Shya-she does what she wants

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You would love princess diaries. It's such a cute movie. The second one isnt bad either! Cracks me up what guys will do when they have no choice. I didnt hear one groan though or request to change it. Then again I was in there. I seem to have the reputation as being really mean. Not sure where it comes from.

There is a definite plus side to little boys being able to pee in an alley somewhere or on the side of the road! I wish I was that capable.
I taught omar how to braid hair. I love my daddy but hated it when it was time for a game and I couldnt get my hair braided out of my face. It was something he refused to learn for some reason. Omar was open to it and he's pretty good at it too!

So this is kind of what I'm looking at for a tattoo. The origianl concept comes from That_Lady. I did get permission to use the photo. The person that drew this took photos of Shya and came up with this. He took a lot of the "softness" out of it. I kind of want it tilted a little more so you see the eye patch but I'm reeeeeaaaalllly liking this. What do you all think?
I'll have to give it a go then sometime. Maybe can even watch it with the girls. That's great that Omar was willing to learn. Hubby learned with the girls but I took over. I'm sure he could still do it but would be slower.

I think most guys are just too macho to admit to liking a chick flic.

I like it and think it represents the essence of Shya. It probably would be better with the patch showing a little more. I recognized it right away from having read all about it but those that don't know the story might not realize the difference between eyes at first if that is a consideration of yours. How are you planning on having it colored?
I think that would be a crazy tattoo! But a good one, and something really special.

Kids are crazy to have. Like Denise said, its something you can't prepare for until you're in the middle of it. I'm in the middle of my child right now and he's wheeling around a rolling suitcase and I'm ready to smack him. But its an experience thats almost too much for words. Its warm and challenging and enlightening. You get to see them grow and learn and do crazy things. I'm so glad I had a boy, I wouldn't know what to do with girls. I know what I was like as a kid and what I'm like as an adult and I'm WAY good with a boy. BUT my son is insane. I watched him face plant off on the couch the other day and it was hilarious. He flipped the rocking chair over on himself today. But he can go to a park and pick out the ducks and tell you its a duck and thats pretty cool. Or he can go to Ikea and ride around in a cart for like 4 hours while I pick out cups and weird things and thats pretty cool too.

They're like the most amazing little drunk people you'll ever be around and I can't wait for you guys to have them!
I have no idea how they'll color it. I want mostly black as she's black and the dollar sign in pink. Other than that I'll have to see what an actual tattoo artist says. And if they can refine the picture a little more. I want some softer lines and the patch to show a little more. It'll look different too once it's on skin I'm sure. I love the eye though. I think it's so bold. And when you see those pinned ears on her it's time to get the heck away from her.

"Coolest little drunk people" LOL I can only hope there's enough of Omar in are non-existent kid to settle him out. Both my mom and dad come from angry peoples. There are a lot of Mabens and Leaths to prove it.

We already have names picked out and a bunch of stuff in storage. Also put "kid" as an item in are budget. Sounds like ready to me right?
Sounds ready to me!

My husband and I were just talking about how AJ has no chance at being a nice kid. Because I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm pretty high strung and pretty angry a lot of the time. My husband isn't overly nice or patient. So my child is doomed to be a people hating, angry little person. Hopefully he gets someones kindness from somewhere in the family. haha. I like animals, but thats about it. But at the same time, I'll give you the shirt off my back and a hot meal, while complaining about how much I hate people. hahha. Its a double edged sword.

Anyway, your kid will probably be the meanest-sweetest kid ever. He'll be a little temperamental because of you and then really patient because of Omar. Its hard to tell how they'll come out, but you'll know if you're doing it right. Sometimes, I question myself about what I do with AJ and I think thats normal. Its usually when he throws a shoe at me or some crazyness that I'm like 'WTF did I do?! I created a little monster!' Then he points out something that he knows or counts to 10 for me and I'm like, 'you're alright I guess.'

I think that you'll probably make a great parent and if your dad loves your rabbits that much, imagine him with a baby to watch Criminal Minds with?
Mind you I work nights. I was up almost all day. And have to work till midnight so I can do some stupid detail all day tomorrow.
So we're getting some soldiers in tomorrow. I went over to the tent next to mine which is all lower enlisted women with a promotable as tent warden. Told them to move over and make space. Had to measure out the tent and mark out areas because people are greedy little bastards. One person in particular has had issues. I return and people are moving like they're supposed to with exception of said problem soldier with issues. Figure she's just working so I get some girls to help me push her stuff over. I come back a couple hours later to do a walk through and all of her stuff is moved back to its orginal spacing and now there are signs posted all over that say things like "Respect my stuff" "Dont touch what isnt yours" "Chicken heads dont even think about it."

.....oh really?

I went and found six guys and moved every last thing she owned to include her bed out the back of the tent into the dirt. I then proceeded to stand in her empty space and wait for her. One of my soldiers must have gotten a little scared and went out and found my best friend. Who happens to be the supply seargent signed for the tents and beds. She comes in and asks "watch ya doin" and at that time soldier with issues comes in gets in a defensive posture and opens her mouth to say something to me. It gets a little fuzzy from here because all I saw was red. I know I bumped her in the forhead with mine atleast once. And something about owning boots that have been in the Army longer than her. And she doesnt own *hit becasue she isnt signed for anything.

When it was all said and done I told her since she likes to move stuff so much to have fun moving all her crap back into the asigned space she was alotted.

I asked my girlfriend if I was too harsh on her. I felt like maybe I had kind of lost it. She was like "Girl I have no idea what you even said to her. I just saw lighting bolts coming out of your eyes and I couldn't find cover fast enough. But I think she got the point and we wont have to worry about her any more."

Perhaps I dont have anger issues. I just think its all the people around me.
Good for you, sometimes people just have to be told if they can´t take a hint. Now you know she won´t do it again and I´m sure everyone else in that space is thanking you as well. I so hate selfish people and if no-one ever sets them straight, they may never realise.

It was making me think of yesterday in the queue at the supermarket where there was a bloke in front of me with nothing. I had to move forward to let a trolley by and he turned and said "i´m in the queue". I felt like saying that I thought he was leaving as he had nothing. A few minutes later wife turns up with shopping and they go through. I really wish I´d said that normally well mannered people do their shopping before getting in the queue, I tell you I didn´t cos I knew if he answered back, I´d go off on one like you Kaley.

And you are right, it´s the people around you and not you.
LOL, Kaley, you're awesome! Taught that girl a lesson that she was just asking for.
I always say that its other people who make my anger issues rise. I'm perfectly fine and happy until someone says or does something stupid, then my blood pressure instantly rises. Did she really put "chickenheads" on her note? She deserved to eat some dirt for being so ghetto. And for bringing back that term from like 2000, really?

I thought about you this morning, and how I can't wait for you to have kids. haha. I don't know if all kids are like this, but mine is crazy. I was in the bathroom and heard his running around, then his footsteps got louder and heavier like he had shoes on. So I got out of the bathroom and he had put his new croc-type shoes on! On the wrong feet, but he actually put them on himself! Then I was making his breakfast, bowl of golden grahams, applesauce, milk. I asked him if he wanted milk and he said no. I made it anyway and the whole time I was making it he was like standing at the baby gate going "taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Then I handed him the milk and he added the "nnnkkkkkk you" at the end of all the "ta" sound.
We went to my dads for dinner last night, my dad drives a Jeep Wrangler, AJ loves that jeep. haha. So we're sitting there after dinner and AJ crawls into my dads lap and he's like, real quiet "jeep". So we're like what? He says it again a little quieter "jeep". I heard it and I said he wants to go in the jeep! He's so smart, we told him after dinner we could go in the jeep, so thats what we did!
Anyway, what I'm saying with the kids is they're amazing to have. Sometimes you're just blown away by this tiny human, because they learn so much stuff. Its like everyday he does something new and its baffling because sometimes I feel like I can't retain anything anymore. And he says 'thank you' after you hand him anything, or if you say 'thank you', he says 'melcome'.

Sorry, I get excited when people talk about having kids. haha.
I am so behind the times. I had no idea what chickenheads was!

I LOVE that picture of AJ sitting at his little picnic table with his fruit giving you the "come on mom" look. Just wanted to reach through and kiss his little face off! I know they can be difficult but my favorite age group is about three to six. They really start to figure themselves out and form relationships and opinions. Lilly the four year old my mom watches never ceases to amaze me. She's very opinionated and very compassionate for others. Part of it was how she's raised but the other part is genetics. She loves to watch my two gerbils and knows them both by name, never confusing them. Omar sent me a picture the other day of her kissing the fishing tank. He said she just randomly went up to the tank trying to kiss all the fish. She also has this problem with clothes. She doesnt like to wear them. It took omar some time to get use to it now he just goes and finds her clothes and gets her dressed. Lillys father is just a sperm donor living off of Lillys mother. He really has nothing to do with her and when he does it's usually to yell at her. She really doesnt trust men as a result. She likes my father though and adores Omar. He raised his voice at her once and went to go get her from what ever she was into. He said she flinched like she thought he was going to hit her. He was so heart broken.
I get a lot of weird questions from him. I grew up babysitting and have no problems dealing with kids. Omar's father was an abusive a-hole and he was just never around small children. Sometimes I'm like o_O what? Lilly has been a real experience for him. He's really looking forward to a mini-Omar though.
They changed RO! I dont like change! I'm a creature of habit!

So hubby and I signed up for I was bored one night and thought it would be neat to see how long it took us to "match" up if ever. Now it's become a competition on who gets the most likes and views. However I've just been informed I was matched up to him today. It's been fun but it's kind of creepy. I am so glad I am not in the dating game anymore. I wouldn't know where to start, or who to trust, or be comfortable going on blind dates without a hand gun. Sheesh

Anywho! On to pictures of my bad rabbit!

Omar took these for me. I was like holy cow! She's missing an eye! Look at those lovely cheek bones. I want them a little more prevalent in my tattoo.


She's just a little ol common black rabbit. Glad everyone else in the world passed her up so I could have her.

And because he's so danged cute, he got his picture taken too
Kaley, neither do I like the change! I don't like how they are changing things, hopefully they won't go too far. I don't like how some of the bars are green and the icons next to the forums are different. I liked that familiar brown bunny face. And at the top of every page where it says rabbitsonline I don't like that bunny symbol. I liked that bunch of bunnies next to each other. Oh well, I'll get used to it I suppose.

Love Shya's pics tell her that I think she's pretty even though she only has one eye. Kai must be getting far signals with those ears! lol. He's cute!
Do you think Shya's a dutch? Like one with no markings? She seems pretty similar to Ellie in the looks and attitude. She's a beauty though! And SO shiny!
Look at Kia's giant ears, I just want to pet them. I bet they're so soft.

I don't mind the new colors. I sort of like it. Is the logo different for you guys? Like does it just say "Rabbits Online" or whatever? I pulled it up on my phone for like 2 seconds earlier and thought I saw a different logo, but when I pulled it up later it was the same one with the bunnies and now on my computer its the same one with the bunnies. Only the bars are green and blue. I like the colors though.
Morgan I don't really mind the new colors. Its just different. What I don't really like is this.

I liked the old one better.

I think you right about Shya that she looks like Ellie. The ears and head are shaped the same and Shya's fur is shiny like Ellie's.
I always wondered if a site like would match me and hubby. I guess maybe sooner or later they would since they matched you and Omar.

Shya is very pretty and so shiny. I hope my new black bun gets to be that shiny. Kai is very handsome.

The logo for RO so far is the same for me as it always has been or at least for as long as I have been coming here. I scrolled up to check because I had no idea what ya'll were talking about. The color change I didn't notice as first but I blame that on hours pulling weeds in the intense heat as they said it felt like 105 in the shade at 10 am.
I thought she might be a dutch mix once I started getting into the breeds. She has a much higher arch and the bug eyes like the petites though. They do have petites in Germany and a few dutch. So dont know. I know she is part ninja! I could sit and stroke those cheeks for hours. She likes that little petting at night and that's about it. Since Kai came into the picture even that's subsided a bit. Kai however loves to have his ears and butt rubbed. There's so much of him to go around too. Miss my loves. So jealous of my husband some days.

I was surprised it didnt take long to match us up. I figured I'd be like the bottom of the barrel match for him. His personality and likes have changed a lot though since we've been together. They mirror a lot of my own because he never really did anything or tried anything new until I came along and started dragging him through life. haha I love that man.
Ohhhh need moderators do you? I could think of a few.

So Omar informed me that yesterday Franklin escaped from his pen. Again. They built a "lid" deal for it after the last time but he pushed it up and squeezed through and took that big fall again. Omar said he checked him over. No broken teeth this time, or leg, or neck. So now they're going to put a lock on him. Wish Omar's fish tank wasn't in the kitchen. Then they could set him up in Shya's old pen and I think he'd be happier inside the house in the middle of everything. Then just take the wall out between their pens in the garage and Kai and Shya could have more space. He's losing weight again too. So he gets more pellets and some alfalfa hay. Just have to watch him for bladder sludge. I figured he'd be really fat by the time I got home because of my dad. Franklin usually isnt my problem child. -_-

Talked to my mom about a French Lop for my dad. She was kind of sold on the idea and she enjoys Franklin well enough. Found Franklins breeder and another one not that far from us (thank you Sarah!) Need to set up an appointment for him to go out and take a look. Franklins breeder said she had a couple of rabbits that met Franklins temperament so we shall see who takes to him and who doesnt. The first time we met Franklin he was sitting on the exam table and I just had my hand kind of in front of him. We were talking and a few minutes later I felt this big face push against my hand wanting to be petted. Thats when the jealous coveting came into play. I'm pretty sure there are other rabbits just as friendly I can pawn off on my dad and sneak out the back door with Franklin.
It is cool that you two were matched up. Hubby and I are exactly alike when it come to our core principles but we would differ on the activities we like somewhat.

That is so great that you may be getting your dada a bun of his own and then you can have Franklin all to yourself...