Shya-she does what she wants

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Honestly I can't believe you ever gave him up. When I have a bad day he's the one I always come home and lay on the floor with until I calm down enough to deal with everyone else. Husband included. Last time we went to the vet he was at like 10.8 pounds. We got him microchipped and I've been working with him on riding in the car and meeting new people. He has to explore a place first then he goes looking for attention. He really likes to go to the fish store as they always keep treats on hand for him. I bought a large basket that I cut an opening in. I'm trying to get that as his travel basket and get him used to being carried around in it.

We didn't do any face to face bonding last night but I let Gwen out to stretch her legs a bit and explore. He didn't get huffy when she sniffed him through his NIC panels. She went exploring but when I came into the room she hunkered down and got nervous. But she is a curious thing so I dont think it will take her long to get use to us. some progress. I think we're going to keep her and just take it nice and slow with Mr. Frankles

So last night we're hopping into bed and I notice a stray rabbit poo on my side of the bed. I brush it off Omar laughs and proceeds to get in on his side. Shya left a HUGE pile on his blanket. He was so pissed. "I paid for your f-ing eye surgery and your gonna poop on my side of the bed?! This is how you repay me?!" I was laughing so hard I almost peed myself. It was funny when she does it to me but not him. Now I'm wondering if this will cause problems for Franklin and Gwen. Really Shya?

In other news today Kai baby is a whole year old today! I love you, you bratty little boy!
HAHAHAHA! That is so funny! Rabbits have such a great way of showing their love! I would have been pissed too.
I wonder if she's pooping on the bed because she smells Franklin and Gwen on it?
What a crazy little rabbit.
Its definitely because she smelled them. She's not supposed to be up there and I guess told me all about my hypocritical ways.

So for Kai's first birthday the only thing he got was a good brushing. He's blowing his whole coat instead of starting in one spot. Shya is starting in her chest and face and Franklin is starting on his butt. Kai takes the cake though. He's rockin some bald spots.



Apparently German giants aren't born. They are expelled from the coats of an adult rabbit. Adult! Yeah right he'll always be my little boy. Even though he's a whole year old today!!
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He's only 13 pounds and really thick. According to breeders he has another 3-6 months to finish filling out. I dont think he'll put too much more weight on though. I hope not anyways. He's barely manageable as is!

Between the rabbits and the husky I'm very thankful for my dyson.
Omg the poop on the bed is hilarious! There is something about beds and couches i swear! Mine aren't even allowed on them anymore.

Molting sucks and I'm in between molts from both mine thank goodness! I don't do well with fur! ;)
So poor omar had a bad saturday. He made waffles and kept burning them. He finally got mad and scrapped the whole thing. He's grumbling and trips over my old dog yet again. She's blind and almost 13 so he takes her and Sam and locks them in the bedroom. I'm nagging at him to be nice to my dog and he comes stomping out of the bedroom just cussin up a storm kicking stuff. Shya had peed on his blanket. I had to step outside and lose it. My husband is the most low keyed person. It takes a lot to push his buttons and apparently Shya was the last straw. Talk about a glimpse into each other.

On another note bonding is not going so well. Franklin went from ignoring to tolerating to all out attacking poor Gwen. We haven't done any face to face today. I feel like we're just torturing poor Gwen at this point. I really dont want to give her back as she's an absolute sweetheart of a girl and deserves a loving family. Looking into other alternatives. May have a family lined up for her where she'll be the only rabbit. No kids either. They're going to try her out for a few days and see how she fits in. So far they've tolerated my super huge rabbit warno and have been very open to instruction. Plus I get to check up on her.

I think we're going to lay the idea of a wife for him down for a while. He has a very unusual nature. I don't know.
I had a deaf golden retriever and I think he was partially blind too, he was like 16. I used to trip over him all the time, it was maddening. Then I would cuss at him and angrily motion the hand signals to get the hell out of the way and he would sense my frustration and sit down. hahaha. He was a jerk, but the best dog and I'm pretty sure he wasn't deaf. He would also purposely look away from the hand signals you were giving him. haha. But he was the smartest dog, a little too smart.
Hahaha, sorry. I just went down memory lane of my old golden.

I can't believe Shya keeps pottying on Omar's side of the bed! I wonder what she's trying to tell him! My husband would say that she is torturing Omar because he let you get another rabbit. haha. But my husband is a neanderthal so he thinks men still wear the pants and make the fires. haha.
Well I think you know your bunny the best. If you feel in your gut Franklin won't take to Gwen, or any wife for that matter, than your gut *could* be right. Don't feel guilty. If it doesn't work it doesnt work. And like I've said, with an unspayed baby you don't have all variables and statistics working WITH you to begin with. You haven't even had her hit maturity and hormones yet!
Sorry about the grumpy husband, burnt waffles and pee blanket ;) we all have our days. In my marriage I'm the one that gets upset. Talk about low-key? My hubby would be the champion of the world as far as low key! Half the time that's what gets me upset because nothing bothers him!!!! hahaha
Normally that's how we are. Omar is my rock and when I'm upset or livid it's him I go find because he can usually calm me down. For him to get so upset over stuff that I go through on a DAILY basis just had me in tears. He's over it now but it was not his day.

Bailey is a sweet old girl. She's just always under foot and being blind she doesn't even realize it. You always have to step over her or around her cause she doesn't realize she has to move. I use to do agility and herding with her. She was my shadow and man could she run. It's sad to see her getting old and slow. I hate that they dont get as much time on this earth as we do. My cat is getting old too. I've had him longer than the husband. He's the best cat ever and really helps me sleep. Better than any pill man could ever come up with.

Sorry turning ranty. We were watching cocoon and where the old man looses his wife really hit Omar and I. We'll be married seven years this March. To spend your entire life with another person like that and lose them to old age. :cry1:

Screw the chocolate......go straight for the wine!!!! ;)

(half joking)

I do understand, my husband and I have been together for 19 years. He's the ONLY person in this world who will ever really know me and if he gets upset I'm like.....uhhhh, what am I suppose to do when YOUR upset too! ;) Lol.....thankfully he hardly EVER gets upset.....

Im sorry to hear about your dog and your cat and their failing health. It IS very hard to understand why their time here is so brief. :( believe me, when my husband and I had to put our dog to sleep....I was in such a state of sadness I thought I'd never "own" anything with fur again....

Cocoon is an emotional movie. We rented the movie "Flight" last night. Have you seen that yet? It's intense.....
Lisa I agree. Wine may be the better choice at this point. Sadly I have to run tomorrow and must forgo the wine. poo poo Army.

And just where have you been young lady?

Shya's running around and binking. This is very new. She's throwing her head.
eeeeeeheheheheheeeek. I am so terrified!!! What do I do!? She moves so quickly. Seb and I are hiding on the couch. OMG she just boxed at Omar. It was nice knowing yall.
Just catching up here as I´ve missed a few days.

Shya is such a naughty girl peeing on Omar´s side, she really has got it in for him.

My friend had a deaf dog that she had to put down last year, she was 16 and she was so lovely. I used to laugh when I went to their house and I could arrive and be there for about half an hour and suddenly, she´s see me and go mad. It did used to make me laugh, better late than never lol.

My last dog was 17 when I had to let her go and I´d had her from 4 weeks. I was so devastated and it took me ages to get used to her not being there. It´s so hard but we survive and move on and end up with three bunnies.

Sorry about the wine but chocolate is a great alternative lol.
Sorry but I had to post this here. No where else but it made my night. I have had and will continue to have the week from hell due to (too nasty to post) civilians and other military members who think mediocrity, and treating soldiers fixin to deploy like straight dog doo doo is ok. Oh and I got shots too (anthrax IT BURNS!! and Typhoid WHYAREYOUTRYINGTOINJECTAROCKINTOME?!) So yeah pretty grumpy.

I'm letting my joes know when and where Swim PT is going to be

Soldier: Can I please go outside and run on the track instead. I really need to improve my run time for the PT test and I have my period
Me: Ok. Said to no male squad leader ever.
Soldier: I said it to LT( who is male) and he just told me to wear shorts
Me: I'm sorry what the hell is wearing shorts going to do for you?
Soldier: He's male remember.

Totally made my night.
Haha. Funny stuff :D

I will say I agree with morgan. Periods and army and overseas.... bless you ALL!

My friend is MP and was in Iraq for like 14 months a few years ago. I still til this day marvel at her stories and the stuff she put up with and went through.

All I can say is THANK YOU for your service!!!!!!!!
Morgan you are so silly. It's the vipers we have to watch out for.

just wanted to generically rant about moulting. And there is no spell check on this computer so you will finally get to see how illerate I may be.

Moulting. jimminey christmas. Kai is blowing his whole friggin coat. See above pictures of bald patches. (lol) Every night I groom him on the dryer and brush, pluck, an entire rabbit from his coat. I wake up the next morning and he has hair sticking out everywhere and not to mention it's all over the floor. His hair is like grizzly bear thick. And have I mentioned yet that it's EVERYWHERE!?

Franklin I'm plucking but you pluck an entire handful at a time. He has one little bald spot but atleast he's starting in one area. Last molt seemed to take forever to get over as well.

ugh. molting. They are so lucky I love them. Most of the time