Shya-she does what she wants

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I'm glad she's bouncing back. She's one resilient little creature...
If you get her a patch, she totally needs a matching hat...
Good to hear Shya is recovering well! If you do an eye patch, we have to have pictures!!!
So we are two days post op. She was getting restless and slightly miffed at her capture and confinement. So I let her out for some roaming. Big mistake as I'll never catch her to lock her back up. She is currently set up in an extra large dog crate. She does not like it. I let her out by herself as I dont want Kai stepping on her or chewing on stitches. I have no idea if he will but better safe than sorry. She keeps trying to get back into her enclosure with Kai. And she apparently has a vendetta against Sebastian who put her in this predicament. She caught a whiff of him and was on him like white on rice. There was some growling.....on her part. Poor cat was like what is going on?! Someone save meeeeee!! Stitches come out in six more days. We only have to make it six more days Shya. Please be good?

Here is a semi ok picture of her eye. It looks a lot worse than it really is. Plus I have to "sneak" up on her which is very difficult. You'd think with only one eye and that eye working at about 75 percent she'd mellow some.
Glad to hear she´s recovering well and still of some of her spunk...she´s a tough girl and she´ll pull through this. It doesn´t look that bad, just a bit strange with no eye but it´s amazing how quickly they adapt and how quickly you´ll get used to her being like that. I think you made a brave choice and I´m sure she´ll live a long and a very happy life in a wonderful loving home, she certainly is a lucky girl.

I think it´s so funny and so her that she´s got it in for the cat. I think he´d better watch his back lol
Omar's really upset that it happened in the first place. He's talking about getting Seby declawed. He's almost four now and I'm a little iffy. Omar's usually pretty mellow but when he states an opinion he really means it. Not sure how to defuse the situation with him. Shya just might do it for me. She still runs from us which is semi-normal, but she's starting to come around to her self before she suffered her injury.
Awww bless her heart with her eye stitches!! Sounds like she at least has some of her fire back if she's going after the cat! I hope the next 6 days, well 5 days now, go fast!
Shya had her stitches out today. YAY!
Hello my name is Kaley and I have been vet free for five hours.
As we were coming home from the vets this hawk flew over the hood of my car caring a rabbit in it's claws. Terrible, I know but I could not stop laughing. The irony of it!

Need to take some pictures. Also going to have new Easter pictures done of everyone since I probably wont be here to celebrate Easter, My favorite holiday! Have some cute ideas. Looking for a pirate patch for Shya. Thought it would be cute pictures with her and the bird. We shall see since they're only mortal enemies.
That's great that things are going well with Shya. Can't wait to see pictures of the Dread Pirate Shya :)
Great to see that she´s recovering so well. Yes, that would be a great pic with the bird as well....aye aye me lovelies haha.
Glad the stitches are out! Oh my goodness, rabbit in the hawks mouth, glad you could see the humor....I probably would have felt sad. I swear, ever since I saw this video where a kids hamster got swooped up right in front of him by a hawk or eagle I'm scarred and now birds carrying prey freaks me out!

Love the Easter picture idea. Make sure you show is. Will we get to hear from you at all while your deployed? Sorry, I don't know the "rules" when it comes to that.

Again, so glad Shya handled the surgery well and is recovering so good!
The UAE, my brother lives there in Dubai, have never been so can´t comment although I´m never sure as it´s so male orientated.

I think I´d have been freaked out as well by the bird carrying the rabbit...poor little thing but that´s nature for you.


Seriously? Seriously?! Up for adoption one big eared rabbit.

Where we're going the internet is sketchy. I should be able to log on and take a look but it'll be limited. It'll be up to Omar to post pictures and funnies. He may if I beg him as a way to keep up on the hippity hops.

Hello My name is Kaley and I have been vet free for two days!