Shya-she does what she wants

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. says 102. They're full o crap. Wet bulb is still pointing in the 110 category. It felt like almost 70 for a bit! Had to reset the whole camp. Bunch of stuff knocked over from the winds. Lots of hilarity going on.

got sunburnt yesterday while on a detail. Just in the face and the top of my head. Have a crazy sunglasses tan thing going on. And I have infantry feet. I need a spa. Life been kind of suckey. Mostly loneliness. Think it's worse this deployment due to lack of activitey.

Lately I've been getting attacked by crickets. Normally they dont bother me at all but the random jumping on is not cool. I happened to be in the shower late at night and this female LT friend of mine got into the shower next to me. I'm washing rinsing, and repeating, when I felt this THING on my woohoo section! I look down and here is this cricket copping a feel. I fell out of the freaking shower, shrieking like a little girl, broke the damn hooks for the shower curtain trying to get the thing off. This LT is like are you ok? what the heck is wrong with you. I'm screaming cricket! CRICKET!! She's telling me I'm on my own almost falling out of the shower herself laughing at me. I am so done with this country.
I´m sorry Kaley but I was nearly falling on the floor imagining you trying to get rid of that cricket...I bet it was actually pretty scary. I remember when I worked near Ibiza, I went to bed one night and pulled the sheet back and a cricket jumped out, I nearly jumped out of the window lol.
Once upon a time, I was showering and looked down to see a scorpion swimming in the water at my ankles. Lucky for me it was a puny western Colorado scorpion. Lord knows how that experience would have gone where you are.
Hahahahahahha that really made me laugh, I laughed so hard that Leo says "what are you laughing about?!" So I had to tell him. He chuckled. Teehee I would've freaked the hell out!

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Oh I would have also freaked out. But I'm pretty sure thats the best damn thing I've heard in like several days and I laughed really hard. haha. I can just picture it and I probably would have done the same thing.

I wonder why there are so many crickets there? That seems weird. Are they like the fat black ones, or camel-back crickets or brown ones? Is it because god sent the plagues to the middle east in the ancient times and the crickets stayed behind? People were smaller back then, so maybe it was really crickets and people thought they were locusts because they were short? LOL Now, I'm just making things up.

Whenever I type cricket, I want to type cricker and I have no idea why. Thats not even a word.
The crickets are large brown marble patterned. There are also smaller black ones but you dont see them as often. Yes they are everywhere. Funny you mention the plagues because I was thinking along the same lines as you. Not so much being shorter (they aren't a very big people to begin with!) but about them being left behind. Alot of the castles and stuff we visited in Germany left me believing the original Germans were a very small people. You'd look at a bed or a suit of Armor and is wasnt any bigger than what a 12 year old might get into. Interesting to say the least.

So I finally got to Skype with Omar day before last and he comes in with Frankin. He asks my mom if she let him out. No. They call my dad. Nope he didnt let him out and forget about him either. That crap head has been escaping out of his pen on a regular basis. They've just been blaming it on my dad. So now they have to sit and rethink his pen. I'm terrified he'll end up in Shya and Kai's pen and I'll end up with a dead rabbit or he'll finally break something flopping out of his pen. It's omar's highest priority. I threatened divorce.


He has the sweetest face ever. He just oozes calm and invites you in for a snuggle. He's figured out the couch and become quite attached to it. Miss him :(
He does have the sweetest face ever. I do just want to cuddle him!

Haha. Yes, people were MUCH smaller centuries ago. Like A LOT smaller. We've grown so much in the last 500 years its ridiculous. But we're on a the height decline again. We're just getting fatter! LOL
People in cities are smaller than people in rural areas too. My MIL is taller than a lot of the men in Chicago. She's 5'10, which is tall for a woman but about normal for a guy. She said in the elevators, she towers over people. When she was in China, she was taller than everyone. LOL
My hub and dad both went to the Panthers football game like 2 weeks ago, and they said they were heads taller than everyone. haha. My hub is 6'2.5 and my dad is 6'1.5. I'm the shortest person in my whole family, at 5'7. I have a cousin who was taller and bigger than me at the age of 12, when I was 18. Shes a giant at like 6'2. LOL

Sweet jesus, I let me step away from the computer, so as not to ramble more.
He is such a sweet cuddly boy, just gorgeous. I just want to squish him.

It is true that everyone is getting taller and wider. I´m only 5ft 2in so I´m a shortie, nearly everyone is taller than me, years ago, I´d have been quite tall.

It is true though, I remember going in some really old houses in a museum and even I had to bend over to get through the door.
Just to carry on with the short people stuff. A few years ago my hub and I were looking at houses. We were walking through this old house and going through the back door. I walked right under and my hub was behind me. He hit his head so hard on the door frame it mashed his hat into his forehead. ahha. Because the door was so short. It was like 6 feet tall rather than the usual 7 feet. It was hilarious!
I'm 5'2", my daughter is lightly taller than me. I am a little taller than my mother and she was a little taller than my grandma. I can only imagine how short my family was say 100 years ago.
So I just read a blog that told me that you can mail a bunch of different things without boxes or envelops, as long as its 13 oz or under. SO you know what that means right?
lol! This is going to be entertaining. Not only for me but I'd imagine our postal people too.
Today is miss Shi Shi day. I love my little bad rabbit. She has the most lovely cheek bones. She's so sleek and ninja. I was thinking about our nightly nose rubs and ear massages. Yeah she's not cuddly. Yeah she's pretty mean and down right bitchy some times. But she's mine. I love chasing her around while I'm trying to put her up for the night. I love how you can tell everything she's thinking by the set of her ears. I love how she grooms Kai's ears all lovingly than hides from him just to watch him panic. And he does panic. I love how she's so adaptable. She's such an awesome little beast I'm glad I took a flying leap for. Some people say impulse buying is bad. And I agree to an extent. However, Shya was a pure impulse buy. Well impulse in general since she was "free." HAHAHAHA Free!!! She's already racked up a bill a couple thousand dollars large. Miss you Shya. Miss all my babies. I even miss my husband. Sometimes.
She is such a special rabbit and she´s definitely been through the wars but she´s come out of it all so much stronger and even more bad ass lol. I can just imagine Kai´s panicky face when she´s hiding haha. I bet you miss them all like mad, I´m only gonna be away 5 days and I´ll be going crazy. And you know that if you had to do it all again for her, you would. I did laugh at the ending...poor hubby, second to all those bunnies :laugh:
Hubby knows that I love him and he's not always second. Just sometimes. And he's ok with that too.

So while the PA's away the medics will play. Now I'm beginning to think that might not have been such a good idea. My finger really hurts.

So daddy sent me some pictures. Here's a couple. He's such a shmuck. He was telling me how he was going to have a hard time giving them up. He enjoys their individual personalities so much and he always has someone to talk to while hiding in the garage from my mom. I think his words went something to the tune of "something about their personalities hit a heart spot." Who the heck are you?! I like how he indicated all of them too. He loves and adores Shya. He loves and adores Franklin. He'll interact with Kai when he has too. He's actually quite afraid of Kai because he's so large. Franklins the biter!

Kai. Having ear issues. Per usual

Shi shi looking teeny tiny next to Kai. She IS much smaller than him but this picture really exaggerates it.

Of course Frankles looking oh so snuggely. It's the floppy ears
Is now promotable! Yay! All I had to do was wrestle the sponsor who took me. Tore his shirt and made his lip bleed. He kneed me in the thigh and it's very tight. All in all I'd call it a good day. Just have to make points which I've been working on.
YAY! Thats great! It does sound like a good day! I want to bust someones lip...:ph34r2

Did you get that thing I sent you? It wasn't in a package so I'm curious to see if it got taken. But the mail lady took it! haha. I hope it makes it over there though, its going to...sweet.
Morgan! lol! I came in and my soldier was talking about sprinkles. I was like Tank what the f*** nonsense are you talking. He threw them at me. I was like Sprinkles? I got sprinkles!!! They made it all in one piece. Couldnt stop laughing. We're going to put them on everything.