Hello my name is Kaley and I have been vet free for 0 hours.
BUT! It is pay day today! Something to be happy about! Nope....no.... no wait. I'm f-ing broke already! Thank you Franklin. Thank you Shya.
So I've had the week from hell dealing with SRP trying to get my people ready. As senior medic and apparently the only one who gives a damn I now need Prozac.
My Anthrax shot I got on Monday turned into cellulitis by Wednesday.
By today it has now blown up to twice this size and is rock hard and ITCHY! I have drugs waiting just need to go pick them up.
Last night silly me left my plants within rabbit reach. Apparently Kai was just waiting for me to slip up.
Oh mommies geranium which is really poisonous! PINE TREE?! My Favorite! How did she know!!
Little crap face decided he was gonna EAT everything. This is a little raspberry bush I finally found at big lots for only 4.50. It was the only thing I salvaged. My little pine tree was just a seedling. I got it for free at the oklahoma state fair but I loved that little thing and babied it so much. It was going to be a big 12 footer someday. Now I'm not sure if I can save it.
That's not to bad right? Have a margarita forget about it's a four day weekend! I get to sleep in some. Catch up on some cleaning. Like the rabbit hair EVERYWHERE! (Lisa please come visit me)
Nope everyone wakes me up by 730 wanting to eat. I'll just feed everyone and go back to bed, to easy. NOPE! I walk by our new 75 that we traded our 55 for and Omar's little four inch oscar is near death (he didn't make it.) I get him scooped up and walking into the rabbit room when I step in a huge puddle of pee on the carpet. ARRRRRGH!! Now I'm dancing around with poor Pinkie trying to get him into the sick tank. Kai apparently wanted in the rabbit room last night and got a little frustrated. Franklin is in his pen munching on some hay watching the show and Kai and Shya decided to join the party.
This.....this sweet face that I spend so much time cuddling with decides to pin shya down and bite and claw the ever living crap out of her. 200 dollars and some nice stitchery later Shya is now chilling in her crate.
There's five stitches in there. It's going to be a real pain in the behind to keep her from chewing at them. Because as we all know: Shya just does whatever the hell she wants.
There were some other minor things that added to the day and I'm standing in a corner laughing. My husband is very confused because the laughing soon turns into crying. I may be slightly hysterical at this point. (WHERE is that DERN PROZAC?!)
I love my mom dearly and want the best for her but I can't WAIT to dump everyone on her and deploy for a nice long vacation. :faint: