Shya-she does what she wants

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One quick picture. She's stretched out on her fleece blankie now.
I really hope she works out.
AWE YAY!! So CUTE!! I talked to franklins breeder the other day :D She was asking if he was able to come to any shows in the future (I havent had the heart to tell her he was chopped and is the sweetest pet bunny ever). She told me that at the ARBA convention his full sister got 3rd in her class!! That is awesome I just thought I would let you know :)

Im glad franklin finally gets along with another bun girl. How does he act with her? Any laying by each other?
Aww and yay for Cara having a home! (yes, I named her for you ^_^ ) But yay for Franklin finding his soulmate!

You will fall in love with dewlaps; promise. She's lovely, hope she settles in quickly!
You are so silly Ariana. When we went dating he did lay next to her and tucked his head to her to get groomed. Probably because she was scared she tucked her whole head under him. (like Kai does with Shya when he gets uncomfortable) Again he just let her. She did sniff him and settle next to him the longer they were together. I settled her in the bird room for now to make sure she does all her rabbit business before moving her cage next to Franklins. She lays stretched out on her blanket you just can't move to quickly. That glazed over scared look is going away also. The spark of intelligence is coming in. Hope we get the chance to find her personality.
It's just too funny that Kai is this huge rabbit, and he'll hide his head under little Shya if he's nervous. It's obvious who the brave one is :)

That's great that you found a friend for Franklin! I hope the whole bonding thing goes smoothly. It might help with her nervousness, to put her cage next to Franklins as soon as possible. When I first brought home one of my rabbits, he wasn't used to people or being handled, so he was very scared. He ended up getting GI stasis because of the stress of being in a new home. Thinking back now, I probably should have put his cage right next to my other rabbit that he gets along with, right from the start. If I had, I don't think he would have been so scared, or ended up getting stasis.
Good advice. I put her crate near franklins pen so she could see him. We're going to try a little mini bonding session in the bathroom tonight. When I checked on her this morning it was a poop explosion like she had been holding it in. It was so easy with Kai and Shya as Kai is very accepting of new animals. It was just letting shya get use to the idea of a new rabbit.

I'll try to get a picture of Kai going Ostrich on Shya. His head and ears are twice her size and she gets highly irritated when he does it. Not to mention he lifts her off the ground.
I'll try to get a picture of Kai going Ostrich on Shya. His head and ears are twice her size and she gets highly irritated when he does it. Not to mention he lifts her off the ground.

Lol, makes me laugh even trying to picture it! Bad little Shya with big 'baby' Kai trying to shove his giant head under her somehow :laugh:
The new bunny is gorgeous, I do so hope her and franklin hit it off. Imagine Kai taking comfort from Shya, the big softy and her even letting him, I laughed thinking about it.
Wow I missed so much! Congrats on your new gal she is a real beauty and I do think Gwen suits her :)
But wait, 3 she spayed? I hope so! Having to seperate them later to get her spayed can be a pain......
How exciting I'm sure a sucker for a bond. I will be watching for updates! Good luck!
Come on Lisa you know I enjoy doing things the hard way! She is not spayed. I thought that might have been the reason why he showed so much tolerance but the other rabbit he got into a fight with was a doe. He's so dang mean towards other rabbits.
However, we just tried a little mini session in the bathroom (neutral territory)
Gwen is like I know you! First thing Franklin does is bite her in the butt. We separated them. Omar took Gwen into the living room and I gave Franklin a bunch of craisins, luring him over to Gwen. He didn't try to bite her but laid down next to her and sniffed her a bit. I have no idea how to tell how their first session went. This one wont be easy. I do have the option to return her if things dont work out but I think it will be one of those things that takes more than a week. However with their pens together he didn't try to fight her through the bars like he does Kai. I saw him sniffing her way like he was interested.
Maybe I read more into their date than I thought? Maybe I'm reading to much into Franklins cues that he may be lonely? He doesn't like being penned up and when he's out he'll go lay by Kai and Shya sometimes. He fights ALOT with Kai. They'll try to fight each other through their pens. They fight if they accidentally get out together. So why go and lay with them if he doesn't like them. He wants company is how I perceive it. When he DID get along with Kai those short two months he would lay with Kai and groom him. It also took a long time to get to that point too.
Ice cream and margarita here I come.....
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Oh gosh Kaley I admire your tenacity! Why can't I be like that? :eek:hwell:

But it's just not in my DNA. I'm the careful one, hehe. Not just in rabbits but in everything in life. :)

Ya, Gwen will probably always be like "I know you"! Haha. Shes a baby. Babies do that! As far as taking more than a week? Girlie :) a week to bond is like the one in a million bonds. Mine never had a scuffle and took 30 days! But, I will say that I am the uber cautious, step by step, never stray from the blueprint kind person....hahahahahahahah....

But anyway, you know I'm always rooting for Franklin and you and I want sweet Gwen to fit in nicely. I will be following closely! I blinked my eyes and missed out on so much on your blog!
Hell I blinked and all this stuff was happening!
Some days I wish I was a bit more cautious. I can come up with a plan and stick to it but I've always been an action kind of person. To much talk lets go! Do it until someone says no. That's been my motto since joining the Army. Even then I just find a way around it :wink
I was only hoping for a sign of.....non-aggression in a week I guess. Or some sign that this might work.
I dont know.
Hell I blinked and all this stuff was happening!
Some days I wish I was a bit more cautious. I can come up with a plan and stick to it but I've always been an action kind of person. To much talk lets go! Do it until someone says no. That's been my motto since joining the Army. Even then I just find a way around it :wink
I was only hoping for a sign of.....non-aggression in a week I guess. Or some sign that this might work.
I dont know.

And you just may get a good sign in a week. :) like I said, I can be TOO careful so im not always the best pace setter.
Let us know, I'm sending all good vibes to Franklin and Gwen!
We tried again a second time but omar suggested putting them on our bed since it's higher up and franklin has never been on it. Little bit of a score. He nibbled on her head a little bit. Not angry like but I think more like establishing dominance. I again lured him over with craisins and Gwen went to hanker down next to him. He pushed his head under her for grooming and just laid there for about seven minutes with her. Not too bad until Omar went to pet him and he took it out on her for some reason. So we'll try it again tonight but no petting or touching rabbits until their date time is over.
Franklin is the oddest rabbit. I know he's a lop and its hard to tell what they're thinking due to the floppy ears but I swear he only has two faces. Ok three. One is his whatever face this is the face he wears most of the time. His excited/interested face is a less harsh version of the whatever face. And when he's really pissed at Kai and about to engage in battle it's the whatever face plus his crown and ears shift back a fraction of an inch.
He's such an awesome love dont get me wrong. He's just odd.

I keep forgetting to ask. Should I introduce her to Kai? so she's not stuck with grumpy ole franklin all the time or will this just confuse her. I want her to feel welcome and not so scared but I dont want to accidently bond her to Kai. Dont need that soap opera at all.
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I know what you mean about lops being hard to read. Foo was like that too, she just had this constant Eeyore face and it was hard to tell if she was happy or mad or whatever bunnies feel. haha.

I don't know much about bonding, but I'm going to say to not introduce her to Kai. It might confuse her, but she's there for Franklin. They'll get used to each other and you'll have a bonded couple like a lot of other people have, one really grumpy rude bun with the really laid back chill bun who just takes it. haha. Kind of like me and my husband, but I'm the grumpy bun and he's the laid back one. hahaha.

I think grooming is a pretty big thing in bunny language. I also think its pretty good that they laid next to each other. But like I said, I don't know much about bonding. :)
Bonding is not an easy thing to do but you do get more used to reading the signs as things go along...posture, ears, looks. I had my two out again today and we went well for quite a while but I separated them when they went in the cage together...I knew that wouldn´t end well but, once again, quite pleased. I think you just have to realise that maybe it´s not going to be a quick thing and just go at their pace. When they do bond, you want it to be for good. I´d keep Kai out of it, I´m sure it would confuse Gwen and maybe Franklin wouldn´t be too happy about it. Things you´ve said look positive so I´m rooting for them. :thumbup
I've got a holland and mini lop pair, and my holland girl is a big grump. If I try and pet the other bun with her near, she'll attack him. I can only pet him if she isn't close or I have to pet both of them at the same time. Some rabbits are just plain grumpy and it doesn't matter who they bond with, they are just that way. As long as he's not full out attacking her, and she is able to put up with his grumpiness without getting scared, then things between them may work out just fine.
I agree with the others to not throw Kai in the mix yet :) I sure hope things go good but the careful side of me, haha, is really nervous for you about bonding a baby. She's gonna pretty much like any bun right now because shes just a baby. And then when hormones kick in and spaying happens, things could change completely.........
So anyway, just had to say that but yes, I'm rooting for you and I sure hope things go good. I love a bunny bond!
Franklins faces sounds hysterical. And it is harder to tell body language with a Lop since you can't see those ears. But it sounds like you know his moods really good :)
I think you're right about Franklin having too much at one time. He definitely loved to have his space. Our old dog Casey he loved and would follow her when she was with him. But when she got too in his face he was done and would box her. He's a very emo bun with many different faces I agree.

How's his weight gaining going? He wasn't too bad when I got to see him.

Reading about him made me want to just go find another but I know now is the worst time to get one. Ugh why can't I grow up and have a house alreadyyy! My friend Melissa was telling me about her trip with her therapy Great Dane, a friend and her guinea pig to visit with some elementary school kids. I was thinking man Franklin would have been the BEST therapy rabbit ever!! Good luck with bonding poor Gwen having to deal with those mixed signals lol