Shya-she does what she wants

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That rabbit at the rescue totally has a tattoo in its ear. Can they be identified by their tattoos? Like, can the tattoo tell where the owner lived? Do you guys register them like that? I wonder if someone lost her, like she got out of her outdoor hutch and someone picked her up?
Awww. I bet her person was probably looking for her! Especially if she's a rarer rabbit.

I know my chickens wing bands have a certain number thats recorded with the USDA and they can be traced back to my house, through my NPIP premise number. Is it like that with ARBA tattoos or is it just a way to identify them with the owners? I'll ask Sarah again on her Baby Tans thread, so as not to clog up Kaley's loverly blog!
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That's why I feel bad for her! I just feel like someone is looking for her. I think to a certain degree you can identify tattoos. Franklin has a Yaro tattoo because that's what the breeder identified him as. However without his pedigree I wouldnt know which shed he came from. If he got lost his only real saving grace would be his microchip. But if I tried to show him as a rabbit I bred but really didnt and his original breeder saw him and remembered her tattoo then we'd be in trouble. I believe I read on Wendymac's blog where she was having issues with that at one point.

Speaking of Franklin Omar messaged me stating he thought something was wrong with Franklin.
"Maybe I was just being spaztic, but he wasnt eating his food with his usual gusto and he didnt try to bite me when I put his food in. I think his belly was a little hard too"
So what does this guy do? He calls are vet in LAWTON! lol
He doesnt take him in to the vet in Sugarland but calls Doc Black. She must think we are the craziest people ever.
She suggested pineapple juice and simethecone. I left him instructions about simethecone and we always have some on hand. I guess he forgot in his panic. She said he should be pooping every hour. So Omars in the garage with a notebook.
Mom: You're being very dramatic about this. I'm sure he's fine. You've been out here two hours already
Omar: Obviously you dont know your daughter very well. Also if they go into stasis it happens very quickly. It didnt take long for Teddy to die.

Turns out Omar was overfeeding him and he wasnt hungry.:nono
That guy. I love him for so many reasons!
As far as tattoos There is a way to locate a rabbit by tattoo Only if the rabbit is registered. If the rabbit is not registered then a tattoo doesn't tell ARBA much if anything at all. A tattoo means more to a breeder. If you know the breed you can try posting a picture of the tattoo on that breed clubs facebook or at least thats what happened on the Tan FB. Elizabeth had a bunny with an unknown source. She posted a picture of the tattoo to see if anyone recognized it. Many breeders have a system to tattooing. I dont except for actual names in the ears like Franklin aka YARO. But other breeders will put some letters to either identify the breeder itself or the rabbitry. For example Beyonce came from Widow Haven Rabbitry. In her ear she has WHBYN with the WH being the rabbitry name and BYN shorthand for the rabbits name.
I think I'd probably vomit if I had to tattoo my rabbits myself. Just seems like it would hurt and the shock factor for the poor loves is what would unhinge me. Maybe I'm just a big baby.
Any man that will not only put up with a womans love for animals but also do his best to take care of said animals when necessary and go into a panic when something is wrong even if only because of his fear of wifely repercussions is a definite keeper! Ha.
"Daddy why not go down to the shelter and pick out a bun for yourself?"
"Why I already have an adopted one."
" you dont."
"Possession is 9/10ths of the law"'
"I am leaving this country at some point. You can not have my PTSD rabbit"
"He likes me better than you"
"he comes to me. He climbs up on the couch with me and everything. He gets antsy I set him down. He runs around and he comes back. I even set up a litter box for him"
"His favorite show is criminal minds. My favorite show is criminal minds. Coincidence? I think not"
"say what I cant hear you. I think the battery in my hearing aid went out"
"Your typing on the computer. It has nothing to do with your hearing"

Cheese and wine :huh
So I feel like I should post about my old blind Biddy girl. She is the very definition of faithful. She likes my mom, she likes my dad, she tolerates the hubby but IM her person. She has terrible seperation anxiety and has been through so much. She was about a year old when she was abandoned at my clinic. They spayed her and were going to adopt her out. I took her home trained her and loved her. We already had two dogs so I couldnt keep her. She was adopted out, got bored jumped the fence got hit by a car, had her leg almost ripped off, and when the lady found her didnt want her anymore. Called the clinic to put her down. Clinic said bump that rehabbed her and six years later I find her again. Walked right past her. Turned when I heard this crazy howling and Bailey jumping all over the kennel. It took 8 seconds to load her up in the car and take her home. She's been through one deployment already, flown across the world and temporarily housed with my parents while we've moved around and settled. She has more over time in the Army then any three people I know combined. My poor Bailey lays in the hallway all day and gets excited when she hears are Ford explorer. She can tell the difference between the Envoy, the truck and the explorer. She's excited to greet who ever comes through the door but then takes up her vigil in the hallway and whines for a bit when she realizes it's not me. Why am I posting this? Because my husband just told me she started howling. She wasnt hurt as the first thing they did was check her over. No one could console her. I guess she just got overwhelmingly lonely and didnt know what to do. I feel like the ****tiest person ever. I cant live up to the expectations of my pup. She only expects me to be there and love her. She doesnt understand why I'm gone. Life sucks.
Kaley you just made me cry. Like a little girl. Like a big weepy girl.
I usually can't watch the videos of the soldiers coming home to their kids or their dogs. I think the dogs is the hardest one to see, because most people don't think of an animal being able to miss someone that much. They don't have the same perception of time that we do, so when we're gone for a weekend my dog thinks its been like 4 months. So when you're gone for like a year, you're dog has lived 10 lives. That has to be the hardest thing ever for an animal.

You're not a sh*tty person at all. You just do what you do, and thats cool. Its your job. Like my husband goes and hot stamps frisbee's all day and is the go-to on the east coast, you go over seas and fight the bad guys and poop in funky porta-potties. You're like a super hero in a bland colored camo, with your other super hero brothers and sisters in the hot sand and taking pictures of themselves on brooms like they're playing Quidatch.
You'll come home and she'll be the happiest dog in the world. But no, you're not a sh*tty person. Omar should leave things out like that when he talks to you, because guilt is not a good driving force. If it were me, I would not like if my husband told me things like that about my animals.
I'm embarrassed to say that I spelled Quidditch wrong in my above post. I have failed myself as a Harry Potter fan.
I can't edit because they're working on the editing.
Ditto what Morgan said. Do you think it might help if Omar could play a tape of your voice or maybe a video? Not that I would think she would think you were there but sometimes when you miss someone it helps to see them or hear their voice even if it's not them in person.

It may help but I also know dogs sometimes seem to react to a sound on tv like another dog barking and sometimes they don't and I'm not sure why except for a difference in sound. Have you all tried anything like that before? maybe give her something of yours that really smells like you?
The quidditch pictures get me every time. There's also one where the guy tied his poncho to his hands and feet during a sandstorm. In the picture you only see him suspended in air but I bet he went ass over tea kettle! That's why I'll always have job security.

No hero here. It's just a job. Couldnt afford to live in the real world so I joined the Army and now I cant seem to get out! WW2, Vietnam, and Korean vets are heros to me. They had it so much harder than we ever did. I also have a deep respect for civil servants. Those 19 fire fighters that died almost broke my heart. Dont get me anywhere near Taps.

Baileys got a shirt of mine that she lays on but I need to start rotating shirts out. Omar said he really needs to wash it but doesnt have the heart to. I do talk to her on the phone periodically and she perks up then goes and lays in the hallway again. I think Omar told me about the howling because he didnt know what to do with her. Like I would know? She's pretty much the queen of the house. She's so good natured though. I've never walked her on a leash, she doesnt bother anybody. She's getting a little incontinent but she's 13. She gets so embarrassed when she accidentally pees in the house. Mostly when she first wakes up you'll see her running for the door with pee dribbles on the floor. The husbands idiot dog pushes her into walls to be mean. He gets to running around the yard and will bump into her almost knocking her over. He saved her life once. When we were in Germany we were going out to the car. I didnt have Bailey on a leash and Sam slipped his collar. I went to grab at him not paying attention to Bailey who at this point was standing in the middle of the street. Sam stopped mid-dash and when I looked where he was looking here's this car careening towards Bailey. My heart fell into my gut and Sam dashed across the street and shouldered Bailey out of the way. So while he's the most obnoxious, idiotic, disobedient, dog ever he does have some brownie points in his corner.

Ok enough about the pups. Just home sick I guess. Need to contact Franklins breeder and see if she has a Franklin like Frenchie to adopt out. Where I'm going to find another cuddle puddle who likes to watch TV is beyond me but she seems like a good start.
That dog sound great Kaley. I agree with Morgan that it´s hard for people to understand how animals can really miss people desperately. I´m sure she loves your shirt and the smells but maybe a video or just hearing your voice will make her happier. I also cry my eyes out when I see the return home and people seeing their dogs after so long and the dog goes mad....animals are just awesome. Just leaning over for the box of tissues, these stories make me bawl but smile at the same time.
My ex was in the army. I can remember when he was due back from the first Gulf War. We sat for hours waiting for the bus to arrive. waiting and waiting. Not patient at all and filled with excitement. The bus was coming and my friend told me it was. I was distracted by my young children. I was so anxious I swear for the life of me when she said the bus is coming could not think of what a bus was. Like I had never heard of or seen a bus before.

A few minutes later my brain kicked in and I remembered what a bus was.

Our off base apartments in K-town had the planes fly past all the time with returning soldiers and I cried so many times when one went past happy for the families that had their loved ones back.
K-town! We were in Baumholder not that far away. I promise you nothing has changed since you were there! I volunteered with the big dumb dog at Landstuhl. You miss your significant other so much you just forget everything except that moment when you can be together. Sometimes at the welcome home ceremonies generals and what not will talk forever. The faces on the joes get pretty funny and kids just start flipping out running around looking for dad or mom. You'd think that would be a huge clue for the speaker to shut up and dismiss everyone!
I remember Baumholder. I had my daughter at LARMC. I remember when they were due back being mad because we were told they would be coming in at some place much farther away but they came in at Ramstein because they didn't want us all at the air base when they arrived.

My son was two and acted so shy at first with the ex when he came back but while he had been gone he would carry his picture around talking to it and hugging it had me and my friend in tears more than once. What I miss the most is Kinder Eggs. What can I say, I love chocolate and I'm a kid at heart so love the toys inside.
And the toy is so complicated and actually fun! You're not supposed to send them in the mail back to the states. They're on the ban list because they're not FDA approved? Or they're some sort of a choking hazard because American children arent as smart. Dont know. We miss the Doner Kebabs the most. And the beer and wine. I have a rather large (not as large as I want it) wine collection. My mother and I have steadily been working through it when I visit home. We have a few soldiers here who will miss their first child being born. I find it so sad. They'll come home to this huge baby and have missed all the neat growing phases. The Army is not a very stable life. Omar and I are trying to figure out when to have kids. It's harder because it's my uterus that gets knocked out of commission. We're thinking of trying when I get home.

HAHA! Omar and I just signed up for I wanted to see if they would ever match us up and how long it would take. He's not as enthused about it but humoring his wife. The poor man.
The toys are so totally cool and especially for being so small. I bought a whole case once. About a year ago I looked them up and found out they can't be shipped here due to a choking hazard and the FDA. Since I have read that a company is starting to sell them in the states. They worked it out but I don't think the toys will be as cool.

I can't drink wine as it makes me depressed and gives me a headache. I do miss veiner schnitzel. I love that stuff and could eat it every day. I can't find anywhere to buy the veal myself so I can't make it. I'm always searching for restaurants that might serve it.

I do feel bad for those service members that miss out on their children growing. No it is not a very stable life. Probably hardest on the kids as well. That and the pets at least spouses understand the situation.

Good luck with having a child. It will change your life forever but IMO it's well worth it. I would have loved to have a child with hubby but between having the three girls to raise, my tubes being tied and would have had to have that undone we didn't feel it was the thing to do.
I couldnt imagine having three girls. So much drama and emotional, hormonal, outbreaks. However they do make super cute girls clothes. I really enjoy the four year old my mom watches but she's going to be hell on wheels when she gets older. I do not envy her mom at all. We've always wanted kids but felt we weren't ready and they never seem to fit into our plans. I guess you can never really plan something that huge but we're going to try. I've been pregnant twice and miscarried both times. Hubby is a little worried about that history, but that's all it is; history.

My last shift started with a mild anaphylaxis and ended with a dislocated/broken collar bone. The anaphlaxis was a soldier in my company who had duty the next morning. I told him I would cover down as he had a late work call due to all the medication we gave him. We have an MWR tent that has a tv, dvd, xbox, games, and books in it. You can watch movies and decompress. So I picked out Princess Diaries to watch because everything else looked stupid. I had five other dudes hangin out with me laughing at Princess Diaries. Every one of them asked me what the movie was too. Crazy faces. You know they're gonna try that movie with future girlfriends to gain brownie points!
Haha, I can just see all of these tough army guys sitting around watching Princess Diaries. Quite the picture!
Too funny picturing them sitting around watching that movie. Shoot, I haven't even seen it.

I am sorry to hear about the miscarriages. I can only imagine how hard that is. Children certainly aren't something you can ever really prepare for, just one of those life things you don't really understand until you are in the midst of it. I am trying to teach hubby and prepare him for when the dreaded hormones with the girls kick must listen and show compassion not just give a list of solutions to the problem. They are very well behaved and adjusted with us so hopefully we will survive. Ha!

There are times when I wish it had been boys such as first thing in the morning having to do all of their hair or when we are out and they need the restroom. Such a lengthy process.