Shya-she does what she wants

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Ugh molting. That has to be terrible! I used to have to pluck Foo's butt because all her old fur went to her butt. It was bad, but nothing like 3 rabbits and all the dogs you have. Way too much fur!
Hello my name is Kaley and I have been vet free for 0 hours.
BUT! It is pay day today! Something to be happy about! no wait. I'm f-ing broke already! Thank you Franklin. Thank you Shya.

So I've had the week from hell dealing with SRP trying to get my people ready. As senior medic and apparently the only one who gives a damn I now need Prozac.

My Anthrax shot I got on Monday turned into cellulitis by Wednesday.

By today it has now blown up to twice this size and is rock hard and ITCHY! I have drugs waiting just need to go pick them up.

Last night silly me left my plants within rabbit reach. Apparently Kai was just waiting for me to slip up.

Oh mommies geranium which is really poisonous! PINE TREE?! My Favorite! How did she know!!

Little crap face decided he was gonna EAT everything. This is a little raspberry bush I finally found at big lots for only 4.50. It was the only thing I salvaged. My little pine tree was just a seedling. I got it for free at the oklahoma state fair but I loved that little thing and babied it so much. It was going to be a big 12 footer someday. Now I'm not sure if I can save it.

That's not to bad right? Have a margarita forget about it's a four day weekend! I get to sleep in some. Catch up on some cleaning. Like the rabbit hair EVERYWHERE! (Lisa please come visit me)

Nope everyone wakes me up by 730 wanting to eat. I'll just feed everyone and go back to bed, to easy. NOPE! I walk by our new 75 that we traded our 55 for and Omar's little four inch oscar is near death (he didn't make it.) I get him scooped up and walking into the rabbit room when I step in a huge puddle of pee on the carpet. ARRRRRGH!! Now I'm dancing around with poor Pinkie trying to get him into the sick tank. Kai apparently wanted in the rabbit room last night and got a little frustrated. Franklin is in his pen munching on some hay watching the show and Kai and Shya decided to join the party.


This.....this sweet face that I spend so much time cuddling with decides to pin shya down and bite and claw the ever living crap out of her. 200 dollars and some nice stitchery later Shya is now chilling in her crate.


There's five stitches in there. It's going to be a real pain in the behind to keep her from chewing at them. Because as we all know: Shya just does whatever the hell she wants.

There were some other minor things that added to the day and I'm standing in a corner laughing. My husband is very confused because the laughing soon turns into crying. I may be slightly hysterical at this point. (WHERE is that DERN PROZAC?!)

I love my mom dearly and want the best for her but I can't WAIT to dump everyone on her and deploy for a nice long vacation. :faint:
Oh my god. It sounds like you've had a hell of a day! I hope you get the prozac you need, because I think I would be bald from pulling my own hair out. I would probably also be in a corner rocking back and forth hugging myself.

You poor thing. And poor Shya! That is totally insane!
Mean bunny and that´s quite a battle scar, poor Shya. what with that and the rest I´d have been banging my head against the wall, you had quite a day. Shame about the plants, hope you can manage to save the pine.

And all that hair, I must admit, I sometimes get fed up with finding hair everywhere and hay everywhere and I think that sometimes, I wish it would just disappear on its own. It is a real pain having to constantly get clean it up.

That shot looks quite painful as well. I hate injections, I was so glad to become an adult and all those shots stopped.

Things can only get better...I´d sing it but wouldn´t like it to start raining lol.
Ugh thank you guys for the sympathies. It's been a rough couple of days. The weekend has helped and I've been able to get a lot done and calm down some.
I was closing up Franklins pen and accidentally dropped a binder clip. Right on top of Kai's head. It made the most hollow melon thud. Proving what I previously thought. There isn't much in their. HAHAH!

Shya has been an awesome little girl. No chewing on her stitches. She limped the first night but she was still trying to get out of her cage and run around. By day two I caved and let her supervised roam the small spare bedroom she's in. Today she had her feet up wanting out and Omar's like "She wants out"
"Don't cave just let her be she needs to eat"
"But she's giving me that eye"

It took me a few minutes to realize he just said eye not "eyes" He's so quick witted sometimes. I did cave and let her out today too. She half binkied and is just wandering around chinning stuff. Still no chewing of the stitches.

Seriously you would think an eye removal would have some repercussions. Nope. Having her hip filleted open. Nope. None at all. Getting spayed? Talk about soap opera diva who had to be hand fed because it was to painful to move! Whatever

I think if she dies (I'm not sure if that's possible at this point) I'm going to have her feet stuffed and give them to people I dont like. She's probably the most unluckiest rabbit ever.
That was so funny at the end. That girl has certainly been through some things and is still alive and kicking and doing so well. She´s got so much character and nothing gonna stop her.

And I did laugh at her giving him the that´s something worth seeing.

As I said things can only get better :D
I am still laughing at the rabbit feet, it´s never gonna happen as that bunny is indestructable.
ugh. ugh. ugh. If I was in the civilian world a lot of these people would have been fired. Some people are completely useless and make me want to push them down a flight of stairs. Come on you joined the Army. Not the girl scouts.

Bad rabbit has chewed out one stitch. Doc left long strings so she could find them. Shya chewed them off. It'll be a nightmare getting them out. She's going crazy being stuck in the bird room. She's been acting very peculiar. Kind of a frustrated peculiar at her predicament. Do you think it's safe to put her in with Kai? Her stitches come out on monday.
Sooooo another day another dollar. Parents here helping me get organized and get stuff ready to move. Next two weeks are about to suck. I will be working crazy for the next two weeks with out a weekend :panic:
And to top it off I have to host PT tomorrow. I can handle ANYTHING except standing in front of a formation. Hopefully I dont fumble it to much.

Daddy brought me these for rabbit pens! They are AWESOME!!!

Taking orders!


General silliness at home. Always makes me laugh. Sam is like whatev


This is Franklins new thing. I bought these chew sticks but he sits and chews on the end and I think he's eating it. He reminds me of a grumpy old guy sitting at the park chewing on a stogey. He'll do it for quite awhile too.

Other than that lalalala
How is everyone else doing?
I just love that hay rack your dad made. It's so cool! I may have to try and make one. Won't look as nice as that, but as long as it works, right :)

My rabbits do that too with their chew sticks, if they aren't too thick. I give them apple branches and they just take the end in their mouths and devour the whole thing.
Nice hayrack! Franklin looks cute chewing that stick, definitely see the old man comparison there, but it makes me think of an old grouchy farmer chewing some wheat.
I do love the hayrack! It probably makes clean up so much easier.. Hahaha your rants are so true... you really remind me of my boyfriend, he rants about certain things EVERY morning....
woot woot loopsy! Another Texas big eared rabbit!

Except I'm probably way cooler than your boyfriend :coolness:

Just Kidding. I've been really ranty lately and I do feel kind of bad for that but there's nowhere else to turn too. I'm lucky my husband hasn't divorced me yet. Facebook is just so public. And my people at work fear me.
Haaaaaay, nice rack.

I think Monty really admires Kai and wants to be a huge presence like him, but at the same time she thinks she can fit wherever she wants.

Can giants have an identity disorder? :upsidedown:

Monty's bowtie nose says hi!
What a fantastic pic and such a cutie nose. Monty is one of a kind.

Saw this hay rack and litter tray from a company in the Uk who do them to order but you can´t order outside and I just love it and I remember it was so cheap...I want one.


This is another one that´s just as good.

Kaley, your dád´s is fantastic as well, wish I had someone to make these things for me :grumpy:
Seriously awesome picture of Monty. I dont think it's a diorder. I think If you're a big commanding bun bun then of course you can command yourself into any space you want.

Thanks Chris. I am rather spoiled. I like the one with the round holes in it.. Neat spin on it
Kaley, was having another look at the one your dad did and it is really good, I love the little hay collecter tray so that it doesn´t fall everywhere and it looks sort of retro, he should make and sell them, I bet a few people on here would like one of those.

I like the one with the two holes but I don´t think I´d be able to make it myself, will have to find a friend who can do it for me lol.
That is a super duper cool hay rack. I'm jelly!

Hey, btw...did I miss what happened to Gwen? I'm assuming it didnt end up working out but did I miss what you decided to do??