Shya-she does what she wants

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I saw a post ages ago with pics of the convention. Is it true there are around 21,000 rabbits there ?? or did I read the numbers wrong. I remember seeing pics of all the different breeds, never imagined there were so many. I bet you can't wait, it must be a rabbit lover's paradise seeing so many buns. No wonder you're excited.
there really are! KALEY!! You have to come and see me and my tans! I have to do so much stuff for the tan club at convention just because i live here in texas. I am so excited about it! Im breeding all my bunnies for it and I am just exited as you are!

LOL about leaving the baby with your mom to babysit
Ohhhhh lordy it's been awhile. I hate my job. I come home exhausted. I'll be 20 weeks (5 months) this thursday. I've tried to divorce my husband three times now. And I've finally had to by bigger clothes. Not by much but enough to cause a seen at the Goodwill. Like something out of the movie white chicks. Hahaha. On an animal note.ti
I still have the kitten I rescued and he's becoming a part of the household. He chases Kai around until Kai turns and chases him around. Shya beats the crap out of him. Mansels like whateves. There was a little pet fair here on post this past weekend. We took Mansel and he was the star of the show. I have this basket that he fit just perfectly in and was really good about staying in. I broke the handle but I'm gonna see if daddy can rustle me up something. I have an idea!
All three rabbits are now living together in a bigger pen. Really need to get Mansel neutered as he show him a little bit of attention and he humps you. Have some super cute pictures I need to post. Feeling so lazy.
I'm glad to see nothing unusually negative is going on. As far as being exhausted, well that it how you will feel from now until the kid is grown and maybe even after. Kids are energy vampires...they suck all our energy...that's why parents have none and kids always have an abundance. Don't worry, you'll get used to walking around feeling like a sleep, starved zombie.

I thought you found a perfect home for the kitty or did it break your heart too much?
I suggest, drinking copious amounts of strong coffee to get you through the days, after you've had the baby. Because you won't sleep well from month 8 till the baby is about 6 months old. Then it gets better, but you're still tired because they're WIDE OPEN all the time.

I couldn't even count my coffee scoops because I was being bombarded with questions from AJ. LOL

Sleep when you can. Sleep when they sleep. Don't let the baby sleep with you. Those are the golden tickets of advice I got, and I tell you, they're the best.

What are you having? I needs to know the sex!
My SIL just found out yesterday that she is having a boy.
wow I just reread that post. Must have been on something when I wrote it. My old cat had to have some dental work done but nothing major here. The home for the kitten fell through. He's a complete terrorist who will probably end up giving me cat scratch fever. He can be really sweet when he's sleeping. Like now being a mamas boy cuddled up on the ****s...When my old cat was a kitten I swore I'd never have another kitten. Tyson this kitten is really pressing the matter home! The only one who can control him is Sebastian the young cat (who was also an excellent kitten). He has this magical look he gives that makes the kitten settle instantly. I thump him but he'll probably be brain dead by the time he figures out what "no" means.

We're having a boy as well! Gabriel K. Maben. My mother is out of control. She's sewing for heavens sake! Found a crib already and have it set up. Just need to have the thing now. Which takes forever. Atleast I'm not in the horrible preggo ACU's yet. Lord they're terrible and definitely dont scream SOAR special forces. First world problems *sigh*
Ahhh, Gabriel is a great name! I'm semi-obsessed with names. I've already named my first seven children, middle names, nicknames and all, and I'm not planning to have any kids ever. Hah.
I love LOVE that name! Yay! Boys are great, I think you're going to really enjoy having a boy!

Oh yeah, I have a devil cat too. I'm pretty sure he will definitely give me cat scratch fever. We have him online to try to find him a home, but no one wants cats. Especially, cats who can't get along with other cats. LOL
Pictures I've been meaning to upload forever.

Cat in a basket

Cat in a basket

Cat in a basket

Dead rabbit. Wait what?!
haha Just kidding. Only a very sound sleeper.

Enjoying some outside time before we took the fence down.

Looking a little normal

To the left, to the left, to the left and a little scruffy to boot
Haha, the photo albums at my mum's place are full of "Cat in a basket" shots :D

Such cute bunnies! I want to fuzzle them :)
Love seeing them all!

Was it hot out at all when they got to be outside? How did they deal with it? Are they used to it being cooler?

I would like to build a run for the buns. I'm sure the girls would do fine since they seem very hardy. The neighbor had them outside and although they were shaded it still would get to over 100 at times and I know he wasn't giving them frozen water bottles. Thumper though will act like he's feeling the heat just on hot days in the summer even though he's in the AC. In the winter he sleeps only on the carpet and in a bunloaf but in the summer he stretches out and will sleep on the linoleum or in his cage.

We have a very short window of warm enough but not too warm weather right before summer kicks in but most of those days it's either raining or very windy.
With these pictures it was in the 80's. Now it's up to about the upper 90's. Kai has such a thick wool coat he feels it faster than Mansel and Shya. He still loves to be outside but now I just put him out front under a big tree we have. He hops around a bit but likes to just lay down and take it all in. I wet his ears and face before we go out and in about 10-15 minutes when he's dry we come in. I can handle the 10-15 minutes almost every day s thats what he gets. Kai comes in stretches out and cools off by the fan for a few minutes before he's up and moving again. Mansel will stay out all day if he could. He gets the same treatment and the same 10-15 minutes but never seems the worse for the ware. Shya gets kind of nervous on a leash by herself. I set up the pen for her but I wait for windier days and she gets a cooling tile and water bottle because I leave her out for longer. Weather doesnt seem to bother her either but she knows what the fan is for! Oddly enough they will chew every cord in the house but they wont touch the one for their personal fan.
Oddly enough they will chew every cord in the house but they wont touch the one for their personal fan.

lol, that's cause they know that the other power cords take our attention away from the bunns, but that power cord is beneficial to them ;)
Been a long time since I last posted. A lot going on with trying to grow a tiny angry human and all of the sleeping that happens. As you may have heard my Mansel died last week. Kind of on the same liver issues as Franklin. Same breeder but they werent related buns. Still got my Kai and my Bad rabbit. It'll be easier with just the two of them and the baby. My bird is going to go live with family in florida for a little bit. She doesnt get nearly as much attention as she deserves and tends to just irritate me to no end. My aunt is retired and looking forward to having another being in the house. Haha and I had to ship the hubsters dog to go live my parents for a month or so. It was either that or murder him and bury him in the backyard. This freaking dog has chewed up more underware then I care to add the cost up of. He also got loose. Again. Except he went all the way down the street to the Marine Corp trainee barracks. I had to pick this idiot up off of staff duty. This dog has embarrassed me more times than I can count but this one really took the icing off the cake. Omar misses his dog and he's a bit resentful that I didnt send my old girl too. But it's not forever. Anywho here's a pic of Kai getting into trouble. He has this real affinity for almonds which I keep on hand for the gerbils and the bird. Gonna have to be more clever about keeping him out of them.

Haha, I swear rabbits are the best at getting into places you don't want them :D I love Kai's big ears :)