate also. No sugar, no corn syrup, no nothing if it wasnt, vegetable, fruit, or chicken. I was afraid I was going to have a little ADD baby or something if I ate sugar. I worked in the Peds department at my last duty station and hated it. All the newborn exams tripped me out and I would always pawn them off on someone else. Newborns are ugly! The umbilical cord tripped me out. The pink and wrinkly tripped me out. The no teeth thing tripped me out. The no subcutaneous tissue tripped me out. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to have an ugly baby because I call other peoples babies ugly. It's a Karma thing.
All babies look the same. Like potatoes. haha. They're weird. I don't hold other peoples babies. Like a newborn, nah, I'm good. I had my own. haha.
Just keep in mind all pregnancies can be different. With my son who was my first I had morning sickness for like the first four months. I also had the weird cravings and then one day Bam! I'd eat what I was craving and then puke, end of craving. I had my legs and feet swell like crazy, him press on my sciatica nerve for over a month so for three days I didn't sleep a wink, on and on. It was horrible and he was in the NICU for several days, cried and was fussy all the time, had to have soy formula due to allergies and suffered from projectile vomiting and twice I had to perform the baby choking on him.

My second was my daughter. Pregnancy was easy the whole time. I would only feel sick if I went too long between meals so I ate smaller portions but more often. When she was born and till age 3 she was a joy, no fussing unless hungry or needing changed, just a happy baby.

You may feel differently about all the baby stuff when it is your own. You may just instantly fall in love the moment you lay eyes on your child. I know it doesn't always happen with every woman but it does happen.
So I read this whole blog from page one (took forever!) I just fell in love with your rabbits and their personalities. Also its the first blog ive ever been able to read the whole thing. I really hope the whole baby thing works out!( I'm personally glad I have a while for that)
Aww thanks! There are days I'd like to stuff them in a box and mail them somewhere far far away from me. :nod

But I do love them and miss them dearly. Do you have your own blog?

It was overcast today! Tried to rain but didnt get that far. Humidity still the same but it was nice to not have the sun glaring down on you all day. It was pretty overcast yesterday and also windy. No major sand storm or anything but just enough to keep people inside. Start combatives tonight. Should be fun. Runs for two weeks and worth points so double shazam! Have three stories that I'm working on about half done-ish each. Need a name for the town their all going to live in. Severe writers blocks and lack of motivation for several things going on at the moment. Getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning and put clothes on. Ready for home!
Can you explain combatives to me please? It sounds like hand to hand stuff, but I'm not up on my Army lingo. hahaha.

Overcast, that must have been nice! How often does it rain there? I kind of can't believe the humidity is so high, shouldn't the desert have a dry heat? LOL I have no idea about weather, but you would think it would be dry. To me, nothing is humid except the US Southeast and the rainforest. Thats how I think about the world. True story.

So if I wanted to mail you something, how much would the shipping be? My husband said a lot. haha. I was like how much would it be to mail something to Dubai? He was like "what would you want to mail to your rabbit friend?" hahaha. He knows me too well.
Combatives is hand to hand wresteling stuff. I learned some dirty tricks this afternoon so when they dont want to play fair tonight I can get one up.

Are camp is just a short drive from the ocean. I'm guessing that's why it's so humid but I could be wrong. I certainly wasnt expecting it when I got here. They get two inches a year. So it rains like 5 days out of the year here -_-

When you mail stuff here it's to an APO (Army Post Office) so it's just like sending something stateside. I do enjoy letters! and they dont take anything but a stamp. Usually I'm the one mailing stuff out.

Went out into the city today. Had a lot of shennanigans happen. Went to a very crappy pet store. Rabbits crammed into small cages. They had a Sphynx cat there that looked like it was about to die. And bird crammed into really small cages. They had this molucan too that was just begging for attention and some toys. People dont realize how smart they are. My Staff SGT I was with was totally terrified of him. This molucan let me cuddle with him like my Tex does. He was pretty talkative too. Dont know how I would get him through customs.

Put my feet in the Persian gulf. Have a goofy picture as I was running away from the waves. Also visted the palm islands as well. Really neat. Will post some pictures later.

Alspo my rabbit bracelet came in! It's freaking awesome! And I already lost the Franklin bead -_- Not so awesome
hmm how did my day go? My best friend comes up to me "Is your eye supposed to bleed?"
"Mhhh not so much"
"uh mine is"
Takes a look
"no **** your eye is bleeding"

She had a nose bleed going as well but there was blood just leaking out of the corner of her eye. Isn't that just interesting.
So was the eye or her nose injured? Just curious. Saw a show once where a llama was having health issues. They put a dye in it's eye to see if it would then flow out the nose to check for a blockage of some sort.
haha Morgan! I was totally teasing her about that. She didnt have an eye injury. The eye itself is a closed structure and wont bleed unless there is damage to it. There's a duct that connects your eye to your nose. PA thinks that duct is clogged somehow so when her nose was bleeding it just over flowed out of the corner of her eye. No one had ever seen that. Even the ER doctor was like what the heck? He got every other doctor in the hospital to come in and take a look.

Off to combatives today. i've only had like six hours of instruction but it's sticking. I managed to get a couple of people to tap out yesterday. Think I'm gonna stick with it. Got cracked in the jaw a good one and been fighting a headache ever since. We have this one major who is closer to seven feet and probably has 100 pounds on everyone in the class. We rotate partners and was like uh time out. There is no way in hell I am fighting with you. His main technique is to smother you. And it works.
Hahaha. So he's like a human pillow? I can't fight with my husband, so my main tactic is to choke him. He likes to pick on me and I have to fight him off by cutting off the oxygen to his brain.
It gets scary here.

I hope your friends tear duct is okay!
Have I missed a lot, damn laptop, glad to be back and good news. Never been pregnant so can´t tell you what it ´s like but have seen enough friends go through it and it´s been different for all of them. Must admit the bloating and swelling doesn´t look like fun but I´m sure the end result is so worth it, I do regret not going there but that´s life.

Franklin is just gorgeous, I still can´t believe how big he is but looks so soft and squishy that it does make you want to squeeze him. Mine look tiny at the side of him.

How weird the blood from her nose coming out of her eye, I bet it was scary

I did laugh at your incredible hulk major. I used to do judo at uni and the bloke who did the class who was an ex GB champion used to always pick me and I can tell you that someone who is around 250 pounds holding you down is no fun. I always thought he was going to squash me lol.
soooo today was my birthday and Omar finally got the Skype up and running. It's been about two months since I've seen or heard omar. It's all been through facebook which just does not cut it. So I came in early to work and he was like babe I have a surprise skype me! He had bought me a pink cake with little margarita candles! It was so sweet. And then they all sat around and ate it it in front of me. My mom had made me rice krispie treats and spelled out happy birthday in candy that I got the other day. My dad was caring around Franklin of course. He holds him kind of funny and Franklin just looks like he's melting. Goofiest pair ever. Miss them terribly. Need to post some pictures. Been saying that for days!
okey doke!
I did stick my feet in the persian Gulf! This is the only decent picture as I kept running away.

Indoor ski slope at the worlds largest mall. The Mall of the Emirates. They have penguins you can pet!

This is the Atlantis resort on the Palm Islands
Kaley, happy birthday, hope I made it in time. Sounds like a great surprise for you, shame you couldn´t eat some yourself haha.

Good pics, having a paddle in the sea. My brother lives in Dubai but it´s one place I´ve never really been too bothered about seeing as I´ve had very mixed reports. Maybe I´ll take the plunge one day and go and see him.
Happy Birthday! I'm glad you got to do some skyping. I'm sure that was really nice to be able to see and talk to everyone. So did you actually get the rice crispy treats or just get to see them? They're one of my favorite desserts, don't know why. Nothing terribly special, just taste good. It's nice to hear your dad is still spoiling Franklin rotten. I would hate for the little guy to be deprived at all in your absence :).
Yeah she sent me a whole tupperware container full. Rice krispy treats are a family favorite as well. We always take them while traveling or camping or pretty much anywhere where you'll be gone for extended periods of time. They always taste the same no matter what and kind of settle the stomache. The food here is really horrible sometimes so that's all I'll eat!

Dubai is neat I guess but for some people traveling here is on their bucket list. If I never came back I wouldnt be too upset. Going to a souk today which is like a flea market type deal. There's even a gold souk! It's insane! Its so sparkly. Chris please tell your brother to come get me!! I need some normal! And grass....

Found several pet stores here and they're kind of sad. Rabbits all crammed together and hot. Birds in cages too small. You dont really see a lot of pets around here. I think I've seen two people walking dogs and that was it.
Makes me miss mine all the more. Omar shot this great picture of Lilly laying on the floor with the big dog. She has something on his head and was playing around him. Skyping with Omar hasnt helped either. Makes me miss him all the more as well. He's such a handsome guy. He has this great smile where the corners of his eyes crinkle. Bleh mood change. Gonna go get a RedBull and skulk in my tent now.
UGH! So my depo ran out in Jun. I need a couple of periods to regulate before we can start trying for children. Between the excessive exercise, energy drinks, protein shakes, and crap food, I have no idea where my period is. When it does show up it's going to be ugly. So not looking forward to this. Why cant guys have kids? Why do we always get the crap end of the stick? I am sooooo tired of being deployed.

I'm facebooking with my husband to get some information. I could never work with this man. He is taking forever. I have like a goal, purpose, motivation, direction. I think I've had four minor fights with him in a ten minute period. Holy crap my social security just expired. He's like here's the info. No wait. This is the info. Christ on a crutch e-mail me the damn paperwork and I'll do it myself!

*Big sigh*
