Shya-she does what she wants

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Oh darn, Q got him already. Monty would fight you for him, but she has owies on her tummy. It would be a trip having another giant, giant-eared brown bunny here :p I did just order the metal sign from that says "Beware of Bunny" :p
And who is behind door number one?
Place your guesses now!

So when my kid isn't here I use different time measurement increments. So to read all the way through your blog was 2.2 glasses of wine. lmao. SO WORTH IT! My knee if totally locked up from sitting cross legged while reading, but I loved every moment of reading.

Shya sounds like quite the character, what a lovely little bad bunny you have!
And Kai, those ears. What a huge baby! I love him to bits. I also love Franklin, he has a great color.

There are so many things that I could comment on, but the wine has made me foggy. And I just read a lot of bright screen and looked at too much cuteness in the pictures. haha.

OH! Okay, one thing I definitely wanted to say something about is, the first Christmas picture of Franklin, with him in Santa's boot. I laughed out loud and laughed a lot after seeing it. Then I had to scroll back up to look again and have another laugh! lmao.

And you're hilarious and so much of this made me laugh! I'm so glad I read all the way through your blog and I can't believe I didn't start earlier.

Shya had her stitches out today. YAY!
Hello my name is Kaley and I have been vet free for five hours.
As we were coming home from the vets this hawk flew over the hood of my car caring a rabbit in it's claws. Terrible, I know but I could not stop laughing. The irony of it!
This made me laugh so hard! I almost blew the last of my wine out of my nose! I have no idea why it made me laugh, does that make me sick? haha. I've seen it on countless times with the hawks that live near me. Luckily my cats are big enough that they won't get taken. And even if a hawk did go near a cat, my rooster would attack it in mid air. He doesn't fly well, but when he flies...he flies angry.
I'm so done now. My brain hurts.
Missy I had to order one too! Gonna put it by the no pooping dog.
Yard protected.

Morgan you are hysterical. I feel like such a lush. I would have been through half the bottle by now. No not sick. Normlly I feel bad but understand it's the circle of life. Just thought the timing was to perfect and the fact that I had a rabbit in the car was to ironic. It was a sign for something just not sure what yet.

We want to get a wife for Franklin and Omar wants a rex or a dutch. They had the cutest little tudey dutch and I wanted her so bad. She groomed franklin right away and was all over him. He growled and boxed her. I may mail her up and send her to Elvira for company. A bun that cute and personable doesn't deserve to sit behind bars. Franklin will probably just be our grumpy single man.
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I probably would have had more to drink, if i wasn't being such a lazy cow and had actually gotten up to refill my glass. Next time I'll bring the bottle with me so i don't have to walk the 12 feet to my kitchen. LOL
Ellie is my first go round with a dutch, but she is proving to be one smart cookie. Get a dutch! Haha
I have a tile I made in pottery a few years ago, saying Vicious Rabbit Grazing, with a picture of Reuben printed on it. Bet it beats this ebay thing hollow. :p

Get her! Franklin will like her in the end. Didn't take Reuben long to like Nermal, despite attacking her at first.
Morgan, we´ll forgive you as it is a long blog. I did the same thing a few weeks ago from start to finish. Well, you can hardly join in at the end without knowing the whole story. I am still amazed by Shya and what a gutsy little girl she is, she doing amazing. I´ve done this since I started on here, reading other people´s blogs from start to finish and I´m slowly getting through them all. I haven´t been doing it with wine but that is such a good idea lol. I love dutchies, Ellie is the female smart and Houdini is the male equivalent. I´d hate to think what these two would get up to if we ever got them together...I swear I can sometimes hear his brain working things out before he does them. And, I know he knows when he´s doing wrong cos he looks at me with such a face and then runs off.
Haha Chris, Houdini is a riot!

Kaley, since you're in the military, I feel like I can ask you this question...WTF is a klick? Every time I watch any military movie, they use klick instead of mile or km. It makes me nuts because its really hard to find out what a klick really is. Isn't it like 1 km? Or like...6.something miles? Why can't they say km? And is that real, like do real military personnel really use the term klick or is that just for the movies? I've always wondered what it meant and I have kind of sorted it out, but I don't know if I got it right. haha. And yes, I'm a crazy person. I focus on things like klicks.
and yes klicks is something the military uses. Say it all the time. It's even funnier when I call my mom or when I visit and she uses military lingo. It really throws me off. She's also learned some interesting swearing too. She's 63 and makes grown men blush.
Hahaha. Thanks for clearing that up for me!

I worked at an outdoor produce stand one summer when I was 18, I thought that I knew all the cuss words ever. Boy, was I wrong! My boss who was a few years older than me, said some stuff that was like ... out of this world. She created her own words. It was fantastic. I loved it! haha. Its amazing the things that come out of peoples mouths when its hundreds of degrees outside and when you're totally exhausted. lmao. My grandma also says some really serious stuff too. Also my mom. haha
Ugh that little dutch is still on my mind. We visited her today and she chinned both omar and I and licked both of us. She let me pick her up. While she wasn't happy about it she did investigate my face and jacket. She let me manipulate her feet and was really just as personable as any of my three. She liked Franklin but he was Mr. Grumpy butt. I dont want to get her if I can't bond her to Franklin. It's so difficult. I'm fixin to leave in a couple of months as well. But what if she goes to a bad home? But you can't save them all. ARGH!!!!!
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What is Franklin acting like when hes around her? Is he being aggressive or just ignoring her?
I think I would go get her. haha. But thats just me.
It wasn't that bad. He only boxed and growled at her. Than ignored her. :vacuum: ( I vacuum out frustrations. The dogs are in hiding)
Reuben tried ripping fur out, before chasing her all over the place. I think it was three days before I un-set up Nermal's cage and she was free-ranging with him. Go on, ring up and ask about a trial. She's evidently a good match for you and Omar....

Thought of a name, yet?
We went dating again today. I was concerned about him wanting to fight with the little dutchie we had liked. Turns out she was adopted out yesterday. (yay for her!). If he didn't like anyone we where going to put the idea of a girlfriend to rest for a bit. Franklin however had other plans. He picked out a terrified 3 month old himi marked Californian baby for some reason. He fought with one and ignored another. *sigh* Californians get dewlaps. But if there is a rabbit out there for him we'll see if she's it. Thankfully they will take her back if it doesn't work out between them. She's settling now in the bird room getting some peace and quiet.

I'm thinking Gwen